
  • AC II Chapter 2 The Periplus
    Jun 6 2024

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    The 10-ship roman trade fleet has crossed the Indian Ocean and approaches the end of its journey to the lands of the Indus. But little is known about the port city of Barbaricum, and what awaits them there. With all the uncertainty, plans are set in motion to deal with the expected danger of a pirate fleet. Honourius’ fears are well founded as the merchant ships encounter a squadron of hostile war galleys. His plans are executed with devastating results, as the 10 trade ships safely anchor in the harbour. Sophia confronts Honorius with the truth about her mother. But their tender words of reconciliation as father and daughter are interrupted by signs of a new danger emerging from the port city itself.

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    39 mins
  • AC II Chapter 1 The Tomb of Sorrows
    Jun 2 2024

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    Camilla, Sophia’s guardian, the retired Vestalis Maxima, , takes up the narrative. While preparations for the voyage of the departing Roman fleet for India are reaching their conclusion, Sophia grieves the absence of Adam. Honourius deflects her questions, accuses Adam and Scarus of running off with the Scythian Queen, and counsels her to forget about them. The expedition departs and Sophia turns to Camilla for comfort. Now that the voyage has begun, Camilla is no longer bound by her oath of secrecy. She tells Sophia about her past, and the tragic story of her mother, Tullia.

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    39 mins
  • Archangel Chronicles II: The Second Prologue
    May 25 2024

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    The epilogue to Archangel Chronicles I ended the first part of the saga with a mystery: a strange hermit, in a desert monastery high up a mountainside, where an Archaeologist, Havelock, and his assistant, Hassan have come to find answers.

    Archangel Chronicles II begins with another mystery, on another mountain shrouded in legends. Havelock pursues his quest to discern the story of the strange hermit through the centuries by finding the scrolls where it has all been written down. But who is the lady in the tomb?

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    16 mins
  • A Word From Me, the Storyteller
    May 11 2024

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    I thought I would take a few minutes to explain where this story came from before continuing with Archangel Chronicles II Triumph of Innocence. There is a lot more adventures coming as we unroll the next part of the saga. The podcast is such an intimate medium. This story comes directly from me to you, dear listeners, wherever in the world you may be. No ancient bard ever had such access one on one on such an intimate level. I hope this story has meaning for you. Text me on fan mail at buzzsprout.com or send me an email at: raymond@raydiantlightstudios.com

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    23 mins
  • Epilogue
    Nov 28 2023

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    Book One of the Archangel Chronicles ends where it began, in what seems like a prison at the top of a mountain. But is it really a prison, or a place of safety and strength? Some travellers are urgently seeking the man in this place, in a desert wasteland. But is it really a wasteland, or a place where one story ends and others have yet to be told?

    Send your comments to raymond@raydiantlightstudios.com

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    25 mins
  • Chapter 25 The Kurgan
    Nov 18 2023

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    Axia is brought back to the Massagetae camp, her wound festering, and in grave condition. She is surrounded by her priestesses, who kneel around her, chanting day and night and offering sacrifices. Arsalion never leaves Axia’s side. Adam realizes that he is helpless to stem the tide of her infection. While Axia and her brothers have taken their revenge on Artaxes, there is no joy in it. After some days, Axia regains enough strength to summons her people to raise a great burial mound, a Kurgan in which to bury her father the great King Bartatua, and the slain warriors of the Massagetae host. But she intends to be interred there with her father, over the protests of Arsalion and her brothers. As her condition worsens, and Axia slips to the edge of death, despair and mourning descend. The Kurgan is built in 40 days, and the great King’s body and those of his warriors are prepared for burial and processed through the clans and tribes. But at the darkest time, there is hope. A new quest emerges.

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    40 mins
  • Chapter 24 The Lord of Slaughter
    Nov 4 2023

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    Axia and her brothers gather the commanders of the Scythian warriors for a council of war. The Massagetae host is organized into companies and divisions. The whole camp feverishly prepares for the coming battle. Scarus comes up with a plan to deal with the enemy war elephants. The sacred fires are lit, and companies of scouts are set out to disrupt the approaching enemy army. With wind and fire, the enemy is checked, and prisoners are brought forward. Axia gives the captives a message to take back to the enemy. But the army of Artaxes and his Parthian allies doubles down, intent on destroying Axia and her people. The Massagetae host sets off for battle, led by Zephyria. A desperate battle unfolds. The Scythian host flows around the enemy like water around boulders. At a critical point, , Scarus’ counter-measures bear fruit and the enemy is thrown into confusion. The Lord of Slaughter reveals himself as the Massagetae wreak their terrible vengeance, but his presence is interrupted by a sign from the angels. Adam finds that he must save Axia yet again.

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    51 mins
  • Chapter 23 The Nerge
    Oct 9 2023

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    Abu takes up the narrative. His Eagle Master Aduthuma, Abu’s eagle Zephyria and Abu begin their long journey back to the Massagetae camp to join the great hunt, or Nerge. They travel at night along the edges of the steppes, sticking to high places, avoiding towns and cities along the way. Abu’s attachment to Zephyria grows, and he can see through her eyes while in a trance as Zephyria hunts and guides them forward. One day, they discern a cloud of dust in the distance, and Zephyria is sent to find out the cause. Abu, seeing through Zephyria’s eyes, discovers a menace coming from an unexpected place. They race home to warn the Queen of what they have found.

    Meanwhile, Adam resumes his narrative and about the great hunt, which mobilizes the entire Massagetae nation, including men, women and beasts. But they are all unaware of the approaching danger. Axia takes up her place at the head of the hunt, with Arsalion, her champion, at her side. A great beast is spotted, and Axia resolves to be the first to slay it. She is lured to a place of danger, where two deadly perils await her and her champion. Abu and Zephyria arrive to warn of the unfolding danger. Adam is required to once again apply his healing skills. The Massagetae host prepares for battle.

    Send your comments to raymond@raydiantlightstudios.com

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    47 mins