• Brad Pistotnik Explores Legal Challenges in Truck Accidents and Personal Injury
    Jul 25 2024





    In the latest episode of The Attorney Post, Brad Pistotnik, a prominent accident attorney, discusses his extensive career in personal injury law with a focus on commercial motor vehicle accidents. Brad shares his experiences, the impact of the pandemic on his practice, and his dedication to ensuring justice for his clients.

    Brad Pistotnik and Bull Attorneys

    Brad Pistotnik, known as the "Bull," has been a licensed accident attorney in Kansas since 1981. Throughout his career, he has secured significant settlements for personal injury victims, authored several books, and appeared as a speaker for the Kansas Bar Association and on the Geraldo show. His expertise lies in handling complex cases involving commercial motor vehicles, including trucks, semi-trucks, and oil tanker trucks. Brad's work often involves filing detailed petitions in federal court and managing cases with broker liability and catastrophic accidents.

    Legal Career Journey

    Brad’s legal career began in 1983 when he started his practice, which has since expanded to multiple states. He leads a team of dedicated lawyers and paralegals, showcasing his growth from a solo practitioner to a prominent figure in personal injury law. Initially drawn to corporate law, Brad transitioned to personal injury law due to a career assessment. He also shared his preference for Kansas State University over KU, adding a personal touch to his professional journey.

    Impact of COVID-19 on Legal Business

    The pandemic significantly impacted the legal industry, particularly in Kansas. Brad noted a decrease in vehicular accidents due to reduced travel and socialization. Despite these challenges, his firm experienced growth during the pandemic. The health of legal assistants was a concern, prompting the firm to implement necessary measures to address the situation.

    Personal Experience and Learning from Setbacks

    Brad shared a personal setback due to a divorce, highlighting his resilience and subsequent growth. He emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication in overcoming personal and professional challenges.

    Legal Case Preparation and Strategy

    Brad believes in outworking the opposition to succeed in trials. He recounted a significant case involving a major nursing chain where his team worked tirelessly for years. This dedication underscores the importance of thorough preparation and understanding complex regulations in truck accident cases.

    Challenges Faced Due to Lack of Hard Work

    Brad discussed the challenges he faced when relying solely on intelligence without putting in the necessary hard work. This approach led to academic struggles, emphasizing that diligence and effort are crucial for success.

    Legal System and Perception of Lawyers

    The legal profession faces challenges in public perception, particularly regarding negligent hiring, training, and supervision in cases involving business vehicles. Brad emphasized the importance of having an advocate and the need to differentiate dedicated lawyers from those who do not genuinely care about their work.

    Legal Profession Advice and Law Changes

    Brad advised young professionals to read medical textbooks and peer-reviewed articles to better understand medical cases. He also expressed a desire to strike the collateral source doctrine from legal cases to ensure transparency regarding defendant’s insurance coverage.


    Brad Pistotnik’s appearance on The Attorney Post provides a comprehensive look into the complexities of personal injury law, particularly in commercial motor vehicle accidents. His dedication to hard work, understanding complex regulations, and advocating for victims highlights his commitment to justice and excellence in the legal profession.


    • RankWith.News
    • The Attorney Post
    • National ERC



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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • Transforming Legal Practice: Bree Sullivan-Howell on Family Law and Mediation
    Jul 26 2024


    (229) 226-1940

    In the latest episode of The Attorney Post, Bree Sullivan-Howell, an accomplished attorney, shares her professional journey and the insights she has gained along the way. This episode covers her passion for law, the impact of the pandemic on the legal field, and her specialized focus on family law and mediation.

    Career Trajectory and Influences

    Bree discusses her lifelong passion for law and the valuable skills she acquired from her PR and journalism background. Justin West, the host, also shares his journey from philosophy and history to marketing and PR, highlighting how diverse experiences can shape successful careers. Their conversation underscores the importance of a varied skill set in the legal field.

    Impact of Pandemic on Legal Practice

    The pandemic has drastically changed the way legal practices operate, especially regarding communication methods. Bree and Justin talk about how the adoption of Zoom for consultations and hearings has increased efficiency and altered traditional legal practices. This shift has demonstrated the legal profession's ability to adapt to new circumstances.

