• 5-18: The Benefits of Mentorship and Experience
    Jul 30 2024

    In this episode, the hosts discuss the benefits of doing an internship before starting a business. They emphasize the value of mentorship, experience, and paying your dues.

    Jennifer shares her experience of having a mentor who helped her gain knowledge, confidence, and leadership skills. Jack highlights the importance of understanding the components of entrepreneurship and learning from existing businesses.

    They also discuss different ways to gain experience, such as volunteering, internships, and shadowing. The hosts emphasize the need to inquire and seek opportunities for learning and growth.

    Nugget Alerts

    • Doing an internship before starting a business can provide valuable mentorship, experience, and confidence.
    • Observing and learning from existing businesses can help develop business skills and knowledge.
    • Volunteering, internships, and shadowing are different ways to gain experience and learn about the business side of a field.
    • Inquiring and seeking opportunities for learning and growth is essential for personal and professional development.


    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

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    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    22 mins
  • Investing in People: Building a Strong Team for Success - Bonus Episode!
    Jul 27 2024

    Dempsey Weiss and Associates, one of our sponsors, celebrate 35 years in business. The key themes of the conversation include the importance of partnership, investing in people, challenges faced, building a strong team, making an impact in the community, and the value of communication and trust. The interviewees highlight the significance of succession planning and the excitement of seeing their children and younger employees continue the business. They also discuss the challenges of managing people and the importance of hiring the right talent. The conversation concludes with advice on effective communication and the need to hire more good people sooner.

    Nugget Alerts:

    • The power of a partnership lies in generating synergy and achieving bigger results together.
    • Investing in people and building a strong team is crucial for success.
    • Challenges are inevitable in business, but effective communication and trust can help overcome them.
    • Making a positive impact in the community is rewarding and adds value to the business.
    • Succession planning and hiring the right talent are key for long-term growth and sustainability.


    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

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    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    32 mins
  • The Importance of Being Respectful and Redirecting Conversations
    Jul 7 2024


    In this episode, Staci, Jennifer, and Jack discuss how to navigate differing views and opinions in the workplace during a presidential election season. They share their experiences and provide tools and tactics for handling these conversations. They emphasize the importance of being respectful, redirecting conversations back to the purpose of the meeting, and avoiding taking a public stance on political issues as a business. They also discuss the potential impact of expressing personal views on teammates and clients.


    • Be respectful and avoid sharing personal views in the workplace
    • Redirect conversations back to the purpose of the meeting
    • Consider the potential impact of expressing personal views on teammates and clients
    • Avoid taking a public stance on political issues as a business
    • Focus on serving clients and staying true to the mission of the business


    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

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    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    23 mins
  • 5-16: Success: More Than Just Money
    Jun 30 2024


    In this episode, the hosts discuss defining success and how it can vary for individuals and businesses. They share personal stories and examples of how success has evolved and emphasize the importance of finding purpose and making a positive impact. The conversation highlights the need to go beyond financial goals and consider the meaningful contributions a business can make to the community. The hosts encourage listeners to reflect on their definition of success and how their business can create a lasting impact.


    • Success can look and feel different for each individual and business.
    • Defining success goes beyond financial goals and includes making a positive impact.
    • Finding purpose and making a meaningful contribution can bring fulfillment.
    • Success is not solely determined by monetary achievements.


    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

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    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    30 mins
  • The Evolution of an Entrepreneurial Mindset 5.15
    Jun 15 2024

    The episode discusses the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset, the evolution of mindset over time, and the key elements of a strong business mindset. It covers topics such as leadership, decision-making, risk-taking, and the impact of experiences on mindset development.

