
  • Law of Three, Jesus Christ Event, and the Logos' Path of Development (w/ Dr. Matt Segall, PhD)
    Jul 11 2024

    Doug Scott, LCSW, MA offers into a detailed presentation about his synthesis of various philosophical and mystical traditions, discussing the concept of cosmogenesis and the evolution of consciousness. He outlined how different forces interact to create new dimensions of being, referencing the Law of Three, Whitehead’s process thought, and other sources. Dr. Matt Segall, PhD, noted the resonance between Doug's ideas and those in other philosophical traditions, such as Steiner’s anthroposophy and Vedic traditions. He appreciated the depth and universality of the Trinitarian creative process Doug described. They discussed how these esoteric principles manifest at various scales, from the quantum level to the macrocosm of the Earth, and how tensions and conflicts drive evolutionary progress. As Doug elaborated on the Christ event and its cosmic significance, Matt reflected on the current global situation. He emphasized the heightened tension and fragmentation in human identity and how this mirrors the larger cosmic process. Matt expressed concern over the geopolitical conflicts and the way what were once "cultural runways" for spirit to incarnate have by now become "runaway cultures" that distract us from the task of individual transformation.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The SH!PS Approach, part 3: Deepening techniques
    Jun 20 2024

    Join us in this last part of three episodes as we delve deeper into the SH!PS Approach. Our host begins with a grounding meditation, inviting us to connect with the Earth's energy and our chakras, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the SHIPS model: Solidarity, Hope, Inspiring Service, and Trusting the Process.

    We revisit the concept of Solidarity, likening it to the ship itself – the essential vessel that enables connection and mutual support. The discussion moves into Hope, emphasizing its dual nature as both a feeling and a reality, and how it ties into the cosmic law of three, where every crisis holds the seeds of reconciliation and transformation.

    The episode features an engaging exercise where participants identify their core values by imagining what they hope to be remembered for at their funeral. This exercise helps bring subconscious values to the forefront, allowing for more intentional living. Listeners are invited to explore their values by reflecting on people they admire and the characteristics they embody.

    Trusting the Process is another key topic, where various models like "Order, Disorder, and Reorder" and "Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing" are discussed. The host emphasizes the importance of holy indifference – engaging in actions without attachment to outcomes, allowing for a more genuine and effective service to others.

    The episode concludes with a focus on Inspiring Service, encouraging listeners to commit to specific acts of service and follow through. This practice not only enriches the lives of others but also deepens one's own spiritual journey by embodying core values in everyday actions.

    Tune in for a transformative conversation that offers practical tools and profound insights to help you navigate your spiritual growth and personal development journey.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Unlocking the SH!PS Approach: Part 2
    Jun 17 2024

    In this enlightening episode, we dive deeper into the transformative power of a metamodern approach to caregiving Doug Scott, LCSW, calls the "SH!PS Approach," a method designed to foster solidarity and hope in our relationships and interactions. Our host, Doug, shares personal stories and insightful techniques that have proven effective in creating meaningful connections and healing old wounds.

    We explore the core components of the SHIPS approach, breaking down the significance of each letter and how they collectively guide us in entering the worldview of others. Doug emphasizes the importance of truly listening, holding space for others, and employing techniques that foster genuine empathy and understanding. Beginning with the "i" in "ship," Doug shares that the "i," or as he writes, it, "!" is the mast of ship, and stands for "Interview," or sharing of views (entering the view of the other). "S" in "SH!PS" stands for entering into "solidarity." "H" is cultivating "hope." "P" is for trusting "process," and the last letter, "s," stands for inspiring, encouraging, or modeling "service."

    The episode also delves into the concept of hope, offering a nuanced definition and practical ways to cultivate it. Using the Law of Three as a framework, Doug explains how affirming, denying, and reconciling forces interact to bring about transformation and new possibilities.

    Listeners will gain valuable insights into techniques such as reflective listening, expressing gratitude, and inquiring about core values, all aimed at strengthening our ability to connect with and support others. Whether you're seeking to improve your personal relationships or enhance your professional skills, this episode provides a robust toolkit for fostering deeper, more meaningful interactions.

    Join us for an inspiring journey into the heart of human connection, and learn how the SH!PS Approach can help you navigate the complexities of relationships with greater compassion and efficacy.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • (Part 2) Unveiling the Chakras: Balancing Your Energy Centers
    Jun 15 2024

    In this captivating episode, we continue our deep dive into the intricate world of energy centers, also known as chakras, following an enlightening discussion from last week. Our host leads us through an in-depth exploration of each chakra, from the foundational red ray (root chakra) to the transcendent violet ray (crown chakra), detailing their functions, common blockages, and how they influence our daily lives.

    Special attention is given to practical methods for balancing these energy centers, drawing on insights from Ra's teachings. We discuss the importance of meditation and the conscious balancing of emotions, using patience and impatience as a key example. Listeners are guided through a step-by-step process to identify and harmonize their own energy centers.

