May 20 2022
    gentlemen whats going on....this is the better man channel
    where we pursue individual sovereignty....were not afraid to
    go anywhere, provided it be forward..

    those choosing to remain in the quicksand of comfort can have their comfortable misery

    we choose rather to explore life and its possibilities.,..asking ourselves
    what can i say YES to ....today

    were not afraid to go anywhere.....provided it be FORWARD

    on a personal level , ive been in places
    where ive spun my wheels in place for so long that being stuck becomes the norm

    it becomes comfortable and why would i shoot for the stars when the mud is my home....

    and more importantly how can i escape the gravity of mediocrity when i continue to
    chain myself to its targetless ambitions.....

    if you can call pursuing the assembly line of instant gratification an ambition

    "hey look at me...i spent three hours shopping online at amazon"
    im sooooo fucking great.....

    modern times has us foregoing the exploration of greatness, of possibility...of manhood
    ..............in exchange for the newest netflix series

    seriously think about it.....how many of us have scrolled through more bullshit
    in the past month than our fathers did in their whole life times....and what about THEIR fathers...

    the idea of going anywhere provided it be forward is lost to this generation...
    and yeah they'll go anywhere but its path leads right back to where they started...

    looking for more....

    and theres not one damn person that doesnt want more....more money....more happiness
    more life....

    the man struggling from paycheck to paycheck dreams of bettering his finances

    the broken hearted man, desperately wants a piece of happiness...

    the old and regretful man fighting for his last breath...wishes for one more day

    more is the inevitable thought that latches itself to the soul of every person
    ......in one form or another we want more....

    and in order to prevent ourselves from LOSING ourselves....that part that makes us unique
    and powerful men...

    we need to start exploring a new target
    outside of the outdated nonsense the world would have us aim for

    shooting for the white picket fence, and the 1.5 kids and an unhappy marriage with a mortgage
    is wasting many a mans ammo

    if I never aim for my own target...if i never shoot for my life...if I stay stuck in the mud
    then how much of a man am i

    we were created to explore....to expand and to reach for new and better levels...

    but the greatest basketball player in the world is useless if their are no
    basketball goals on his court

    and on the other hand, the worst basketball player has exponentially better odds to make
    a basket if he has a goal to shoot at

    i dont want to aim for targets that are not in my interest...

    like why the hell am i getting upset that i dont have a mansion in Beverly hills
    and who the hell taught me to shoot for this shit....

    a target is the most important thing man can construct....because it will consume most
    of his time and energy

    we see the sheep tiring themselves into heart attacks and disappointment for targets
    that are not of their own making

    they slave themselves to death in hopes of another mans dream...

    its time we start thinking for ourselves and in finding our own thoughts

    we find the ability to build a worthy target....a damn good life worth aiming for

    we will go anywhere provided it is forward...

