
  • Episode 14: Do Sea Sheep Dream
    May 27 2024

    Our story today begins with the wash of proclamations. Town criers, echoing the same message on every street corner. A delegation of fae will be arriving soon. As such, travel into and out of Talmyns eye is strictly forbidden without prior permission.

    The tensions between Faerus and Talmyn have been on the decline in recent years. Each of the grand three, Grimgauld, Faerus and Talmyn shift ever closer to war. Perhaps this would be the last delegation before peace was shattered. Perhaps the three states would continue to balance ever precariously like daggers on their knifes edge. Either way, they’re not taking chances. The city is locked down.

    What that means for our party is yet to be known. But todays story starts with a letter for the reclusive Thiala...

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    3 hrs and 24 mins
  • Episode 12 (part 2): A Stolen Promise (Electric Boogaloo)
    May 14 2024

    In our last episode, our intrepid heroes were introduced to the guild of Assassins, and managed to intrigue the vaunted Na'lenia enough that she offered them a chance to change their non existent reputation.

    The investigation awaits, but have our band of accidental heroes stumbled onto more than they can chew?

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    4 hrs and 8 mins
  • Episode 12: A Stolen Promise (Part one)
    Apr 28 2024

    Welcome back adventurers and guests to the wonderful world of Taeve.

    A world of myth and magic, of blood and intrigue, and of Dungeons and Indeed Dragons.

    Our story tonight picks up with a strange interruption in the vaunted halls of the adventurers guild, and a new problem for the players to face...


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    3 hrs and 25 mins
  • Episode 11: A Really Bad Trip
    Apr 13 2024

    We return to the city, the street still smoking with the potions magic.

    The city is languorous in its heat. Warm summer sun shining down on the cobblestones. Such a change to the brisk freezing winter storm that had been summoned in Grimgauld. Your thoughts turn however briefly to the outpost, to Olisiah and to Athanos, to Wick, to the warm fuzzy green jumper he carefully knitted with his chitinous hands.

    Had the storm grown more fierce in your absence? Had the ice frozen over that mysterious pit with the wolf statue?

    What was that mysterious beast up to?

    But those are thoughts for later. And questions for Verillious to answer when you find him. If you find him.

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    3 hrs and 3 mins
  • Episode 10: Umbra's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day
    Mar 30 2024

    It is a warm and languorous midday. The sun lingers in the sky with a laziness that lingers on obscene and the streets bake with heat. But that has little impact on the spinning, seething crowds.

    Bustling back and forth like busy busy bees. Always on the move, always a profit to be made.

    Here in Talmyn, you're nothing without money and there is always money to be made.

    But will our adventurers get in over their heads?

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    4 hrs and 13 mins
  • Episode 9: A City of Opportunity
    Mar 17 2024

    Talmyns Eye. The grand city dotted amongst a picturesque landscape of autumnal hills and lush greens. Sprawling thriving farmland worked loyally with silent determination. But what truly catches the eye, is the city itself. Not the shining towers at its centre, but the true form the city takes. A melting pot of ideas and identity, building stacked upon buildings.

    It is a city that has never known rest. Where top dogs today might be tomorrows gutter food. Where everything and everyone has a price.

    Will our adventurers be savy enough to keep themselves safe in a city that thrives on commerce?

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    2 hrs and 54 mins
  • Episode 8: The Im-paws-ible Quest
    Mar 2 2024

    Our story begins tonight, not in the frozen wilds of Carrok outpost, where our party has previously spent most their days. Nor will it begin with an ache of loneliness, as old friends are forced to part. For instead, today we shall commence with the rumble of a caravan. The gentle whirring cogs of Bodins marvellous mechanical horse. And the presence of a new friend. A mysterious goblin, with eyes far brighter than most. But the passage to Talmyns eye, the resplendent capital city, is a long one. And the wood are filled with dangers and missteps abound for even the most graceful of bards.

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    4 hrs and 22 mins
  • Episode 7: A Winters Tale
    Feb 17 2024

    The course of True love never did run smooth, and the party are determined to unite the two wayward souls (Olisiah and Athanos). Even if it kills them.

    It really wouldnt be a sparrow stream if it wasnt technically challenged... Welcome, dear adventurers, to Taeve. A world of magic and mystery. Of Dungeons and indeed Dragons. Our story continues on the far edges of Carrok Outpost, in the military state of Grimgauld. Watch live every fortnight, 8:30 pm on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/luckyredsparrow Or in other words. watch me get boolied by three chaotic shits and australian internet! Want access to the players shitposting? want to watch their text reactions live as we play? join the discord!
    Attributions Music and Audio: Provided through the Syrinscape Application Maps: Created on Arkenforge and used on Roll 20

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    3 hrs and 8 mins