• Speak It To Them
    May 17 2023

    Greeting to our aajpod

    Family Wednesday is here again, and we find ourselves with a Word of GOD in our bellies, burning to come out. We pray your week has been good and your relationship with GOD has only gotten closer, where you can hear what the SPIRIT is saying to the Church (you). As evil, hatred and devilish deeds are becoming the norm and being accepted by a large percentage of the country, including Evangelical. It’s time for the rest of us to begin speaking up and out against what is and has transpired in the USA. Because these actions only grow when one is silent. For the reason it needs to be said the extreme threat of terrorism isn’t from abroad but are right here in this country in the form of White Extremist! Begin lead and feed by a shrinking in numbers, ideas, morals, character, and diversity Republican Party. We all see so Speak Up and Out, I am!

    It is imperatives that one speaks up and out with boldness and confidence when GOD places a Word in your Spirit. As scripture says, “Say to them this is what the Sovereign LORD says…” Ezk 3:4 It’s amazing to me that we can go to the Throne of Grace with Boldness, to GOD, but are afraid to speak truth to power to a mere man. Why is that? Because we have some coward Christians in our midst as well as imposters. Ones who claim to be Christians in speech, but actions never line up with behavior or deeds. Along with the cowards who are afraid of their own shadows. We see a sports league wiling to hold a young basketball ball player accountable for his actions, in which they should, but a country/a Republican Party won’t hold an ex-President accountable for anything he says or does. It’s time to Speak Up and Out about the wrongs that are taking place around this country. A man found liable for Sexual Battery isn’t disqualifying for running for President then what is? And people at a recent Town Hall laughing with him as he again saying defamatory things about the victim- defaming her again! What is wrong with people and human decency? This has become a pattern, rewarding bad behavior and no one speaking out about it. A pattern look no further than the Supreme Court and the men on it that had been accused of Sexual Offenses against woman, but still appointed to the highest court in the land. Look what a mess the court has become. Character matters, integrity matters, being morally sound matters and people Speaking Up and Out against injustice and wrong matters too.

    As for the Church Folks we cannot forget about them, the ones who are supposed to be the moral and righteousness of GOD. Who are supposed to be the shining light of the hill, the lamp on the bed stand. Well, many have turned off the light on the hill and retreated into the caves and placed their lamps under their beds. Real Talk! They are in Church all week proclaiming faith, around the church, but work outside of it especially if it’s speaking up and out outside the four walls of the sanctuary, they are like the church mice living in the attic. I ask what has happened to Christians? Why are they so afraid and timid? Have they forgotten who their FATHER is? WHO holds all the power, WHO has their backs, WHO gives them the Words to speak and WHO fights their battles? In today’s message “Speak it To Them (Whether They Listen or Not?) GOD called on a man to go speak to roughneck, stubborn, obstinate people on HIS behalf. Just as HE is asking you and I to do so today. I’m doing my part if I have to do it all alone! I ask are you willing to do yours and Speak Up and Out?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-g-D9qDZXU


    W/Love Jerome

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    26 mins
  • “Something New is Upon Us”
    Apr 17 2023

    Today, by the grace of GOD, we are blessed with the opportunity to share our first message of this New Year with you. We believe that it is a relevant one for this New Year and New Decade that we, as Christians, are entering. With my last statement the word New appeared twice in explaining what is taking place in this present time -- as we know, GOD speaks it once and then confirms HIS word. So, with emphasis and confirmation being placed on the word New as we enter 2020, a new year and a new decade --a Word has been placed in my Spirit to share with Christians and it’s this -- “Something New is Upon Us” https://youtu.be/FRsm0_2uNDoScripture reminds us that no one pours new wine into an old wineskin -- Mark 2:22. Therefore, as GOD is ready to do something new, it then requires us to do something new as well. We must become the new wineskin spoken about in the aforementioned scripture, because we know if you do the “same ole, same ole”, you’re going to get the “same ole” results. Therefore, in order to get something new you must be willing to do something new! So, as 2020 starts and this new decade begins, I ask you to do something new with your commitment to GOD; more time spent seeking HIM, praying to HIM, talking with HIM, listening to HIM, seeking HIS will, being more obedient to HIM and allowing HIM to love others more thru you. Understand doing the new brings about new and I believe deep down in my soul, GOD is bringing forth a New Thing Upon Us, if we are willing to commit anew!Lastly, I know many of you have shed many tears over the past years, for many reasons, while waiting on the promises, blessings, and harvest of GOD to come to pass in your lives. To all of you, I’ve come to tell you the tears that you shed have not been in vain or not gone unnoticed, they are being stored in heaven in jars (Psalm 56:8), as well as, being used as water for the seeds that you have been sowing (Psalm 126) -- seeds that were sown into the lives of others while many of you were still in need and living in lack yourselves. But, know your obedience to the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT has positioned for your tear watered seeds to come into the season of a new harvest increase. As scripture says “For GOD is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, HE will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you”, 2 Corinthians 9:10 (New Living Translation). Please know this year marks a new season, a new fresh anointing, a new overflow, a new purpose, a new plan, and a new you in CHRIST. Allow me to leave you with this GOD is bringing forth something New Upon Us and that New Starts with you. Have an awesome week and may GOD’s blessings rain down upon you and yours.Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates.To GOD be the Glory!!www.aajpod.org#aajpod #allaboutjesus #all_about_jesus #all_about_jesus_podcastPart 2 of 2 - https://youtu.be/XjQz9gCR7dw