    that statement is powerful....and deserves a target to match

    love and respect gentlemen
    aim for something to be proud of
    you will hear from me next episode
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    4 mins
    May 18 2022
    gentlemen  whats going on...in a world where we ask what is a womanand were left with people crawdadding into some tolerant snake holeof a woman is whatever you wish it her to be....or him....or they them and they'rei find it not only imperative but dutiful...hell even responsible to lay out thegroundwork for what a man IS..... and should be built uponfirst and foremost a man is fill with testosterone,,,a penis and balls.....and those were not surgically constructed by some nut job doctor.....( pun intended)these utensils of manhood were given by birth.....therefore giveing men access to hisuniversal BIRTHRIGHT....that of masculinitySEE,,, man is not some crawling and spineless afterthought of some post feminists ideologyman is equal to nothing therefore he is man....and there are definitely some inbornand natural qualities that he and he alone can carry...and just because a man is cool as shit and has been admired for his courage, bravery,adventure, physicality, and skilled logic since time immemorialdoesn't mean that everyone can bea man....ie.....balls and penis are the first requirement.......from birth lia...from childhood that boy that plays king of the mountain and dreams of the daringattempts to rescue people from a burning buildingor turns on the imagined sirens and has a high speed chase with the ruthless bank robbersending in a back alley shootoutto the kid climbing to the top of the tree just because he was daredthe path to manhood starts with something even bigger than self...its genesis lies in the heart of seeing the impossible.......... become possiblethat adventurous spirit that spearheads the challenge of life....with the likes of alexander the great....julius caesar.....napoleon...and george washingtoneven to the intellectuals that decided to conquer the intellect of philosophyfrom....marcus aurelius.....seneca...and my favorite nietzsche...man has the literal and figurative balls to go into the unknowns of life.he carries the physical strength to summit the mountainous giants of adversityman is king of the mountain because he has the authority to do sothis king carries the honor and responsibility of a man in power....to lead with dignity and integrity...a man doesn tlord over people with a tyrannical fist....but he is intolerant of weakness and degenerate behaviora man stands for what is right....his code is for the protection andcontinuance of something sacred and beyond himself...that being a strong and progressing life....a legacy.... not built for self alone but forthose that accept the honor of a strong lifeSTRONG....thats the backbone of mans spirit.....physically strong...emotionally strong and intellectually strong....man is a physical specimen .....and to never test or even approach what could be of abody that was born to be a badass machine is a shame....a regret unmatcheda man is made to mold his body into something special, unique and set apartto be that statue of strength that women and children admire and respect...the ability to regulate emotions is mans duty.....man does not allow emotions neitherhappiness, sadness or any in between to steer his ship...man recognizes that emotions are only stars in the sky enabling him to navigate hiscourse to the shores of freedom...if it makes him happy and is conducive to growth and strength then he repeats similar actionsif it makes him angry, bitter and depressed then he chooses not to follow those starsleading to rocky shoresand to push his mental capacity to new heights of understanding he confessesthat there is always more to learna lifetime student of sustainable principles is mans profession....a good man acknowledges he can always become a better man...he is strong, upright and adaptable in every facet oflife....adaptable but not a leaf in the wind.....man is willing to dig new channels of waterbut that channel is filled with the water of the one and only river...that river flowing with the water of mans highest code.....a code that hes not only willing to die for ......but more importantly live for...and there is the linchpin.....man is created to live....life is the ultimate destinyman lives to make his life his own....the hardships, adversities,giants and trolls underthe bridge will ultimately bend their knees to man.....this is his calling...to conquer even what may seem unconquerable....even in deathand defeat.....man leaves behind a spirit of courage that permeates the spiritof those men yet to be bornthose boys that are called to climb the highest tree and dream of the loftiestkingdom....man dares to challenge himself to go a little farther into the darknessyet he carries a torch and an axean axe to chop out a path for those brave enough to followand a fiery torch so that the path becomes filled with light...and that can sum up man.,....man is created to be a light....a flame that guides towards strength and never away from it....and he wields the weapons necessary to initiate the path of strength...a man is balls...
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    5 mins
    May 13 2022
    gentlemen whats going on.....the decisions you make today will shape your environment

    good decisions have good consequences and bad decisions have negative consequences
    .....and there in lies the key to life....consequences...

    i want you to think about some horrible and maybe irrational decisions you have made in the past

    you dated the whore and got chlamydia....you spent all your money on some get rich quick scheme
    .....you went to school for a degree in modern dance and are 100 k in debt...

    and jobless of course

    weve all made dumb ass deciions based on the itch we wanted scratched immediately
    .....and we never paid any thought to the future conseqhences....

    and how they would come to kick our ass and strip away our hope

    again take a moment and contemplate the effects of some of your ignorant ass choices....

    we live in an age that has wrapped us in a bubble of bullshit pleasure...

    we want it now dammit.....now.,....now....now......

    and so we base all of our choices on how it effects us now...

    i eat 3 big macs today because it feels good now
    i simp over 30 girls on social media cause it feels good now

    I spend all my money on useless shit.....you guessed it....because it feels good now.

    we've been using decisions for instant gratification....instead of weighing the consequences

    and the true power of making a choice is to actually get you somewhere......to level the fuck up.

    but for some reason the modern world is throwing choices around like some drunk girl at a frat party

    and thats never gonna end good....trust me....