    We also delve into the concept of the "tone poem," a unique vibrational signature of each individual's energy configuration. Historical examples, including General Patton and famous composer Albert, illustrate how different energies manifest in various personalities. The episode wraps up with a group discussion, where participants share personal experiences and insights about their strongest and weakest chakras, providing a rich tapestry of perspectives on the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

    Join us for an enlightening session that promises to deepen your understanding of the chakras and offer practical tools to enhance your spiritual practice.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • A Dialog about the Energy Centers: A law of one material exploration
    May 28 2024

    Building 4th community member, Demarcus, leads an enlightening episode discussion we delve into the fascinating world of energy centers, or chakras, and explore how they influence our daily lives.

    We start with an overview of the seven energy centers, discussing their electromagnetic and metaphysical characteristics. Learn about how intelligent energy flows through our bodies from both the Earth and the Universe, and how each chakra vibrates with unique expressions.

    We then break down each chakra individually, from the foundational red ray associated with survival and security, to the powerful indigo ray linked to intelligent infinity and magical workings. Discover the common blockages and how they manifest in our physical and emotional well-being.

    The episode also covers practical techniques for balancing these energy centers, including meditation and the use of antithesis to harmonize conflicting energies. By the end, you'll have a deeper understanding of how to maintain a balanced and healthy energy system.

    This session is not just a presentation but also an engaging discussion, with participants sharing personal experiences and asking insightful questions. Whether you're new to the concept of chakras or looking to deepen your knowledge, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for everyone.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • The SH!PS Approach: a psychospiritual framework
    May 16 2024

    Entering the worldview of another is necessary for entering into solidarity, cultivating hope, trusting the process of development, and encouraging acts of service. The SH!P Approach to caregiving provides a simple, albeit not always easy, framework to help facilitate loving and effective accompaniment. Clinical social worker, Doug Scott, LCSW, synthesizes decades of spiritual seeking, pastoral praxis, counseling techniques, graduate education in theology, careful engagement with the Law of One material, and many hundreds of clients into a framework that can help inform loving service. Note: the SH!P Approach is for suggestions only, and is not a clinically researched protocol.

    images can be found here:





    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Understanding the Unmanifested Self (Law of One)
    May 1 2024

    Doug leads a discussion about the Law of One material's concept of the "unmanifested self."

    Here are images and the text: https://cosmicchrist.net/2024/04/30/audio-included-the-unmanifested-self-a-law-of-one-reflection/

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Disclosure Movement (of UFOs), Societal Structures, Minority Struggles and Human Dignity
    Apr 23 2024

    Doug Scott, LCSW, and Rudee Sade have a needed and provocative conversation regarding the disclosure movement (of UFO's, dark ops) and the reality of socio-economic inequality. Rudee Sade offers helpful links below.

    Teachers and speakers doing great work: www.twitter.com/kikplenty UFOlogy from the Black perspective https://youtu.be/akOe5-UsQ2o?si=DASk8Plt6GrFZadg Creator of Intersectional Theory Topics and historical events referenced: Cointel Pro https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO Tuskeegee Experiment https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study The intentional construction of the Christian Right: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koch_network Great book to learn more: Democracy in Chains Redlining https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redlining Great book to learn more: The Color of Law Kyriarchy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyriarchy# And, finally, for lawlz. Because lawlz are good for the soul https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvLSw6ws0Kw/

    Here is an informative summary, albeit overly enthusiastic, created by AI:

    Immerse yourself in groundbreaking discussions with this impressive podcast episode, where we courageously tackle bellicosity – societal enmity that fosters division, wars and numerous challenges. Our distinguished guest, Rudee Sade, paints a vivid picture of his life experiences, melding faith, love and societal norms, to provide an insightful perspective on the societal issues at hand.

    We delve into the concept of ‘kyriarchy,’ exploring the systems that govern our society and the impacts they make on our lives. Highlighting the importance of resources in present-day conversations and the steps necessary for a holistic transformation, this episode is an eye-opener into the realities of social stratification.

    Holding a magnifying glass to deep-rooted societal norms and injustices against marginalized groups, we dig deeper into the roots of societal hostility. Shining a spotlight on the overlooked side of privilege and the complexities of structural bias, we aim to bridge the gap between the privileged and the marginalized, fostering unity and harmony.

    Identity, social justice, and love form the crux of this engaging discussion, further exploring the nuances of systemic adversity. With comprehensive discussion on broader societal structures and a critical evaluation of our collective psyche, we aim to break down walls of discrimination and build bridges of understanding.

    Join us on this enlightening journey that embarks on thought-provoking discussions, sheds light on in-depth societal analyses, and prompts significant conversations about justice, truth, and ultimately, healing. Listen in to this enlightening episode, where we juxtapose privilege with adversity, surfacing the raw and intricate narratives of bellicosity and society’s most pressing challenges.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m