    'Crush Your Divorce'

    Bree introduces her book, Crush Your Divorce, which provides hope and practical advice to Christian women navigating divorce. The book includes scripture, behavioral tips during divorce proceedings, and guidance on communicating with lawyers. Bree aims to support women through one of the most challenging periods of their lives with her book.

    Learning from Failures in Legal Practice

    Bree shares a significant early career failure involving the incorrect presentation of evidence in court. This experience highlighted the importance of having evidence properly authenticated and avoiding objections. Bree emphasizes the crucial role of evidence in legal cases and the importance of learning to present it effectively, particularly without formal training.

    Impact of Pandemic on Domestic Violence

    The pandemic lockdowns led to a rise in domestic violence and limited access to legal help. Bree discusses these increased challenges and the need for accessible legal support to protect vulnerable individuals during such times.

    Role of Mediation in Legal Practice

    Mediation is a key component of Bree’s legal practice, with about 85-90% of her cases settling through mediation before trial. Bree’s strategy involves asking clients for their best-case scenario settlement terms, setting clear goals, and working towards agreements.

    Impact of Social Media and Technology on Legal Practice

    The rise of social media and technology has increased the volume of evidence in legal cases, leading to the evolution of e-discovery. Bree discusses the impact of GPS tracking on cases and the challenges of managing large volumes of digital evidence. Attorney-client privilege and handling client confessions were also addressed, emphasizing confidentiality unless imminent harm is involved.

    Faith and Divorce in Family Law

    Handling divorce within different Christian denominations presents unique challenges. Bree emphasizes the lack of resources for addressing difficult marital situations and expresses her views on divorce, stating it can be a blessing for those mistreated or betrayed in relationships. She discusses the biblical perspective on divorce and the importance of providing support and hope to those going through difficult times.


    Bree Sullivan-Howell’s appearance on The Attorney Post offers a comprehensive look into the challenges and triumphs of legal practice. From adapting to pandemic-induced changes to navigating the intricacies of family law and mediation, Bree’s insights are invaluable. Her dedication to justice, empathy for clients, and commitment to professional growth make her a standout figure in the legal community.


    • RankWith.News
    • The Attorney Post
    • National ERC



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    54 mins
  • Parenting, Legal Rights, and CPS Investigations with Dan-Phi Nguyen
    Jul 23 2024



    Introduction of Dan-Phi Nguyen and Discussion on CARES Act

    In a recent episode of The Attorney Post, Dan-Phi Nguyen, a seasoned attorney, shares his legal journey and insights, focusing on Child Protective Services (CPS) cases and his transition to private practice. This blog post delves into his career path, the challenges in child protective services, and his perspectives on parenting and child welfare.

    Challenges in Child Protective Services Cases

    Representing the department in CPS cases presents significant challenges, as Dan-Phi explains. He highlights the delicate balance between protecting parental rights and ensuring the child's best interests. He raises critical questions about the necessary steps parents should take to protect their rights when under CPS investigation, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures and legal guidance.

    Child Protective Services Investigations

    Many parents are unaware that CPS can investigate potential abuse or neglect without their knowledge if they do not object. This situation often places children in a difficult position, as they may feel compelled to cooperate with CPS due to their perceived authority. Dan-Phi discusses the potential impact of these investigations on children and strategies to prevent unnecessary removal from their homes. The conversation highlights the need to balance parental rights with child welfare effectively.

    CPS Investigations and Parental Precautions

    Dan-Phi advises parents to exercise caution during CPS investigations, noting that CPS is not necessarily their ally. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's rights and avoiding self-incrimination. This advice is especially relevant for parents who may face CPS referrals due to accidental child injuries, underscoring the necessity of legal consultation and careful navigation of CPS processes.

    Parenting and Child Welfare

    The episode explores Dan-Phi's personal experiences with parenting, contrasting his upbringing with that of his daughter. He reflects on different parenting approaches and their outcomes, providing a nuanced perspective on child welfare. His insights highlight the importance of careful handling of CPS interviews and understanding one's rights to protect family integrity.

    Child Injury and CPS Involvement

    Parents often fear CPS involvement following a child's injury, even if the injury was accidental. Dan-Phi stresses the importance of consulting an attorney and fully understanding one's rights when dealing with CPS. This approach helps parents avoid self-incrimination and navigate the complexities of CPS investigations effectively.

