• 136 | What to do with values
    Sep 25 2024

    What could you do with your list of values? Do what? That’s a valuable list that will motivate you and others, make decisions easier, help you navigate relationships and keep yourself pointed to the things that you actually want. Karen and Curtis talk about what to do with your values list and give some examples.

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    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

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    24 mins
  • 135 | Values Curious
    Sep 18 2024

    Curtis was working on a breakthrough session and was asked to define his values in the area of work/career. This process made for an interesting discussion. What are your values in the area of work/career? Getting a handle on your values and bringing them up into the conscious level is helpful in many ways, not the least of which is being better able to honor them or to solve situations where you can’t honor all of your values.

    Contact Info

    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/

    Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/

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    18 mins
  • 134 | Left Brain, Right Brain, Who Cares?
    Sep 11 2024

    Part II: We often let our left hemispheric brain doubt the transcendent. It simply lacks the tools. We continue our discussion of philosopher-neuroscientist -doctor-psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist and his research on the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. It turns out, how these hemispheres interact influences culture, religion, human society, work, and pretty much everything about how we experience the world. Join us as Karen gets her first set of questions answered–which, you know, always leads to more.

    Contact Info

    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/

    Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/


    Go to Amazon to get Iain McGilchrist’s The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World, published by Perspectiva Press.

    Here’s a fun interview of Iain by Monty Python’s Sir John Cleese

    Look also for Channel McGhilcrist: https://channelmcgilchrist.com/

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    27 mins
  • 133 | Left Brain, Right Brain, Who Cares?
    Sep 4 2024

    HI! It’s Curtis and Karen and we are super intrigued by philosopher-neuroscientist -doctor-psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist and his research on the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Sounds abstract, right? Well. . not entirely. It turns out, how these hemispheres interact influences culture, religion, human society, work, and pretty much everything about how we experience the world. Join us as Karen gets her first set of questions answered–which, you know, always leads to more.

    Contact Info

    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/

    Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/

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    27 mins
  • 132 | Obstacles in limiting beliefs
    Aug 28 2024

    Obstacles come in lots of different shapes and sizes. And flavors and colors and… you get the idea. Sometimes they are even stowaways in our minds. Limiting beliefs are like that. These are usually semi-conscious assumptions. Listen to yourself talk! There’s some language you use that might point the way to spotting your favorite limiting beliefs. It’s one thing to make reasonable and achievable, or even S T R E T C H goals, but it’s something else to have these limiting beliefs operate to define what it is you can or will do.

    Contact Info

    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/

    Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/

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    26 mins
  • 131 | I see your goals and raise you an obstacle
    Aug 21 2024

    We’ve been talking about goals this podcast season. Now what comes with every goal? Hmmm. Yes! Obstacles! Hooray for obstacles. These are the change-makers and change-markers for your goals. We are always so surprised when our plans run into an obstacle. Yet that’s what happens every time. Let’s talk about EMBRACING obstacles. Yep. Embrace the goal, embrace the obstacles.

    Contact Info

    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/

    Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/

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    26 mins
  • 130 | Mindsets that help you change
    Aug 14 2024

    What would you discover by modeling the behavior of people who are very successful in the same way that you want to be successful? You would find many philosophies, approaches, habits, opinions, and ways of being. Yet you would find some things that they all had in common. One key thing is that they all had great mindsets in the areas of life where they were successful. Today’s episode offers you a few key mindsets to cultivate for success.

    Contact Info

    Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150.

    Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/

    Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/

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    22 mins
  • 129 | Example Using the Four Requirements for Change
    Aug 7 2024
    This week Karen and Curtis discuss how the Four Requirements for Change might apply in real life. We mostly talk about how it applies to physical health because it’s full of concrete details that make it easy to see how they work. Please send us your comments, we are always interested to hear your thoughts! Contact Info Text us: The Catholic Midlife podcast: 612-208-9150. Email us: TheCatholicMidlife@gmail.com Facebook: The Catholic Midlife Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecatholicmidlife/ Website: https://thmlcoaching.com/the-catholic-midlife-podcast/ Transcript: Hello and welcome back to the Catholic Midlife Podcast with Curtis and Karen Hey everybody. We are here for episode number 129. This is going to be a great episode. And Karen, I wanted to tell you, I met this guy this morning. I was buying watches from him on Facebook marketplace, 40 watches for 40$ because we have a family member that likes to fix watches and I met him at a gas station. And so we were surreptitiously trading cash for this little box of goodies, and I've been watching Breaking Bad with one of our kids And I was kind of expecting Oh no! some character to pop out of the weeds and tell us something terrible. And arrest you. But it turned out we had a great conversation because he is a high school athletics coach a running coach I believe. Okay. And he's really fit and as part of my fitness journey when I see somebody who's really fit I like to ask him for tips just because it's encouraging and it's inspires me and boy, did he like to talk about tips? He had tips. I bet he did. had a lot to say and I think I mentioned he looked good. I could tell he was on the job and something he shared with me is that he never eats processed food for breakfast or lunch and then he goes home and he says I'm married so I eat whatever my wife prepares and he probably doesn't eat too much. He doesn't eat sugar except on special occasions and same for alcohol he says sugar and alcohol aren't intended for your body, there for special occasions. And as I was asking for tip, one thing really struck me. He said, we can all practice good nutrition. It's possible for all of us. And that was inspiring because Karen so often we think of some area of life, we think, ah, it's too hard. It's, it's out of reach. I can't do that, it's beyond me, but here's a man sharing a great tip in the physical arena that we really all can get behind. Sure. So he gave you some practical tips, but it sounds like he also inspired you to the possibilities around fitness and nutrition. Absolutely. That is a great introductory story, Curtis, for what we're going to do today because last week we talked about the four things that need to happen to create change. And after we did that episode, we thought, you know, I bet it would help people if we just took an area of life and broke down some examples around the four keys to change to help people really to have a sense of more practically what we're talking about. That's great, Karen. Let's stick mostly with the physical fitness, physical health arena because it's easy to understand. The applications are easy to understand. And frankly, because, well, Karen, for our audience, I think we all immediately appreciate that you can't pray your way to weight loss. It's true. Or there's no novena for weight loss. You have to, you have to figure it out, and you have to create all the habits. And this is an area where the over spiritualization It's really not a trap that we fall into. Right. We can all appreciate in this area the work that needs to happen. Exactly. And of course, like everything, it begins with the spiritual that guides us, yet there are many things that are needed. And that's why we're talking about the four predicates, the four things you gotta do for change. Okay, so let's look at the first one and see if we can apply it to physical health. The first key to change, if you remember, is you have to release your baggage. You have to release your negative emotions, your limiting beliefs, your inner conflicts, the things that are obstacles for you to moving forward with your goal. So what kinds of baggage might someone have around physical health? Well, this man I spoke to, he didn't say this, but I could imagine him saying at some point, Well, I don't control the food that's fixed in the house, and I don't feel comfortable Making other people eat what I eat because he said he specifically eats whatever is prepared. So he could have turned that into some kind of big baggage thing for him yet he found other areas of life where he did control exactly what he ate and he's able to make it work. Sure, so that could have been a belief that made him say, Oh, well, there isn't anything I can do in this area. Right. Okay. Yeah, I can imagine someone having baggage from previous say illnesses or diseases and like, let's say you had childhood illness and maybe you were in...
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    28 mins