    we remain stagnant because we choose to continue making quick and ill thought choices....

    if a man keeps picking rotten fruit from the same damn tree then what the hell does he
    expect when diarrhea toilets his ass continually....

    and thats where many of us feel trapped....and  stuck on the shitter of life without toilet paper
    and unable to move forward....

    and so the key to unlock you from this dumb ass prision of immature decision making

    is to slow the fuck down......quit thinking with your dick...both figuratively and literally

    and ask yourself is the decision im about to make carried with the intelligence of a 10
    year old....or does it bear the wisdom of a man that knows where he wants to be in 5 years

    patiently examining the consequences of your decisions carries the wisdom that many
    a man lack in currents times

    Most men are strapped into the matrix and its intoxicatring allure of PORNICOPIA....

    everybody is selling us this bullshit dream that instant is lasting.....but its not...

    every damn decision alters your life....from the little to the big....your hidden superpower
    is the ability to make a choice and stick with it

    the rest of the world is running around making unintentional decisions..
    choices that have no actual direction except immediate pleasure...

    and dont get me wronmg a 3 second orgams is fun....but basing my whole life around 3 seconds is very illogical
    and improsioning....

    start being conscious of your choices,,,,and i promise you your life will take a giant leap
    towards being a badass man

    love and respect gentlemen
    your power is the ability to contemplate your decisions.....
    you will hear form me next episode
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    3 mins
    May 10 2022
    gentlemen whats going on...the realest shit...thats the aim...

    we want to drink from the holy grail of genuine badass
    to be that guy...that other guys look at and say yeah thats a real mother fucker.

    and i think authenticity.....as we mature and find our placement in life....
    ......begins seeking us out maybe even more so than we seek it....

    we all crave to be a part of something and life too desires for us to find our role as well...

    imagine life itself wanting you to step up and accept your duties...those responsibilities
    dreams and aspirations specific to you....

    but if your like me many times it seems as if im too late to the party.
    the door is closed and locked....the windows are caged over and the music is
    an indecipherable noise....

    iVE often felt left out or too damn late...as if im JUSSSTTT missing the mark....so fucking close....

    and they say even a broken clock is right twice a day....and the thing with the modern man is
    hes just a wound up clock for someone else's timing.

    theres absolutely nothing genuine or real about being another mans time keeper.

    and what i mean is that were watching a clock that tells the time for someone else

    so no wonder were always late for our OWN success and before we know it the time runs out
    and life is over....

    the wrist watch on many a man has him scheduled for a 50 hour work week
    8 hours of watching tik tok
    10 hours of chasing some skank on tinder
    .......and 4 hours of mastabatory pleasure...figuratively or literally

    and so the question becomes what time is YOUR time...

    how much time is alloted for you to get to know you...to strip away the bullshit and
    find some authenticity....a damn shadow at least of what could be if you'd start telling your own time...

    we get so caught up and ensnared in the timing of another mans dreams that we start believing these
    lies and deceptions to be our own truths....

    and lies are the enemy of authenticity.....we fuckign stack up all this bullshit in the
    name of happiness or peace or plain out looking good for the next guy...

    that we lose time and focus on who the hell we really want to be

    theres 1,000s of men out there wearing a slaves watch around there neck that has them anchored to
    a pool of stinking and infested feces...

    its time to introduce yourself to self.....because when we start believing in who we are....

    we will never have to buy into a lie again....when im comfortable and confident in my direction
    why would i ever lie to myself again or worse....accept other peoples lies....

    a man with no belief and backbone in who he is will always be subject to another telling
    him....."well its time to chase after this new shiny object...

    fuck you....I AM the shiny object and im drinking the holy grail of self belief...

