• 3 Little Disciplines That Create Big Breakthroughs
    Sep 4 2024

    In this episode, Curt Tucker shares three simple daily habits that can lead to big breakthroughs in every area of your life. Drawing from his own experiences and those of the people he’s coached, Curt reveals how small, consistent actions can create massive change when you’re fully committed.

    "Commit not to quit. When you commit and you say that, I am all in, I have burned the boats. There is no retreat. I'm going to make this happen. You will always find a way to pull through and get it done." — Curt Tucker

    In this episode, you will:

    • Learn why committing not to quit is the key to overcoming challenges.
    • Discover the difference between being interested in your goals and being truly committed.
    • Understand the power of gratitude and how it can set the tone for your day.
    • Explore how 10 minutes of reading can inspire growth and positive change.
    • Find out how a quick daily workout can boost your energy and mindset.

    Listen in to discover how these three disciplines can transform your journey and set you on the path to living a Champion Life. Ready to elevate your daily routine? Tune in now!


    • The Champion Life Playbook: Your Game Plan to Creating a Life of Abundance, Freedom, and Victory In Your Faith, Fitness, Family, and Finances by Curt Tucker

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    15 mins
  • I'm Excited to Be Back, Life Update, and How to Regain Focus in Your Life!
    Aug 28 2024

    Are you feeling stuck or thinking you may have lost your way? Get your life back on track.

    Curt makes his long-awaited return after a busy few months filled with significant life changes. He recounts the joyful yet demanding experience of seeing his children graduate high school, their 2 oldest getting married, and the surprising decision of his daughter to move to Alabama. Additionally, he shares the bold move of selling his family's dream home in Ohio to embrace a more mobile lifestyle, making new investments in real estate and cryptocurrency.

    He introduces the "3 C's"—Clarity, Confidence, and Consistency—as fundamental principles for regaining focus in life. He explains how gaining clarity on one's goals can set a clear path ahead, how this clarity naturally builds confidence, and how consistent daily actions are crucial for achieving long-term success. Curt emphasizes that these principles are not just theories but practical steps that have proven effective in his own life.

    In an exciting announcement, Curt reveals the upcoming launch of the “Champion Builders Academy.” This new initiative aims to bring together a network of men committed to personal growth, offering group coaching, live events, and specialized training in areas like real estate and cryptocurrency.

    This episode stands as a testament to Curt's dedication to helping others live a life of abundance, freedom, and victory. Tune in to learn practical strategies for regaining focus and achieving your highest potential.

    "Without clarity, without knowing exactly what it is that you want in life, it's really hard to go fast." — Curt Tucker

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • The importance of designing a life that aligns with your true goals and passions
    • The 3 C’s that are core elements for achieving a champion life
    • The importance of a consistent morning routine
    • Why clarity builds confidence
    • The 12-week year approach and how it has been a game changer
    • Why helping others win as a pathway to personal success


    • The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian P. Moran
    • The Champion Life Playbook: Your Game Plan to Creating a Life of Abundance, Freedom, and Victory In Your Faith, Fitness, Family, and Finances by Curt Tucker

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    30 mins
  • A Man of Great Character & Integrity with Judge Chris Epley
    Mar 13 2024

    In this episode, Curt Tucker sits down with Judge Chris Epley, a man who truly embodies what it means to live a life of excellence, faith, and service. As a husband, father, and respected legal professional, Chris shares his journey from trial lawyer to appeals judge, revealing the guiding principles and daily disciplines that have shaped his success both in and out of the courtroom.

    Through authentic stories and real-life examples, Chris and Curt explore the transformative power of kindness, the importance of prioritizing emotional intelligence over IQ, and the art of balancing career ambitions with family commitments. Whether you're a legal professional, an aspiring leader, or simply someone seeking to live a more purposeful life, this episode offers practical wisdom and heartfelt inspiration that will leave you motivated to embrace challenges, serve others, and lead with compassion.

    Join Curt and Chris for a thought-provoking conversation that will challenge your assumptions, redefine your definition of success, and equip you with the tools to navigate life's ups and downs with grace, resilience, and unwavering faith. Tune in now and discover how to unlock your full potential as a champion in every area of your life.