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    11 mins
  • Divorcing the Spirits of Fear and Doubt”
    Apr 17 2023

    We, here at aajpod, are so excited about this coming New Year. It is our belief (and our message this week “Divorcing the Spirits of Fear and Doubt” https://youtu.be/CtLK0hcl8qE), that as we all move into 2020 and the start of a New Decade, that we must leave some things and people behind -- in essence, we must divorce them from our lives. Moreover, as it pertains to your Spiritual life, divorcing the spirits that have held you back from doing all GOD had asked you to do, becoming all HE has called you to become, as well as, you stepping out of the proverbial boat (your comfort zone) HE has asked you to step out of and you’ve remained in -- all due to the enemy’s spirits of fear and doubt. Mainly, fear of the unknown or the uncomfortable; and doubting it will work out and doubting GOD HIMSELF --that’s what holds many Christians back from being all they can be and doing all GOD has called them to do. “GOD did you really say that", “But what if”, “I don’t speak eloquently enough”, excuses and apprehension conjured up from fearful and doubting spirits within. Today, if GOD has given you an assignment, it’s time to carry it out; if GOD has called you to something, it’s time you answer that calling; if GOD has given you a vision or dream, it’s time you begin walking in it; if GOD has told you to do something, it's time you do it. And if you don’t know what GOD is calling or asking you to do, it’s time you go to HIM and ask and let HIM know you’re ready and available. “Here am I, send me LORD.” This is the decade and year that Christians have to divorce the enemy’s spirits of doubt, fear, procrastination, and complacency -- let’s get to work being about our FATHER’s Business. In closing, we thank you for your assistance in spreading the Gospel in 2019, but we all are looking and believing GOD for more in 2020, so we pray that you will continue in assisting to do more, as we move forward in faith and trust. Again, it’s time to divorce fear and doubt, letting them know you have no space or place in my life, boo! In this New Year and Decade, we pray that you begin believing and planning on Living Your Best Life in CHRIST. Amen! We here at aajpod want to wish you a Happy New Year and we speak blessing, victory, and purpose into and over your life in 2020. Amen! Be blessed! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates. To GOD be the Glory!!www.aajpod.org#aajpod #allaboutjesus

    #all_about_jesus #all_about_jesus_podcast


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    30 mins
  • “Faith: What, Why and How?”
    Feb 28 2023

    It’s Wednesday, and as we conclude our Gumbo Faith series, we would be remiss not to address the questions many Christians have asked us -- not just the new ones but the mature in CHRIST as well. And although to some the questions would seem to be ones that we all would believe are simple and really don’t need to be asked, I believe that is the mistake that I see many Christians make -- not asking the questions that seem to be simple. Can I say there is nothing simple about your Christian Journey. Because each step forward within it takes you to a level that you’ve never been, experienced or walked before. Thus, understand each new level you climb brings about new devils, new challenges, and sometimes new questions. So, with that being said, what I’ve discovered within the body of CHRIST, is this, believers have become more and more judgmental of other Christians as opposed to being more helpful towards one another as it pertains to asking questions about their faith walk that they are less knowledgeable about. Therefore, the question goes unasked and unanswered, and people continue to take on a “fake it till you make” mentality with their faith walks.

    So, I say if you have a question about anything pertaining to GOD, or your faith walk, don’t ever let a devil stop you from asking what you don’t know. Amen! So, in today’s final Gumbo Faith Series message “Faith: What, Why and How?” https://youtu.be/DG4lSfXrE2k we want to answer some of the questions that have been posed to us on several occasions by many Christians, new and mature alike. In addition to those questions being answered, you will also hear us speak about the difference between "A Measure of Faith" and" The Gift of Faith".

    As always, we truly appreciate your support and your help in spreading the Word of GOD! We are thankful to all of you for taking the time to fellowship with us! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates.

    To GOD be the Glory!!