    love and respect gentlemen
    you are the truth
    and that shit is authentic
    you will hear from me next episod
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    3 mins
    May 9 2022
    gentlemen whats going on....man what is man we look in the mirror and we automatically paint the picture of whatwere supposed to measure up to....how were supposed to look, how were supposed to actwhat were supposed to be....how many of us have been there....we find ourselves locked intothe eyes of some never ending abyss...as if im going to find my self in that shallow pit of hell the world wallows in...and you know of the bullshit veneer that im talking about...how many matches on tinder did i get.....how much money am i making compared to that guymy house is too fucking small compared to the neighbors.....shit i need bigger bicepsso forth and so forth....and we lose ourselves in the maze of life by demanding and directing ourselves into its lunacyhow fuckign stressful and vicious is that circle of comparison....the constant warfare ....up here....of measuring up to a standard i subjectively care two shits for...on a individual level we know the system is fucked....the narrative sold to men iswarped and malignant....a very terminal cancer of slavery...AT BEST.....we we forego the subjective power of sovereignty for the collective pressure of fitting inseriously...thats many a mans hope.... his prayer tossed in the tumultuous wind....fitting in with the fuckign crowd....but last i checked the recent steps of the crowd are dangerously misleadingand sure as hell not congruent and in line with masculinity. or sustainabilityand thats the headspace i am in right now....what does being a man mean in its most stripped down and authentic core..and i absolutely believe its 100% about strength.....both physically and emotionallyon the physical side the average man is unequivically stronger than the opposite sex.and this biological and intrinsic nature cant be refuted....men are physically strongerand for a man to neglect this is to refuse a part of what makes him man...i should be pushing myself in the physical realm...i should be shaping my body THUS MY LIFEinto something im proud of...not being able to see my dick when pissing is nothing to be proud of and damn sure extinguishesany pride in self.our body truly is a reflection of our will to power over troubling times...if a man cant will himself to get off the couch or put down the pizza....how much power canhe truly have over self....physical strength and power of the body is to man as oxygen is to breathing...and at the core of what makes man and separates him from other animals is his ability and potentialto gather strengthand more of it as life requires....and we all know life demands we be emotionally strong or the train of life's harshness willcontinually cut us down as it tracks across our pathits the straightforward logic and rationale of man that keeps him composed....calm and steadied when the bullets of the enemy are shrapnel across his intentions....so that when the curve balls of life are thrown, we dont shrink away but stand tall and hit for the fenceand for me its the present day comparative narrative that induces a weakening of what should be mansresilient logic.......a reasoning that SHOULD be unbending...but if im continually running circles in my head in some form of emotional dance of anxietyhow fuckign strong of  a mental state can i be in...the term LESS IS MORE is paramount in the space of emotional strength..less comparison....less thinking....even less doingand by doing i dont men resign yourself from action....but cancel the shitthat is a waste of timeyou know the shit you're doing just to meet the status quo...were men so fuck the status quo....BELIEVE ME were tryign to escape the box, notmake it bigger and stronger....So emotional strength largely depends upon a mans maturity....and I truly believe its that simple...do you know whats important and how that importance aligns with your directionbecause an immature man will place the value of temporary over the strength of sustainability...the capacity to hold your thoughts..your reasoning and render them effective is what makes manman.....this super power of logic and directed understanding of emotions begins with owning your headspace...we dont let strangers, fools and debauchery into our actual homes....and so how much more important is itthat we secure our minds...a man is physically strong and takes pride in his body ....his templea man is logically sound and stands guard over every thought allowed in.everybody is running as fast as they can to get right back where they startedemotional iqs are descending into child like confusionand physical strength is seen as unnecessary and toxiclets be the enemy of weakness....love and respect gentlemenyou are a man and strength is your requirementyou will hear from me next episode
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    5 mins
    May 6 2022
    gentlemen what's going on....serious question here....

    does life ignite within you a fiery vigor to stand up with chest out, chin up
    and a will to enjoy all things....

    to be that fucking man that says yes to life with a grin on his face

    or does the happening of life's hopscotch randomness prompt you
    to grab a bottle of bourbon and plop into the dark corner of your existence...

    and we often think...how can i have a fiery vigor..... for a life
    that constantly throws salt onto my fresh wounds...

    you know the type of wounds...the open lesion from the death of a loved one

    the gaping tear in my heart from the skank that ripped it out with
    no apology...of course not

    and the deep puncture of a life that seemingly is just not on my fuckign side

    and so we've paraded through the dark forest of life's bullshit
    and thank god we clumsily and hell maybe even luckily stumbled out of its hold

    and were better for itr....we seriously recognize we have more wisdom
    we know some things about some things now