    "Leadership is not a privilege to do less, but a responsibility or an obligation to do more." — Judge Chris Epley

    In this episode, you will:

    • Uncover the life-changing impact of prioritizing emotional intelligence over IQ
    • Find out the simple steps to integrate more kindness into your daily interactions, even if you're feeling drained
    • Discover how to excel as a leader in your career without compromising your faith or family
    • Learn the 3 words that guarantee a more fulfilling life (and no, they're not "I love you")
    • When you want to make a real difference, here's how to do it without burning yourself out


    • “Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” - Douglas Ivester
    • “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
    • "You Can Have Everything in Life You Want if You Will Just Help Enough Other People Get What They Want.” - Zig Ziglar
    • "If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe." - Abraham Lincoln
    • The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying about What People Think of You by Michael Gervais PhD
    • The Third Space: Using Life's Little Transitions to Find Balance and Happiness by Adam Fraser

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    48 mins
  • Our Full Marriage Story with Rachel Tucker
    Feb 28 2024

    Marriages aren’t picture-perfect. Even after 20 years, Curt and Rachel’s relationship still has its share of ups and downs like anyone else’s. But what makes their marriage extraordinary is an unyielding commitment to each other and God.

    In this week’s episode, the Tuckers courageously peel back the curtain to share their entire story transparently. They reflect on how they met in a bar, early relationship red flags like infidelity and anger issues, and pivotal moments that strengthened their bond or threatened it.

    Rachel shares how her newfound Christian faith sustained their marriage as Curt initially resisted change. And you’ll hear the turning point that finally shifted Curt’s heart toward God after a knockdown argument that almost ended it all.

    The Tuckers discuss openly how they overcame daunting odds, rebuilt trust after painful dishonesty, and learned to manage conflict on their journey to the thriving marriage they have today. Their imperfect faith journey reveals that with God's help, hard work, and support, even broken marriages can be redeemed and made extraordinary.

    If you need hope for your relationship or tools to take it from good to great, this episode will inspire and equip you. The Tuckers courageously lay their story bare so you can build an extraordinary marriage too. They provide real talk about real-life challenges and share hard-won lessons that can help any couple overcome obstacles.

    "Love is not a feeling. I hear I'm not loved anymore. What's love got to do with it? Love doesn't have anything to do with it. Love is an action. Love is commitment, and it's a covenant that we made." — Rachel Tucker

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • Before giving up on your marriage, ask yourself these 3 soul-searching questions
    • 5 simple steps to rebuild broken trust in a marriage – even after lies and unfaithfulness
    • The 2 words that can save a dying marriage (and no, they're not “I'm sorry”)
    • Proven 4-step formula to cultivate intimacy and friendship with your spouse
    • How surrendering control and pride transformed a toxic relationship into a loving partnership
    • A new way to handle marital conflicts without escalating fights or growing resentful


    • 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!”
    • Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
    • Proverbs 13:20: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
    • Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
    • “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” - Jacob M. Braude
    • The Looking-Glass Self: The process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them.

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    51 mins
  • Daily Disciplines Create Everyday Victory
    Feb 7 2024

    Unlock the secret to a triumphant life with another compelling episode of The Champion Life Podcast. In this episode, Curt delves into an essential question: "Where do you want to win most in your life?" Highlighting the parallels between personal success and championship teams, Curt emphasizes the importance of having a supportive network and the power of evaluation to ascend to new levels in life.

    This episode is a masterclass in personal evaluation, the impact of daily disciplines, and the transformative power of positive thinking. Join Curt as he guides you through identifying and implementing the daily practices that lead to everyday victories, ensuring you're positioned for success in all areas of your life.

    “The most successful people do the most important things, the daily disciplines that matter, every single day.” - Curt Tucker

    In This Episode:

    • Unlock the 'half-time' strategy and find out how assessing your strengths and weaknesses leads to unstoppable growth
    • Find out why identifying your wins is a crucial step to celebrating more and bigger victories
    • Curt introduces practical daily disciplines that promise to transform your life
    • Understand the distinction between confidence and arrogance, and how your thoughts influence your life’s direction
    • Discover how daily disciplines forge our destiny and how a single decision can catalyze profound transformation
    • ...and more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Get the Champion Life Playbook
    • Proverbs 18:21: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
    • Jeremiah 17:7: “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
    • Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

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    31 mins
  • The Top 3 Ways to Increase Your Self-Control, Self-Discipline, and Self Confidence
    Jan 24 2024

    Dive into a thought-provoking episode of The Champion Life Podcast, where Curt tackles a question that resonates with many: "What is the greatest thing that you desire most in your life?" This episode goes beyond the surface, challenging the notion that success is about having abundant resources, and instead focuses on the art of being resourceful.

