
  • Last of Season 6 - Understanding World Religions
    May 23 2024
    Join Us for a Summer Online Blue Cord Study -

    Begins June 11th through July 23rd. For more details and to register go HERE:

    About the Guest:

    Renod Bejjani: Renod Bejjani is a former Christian who experienced intense persecution in several Islamic world nations. After years of anger and hatred towards Muslims, he had a transformational encounter with God and now serves as an instrument of God's love to Muslims. Renod is the author of two books, "Muslims: Five Biblical Essentials Every Christian Should Know and Do" and "The Way to Paradise," a Bible study.

    Episode Summary:

    Welcome to the final episode of Season 6 of The Blue Cord Podcast. In this episode, host Karen interviews her husband Renod Bejjani, who shares his personal journey from anger and hatred towards Muslims to becoming an instrument of God's love for them. Renod discusses how Jesus prepared his disciples to engage with people from other faiths and cultures and emphasizes the importance of knowing scripture, having a personal relationship with God through Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and actively meeting people of different faiths and cultures. The episode also explores what different religions believe about God, Jesus, salvation, and the afterlife, highlighting the unique aspects of Christianity in comparison to other faiths. The episode concludes with a call to action for Christians to engage with people from other faiths and cultures and share the hope of Jesus.

    Key Takeaways:

    Jesus prepared his disciples to engage with people from other faiths and cultures by modeling the use of scripture, emphasizing a personal relationship with God through Jesus, empowering them with the Holy Spirit, and encouraging them to meet people of different faiths and cultures.

    Christianity is the only religion where God has a personal relationship with individuals.

    Other religions have different beliefs about God, Jesus, salvation, and the afterlife. Islam respects Jesus as a prophet but denies his deity, while Hinduism has millions of gods and Buddhism sees God as an abstract void. Only Christianity believes in the Trinity and the deity of Jesus.

    Most religions, except Christianity and Islam, teach that being a good person leads to a good afterlife. Christianity and Islam believe in a judgment day where individuals will go to heaven or hell based on their faith and actions.

    Christianity, Islam, and secularism are the only religions actively evangelizing. Other religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, focus on merging into divinity or achieving a state of oneness.

    Notable Quotes:

    "In all other religions, it depends on me, my works to make it to the afterlife. But in Christianity, my salvation depends on what Jesus did, what he's already accomplished because he did what needs to be done to redeem me out of hell." - Renod Bejjani

    "The best way to prepare is to get to know people and follow the process that Jesus prepared his disciples with." - Renod Bejjani


    Renod Bejjani's books: Muslims: Five Biblical Essentials Every Christian Should Know and Do and The Way to Paradise

    Thank you for listening to the final episode of Season 6 of The Blue Cord Podcast. Stay tuned for more inspiring content in Season 7.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Inspiring and Empowering Christian Women to Share Jesus Across Cultures
    May 16 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Cathy is an experienced Christian missionary and disciple-maker.

    She has led gospel sharing teams in multiple countries and currently disciples a group of new believers in Pakistan.

    Cathy is actively involved in helping everyday believers live out their calling to make Jesus known through her work with iHOPE Ministries.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Karen and Cathy discuss the challenges of inspiring and empowering Christian friends to share their faith across different faiths and cultures. They address the opposition that may arise and the apathy or fear that some Christians may have towards evangelism. Cathy shares her personal experience of moving to a new city and struggling to find like-minded individuals who were willing to engage in faith sharing. However, through her involvement with The Blue Cord study, she was able to build a community of women who are now actively sharing the gospel both locally and internationally. The Blue Cord study combines biblical concepts with behavioral science to inspire and empower individuals to share Jesus in a natural and effective way. Cathy encourages listeners to step out in faith and start small, as even the smallest acts of obedience can have a significant impact on the world.

    Key Takeaways:

    Many Christians may be hesitant or apathetic towards sharing their faith across different faiths and cultures.

    The United States is one of the nations with a significant number of unreached people, and the growth of other religions, such as Islam, is outpacing Christianity.

    The Blue Cord study provides a practical and effective way to inspire and empower Christians to share Jesus with people of other faiths and cultures.

    Starting small and building a community of like-minded individuals can lead to significant multiplication and impact.

    The joy of sharing Jesus and seeing lives transformed outweighs any fear or opposition that may arise.