    Challenges Faced by CPS Investigators

    Dan-Phi expresses empathy for CPS investigators who often face significant challenges. These investigators are frequently controlled by superiors and have limited say in decisions regarding child removals or other actions. This lack of autonomy can lead to frustrations and challenges in performing their duties effectively.


    Dan-Phi Nguyen's appearance on The Attorney Post provides an in-depth look into the complexities of legal practice, especially in the context of child protective services. His insights into the CARES Act, the challenges of CPS investigations, and the importance of professional growth offer valuable lessons for both seasoned attorneys and aspiring lawyers. His dedication to justice, empathy for clients, and resilience in facing challenges make him a prominent figure in the legal community.


    • RankWith.News
    • The Attorney Post
    • National ERC



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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Navigating Legal Challenges and Triumphs with Brad Kendall
    Jul 22 2024


    (816) 531-3100

    In the latest episode of The Attorney Post, Bradford "Brad" Kendall, a distinguished attorney with extensive experience in catastrophic cases, shares his insights. This post delves into Brad's legal expertise, the impact of the pandemic on legal practices, and the emotional and practical challenges faced by injury attorneys and new lawyers.

    Brad Kendall's Legal Experience and Focus on Catastrophic Cases

    Brad Kendall's career has been defined by his focus on catastrophic cases, which often involve severe injuries and substantial damages. His adeptness at handling these complex cases underscores his dedication to justice and community safety. Brad's work on cases like railroad crossing accidents highlights his commitment to protecting public welfare through legal advocacy.

    Impact of Pandemic Response on Legal Practice

    The pandemic has significantly reshaped various sectors, including the legal field. Brad discussed how the pandemic response changed court proceedings, client interactions, and overall law firm operations. The adoption of Zoom hearings has increased efficiency and ensured continuity in legal processes despite the challenges of social distancing. These virtual adaptations have demonstrated the resilience and adaptability of legal professionals like Brad.

    Railroad Crossing Safety Concerns

    Brad's discussion brought attention to significant safety concerns at railroad crossings. The absence of active warning devices such as gates and lights poses serious risks to motorists. Brad's advocacy for better visibility and warning systems reflects his dedication to preventing accidents and ensuring public safety.

    Legal Practice Challenges and Misconceptions

    Brad shared candid insights into the challenges faced in legal practice. From encountering inexperienced lawyers to addressing clients' misconceptions about legal processes, the profession is filled with hurdles. Brad's ability to navigate these challenges with professionalism and empathy highlights his expertise and commitment to his clients.

    Legal Caps on Pain and Suffering in Medical Malpractice Cases

    A critical issue Brad discussed is the cap on pain and suffering in medical malpractice cases. The Kansas Supreme Court's decision to remove the cap highlights ongoing debates about fair compensation for victims. Missouri still maintains a tiered cap system based on injury severity. Brad's insights into these legal caps underscore the importance of achieving fair and just outcomes for malpractice victims.

    Emotional Toll of Being an Injury Attorney

    Being an injury attorney requires more than legal knowledge; it demands significant empathy and emotional resilience. Brad spoke about the emotional toll of handling injury cases, emphasizing the need to support clients through their trauma. Prioritizing clients' interests and maintaining empathy in the face of their tragedies is crucial for any injury attorney.

    Legal System Reform and Medical Malpractice Laws

    The conversation also touched on broader issues such as legal system reform and medical malpractice laws. Brad expressed concerns about the limitations imposed by caps on medical malpractice compensation, emphasizing the need for fair and just outcomes. The discussion highlighted the potential for national reforms to address these challenges and ensure long-term impact for victims.


    Brad Kendall's appearance on The Attorney Post provided a comprehensive look into the complexities of legal practice. From the impact of the pandemic to addressing railroad safety and advocating for legal reforms, Brad's insights offer valuable lessons for both seasoned attorneys and aspiring lawyers. His commitment to justice, empathy for clients, and resilience in facing challenges make him a standout figure in the legal community.


