
  • Episode 192 – Want to Win? You’ll Need Digital Engineering
    Jul 13 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 192 of the Aerospace Advantage, Want to Win? You’ll Need Digital Engineering, Heather “Lucky” Penney explores this technology and its application with Air Force Research Lab AI lead Dr. Amanda Bullock and Mitchell Institute Visiting Senior Fellow Brian Morra. The speed and complexity of modern warfare is increasing at an unprecedented pace. To maintain our competitive edge, the Department of Defense must be able to rapidly develop, field, and sustain advanced capabilities. Digital engineering represents a paradigm shift in how we approach the entire lifecycle of defense systems. Engineers have been using computer-aided design and modeling programs since the 1990s, but today’s IT infrastructure and processing is completely changing not just how we engineer weapon systems, but how we manage that engineering. This has the potential to streamline, de-risk, and accelerate very nearly everything about the design process. That can payoff throughout the lifecycle of a system, from production and sustainment to training. But what exactly is digital engineering? How has it evolved from traditional engineering practices? What are the key technologies enabling this transformation? And what challenges must be overcome to fully realize its potential? This episode tackles these challenges with top experts.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Dr. Amanda Bullock, AI Research Lead, Air Force Research Lab

    Guest: Brian J. Morra, Visiting Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


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    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #Rendezvous

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    56 mins
  • Episode 191 – Chinese Spacepower, NGAD Turbulence, and Congressional Update: The Rendezvous
    Jul 6 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 191 of the Aerospace Advantage, Chinese Spacepower, NGAD Turbulence, and Congressional Update: The Rendezvous, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the latest defense news from the Beltway and the broader national security community. Recent weeks have been packed with defense developments. China is pressing hard in space—with numerous lines of effort underway. Our experts discuss what this means and why it matters. We also assess what is up with recent Air Force leadership statements regarding the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program—this cuts to the core of airpower. What is next for the air superiority mission? We also assess where the defense bills are in Congress, with the House and Senate each advancing their versions of the authorization and appropriations language. We all know defense spending is stretched too thin given real world security demands. Gain perspective about how Congress is responding to these pressures. These are huge issues, so join us to learn more!


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Guest: Charles Galbreath, Senior Fellow for Spacepower Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE)

    Guest: John “JV” Venable, Senior Fellow for Airpower Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International

    Guest: Jeff Rowlison, VP, Space & Intel Programs, American Defense International

    Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

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    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #Rendezvous

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    57 mins
  • Episode 190 – Orbital Warfare: Train Like You Fight
    Jun 29 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 190 of the Aerospace Advantage, Orbital Warfare: Train Like You Fight, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with Lt Col Jessica “Thumper” Getrost, Commander of the 57th Space Aggressor Squadron; Lt Col Matt “BC” Bejcek, former Commander of the 98th Space Range Squadron; and Mitchell Institute Senior Fellow Charles Galbreath about threats facing our satellites and the importance of preparing Guardians for warfighting.

    There’s no question about it: adversaries will seek to hold our space capabilities at risk in future conflicts. That’s why it’s crucial to provide Guardians experience when it comes to tactics, techniques, and procedures regarding how to manage these challenges. Replicating threats and exercising our capabilities in a safe, yet realistic, training environment is essential. Just like the Nellis Range seasons our pilots for air combat, the Space Range prepares our Guardians for Orbital Warfare. Hear from two Space Force commanders about how they develop Guardians for to face these new realities.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Lt Col Jessica “Thumper” Getrost, Commander, 57th Space Aggressor Squadron

    Guest: Lt Col Matt “BC” Bejcek, former Commander, 98th Space Range Squadron; Student, Army War College


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

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    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb

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    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #Space #Leadership

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    35 mins
  • Episode 189 – Fighting the Air Base: Decisive Combat Sortie Generation Under Fire
    Jun 22 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 189 of the Aerospace Advantage, Fighting the Air Base: Decisive Combat Sortie Generation Under Fire, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with Mitchell Institute experts Mike Dahm and Mark Gunzinger about a key aspect of modern operations in an era of peer competition.

    U.S. Air Force commanders must be prepared to fight their frontline air bases like any other weapon system to generate the combat airpower critical to the success of future joint force operations. Air Force air bases must have the capabilities and capacity to counter complex integrated air and missile attacks, rapidly reconstitute their operational capabilities when damaged by strikes, and continue to generate combat effects while under fire. This is a tough challenge given too many years of underinvestment in this area. However, failure is not an option. Mission demands require that the Air Force continue to project power as an “inside” force capable of fighting alongside America’s allies and partners to defeat adversaries when the chips are down.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: J. Michael Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Guest: Mark "Gonzo" Gunzinger, Director of Future Concepts and Capability Assessments, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace

    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/

    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #China #BaseDefense

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    46 mins
  • Episode 188 – Front Line Air Mobility Revolution: 317th Airlift Wing Conversation
    Jun 15 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 188 of the Aerospace Advantage, Front Line Air Mobility Revolution: 317th Airlift Wing Conversation, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with 317th Airlift Wing Commander Col Thomas Lankford.