    Notable Quotes:

    "The comfort zone is a lie from Satan. The joy zone is where it's at." - Cathy

    "The Lord can impact the world through your saying yes and stepping out in faith." - Cathy


    The Blue Cord - The website for The Blue Cord study and resources.

    iHOPE Ministries - The organization Cathy is involved with, helping believers live out their calling to make Jesus known.

    Listen to the full episode to gain more insights and be inspired to share Jesus with people of other faiths and cultures. Stay tuned for more empowering content from The Blue Cord Podcast.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Overcoming Fear: Empowering Women to Share Their Faith
    May 9 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Lisa Pack is a second-generation Korean-Canadian from Toronto, Canada.

    She has 14 years of global and pastoral ministry and church experience.

    Lisa is a global mission strategist and serves on the core team with Rick Warren's "Finishing the Task" initiative.

    She is passionate about reaching the world's least reached and mobilizing younger generations for the gospel.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of The Blue Cord Podcast, host Karen discusses the resistance factors that often hold Christians back from sharing their faith. She is joined by Lisa Pack, a global mission strategist and member of Rick Warren's "Finishing the Task" initiative. Lisa shares her personal journey of discovering God's heart for the nations and emphasizes the importance of overcoming ignorance and fear in order to be bold witnesses for Christ. She encourages women to find opportunities for sharing their faith and highlights the power of community and sisterhood in supporting and empowering one another. The episode concludes with practical tips for cultivating a prayer life and creating an environment that fosters intentional evangelism.

    Key Takeaways:

    Ignorance and fear are two major resistance factors that hold Christians back from sharing their faith.

    Overcoming ignorance involves becoming aware of the number of people who don't know Jesus and understanding the impact of cultural influences on their perception of God.

    Fear can be overcome by focusing on God's love and the authenticity of one's own story and witness.

    Women have unique opportunities to share their faith and make a difference in their communities and the world.

    Building a community of like-minded believers can provide support, encouragement, and opportunities for growth in sharing the gospel.

    Notable Quotes:

    "Ignorance and fear feed into each other and become bigger obstacles to sharing our faith." - Lisa Pack

    "You don't have to be a theologian to share your faith. Your story and the presence of the Holy Spirit in you are what persuades people." - Lisa Pack

    "The future of Christianity in Africa is in the hands of women." - Dr. Gina Zirlo


    Finishing the Task Initiative

    Listen to the full episode to gain a deeper understanding of the resistance factors that hinder Christians from sharing their faith and to discover practical ways to overcome these obstacles. Stay tuned for more inspiring content from The Blue Cord Podcast.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Discovering Bold Faith: Stories of Everyday Believers in Challenging Places
    May 2 2024
    About the Host:

    Karen is an everyday Christian woman who, along with her husband Renod, embarked on a life-changing adventure to inspire and empower believers to share the gospel.

    Renod is Karen's husband and partner in their mission to shine the light of Jesus into dark and hopeless places.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Karen shares the story of how God used three ordinary believers to challenge her faith and inspire her to share the gospel fearlessly. She recounts her experiences with Muhammad, a former Muslim who boldly shared the gospel despite persecution; Caroline, a refugee who fearlessly shared Jesus with a Muslim taxi driver; and Miriam, a single Christian woman living in a dangerous red zone city who poured into the lives of women suffering from the effects of war. Through these encounters, Karen learned the importance of fearing God more than man and the power of a bold and courageous faith. She encourages listeners to pray for a faith like theirs and to be willing to step out of their comfort zones to share the hope of Jesus with others.

    Key Takeaways:

    Crisis moments can lead to a reckoning and a deeper understanding of who God is and who we are in Him.

    Muhammad's bold faith challenged Karen to consider who she feared more, God or man.

    Caroline's fearless sharing of the gospel with a Muslim taxi driver inspired Karen to consider sharing her faith in her own community.

    Miriam's unwavering faith and courage in a dangerous city showed Karen the power of a life centered around Jesus.

    Praying for a bold faith like Muhammad, Caroline, and Miriam can transform our lives and empower us to share the gospel with others.

    Notable Quotes:

    "If they kill me, send 10 more believers to share the good news. And if they kill those 10, send a hundred and if they kill them, send a thousand, no matter the persecution, even until death, Jesus is worth it all." - Muhammad

    "Every time I hear that sound, I get down on my knees to pray to my heavenly father that he would be glorified here." - Miriam


    The Blue Cord website

    Listen to the full episode to be inspired by the stories of Muhammad, Caroline, and Miriam and to learn how to cultivate a bold and courageous faith that shines the light of Jesus into dark places. Stay tuned for more episodes of The Blue Cord Podcast.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Go Where the People Are - Finding and Engaging with the Nations
    Apr 25 2024
    About the Guest:

    Melanie is a leader of a singles ministry at a large church in Calgary, Canada.

