• Episode 18 - Healing & Balancing Your Crown Chakra
    Apr 11 2024

    Talking about how to determine if you need to heal and balance your crown chakra. What the symptoms of an imbalanced crown chakra feels like. Learn how to quickly create alignment using Bioenergized Crown Chakra Aromatherapy from Chakra Synergies Healing Oils line of products.

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    10 mins
  • Episode 17 - Letting Go of the Struggle to Conform
    Apr 10 2024

    Today my Revolutionary Alchemists - this is a heavy episode - and one I hesitated posting. This is about our inner conflict between conforming to society's ideas of "right & wrong" - "fighting the good fight", "going to war", and what we experience when we subjugate ourselves to enslaving ourselves to conforming to standards a country, a society or a company has demanded we accept.

    I'm talking about the complete collapse of the illusion inside the Matrix and why we create for ourselves massive breakdowns in our lives before we reach our epiphanies and breakthroughs.

    This episode is all about tuning into YOUR authentic truth - and raises for you questions about your current belief systems - asking you to question everything - and learn to become truly aligned mind-body-spirit with YOUR inner guidance system.

    Our values, integrity, honor, and inner knowing will always guide us along our journey, but we have to be able to use discernment between what we've been programmed to believe by our external world, vs - what our small, inner divine voice is sharing with us.

    Learn to operate in discernment - the first step is letting go of the struggle to conform to standards you never set for yourself to begin with and learning what standards - what truths you yourself hold as dear to you.

    I cannot tell you what those are - they are for you to discover within yourself. If you come across this episode, take this as your sign that it is time to stop conforming and time to start living in total alignment with YOU.

    Much love my alchemists.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 16 - The Goddess Journey: How You Can Transform the World
    Apr 9 2024

    In this episode, we now step into HOW your own divine Goddess Journey can help you transform the world around you. It all begins with the journey of truly falling head over heels in love with yourself - and I'm not talking about the toxic narcissistic archetype of love, I'm talking about the love the divine has for us all.

    We talk about the failing patriarchal structures, how honoring the path of the Goddess honors her-story: the struggles and tribulations of women around the world.

    When you step into this alchemical journey you will discover how quickly it creates massive waves of shift into all areas of your world and how the practice of embracing your divine feminine energy changes how the world itself responds to you.

    We also discuss briefly the enslavement paradigm, being trapped in the patriarchal system. It's time now to break free and live as a sovereign divine feminine with ease and grace. While walking your unique, divine feminine path, you automatically grant the divine masculine to heal and also become fully embodied.

    This is a great episode of how when the way you shift your self-concept internally, the shift of the world around you is groundbreaking.

    I hope you enjoy this show. Much love to you all!

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    40 mins
  • Episode 15 - How to Become the Goddess of Your Dreams
    Apr 8 2024

    Hello my Gorgeous Alchemists! Today we are going to cover how to become the Goddess of Your Dreams in a simple process of embodiment. This is truly a genderless term - so if you feel called to connecting with feminine energy in a more holistic way, look no further.

    First question to ask yourself: are you a Goddess - or a Doormat? Then we dive into the mythology of martyrdom, being a shrinking violet, and how you can instantly shift paradigms.

    How do you find yourself being treated in the world around you? The secret to shifting this is shifting how YOU treat yourself, first.

    We'll discuss how to transform yourself from within to living as the walking, talking, fully embodied divine feminine energy. Only you get to define what that looks like and feels like for you! Isn't that great?

    We'll talk about all the benefits of Goddesshood, including how you can begin aging backwards! Yes, I'm living proof of that. I'm often mistaken for being 15-20 years younger! The Fountain of Eternal Youth is a secret of alchemizing energy in such a way that you appear to glow from within. Its all about filling your own energetic cup, first.

    I cover what to say to yourself, how to embody goddess thinking, and one of my most effective strategies I used when I needed to completely uplevel all areas of my life.

    You are going to discover a deeper level feeling and self-love in a way that is truly gracious and effortless just for you. Let's shift any negative energy addiction into something truly divine and will open all doors for you!

    Much love to my divine feminine sisters!

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    30 mins
  • Episode 14 - The Alchemy of Compassionate Communication
    Apr 5 2024

    In this episode we talk about the alchemy of nonviolent communication and how it can transform your relationships and how you can use this alchemy to get your needs met in a manner of self-sufficiency.

    We discuss why the concept of the "HELP" paradigm in the self-help, coaching and healing industries is a particularly toxic infrastructure and how to communicate without falling into the trap of enslavement and power struggles.

    I go into the 3 levels of listening, how to compassionately listen to meet your own needs as well as the needs of those you are in a relationship with, and what it actually means to communicate interdependently rather than codependently.

    The Alchemy of Compassionate Communication is especially powerful when you begin to incorporate some of these very basic strategies into your life.

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    48 mins
  • Episode 13 - The Alchemy of Goddess Power, Part 3
    Apr 4 2024

    Beautiful Alchemists - In Part 3 of The Alchemy of Goddess Power, we talk about becoming fully embodied as the Goddess and Creatrix of your Universe. How to become fully embodied, fully self-expressed, fully authentic within your feminine power.

    What it means to uplevel your self-concept into the Divine Feminine and becoming what you desire to manifest effortlessly into your life. Stay for this power hour with Isis Jade and learn to become the alchemist of your life.

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    39 mins
  • Episode 12 - Stop Wasting Energy Fighting the Universe
    Apr 3 2024

    Good Day my revolutionary Alchemists! I am talking about the illusion of duality, why we become so addicted to fighting, battling and working hard to overcome our own opposition in life. We talk about the spiritual components of why this exists in our choices, how we can take back our power and live more peaceful, intentional lives.

    This all about transmuting wasted energy expended in fighting into energy redirected to our highest and most optimal outcomes. I'm teaching you how to reverse the perspectives you may have about the battles you undertake in your life and how to conserve your most valuable resources: your energy and your time.

    From the addictive hormones linked to fighting to the impact needless battles have in creating unnecessary chaos in our lives. How to let go of the fight and embrace your divine birthright to live in a vortex of peace, prosperity and joy.

    This is a long episode - about an hour long, I hope it gives you a great deal of personal insight into areas of your life where you might want to put down the sword and shield and take up the practice of inner peace and inner security.

    This is one of my best strategies for leveling up your self-concept and becoming a source of abundance for yourself.

    Much love to all my alchemists!

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • What is Aromatherapy - History & Applications
    Apr 2 2024

    Today - I answer an emailed question from a visitor to my website - "What is Aromatherapy and how can it help me?"

    We delve briefly into the history of macerated oils to steam distillation techniques that have existed since 5,000 BCE, the alchemy of healing perfumes used in Ancient Egypt, Greece and throughout the Roman Empire.

    We also discuss why aromatherapy is now considered one of the most immediately beneficial and powerful resources for healing and personal transformation today.

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    9 mins