    • RankWith.News
    • The Attorney Post
    • National ERC



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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • A Deep Dive into Federal Criminal Defense with Texas Attorney John Teakell
    Apr 22 2024

    https://www.teakelllaw.com/ (214) 523-9076

    Show Notes: Exploring the Legal Landscape with John Teakell, Criminal Defense Expert

    In this detailed discussion, Justin West interviews John R. Teakell, a distinguished criminal defense lawyer from Dallas, Texas, known for his profound understanding and experience in the realm of criminal law. Teakell, who has a significant background as both a state and federal prosecutor, has shaped a notable career in criminal defense, bringing a dual perspective to his current role.

    Journey from Prosecution to Defense

    John Teakell's interest in the legal field sparked early, steering him towards a career that began in law enforcement and transitioned into legal practice. After dedicating over fifteen years to prosecution, Teakell chose to shift his focus and established his own law firm dedicated to defending those accused of serious offenses. During the interview, he elaborates on his transition from a public prosecutor to a private defense attorney in Dallas, serving as a sole proprietor and handling a diverse array of cases.

    Navigating Legal Challenges and Achieving Success

    Teakell opens up about the challenges he has faced throughout his career, including a particularly impactful mistake in a client's case, underscoring the fallibility and growth inherent in legal practice. He contrasts this experience by detailing successful defense scenarios, such as securing a dismissal in a case involving a firearm at an airport and negotiating probation for a white-collar crime, which could have resulted in severe penalties.

    Delineating Federal and State Cases

    A substantial part of the interview delves into the distinctions between federal and state legal charges. Teakell explains that state offenses generally involve more direct crimes, while federal offenses encompass complex issues like fraud, drug trafficking, and computer-related crimes. He discusses the complexities and stringent guidelines that define federal legal proceedings and his preference for these challenging cases due to their intricate nature.

    Strategic Insights and Moral Complexities

    The conversation also covers strategic legal practices, with Teakell emphasizing the importance of early intervention in legal cases to better manage or mitigate charges. He shares insights into the ethical dilemmas faced during defense practices, highlighting a specific instance that posed a significant ethical challenge and reflecting on the personal and professional impacts of such situations.

    Technological Influences on Legal Practice

    With the advancement of technology, legal practices have evolved significantly. Teakell talks about the impact of digital tools, online activities, and the prevalence of computer-related crimes, including fraud schemes and unauthorized data use. These technological shifts have introduced new challenges in tracking and prosecuting digital crimes, particularly those involving identity theft and location spoofing.

    Legal Clarity and Professional Reflections

    Towards the end of the interview, Teakell reflects on his career and the transitions he has observed among peers moving into private practice. He stresses the importance of clear laws to prevent accidental legal breaches and the need for strong networks among legal professionals to support one another through challenging times.

    Concluding Remarks

    John Teakell's comprehensive insights shed light on the intricate dynamics of criminal defense, enriched by his extensive experience on both sides of the courtroom. His dedication to justice and legal clarity makes him a standout figure in the field of criminal law, committed to upholding constitutional rights and improving the legal system.


    • RankWith.News
    • The Attorney Post
    • National ERC



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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Andrea B. Friedman Discusses the Nuances of High-Net-Worth Divorce on Our Latest Podcast Episode
    Apr 18 2024

    https://www.sarifriedman.com/ (914) 873-4410

    In a revealing session on our podcast, Andrea B. Friedman, Esq., a distinguished matrimonial and family lawyer from Friedman & Friedman Attorneys at Law in New York, shared her extensive insights into the complex world of high-net-worth divorces. Hosted by Justin West, the discussion delved into various aspects of family law, particularly focusing on the unique challenges faced in high-stakes divorce cases.

    A Glimpse into Friedman & Friedman's Expertise

    Andrea began by highlighting the strengths of her law firm, known for its profound courtroom and trial experience, and its ability to resolve matters outside court when possible. She emphasized their client-centered approach and commitment to setting realistic expectations—qualities that make them stand out in the legal field.

    Pandemic Impact on the Legal Landscape

    The conversation took a turn towards the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the legal profession. Andrea detailed how the pandemic led to court shutdowns, a pivot to virtual appearances, and an accelerated digitalization of legal processes. Interestingly, she noted an uptick in divorce filings during the pandemic, attributing it to the strains caused by lockdowns and other related stressors.