    But are we grateful or are we bitter and pissed....

    i know some guys that have more wisdom in one experience than i have in all of
    my experiences combined

    but they refuse to utilize that wisdom in an enjoyable manner

    they instead relegate themselves into a bitter and even resentful attitude

    and for me the arm chair quaterback....the keyboard ninja.....the comment section nazi

    they all have some wisdom largely from personal experience i supposed...hell maybe they just
    read a book,,,,but they use big words and correct punctuation so im a believer

    but these guys are not living....or not enjoying life....or i dont presume

    i mean i'm personally tired of living a life that only sees the flaws....the wrinkles... the errors

    like an ex-gf of mine that always pointed out how wrinkled my shirt was....or
    told me yes you look nice but that cologne stinks...

    like bitch you bought me the cologne....

    so i'm realizing that wisdom offers me the ability to to enjoy life

    it through experiences...that teaches me what's important......its like the old man in
    a rocking chair....dude is smiling at children playing and birds chirping

    he laughs at his own jokes......and why the hell is he so happy we ask

    because the man has came out the other side of life's forrest and knows that
    gratitude and joy is a requirement for meaning

    i could possess all the wisdom in the world but if i never learn the beauty of laughing
    and joy.........have i really lived......have i really conquered anything

    everybody goes into the forest of knowledge....but many return gloomy and bitter

    for me its time to enjoy life with the wisdom that nothing is promised

    the relationship could end, the loved one WILL die, somethings just dont work out

    and these things no longer make me ANGRY...,,,,instead they make me wise and prepared

    and IN that i can somehow manage to smile....

    love and respect gentlemen
    its okay to smile for no reason
    you will hear from me next episode
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    3 mins
    May 4 2022
    gentlemen what's goin on...have you ever looked at the world around you
    and noticed that people are  about as deep as a single raindrop....

    one drop....that shits annoying...it just leaves me sticky....leaves me thirsty
    it leaves me pissed off....GIVE ME MORE

    but the new standard and the norm  for most men is to put on some swimming
    shorts and go nose dive into that shallow mud pit of average and instant gratification

    think of it like this....i say hey man you wanna go swimming....and you say sure im down

    and i tell you theres a spot just up the road....its kinda dirty and overcrowded
    overpriced and smells like PISS, but its EASY to get to

    but theres this place that very few people know about....water is the bluest blue ever
    just refreshing..... scenery is just fucking aweesoem ...BBBUUUTTTT

    its a three hour drive and then a two hour hike to get there

    dudes gonna most likely choose the pool of piss over the pool of power

    and thats where were at....eventually the smell of piss just becomes the new fragrance

    everybdoys been wearing it for so long its hard to tell the difference between
    the SCENT of greatness and the odor of shit...

    and so i want you to think of yourself as this pool of water...

    on the surface your life looks like everyone else's....

    storms are raging, the waters are moving...and you endure the same hardships as
    everyone else.,....thats fuckign life

    but men have this depth....this unmovable depth within them....

    while the SURFACE may be crashing with the waves of chaos
    ....theres this deepness and calmness that is boundless

    this deepness offers you the route to you highest potential

    see the majority of world is up on the surface SURFING with their problems
    trying to avoid the sharks and bandaging up their bites

    while you're harnessing something deep within....you kind of develop this
    uncanny disposition that realizes the problems of life are actually the wind in your sails

    you ever been in deep water.....it can be unsettling....like the thought that something
    unknown is below you....whaT monster lies beneath the depth of my ocean....

    and there is  a monster...a mother fucking beast at the core of who we are

    but weve been swimming in piss for so long that the only monster were scared of'
    is freedom itself

    and what i mean is that we've grown so accustomed to being average and just getting by
    that the greatness at the center of our being

    has mistakenly been mislabeled a monster

    when in reality...deep within you is the pirate ship setting sail to something
    beyond the pools of piss

    to be a below average man sucks....and to swim in the idea ...that all there is are pools of mediocre
    is a huge injustice to what you could be...