    - The importance of developing and growing an entrepreneurial mindset
    - The impact of experiences and challenges on mindset development
    - The role of leadership and decision-making in shaping a strong business mindset
    - The significance of risk-taking and adaptability in business mindset development

    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

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    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    32 mins
  • 5-14: The Importance of Celebrating Milestones in Business
    May 30 2024


    In this episode, Jack and Jennifer discuss celebrating milestones in business. They reflect on their milestones, such as the 100th episode of their podcast, Jennifer's 8 years in business, and Dempsey Weiss's 35 years in business. They emphasize the significance of including clients and customers in the celebration, as it creates a sense of pride and loyalty. They also discuss ways to promote milestones, such as through email marketing, social media, and client events. Additionally, they highlight the importance of reflecting on past failures and using milestones as opportunities for growth and learning.


    • Celebrating milestones in business is important as it creates a sense of pride and loyalty among clients and customers.
    • Promoting milestones through various channels such as email marketing and social media can help generate enthusiasm and referrals.
    • Reflecting on past failures and using milestones as an opportunity for growth and learning is crucial for long-term success.
    • Embracing change and taking calculated risks are essential for business growth and staying relevant in a rapidly evolving market.


    Dempsey, Weiss & Associates
    Meeting the insurance and financial needs of business owners & individuals in NJ & PA since 1989.

    J. Faith Hair Studio
    Located in south NJ, J Faith Hair Studio is the place to go to become the best version of yourself.

    Flying High Agility & Dog Training
    Helping people & their pets since 2003. We come to you!

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

    Like and follow us on Facebook

    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    39 mins
  • The New Mindset on Hiring vs. Recruiting
    May 15 2024

    In this episode, Staci, Jennifer, and Jack discuss the difference between hiring and recruiting. They share their personal experiences and insights on how to approach the hiring process with a new mindset. Jennifer emphasizes the importance of building relationships and promoting the benefits of working with their businesses. Jack highlights the need to be selective and consider the type of business when hiring or recruiting. They also discuss the value of networking within their own spheres of influence and being open to referrals. Overall, they encourage business owners to be creative and adaptable in their hiring and recruiting strategies.

    - Hiring and recruiting are not the same, and it's important to understand the difference.
    - Building relationships and promoting the benefits of working with your business can attract the right candidates.
    - Networking within your own sphere of influence and being open to referrals can lead to successful hires.
    - Being selective and considering the type of business when hiring or recruiting is crucial.
    - Adapting and being creative in your hiring and recruiting strategies is essential in today's evolving business landscape.


    Dempsey, Weiss & Associates
    Meeting the insurance and financial needs of business owners & individuals in NJ & PA since 1989.

    J. Faith Hair Studio
    Located in south NJ, J Faith Hair Studio is the place to go to become the best version of yourself.

    Flying High Agility & Dog Training
    Helping people & their pets since 2003. We come to you!

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

    Like and follow us on Facebook

    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    38 mins
  • Revenue versus Profit: What's the Difference?
    Apr 30 2024

    In this episode, the hosts discuss the difference between generating revenue and generating revenue that produces a profit. They emphasize the importance of understanding pricing and value in relation to profit. They share examples of businesses that struggle to make a profit despite generating high revenue and offer advice on how to adapt and make changes to improve profitability. They also highlight the significance of focusing on the right clients and not trying to be everything to everyone.


    • Generating revenue does not necessarily mean generating profit.
    • Understanding pricing and value is crucial for profitability.
    • Adapting and making changes to improve profitability is necessary.
    • Focusing on the right clients and not trying to be everything to everyone is important.


    Email us at: TwoDaughtersAndTheirDad@gmail.com

    Please download our Best of Nuggets eBook here.

    Like and follow us on Facebook

    Jennifer Faith Dempsey has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. For the last 5m years, she has owned J. Faith Hair Studio. She brings her experience on how she balances entrepreneurship and motherhood. Check out Jen’s blog.

    Staci Joy Dempsey is an insurance agent, a mom, and a busy non-profit volunteer. She truly understands what it means to be an entrepreneur. Staci serves as the podcast's host.

    Jack Dempsey is the dad who heads up this busy family. He is a founding partner in Dempsey, Weiss & Associates, an Elmer, NJ-based insurance and investment firm that began more than 30 years ago.

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    25 mins