    She is an advisory board member of See Global.

    Melanie has a passion for reaching people who don't know Jesus and has a heart for evangelism and discipleship.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Karen and Melanie discuss the importance of intentionally engaging with people from different faiths and cultures to share the message of Jesus. They emphasize the need to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to be prepared to share the gospel in various situations. Melanie shares personal stories of how she has engaged with people from different backgrounds and the impact it has had. They also discuss the importance of being intentional in everyday life, whether it's in the workplace, neighborhood, or through joining clubs or groups. The episode encourages listeners to step out of their comfort zones and trust God to use them as witnesses for Christ.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Being intentional in engaging with people from different faiths and cultures is crucial for sharing the message of Jesus.
    • It is important to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to be prepared to share the gospel in various situations.
    • Building relationships and listening to others' stories can create opportunities for sharing the love of Christ.
    • Engaging with people in everyday life, such as in the workplace or neighborhood, provides opportunities to be a witness for Christ.
    • Trusting God and stepping out of our comfort zones allows us to be used by Him to impact the lives of others.
    Notable Quotes:

    "We have to have people to disciple. And we don't get a free pass if we're not the evangelist. We don't leave that to the other people. We all need to have some stake in that." - Melanie

    "People are not projects. They're not projects to God. They are people that are created in God's image. And we need to love each and every one, and see them how God sees them." - Melanie

    "We're all called to shine our light, to know God and help others make Him known to those who do not know Him." - Karen


    Sea Global: Website

    Listen to the full episode here. Stay tuned for more inspiring content from The Blue Cord Podcast.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • From Muslim to Christian: A Journey of Faith and Transformation
    Apr 18 2024
    About the Guest:

    Narmin grew up in a Muslim family in an Islamic ruled nation. After a series of events, she had a personal encounter with Christ that transformed her life. She is currently working with Global Heart Ministries as a social media evangelist and communication liaison, sharing the message of hope and the gospel of Christ to Central Asian populations.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Karen interviews Narmin, who shares her journey from growing up in a Muslim family in a Soviet nation to becoming a follower of Christ. Narmin talks about her childhood, where she had limited exposure to the concept of God due to the restrictions imposed by the Soviet system. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, she had the opportunity to explore different religions and encountered Jesus through Russian Orthodox churches and interactions with Catholic missionaries. Eventually, she met her husband, who played a significant role in leading her to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior. Narmin also discusses the challenges she faced in sharing her faith with her family and the joy she found in serving God through her work with Global Heart Ministries.

    Key Takeaways:

    Narmin grew up in a Soviet nation where talking about God was prohibited, but she had a sense that there was something beyond the material world.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Narmin had the opportunity to explore different religions and encountered Jesus through Russian Orthodox churches and interactions with Catholic missionaries.

    Meeting her husband, who was a believer, played a significant role in Narmin's journey to accepting Christ as her Lord and Savior.

    Narmin emphasizes the importance of seeking the truth and being curious in one's spiritual journey.

    Narmin now works with Global Heart Ministries as a social media evangelist and communication liaison, sharing the message of hope and the gospel of Christ to Central Asian populations.

    Notable Quotes:

    "When I was filled with that joy, I wanted to tell the whole world about Jesus. I couldn't understand how I'm going to do it. I wasn't trained. I only knew what I felt and what happened to me, and that had to be done to the universe." - Narmin

    "Sharing the gospel with all the women around you, especially Muslims, but anyone, it's so important. Get out of your comfort zone. And when you do that, the joy of the Lord will come." - Narmin


    Global Heart Ministries

    Listen to the full episode to hear Narmin's inspiring journey of faith and her work with Global Heart Ministries. Stay tuned for more episodes of The Blue Cord Podcast.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Overcoming Obstacles to Sharing Jesus with People of Other Faiths
    Apr 11 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Kimberly is a Christian woman who discovered The Blue Cord about a year ago when she was searching online for how to share her faith with refugees and immigrants around her.

    She grew up in a military family and moved around frequently, always prioritizing finding a church in each new location.

    At the age of nine, she asked Christ to lead her life and confess her sins to Him.