    i dont give a fuck about societies standards or norms.....

    lets tear down the walls of mediocre standards and burn up the books of bullshit

    lets grab our balls spray ourselves with the manly musk of more .....and conquer
    the depths of ourselves

    theres is an unexplored ocean.....and by god there is a monster waiting to surface

    love and respect gentlemen
    go find your monster
    you will here from me next ep
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    3 mins
    May 3 2022
    gentlemen what's going on....he went to jareds....bah dah bah bump bump i'm loving it

    these commercials with the viagra, the insurance and the white picket fences

    aim to create a mythical world that allures then enslaves....

    we've all been sold a deceptive idea,,,hoodwinked into buying ourselves into some
    form of debt

    Maybe it comes packaged in the form of a relationship...or you open up your life gift
    and find that its a suffocating cubicle next to 100 other wheel spinning mice....

    and for some reason and one that often eludes the unsuspecting man
    .......we keep opening these gits....like something new is gonna pop out...

    but inevitably these gifts are the proverbial sweater that great grandma
    sends through the mail each christmas....

    or if your like me a fucking globe....
    yeah one christmas the cousins were getting hats, footballs and nfl jerseys

    while i got the earth spinning on a stick....

    and so like grandma the world keeps selling us the new standard....they wrap up
    their agenda and sell it to us in the name of keeping up with the jones

    the elite are the producers and the sheep are the consumers

    now let me ask you this.....is the innate nature of man called to fall in line and buy
    the next shiny diamond for the unshining and ungrateful woman....... and work himself to death
    for the will of another mans dream

    and the answer is HELL NO....

    but the word WILL is what i want to expound upon here

    see the producers have a WILL/ a desire/ a motive to create something that
    locks you down, and secures your devoted following

    they produce new shiny objects and we've been taught to ignorantly
    follow like a dog chasing his tail

    HOW EXCITED  we are to be in debt for a new car.....a new home....a new wife...

    and when in moderation and with consideration
    and within your means... THESE things can be pursued and are not inherently bad...

    but a man should always ask himself and with serious contemplation.....why am i chasing this

    am i the dog chasing my tail......pursuing something that will always be out of my grasp

    let me put this in the simplest terms

    the world consists of producers and consumers

    the producers have power and the consumers are controlled

    and the nature of man is to create,,,,and ultimately to create HIS life...to produce his existence

    a life that doesn't follow the new and misleading trends of society

    man is to get lost in his dance ,his unending flow.....

    you know that zone of determination where everything else fades

    when we lose time in our hobby, our passion....hours go by and we fail to notice
    because we are in the damn man zone....

    but the world loves to disrupt any free thinking and foot tapping of man to his own song

    because a free man is a hard man to corral and control

    this man does not surrender to the will of any other.....but produces his own will

    he burns up the packaged sweaters of modernity and starts gift wrapping the will to create
    his own damn life...

    and what a beautiful fucking package that is to open...

    because this gift of man...this power...it goes beyond any definitive rule

    it never states you have to be married by 30 to be a man

    it doesn't declare you have to have kids to be a man

    it never commands you to be less than and surrender your true character

    the gift of mans will power....invites him to be whoever the hell he wants to create

    and when a man gets lost in his zone,,,his flow,,,thats when his highest hopes are realized

    he stops chasing the dog tail of a meaningless rat race....and begins pursuing the more of life
    lets remove ourselves from the graves of broken boens and dreams of slavery

    lets stop up our ears from the sirens of chasing the new bullshit
    and start humming our own tune

    nietzsche said...."yea something invulnerable..unburiable is with me.
    something that would rend rocks asunder...it is called my WILL

    your will power is the fuckign snowball racing down hill...

    its time we quit pushing someone elses rock uphill
    and let our power start rolling downwards with a tremendous force

    but here's the linchpin....in order for there to be a resurrection
    there must be a grave

    if you want the new man of will power to rise
    you must first put to death the slave chained to consumerrism and dependence

    love and respect gentlemen
    you are a creator and producer
    you will hear from me next episode
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    5 mins