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    22 mins
  • “The To The Cross Faith (Of JESUS)
    Feb 28 2023

    It’s Wednesday, again, and as we near the end of our Gumbo Faith Series we have been blessed with another installment for you. In today’s message, “The To The Cross Faith of JESUS" https://youtu.be/HtLBxK8EH3A, we will see that everything HE asked of the biblical figures in the past installments of this series to go through in faith, HE went through HIMSELF in route to The Cross. So, I say to each of you, know whatever GOD is asking you to go through, or whatever you find yourself in right now, as you’re on your Christian Journey, JESUS has already gone through it. Remember, Scripture reminds us “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are —yet he did not sin."-- Hebrews 4:15. But also, be reminded that “Although HE was the Son of GOD, HE (JESUS) learned obedience through the things HE suffered.” --Hebrews 5:8. So, understand there will be times on your journey you will experience some suffering but be encouraged and know you also have the victory in CHRIST JESUS if you continue on your journey in faith. Amen!! So, in today’s installment of our series, you will hear about the suffering, the never giving up attitude, the assignment being bigger than SELF, why JESUS went through all HE did in route to HIS cross and through HIS faith -- how HE came out victoriously.

    As always, we truly appreciate your support and your help in spreading the Word of GOD! We are thankful to all of you for taking the time to fellowship with us! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates.

    To GOD be the Glory!!


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    25 mins
  • The Giant Killing Faith (Of David)
    Feb 28 2023

    It’s Wednesday, again, and we have been blessed to share another message with you. What I’ve discovered and want to share with you is this, just as you’re asked to endure in faith there will be times that you will have to fight and overcome things and people that stand in your way. Now when I say "fight" I am not speaking in the literal sense, where you will have to physically fight someone. I’m speaking in the spiritual (spiritual warfare), where you will be fighting on your knees in prayer, walking through adversity, and hinderance in faith. Can I say this to you, as Christians we have an adversary, Satan, that will attack, harass, attempt to cause confusion, chaos and sometimes will send out a giant to attempt to defeat and destroy you. Now understand giants come in many forms and each one that he sends to attack you is specific to you.

    And what’s even greater is that HE has armed and equipped you to defeat any devil, overcome any obstacle, and kill any giant that is placed in your path. Amen! So, today with that thought in mind we want to continue our Gumbo Faith Series with the message “ The Giant Killing Faith of David” -- https://youtu.be/N2ai7jf2kdU As you take time to listen to this message, please take a moment at the end to ponder this thought --what a great GOD we serve who is able to use a boy with a slingshot to kill a giant. All due to the faith of this boy.

    As always, we truly appreciate your support and your help in spreading the Word of GOD! We are thankful to all of you for taking the time to fellowship with us! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates.

    To GOD be the Glory!!



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    25 mins
  • The Enduring Faith (Of Joseph The Dreamer)”
    Feb 28 2023

    Wednesday is here, again, and we find ourselves by the grace of God, ready to share another message with you. In this week’s installments of our Gumbo Faith Series, we take a look at a Biblical Figure who endured 13 years of trials, test, and travails before the promised dream of GOD manifested in his life. But know it was through all the travails that GOD allowed in his life, that helped his faith to grow, flourish, mature and become complete. So, in today’s message, we want to speak to you about “The Enduring Faith (Of Joseph The Dreamer)” - here is part one of this week’s message https://youtu.be/ZhgaAhqE0uE

    As always, we truly appreciate your support and your help in spreading the Word of GOD! We are thankful to all of you for taking the time to fellowship with us! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates.

    To GOD be the Glory!!



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    26 mins
  • “The Fiery Faith (Of The Hebrew Boys)”
    Feb 28 2023

    It’s Wednesday, again, and This week’s installment of the Gumbo Faith series is “The Fiery Faith (Of The Hebrew Boys)” https://youtu.be/YtRekArw21g -- we want to shift direction in our message from the prior two weeks where you heard messages of two types of faiths that do nothing to elevate you, but in essence, what they come to do is deflate you -- bringing forth words and thoughts of; I can't do it, I don’t believe it, or it won’t happen for me; to someone who’s faith was/is in stark contrast to those last two biblical figure’s faith or should we say lack of faith. We want to speak about those who were on fire for GOD. They displayed that they believed HE exists, as well as, what HE’s able to do in their lives. These biblical figures were full of faith and belief; no unbelief found anywhere in their words, thoughts, actions, or spirits. Please understand that is how GOD desires you and me to be in our faith walk. I know it isn’t always easy but know it is achievable! Amen!

    As always, we truly appreciate your support and your help in spreading the Word of GOD! We are thankful to all of you for taking the time to fellowship with us! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our website, where you can sign up for updates.

    To GOD be the Glory!!



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    24 mins