    Experiences from the Front Lines

    Throughout her career, Andrea has been driven by a desire to help clients navigate the emotional rollercoaster of legal disputes in family law. She shared anecdotes from her career, including handling cases of first impression and winning complex custody battles through appeals. Her experiences underline the unpredictable nature of legal practice—from dealing with unprofessional adversaries to handling wacky court decisions.

    Understanding High Net Worth Divorce

    Justin and Andrea discussed the complexities involved in divorces concerning high-net-worth individuals. Andrea broke down the critical distinctions between a standard divorce and a high-net-worth case, pointing out the involvement of intricate assets like businesses, multiple properties, trusts, and even cryptocurrencies.

    Innovative Approaches to Family Law

    The podcast also covered the shift towards collaborative divorces, where parties aim to settle matters without court intervention. Andrea advocated for this method as a less adversarial approach, fostering a more amicable resolution for both parties.

    Legal and Ethical Considerations

    A significant portion of the discussion was dedicated to the ethical challenges in family law. Andrea spoke about the importance of maintaining professional boundaries, learning from failures, and the ability to compartmentalize personal emotions from professional duties. She stressed on learning from each case and continuously striving to improve client outcomes.

    Forward-Thinking in Family Law

    Looking to the future, Andrea expressed hope for further reforms in family law to reduce the adversarial nature of divorces and to better address emerging issues like the status of frozen embryos in divorce proceedings. Her comments on recent legal developments, including New York's acceptance of no-fault divorce laws, highlighted ongoing progress in family law.

    Encouraging Aspiring Lawyers

    Towards the end of the podcast, Andrea shared words of wisdom for law school graduates, emphasizing the importance of patience, dedication, and the love for the learning process. Her career is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work and a genuine passion for helping others.

    Listeners can find more about Andrea B. Friedman and her practice by visiting the website of Friedman & Friedman Attorneys at Law, a beacon for high-net-worth individuals facing family law dilemmas.

    Friedman & Friedman PLLC, Attorneys at Law

    120 Bloomingdale Rd

    Suite 307,

    White Plains, NY 10605







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    36 mins
  • Shannon Locke on Bexar County TX & San Antonio Criminal Defense: Understanding Client Goals and Special Treatment
    Feb 1 2024

    Visit https://TheLockeLawGroup.com or call 210.361.3113

    In a recent episode of "The Attorney Post" podcast, we had an enlightening conversation with Shannon Locke, a seasoned criminal defense attorney whose unique journey from prosecutor to defender has given him valuable insights into the legal realm. This post highlights key aspects of our discussion, including Locke's law firm, his career transition, and his thoughts on the criminal justice system.

    Locke Law Group: Quality Legal Representation

    Locke introduced us to his law firm, The Locke Law Group, known for providing exceptional criminal and family law representation. The firm's commitment to personalized service, regardless of clients' budgets, sets them apart. Locke's team focuses on guiding clients away from probation, deferred adjudication, or prison, ensuring each case receives the attention it deserves. In family law matters, Locke's wife lends her expertise and personalized attention to every case.

    From Corporate Dissatisfaction to Legal Excellence

    Locke's journey from the corporate world to law was driven by a desire for more meaningful work. He clerked at the Pima County Attorney's Office, where he discovered his passion for trial work. This newfound interest led him to San Antonio, where he joined the Bexar County District Attorney's Office before transitioning to criminal defense.

    Salman Rushdie: A Literary Inspiration

    Our conversation took an unexpected turn when Locke and host Justin West discussed their shared admiration for author Salman Rushdie. Locke expressed deep respect for Rushdie's fearless approach to confronting religious fanaticism through his fiction. They even exchanged book recommendations, including "Shalimar the Clown."

    Board Certification in Criminal Law

    Locke emphasized the significance of board certification in criminal law, having achieved it himself. He detailed the rigorous process and its importance in recognizing specialization and expertise.

    Learning from Setbacks

    One highlight was Locke's reflection on legal setbacks. He shared an experience where a client chose another attorney who secured a dismissal, revealing the distinctions between prosecutors and defense attorneys. Locke stressed the importance of adaptability in the defense role, recognizing that not every plan unfolds as expected.

    Balancing Emotions and Justice

    Throughout our discussion, Locke provided insights into the emotional challenges faced by criminal defense attorneys. He raised concerns about the efficiency and scale of the U.S. prison system, questioning alternative methods of incapacitation without imprisonment.

