
  • 7 Signs Imposter Syndrome is Blocking Your Success
    Jan 12 2021

    #418: As a women's leadership expert coach, keynote speaker, and bestselling author for over 21 years, I've seen time and time again that Imposter Syndrome is one of the biggest things that gets in the way of brilliant, powerful women rising to the leadership and success they desire (and, quite frankly, deserve).

    Listen in to explore:

    • The difference between how women vs. men experience Imposter Syndrome

    • Proving yourself, comparison and perfectionism

    • How attributing your success to luck contributes to that fraud feeling

    If you are ready to overcome Imposter Syndrome and own your worth and accomplishments, I have two free resources for you:

    1. Begin by taking a free Imposter Syndrome Quiz at www.imposterquiz.com to start unraveling it.

    2. Attend my upcoming FREE training: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 3 Keys to Break Free of Feeling Not Enough at www.uprisingincubator.com/imposter

    May you always be in tune with the truth of how worthy, brilliant and valuable you are.

    Also mentioned on the show: My video about the riots in DC

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    12 m
  • Complete 2020 with Grace, Peace and Joy
    Dec 23 2020

    #417: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/417

    This is the final show of 2020 and one that we all need. As 2020, one of the most challenging, wild, and intense years ever, is winding her way to a close, let's take some time and space to reflect. Please take the time to listen to this powerful podcast where I take you through a process I’ve been doing for over 25 years, so you can end your year with peace and joy. Make sure you download the workbook that goes with this episode at www.wakeupcallcoach.com/yearend

    Tune in and discover:

    • A powerful 3-part completion process I’ve been doing for over 25 years
    • How to ensure you actually integrate and process the losses, failures and disappointments from 2020
    • The best way to celebrate your wins, success, and triumphs from 2020

    And don’t forget to sign up for my first free training in the new year: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome. You can sign up here: www.amyahlersshow.com/imposter

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    25 m
  • Ali Katz: Take Your Business Foundation to the Next Level Now!
    Dec 9 2020

    #416: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/416

    Today’s show is especially for entrepreneurs and business owners. Whether you’re just starting out with a side hustle or have a multi-million dollar business, this show is a MUST LISTEN! I invited my friend, coach, law consultant, and colleague, Ali Katz, to share the most important things we MUST focus on to grow our businesses and minimize our tax liabilities before the end of the year.

    Listen in and explore:

    • Why so many women business owners avoid talking about foundational business things like legal, insurance, finances, and taxes
    • How to make decisions for where you’re going in your business vs. where you are
    • The dirty little secret online business folks don’t talk about when it comes to their big launches and inflated numbers

    On the show, Ali also offered all of my listeners her Business Foundation Blueprint for FREE! I highly recommend you receive your copy and fill out the blueprint and then attend Ali’s upcoming masterclass to go deeper.

    >>Go here: www.amyahlersshow.com/legal to get your copy now!

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    37 m
  • You Finally Got a Seat at the Table But Do You Speak Up?
    Nov 18 2020

    #415: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/415

    More and more women are finally getting a seat at the table, but are their voices heard? A fascinating new study from BYU shows that women aren’t getting anywhere near equal air time when in group dynamics. Ugh!

    Today we explore:

    • How group dynamics play out for women
    • Why women need a supermajority in order to be heard
    • The power of interruptions and why it impacts women’s authority in groups

    Check out the study I reference in this episode here; https://magazine.byu.edu/article/when-women-dont-speak/

    And make sure to sign up for my upcoming free class: The Imposter Illusion at www.amyahlersshow.com/imposter

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    13 m
  • Dr. Valerie: Patriarchy Stress Disorder
    Oct 21 2020

    #414: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/414

    Ladies, here is the missing link to why women constantly feel “not enough”! It’s called Patriarchy Stress Disorder and it has blown my mind and expanded my heart in huge ways. You’re going to love today’s podcast featuring the incredible Dr. Valerie.

    Dr. Valerie Rein discovered Patriarchy Stress Disorder (PSD) and created the only science-backed system for helping women achieve their ultimate success, happiness, and fulfillment by healing the intergenerational trauma of oppression. She holds an EdM in Psychological Counseling from Columbia University and a PhD in Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Her bestselling book, Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness and Fulfillment has been heralded by Amazon reviewers as "the most important body of literary work of our modern times" and "perhaps the most important book of the century for women." Her cutting-edge programs have helped thousands of women shift from survival to thriving and master the game of "How good can it get?" in their work and personal lives. More about Dr. Valerie at https://www.drvalerie.com/

    In this episode, we explore:

    • The invisible trauma that all women carry, even when they feel like they don’t have any big childhood trauma
    • How your DNA expression is ruling your subconscious...and your beliefs and actions
    • Why women are feeling deeply unfulfilled and dissatisfied even when we supposedly have it all...food in the fridge, shelter, and even careers we love
    • The 5-step system to authentic freedom so you can ponder “how good can it get?”

