• Not Everyone Thinks Like You Do
    Jan 14 2024

    If you think everyone thinks the same way you think, then think again! In this episode, Nadine and Donna address the fact that we all come from different backgrounds and perspectives, and if we want people to disappoint us less, then we need to realize that fact.

    When dealing with others, keep that concept in mind, and you will find that you will be better equipped to teach people how to treat you.

    Please send us your questions and comments, and thank you for listening!

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    12 mins
  • Stop Scratching At The Door: Knowing When It Is Time To Let People Go
    Dec 7 2023

    Are you tired of worrying about other people, especially those that don't worry about you? In this episode, Donna and Nadine give you tips and strategies on how to let those people go who you no longer have a relationship with.

    Learn how to identify those who steal your time or don't have time for you. It is all about reciprocity and investing time in those that love you as much as you love them.

    Thank you for listening and please email us your comments and questions.


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    17 mins
  • How To Handle High Maintenance People
    Nov 17 2023

    In this episode Nadine and Donna tackle the topic of dealing with people in our lives that are high maintenance. It is imperative for our well-being to set boundaries and let friends and family and others that we can only do so much for them. In order to live fulfilling lives and to maintain our energy, we must make it clear to those people in our lives that expect way too much from us in all kinds of areas. Whether you have a partner that is too demanding, or a friend who expects you to be available to them 24/7, we need to communicate how we feel and in a loving way, make it clear that we have limits as to how much of ourselves we can give. We also need to have people give back to us. And if we discover that we are doing all the giving, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship. Thank you for listening. Please subscribe and leave us your comments, feedback and suggestions. And do check out our Facebook Page! Donna & Nadine xo

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    10 mins
  • Safety Tips For Women
    Nov 7 2023

    How aware are you of your surroundings? Do you take care to make sure you keep yourself safe? In this episode, Nadine and Donna talk about tips that will help you be safe in a time where violence against women is increasing.

    Please send us your comments and questions at teachpeoplehowtotreatyou@gmail.com

    Thank you for listening!

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    13 mins
  • Are You a Tweenior? And What is That Anyway?
    Oct 18 2023

    Are you a tweenior? Well listen and find out. Tweenior is a word that Nadine has invented and it describes Nadine and Donna to a T! Literally.

    If you are over 50 and are not feeling it, then you just be a tweenior.

    In this episode Nadine and Donna have fun talking about what it is like to feel much different than the number of years you may have under your belt.

    Thank you for listening and let us know if you too are a Tweenior!

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    12 mins
  • Empowerment and Breaking Stereotypes: Decoding the Message of The Barbie Movie
    Aug 24 2023

    If you haven't seen it yet, make it a point to go to your local cinema to catch The Barbie Movie. In this episode of Teach People How To Treat You, Nadine and Donna dive deeper into the message that this movie is sending. It is not necessarily a film for kids, yet it is a lesson in empowerment and breaking stereotypes.

    What would a world be like where women were always in charge, or what would it be like if we had equity with men?

    Let us know what your thoughts are and thank you for listening.

    Nadine and Donna xo

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    20 mins
  • Walking On Eggshells
    May 8 2023

    What are we allowed to say these days? Sometimes we feel like everything we say is wrong and that we are going to get cancelled.

    Nadine and Donna are hippies from the sixties and all they want is to be understood and be able to express themselves without being judged and without being cancelled.

    Thanks for listening!

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    11 mins
  • Need Help? Say Yes When It Is Offered
    Feb 5 2023

    Here is a lost recording that was taped at the end of May 2021! In this episode, Nadine shares her story on how she broke her ankle...It has been quite an ordeal to say the least. She is still dealing with the repercussions since then...Which leads us to the topic of learning to accept help when it is offered to you. Sometimes, we need our family and friends to help us. As much as we all feel quite capable, there are times when a crisis strikes, and we have to say help! Very often, we refuse to ask for the help, and often refuse when it is offered.

    However, in times of need, be it health issues, family, work, tragedies, accidents, etc., we all need to be there for others, but also allow others to be there for us. In this video, we look at how we are all part of a community, and at the end of the day, we need to contribute, and allow to have that come back to us when we need it. We are truly all connected on this planet! Thank you for listening. Please send us your comments, subscribe, and let us know what you think.

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    15 mins