    Advocating for Clients and Embracing Challenges

    Locke recounted cases where he proved clients' innocence, resulting in dismissals. He also discussed the emotional weight carried by defense attorneys and the frustration when advocating for clients in the face of seemingly harsh judgments.

    A Unique Law School Journey

    Locke's unconventional law school experience, where he embraced practical activities over academic grades, was a pivotal factor in his success.

    Questioning the Conspiracy Law

    The podcast touched upon the controversial conspiracy law, highlighting concerns about its lack of protections and potential for injustice. Locke and West explored the idea of removing this law from federal statutes to address these concerns.

    In conclusion, Shannon Locke's appearance on "The Attorney Post" podcast provided invaluable insights into the multifaceted world of criminal defense law. His transition from prosecutor to defender, dedication to personalized representation, and critical perspectives on the legal system offer essential takeaways for legal professionals and the general public. Locke's journey serves as a roadmap toward a more equitable and compassionate legal landscape.






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    59 mins
  • Levoritz Law Firm: A Beacon of Expertise in Matrimonial and Family Law
    Jan 29 2024

    Embarking on a divorce, particularly when businesses and substantial assets are in the mix, demands a level of legal expertise and dedication that you'll find at Levoritz Law Firm. Under the seasoned guidance of Yonatan Levoritz, the firm stands out in New York County and beyond for its comprehensive approach to matrimonial and family law, championing fathers' rights and handling complex legal matters with unmatched proficiency. Yonatan's deep understanding, shaped by his personal experiences and professional accolades, ensures that every case is navigated with meticulous care and strategic foresight.

    In an enlightening discussion on The Attorney Post Podcast, Yonatan Levoritz elaborated on the distinctive methodologies his firm employs. From confronting fraudulent conveyance and crafting ironclad prenuptial agreements to the intricate work of asset protection spearheaded by Ravi Patel, the firm leaves no stone unturned. At Levoritz Law Firm, the fusion of detective-like investigation with legal acumen is not just a feature; it's the cornerstone of their practice, guaranteeing outcomes that genuinely reflect the best interests of their clients. To experience this unique blend of services, reach out to Levoritz Law Firm at 718.942.4004 or visit levoritzlaw.com.

    The firm's commitment to understanding the nuances of each client's life is unparalleled. Whether it's conducting a thorough lifestyle analysis, engaging in forensic accounting, or meticulously back tracing inventory, Yonatan and his team ensure a comprehensive portrayal of each client's situation. This commitment to detail and precision in building a client's case is a testament to the firm's dedication to securing the most favorable outcomes.

    The podcast conversation also delved into the evolving landscape of family law during the pandemic, highlighting the firm's adaptability and commitment to client needs during uncertain times. The transition from fault-based to no-fault divorce, changes in maintenance laws, and the nuances of child support and maintenance caps were all navigated with the firm's characteristic expertise.

    Handling the emotional intricacies inherent in family law is a hallmark of Levoritz Law Firm's approach. The firm excels in managing the delicate balance between legal requirements and the emotional well-being of clients, ensuring a supportive journey through these challenging times. Whether it's guiding clients through emotionally charged custody battles or navigating the complexities of postnuptial agreement trials, Yonatan and his team approach every case with empathy and precision.

    The firm's approach to child custody reflects a profound understanding of the best interests of the child, steering clear of cases motivated by frivolous reasons. This deep respect for the well-being of all parties involved in a case further solidifies the firm's standing as a pillar of fairness and compassion in family law.

    Looking ahead, Yonatan Levoritz envisions a continued commitment to excellence and a potential pivot towards more securities-based cases. The firm's advocacy for changes in spousal and child support laws reflects a forward-thinking approach, aiming to adapt to the changing financial landscapes and ensure equitable support systems.

    At Levoritz Law Firm, the journey through legal complexities is a partnership, with each case receiving the personalized attention and expert guidance it deserves. Ready to take the first step? Contact Levoritz Law Firm at 718.942.4004 or visit levoritzlaw.com and embark on a path to resolution with a team that values your success. With Levoritz Law Firm, you're not just hiring an attorney; you're partnering with a team dedicated to your future.

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    Watch the video: https://youtu.be/q91i8jmRP2Y

    Show more Show less
    51 mins