    Based at Dyess AFB and equipped with C-130Js, the men and women of the 317th are executing their missions in one of the most transformational eras regarding air mobility. After three decades of operating in relatively permissive environments, much of it in regionally focused theaters, new mission demands in the Pacific and beyond require airmen to develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures to ensure necessary personnel, equipment, and supplies get to the point of need. Lethal threats, directed both at aircraft in the sky and forward operating bases, are radically reshaping mobility requirements. So too are the vast distances of the Pacific. New operating concepts like agile combat employment and the need to flow vast quantities of materials necessary to sustain a full-fledged major theater conflict are also posing distinct challenges. This episode will explore these variables from a cutting edge flightline perspective.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Col Thomas Lankford, Commander, 317th Airlift Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

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    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/

    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #EMSO #Leader

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    57 mins
  • Episode 187 – Spectrum Warfare: Freedom to Attack, Maneuver, and Defend
    Jun 8 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 187 of the Aerospace Advantage, Spectrum Warfare: Freedom to Attack, Maneuver, and Defend, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing commander Col Joshua Koslov.

    Electromagnetic spectrum operations are critical to the success of any modern combat mission. With the growth of sensors, processing power, and connectivity—a tremendous range of effects can be netted through this realm. This includes attack, protection, and support functions. At its core, electromagnetic spectrum operations come down to securing an information advantage, which facilitates more effective decision making at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Electromagnetic spectrum warfare lies at the heart of concepts like JADC2 and ABMS—empowering data gathering, exchange, processing, and collaboration between various team members in the battlespace. It’s also a competitive realm, with our adversaries seeking to deny us this capability and our forces seeking to do the same to our opponents. This episode explores how this mission area has evolved and where it is headed in the future.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Col Joshua Koslov, Wing Commander, 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

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    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/

    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #EMSO #Leader

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    46 mins
  • Episode 186 – Congressional Update, Triad Questioned, Space Guard Debate: The Rendezvous
    Jun 1 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 186 of the Aerospace Advantage, Congressional Update, Triad Questioned, Space Guard Debate: The Rendezvous, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the latest defense news from the beltway and the broader national security community.

    The conversation begins with a review of where defense issues stand on The Hill. There have been a lot of hearings related to the FY25 Defense Budget request and the House Armed Services Committee just marked up their version of the National Defense Authorization Act—with major potential implications for the F-35 and other elements of the Air Force’s aircraft inventory. We also discuss how the space equities in the Guard are being handled—will these responsibilities or absorbed into the Space Force or a new Space National Guard? Team members also discuss Space Force organizational changes. Lt Gen Deptula, USAF (Ret.) wraps with a discussion regarding his recent visit to Ukraine. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Guest: Jennifer "Boots" Reeves, Senior Fellow for Spacepower Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence

    Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International

    Guest: Jeff Rowlison, VP, Space & Intel Programs, American Defense International

    Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs

    Guest: James Schenck, CEO & President, Pentagon Federal Credit Union

    Related Reading:

    Lift The Constraints On Ukraine And Reverse The Deterrence Calculus


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace

    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/

    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #Rendezvous #Hill

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    1 hr
  • Episode 185 – Tomorrow’s F-35: Cooling is Key
    May 25 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 185 of the Aerospace Advantage, Tomorrow’s F-35: Cooling is Key, host Heather “Lucky” Penney and Doug Birkey chat with Matt Pess, Chief Engineer on the Enhanced Power and Cooling System (EPACS) program at Collins Aerospace, about a key technology to sustain the F-35's future capability growth.

    The fighter’s powerful sensor suite, computing power, and avionics set it apart as a hugely capable twenty-first century combat aircraft. Operating these technologies demands robust cooling via a key aircraft subsystem known as power thermal management system (PTMS), especially as new systems are fielded on subsequent versions of the aircraft. The Joint Program Office (JPO) recently launched an effort to explore a new generation of PTMS systems. EPACS is one of the options. Big picture, this is a good news story because it means the F-35 is radically expanding what it can deliver in the battlespace. Realizing these gains will demand innovation. We discuss these factors with a key expert. This episode will explore this evolution and how the Collins team is focused on a potential solution.


    Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Producer: Shane Thin

    Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

    Guest: Douglas Birkey, Executive Director, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

    Guest: Matt Pess, Chief Engineer, Enhanced Power and Cooling System (EPACS) Program, Collins Aerospace

    Related Reading:

    Accelerating 5th Generation Airpower: Bringing Capability and Capacity to the Merge


    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of

    Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace

    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/

    #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #Allies #Sweden #Europe

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    37 mins