    He introduces the concept of "the push," a crucial first step in his coaching method. This strategy lays the groundwork for achieving any goal, blending clarity with practical action. The episode then shifts to explore the interconnectedness of self-control, self-discipline, and self-confidence, with a special focus on why self-control is the cornerstone among these traits.

    “Courage is not going to come until you are fully committed.” - Curt Tucker

    In This Episode:

    • Curt talks about his initial strategy with clients for setting and achieving goals
    • Dive into why self-control is vital and its relationship with self-discipline and self-confidence
    • Hear the inspiring story behind the phrase "burn the boats" and its relevance to personal commitment
    • Unravel the origins of self-control and its dominant role in personal development
    • Strategies to overcome common hurdles in developing self-discipline and confidence
    • ...and more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Get the Champion Life Playbook
    • Philippians 4:13: I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
    • Mark 9:23 NKJV: Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
    • 2 Timothy 1:7: For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.

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    32 mins
  • 3 Ways to Create more Unity In Your Marriage with Rachel Tucker
    Jan 17 2024

    Rachel Tucker joins Curt in another enlightening episode to delve into the vital subject of unity in marriage. Together, they explore the transformative power of unity and confront the common challenges that can create division between partners. Rachel lends her insights to crucial aspects like self-denial, humility, and the significance of recognizing and respecting roles within a marital bond.

    The conversation also sheds light on the profound influence of leadership within marriage and offers practical strategies for couples navigating differing interests and aspirations. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools to enhance your marital journey. This episode promises to inform and transform how you view and nurture unity in your relationship. Your path to a more harmonious and fulfilling partnership awaits.

    “It takes vulnerability to build humility.” - Rachel Tucker

    In This Episode:

    • Understand why unity is a vital force in strengthening marital bonds
    • Recognize the role of self-denial and humility as foundational steps toward unity
    • Realize the effects of poor leadership and ways to improve as a marital leader
    • How couples can manage and remain ‘united’ when they want to pursue different activities
    • Tactics to battle lies and the importance of vulnerability in achieving humility
    • Insights into being the CEO of your life, family, and business
    • ...and more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Luke 9:23 - “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
    • The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success by Andy Andrews
    • What's So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey
    • Episode #26: The Power of Proximity with Tom Challan

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    41 mins
  • The Power of Proximity with Tom Challan
    Jan 10 2024

    In this episode, Curt is joined by Tom Challan; a dad, husband, influencer, and a successful businessman who shares his compelling story from being a worldly man to a man with a profound mission. He shares the pivotal moments that reshaped his understanding of what truly matters in life, offering insights that resonate deeply with anyone seeking a more meaningful existence.

    Tom's narrative extends beyond personal faith; it explores the crucial role of community, the importance of family values, and the nuances of navigating business with integrity. He emphasizes the concept of 'The Power of Proximity' in creating a supportive and growth-oriented environment.

    Join Tom Challan in this episode for a journey that goes beyond the conventional definitions of success, delving into the realms of personal faith, family, and the power of community.

    “When you're fully walking in your calling, when you're cringing and feeling uncomfortable, you'll grow a thousand times faster. ” - Tom Challan

    In This Episode:

    • Hear the shocking story of Tom's shift from a materialistic, 'get-rich' mindset to finding his path in faith
    • Learn why proximity and being part of a Christ-centered community is vital, especially for family men and dads
    • Discover Tom's secret to keeping his family tight and maintaining their top priorities
    • Tom discusses why genetics play a crucial role in health and the power of conscious breathing
    • Insights into battling against insecurity and the key figures you need on your side to win this battle
    • The significance of personal branding and the first steps to building a successful brand
    • ...and more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    • John Bevere
    • Iron Sharpens Iron
    • Shanda Sumpter
    • MTFHR Gene
    • Gary Brecka

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    39 mins