    Dr. Valerie has an upcoming FREE 3-day virtual retreat to help women to release the Patriarchy Stress Disorder in their body. I’ll be attending and I hope you will be there too: www.TheThrivingExperience.com

    Plus you can download Free First Chapter of Dr. Valerie’s book “Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness and Fulfillment” - https://drvalerie.lpages.co/free-book-chapter/

    Book Resources practices you can start doing now to get on your PSD-healing journey to shift from surviving to thriving and master the game of “How good can it get?” drvalerie.com/book-resources

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    40 m
  • Edward Vilga: The Yoga of Money
    Oct 7 2020

    #413: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/413

    What does yoga have to do with money, you might ask? Hmmmm...You need to listen into this delightful conversation with the fabulous Edward Vilga!

    Edward, a Yale graduate, is the author of 17 bestselling books, DVDs and courses and has over 50,000 students enrolled in his online courses. Edward’s work has been featured in PEOPLE and Oprah’s O MAGAZINE, along with TV shows such as LIVE WITH KELLY, CBS’ EARLY SHOW, and over 100 other publications. His books have been translated into over a dozen languages and his DVDs have been downloaded and viewed over 1 million times. Edward has taught mindfulness practices to countless thousands, mainly in New York City and across America, but also at retreats around the world. He is the Chief Wellness Officer for BenefitSquad, where he creates innovative online wellness programs. And, most importantly, he recently moved to the hipster utopia of Bushwick, New York, and is rarely seen without his chocolate lab, Belle.

    In this episode, we explore:

    • The gifts of groundness and gratitude..including an amazing NEW gratitude practice
    • Why stopping the cycles of shame and avoidance are key to prosperity
    • The truth about separating your self-worth and brilliance from your bank account balance

    Edward offered all of my listeners a free PDF copy of his bestselling book, The Yoga of Money. Receive your copy here: www.edwardvilga.com/yogaofmoney

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    32 m
  • RBG: Women Belong in ALL the Places Where Decisions Are Being Made
    Sep 24 2020

    #412: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/412

    The notorious RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was one of only 4 women to ever sit on the Supreme Court of the United States. Women make up only 3% of justices (4 out of 114) and it’s thanks to RBG that we enjoy so many rights as women. Today we celebrate her and honor her legacy.

    Listen in to explore:

    • The history of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and why she was such a badass
    • How to honor her legacy with inspired actions to take now:
      • Watch the RBG movie and bask in her glow
      • Sign the MoveOn.org petition to not fill her seat until after the election:
      • Contact Senators that are most likely to block a confirmation: Mitt Romney of Utah and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa may be possible dissenters, too, as might Cory Gardner of Colorado. You can contact each of these senators' offices and tell them why you think it's important to postpone the confirmation until after the election.
      • Call all these senators who said they would block voting in a supreme court justice in an election year
      • Donate to organizations that are working to replace Republican Senators such as Flip the Senate or Swing Left.
      • Donate and become a member of American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
      • Help organizations like Families Belong Together fight for immigrant rights and follow me on Instagram and Facebook, as I’m working with a local group to plan a vigil for those in ICE custody
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    11 m
  • Aging with Grace Series: Jennifer Arthurton: The Age Women Become Invisible
    Sep 9 2020

    #411: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful women that are ready to STOP being so darn hard on themselves and end the cycle of burnout, so they can RISE into a leader we can believe in. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at www.AmyAhlersShow.com/411

    This is the final episode of the Aging with Grace Series and I’m so excited to have Jennifer Arthurton on the show. Jennifer is the founder of Old Chicks Know Sh*t, a website, and podcast, that explores the topic of aging with humor and grace. Jennifer had her own midlife reinvention at the age of 50 when she found herself divorced, an empty-nester, unemployed, and bedridden with a serious illness. She knows how daunting it can feel when all the messaging in our culture is telling us that we have somehow become a diminished version of our former selves just because we've reached a certain age. The truth is we are in fact just coming into the most powerful point in our lives.

    In this episode, we explore:

    • The lost years of womanhood and how to find yourself during them
    • How to stand in your power in midlife and beyond
    • The way to stop downplaying your accomplishments and embrace your wisdom instead

    Learn more about Jennifer’s upcoming The Empowerment Intensive at www.oldchicksknowshit.com

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    33 m