• Overcoming Brokenness Through Jesus
    Feb 20 2022
    Brokenness is something that everyone has in common. Every day, we're surrounded by brokenness: broken health, broken promises, broken hearts, broken peace. Jesus shows us a better way that leads from brokenness to fulfillment, and he proved it by the miracles He worked during His ministry--miracles that restored broken people. In this excerpt from our Sunday morning worship service on February 20th, 2022, Dr. Donnie Lovette preaches from Mark chapter 5, showing how Jesus' miracles touched the lives of broken people, and that He is still ready to help us with our brokenness today.
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  • Transforming Grace: Kingdom Connections
    Aug 14 2022
    Have you ever had a "random" encounter with someone? Of course you have! Especially in today's fast-paced world, we encounter new people everywhere we go, some for only a moment. Small things that seem random to us, though, might actually be part of a big plan with God. Today, Dr. Donnie Lovette brings us a message from Acts chapter 18, showing how God turned a seemingly-chance encounter into a "Kingdom Connection" that brought the gospel to people who needed to hear it.
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  • Transforming Grace: Word Power
    Aug 21 2022
    Words are powerful: they have the power to bring about good or evil, to heal or to kill, to lead people down the right path or the wrong path. The impact and effect of our words depend on the power behind them, leading us to ask ourselves: what motivates the things we say? The more we walk in step with the Spirit of God, the more we experience His power, and the more Jesus is exalted in our words and actions. Listen as Doctor Lovette preaches from Acts chapter 19 and shows how Paul’s words transformed lives—not because they were his words—but because they were empowered by God’s grace.
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  • Transforming Grace: Follow the Money
    Aug 28 2022
    Have you ever heard the expression, “Follow the Money?” What we mean by that expression is that most of the things that people do have an ulterior motive, one that usually involves money and the power that comes with it. As we continue our study of God’s grace at work through the Apostle Paul, Dr. Lovette explores the story of two men: Paul, who, through the grace of God, transformed lives for the good, and Demetrius, who used his skills and influence for selfish and ungodly purposes. As we explore God’s word, we should ask ourselves this question: which one of these men are we most like? Are our words and actions motivated by our selfishness, or by our love for God?
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  • Transforming Grace: It's All Part of the Job
    Sep 4 2022
    What would you do if you saw a sign that said “danger ahead”? Would you continue on your path, or turn around? Walking into danger is not an easy thing to do, but sometimes it is a necessary thing to do. If following Jesus was dangerous, would you still do it? Would you still be a witness for Jesus if it brought persecution? Would you work for Jesus if it meant facing ridicule or embarrassment? Join Doctor Lovette as he teaches from Acts chapter 20, showing us how the Apostle Paul was willing to give up his life to share the message of Christ’s kingdom with the world. Because of Paul’s devotion to his duty in the face of great danger, most of the world has heard the great news of God’s transforming grace through Jesus Christ.
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  • Transforming Grace: Good Intentions vs God's Intentions
    Sep 11 2022
    Has anyone ever offered you advice that sounded good but really wasn’t right for you? Even strong people of faith can make mistakes and allow their own reasoning or emotions to affect the advice they give to others. As he traveled towards Jerusalem near the end of his third missionary journey, the Apostle Paul received advice like this: advice which came from good intentions but didn’t match up with what he knew to be God’s purpose for him. Join us as Dr. Lovette preaches from Acts chapter 21, showing us that the real test of our faith and love for Jesus involves surrendering to His will in spite of what other people may say.
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  • Transforming Grace: Carrying the Cross
    Sep 18 2022
    How far are you willing to carry the cross? Jesus carried His cross all the way to the place where He suffered, bled and died so that the whole world of sinners would have the opportunity to be forgiven and enter His eternal kingdom. His is the only cross where God’s grace and eternal life can be found. How far would you be willing to carry that cross? Would you be willing to help someone come to the cross of Jesus? What if it meant persecution? Would you be willing to take the cross of Jesus to your friends, your family, your co-workers, your classmates, if it might mean ridicule or rejection? How far are you willing to carry His cross to your world? Join us as Doctor Lovette preaches from Acts chapter 21 and shows how the Apostle Paul’s willingness to suffer for Jesus is an example to us today of a life touched by the transforming grace of God—grace which empowers us to carry any burden for the sake of Jesus’ kingdom.
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  • Transforming Grace: Following God's Path
    Sep 25 2022
    Whose path are you following: yours, or God’s? God has a perfect plan for our lives and wants to lead us each and every step of the way. Though it may lead us into uncomfortable or dangerous situations, God’s path is the only one that leads to His kingdom and Heaven. If we stray from God’s path, all we will find are dead ends and disappointment. Join Dr. Lovette as he teaches from Acts chapter 23 and shows us how the Apostle Paul followed God’s path through dangerous situations. Paul’s experiences are an example to us today about how a life transformed by God’s grace can accomplish great things even in the midst of great danger.
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