
  • 064: Gödel, Escher, Bach- Ch. 1: Gödel's Incomplete Thought
    27 mins
  • 063: Gödel, Escher, Bach- Ch. 1: Dude, You're F*#ing Bach
    19 mins
  • 062: Masters of Doom - Epilogue: Hypothetical Code Battles and Closing Thoughts
    33 mins
  • 061: Masters of Doom - Ch. 16: Rocket Man and Space Deliveries
    24 mins
  • 060: Masters of Doom - Ch. 15: Vacations to an Abandoned Abortion Clinic
    25 mins
  • 059: Masters of Doom - Ch. 14: Carmack's Master Plan File
    32 mins
  • 058: Masters of Doom - Ch. 13: Deathmatch, IRL
    27 mins
  • 057: Masters of Doom - Ch12 - Judgment, Betrayal, and Bill Gates Killing Demons
    29 mins