    She initially struggled with finding the right approach to sharing her faith, going from lifestyle evangelism to door-to-door witnessing.

    After going on a mission trip to Uganda, she realized the importance of reaching her neighbors and people from other faiths and cultures in her own town.

    She is now intentional about building relationships with people from other cultures and sharing her faith with them.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Karen interviews Kimberly, a Christian woman who has been learning how to overcome the obstacles that hold her back from sharing her faith with people from other faiths and cultures. Kimberly shares her background growing up in a military family and the different approaches she has tried in sharing her faith. She talks about the catalyst for her desire to reach out to refugees and immigrants in her town and the obstacles she faced in the process. Kimberly emphasizes the importance of being intentional and weaving her faith into everyday conversations. She also discusses the need for community and support in this journey and the growth she has experienced in her own faith through sharing it with others.

    Key Takeaways:

    Being intentional is key to overcoming the obstacles of sharing faith with people from other faiths and cultures.

    Building relationships based on commonalities and weaving faith into everyday conversations can create opportunities to share the love of Christ.

    It is important to give oneself grace and not be discouraged by mistakes or regrets in sharing faith.

    Time and busyness can be major obstacles, but carving out intentional time and prioritizing relationships with people from other cultures is crucial.

    Sharing faith can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of God's grace and love.

    Notable Quotes:

    "Being able to weave my beliefs into my everyday conversations has been one of the biggest changes I've been able to make and has made it more natural for that to just be a topic of conversation." - Kimberly

    "I can't change what I haven't done, but I can change what I'm doing now. And I'm going to keep pressing forward and I'm going to make mistakes. And I'm going to replay conversations and think, okay, next time I'm going to say it this way, or I wish I would have been more clear, but I'm not going to use mistakes as an excuse to stop." - Kimberly


    The Blue Cord website: TheBlueCord.org

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Sharing Jesus Across Faiths and Cultures: Embracing the Great Commission
    Apr 4 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Becca is a passionate follower of Jesus who has a heart for sharing the love of Christ with people from different faiths and cultures. She grew up in a Christian home and accepted Jesus into her heart at a young age. However, it wasn't until college that she became aware of God's heart for the nations and the importance of sharing the hope of Jesus with people from all backgrounds. Through her involvement in campus ministry and building friendships with international students, Becca has seen firsthand the power of love and authentic relationships in drawing people to Jesus. She is committed to living a life of intentional witness and helping others do the same.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Karen interviews Becca about her journey of faith and her experiences in sharing Jesus with people of other faiths and cultures. Becca shares how her perspective shifted in college when she was exposed to the diversity of the world and saw the love of Christ in action through her campus ministry. She emphasizes the importance of building authentic relationships and showing love to others as a way to attract people to the Christian faith. Becca also discusses the role of community in supporting and encouraging her in her mission to share Jesus with others. She encourages listeners to take small steps and not overthink the process, but to simply show up and be true to their identity as disciples of Jesus.

    Key Takeaways:

    Love is a powerful tool in attracting people of other faiths to the Christian faith. When people see the love of Christ shining through believers, it piques their curiosity and makes them want to know more.

    Building authentic relationships and showing love to others in everyday life is a key way to share Jesus with people from different faiths and cultures. By being intentional and present in the lives of others, believers can create opportunities for spiritual conversations and share how Jesus has impacted their own lives.

    It's important not to overthink the process of sharing Jesus with others. Small steps and faithful presence can make a big difference. Each person's journey is unique, and it's important to trust that God is at work in the lives of those we interact with.

    Community plays a vital role in supporting and encouraging believers in their mission to share Jesus with others. Surrounding oneself with like-minded believers who are also living intentionally can provide camaraderie and inspiration.

    Sharing Jesus with others is not always easy, and there may be times when conversations don't lead to immediate conversions. It's important to trust in God's timing and continue to walk in obedience, knowing that He is at work in the lives of those we interact with.

    Notable Quotes:

    "People are drawn to Jesus because they see Jesus in you." - Becca

    "Living missionally in our everyday lives requires grand gestures." - Becca

    "Don't overthink it. It could look like just taking a moment to meet your neighbor or inviting someone into your home." - Becca

    "The way God has wired you is really good. So operate in that way." - Becca

    "It's not about having a big grand story of someone coming to know Jesus right off the bat. It looks like a lot of faithful presence and stepping into the moments when God opens the door." - Becca

    Más Menos
    28 m