
  • Episode 121 Just the father talking again.
    Jul 17 2024

    Just talking about how these judges do not care about much of anything at all. Let alone your case. Even if your case is ruled incorrectly by them and gets turned over on appeal, the parent and their child feels that because the parent has to pay money to the attorney for everything. I remember the last attorney that I had took $4500.00 from me and the very next day their "legal assistant" contacted me and asked me for money also. The spelled my last name incorrectly too as she proceeded to ask me for money. I was pissed off at her. She said that I had agreed to it in my contract. I looked at the contract that I signed and sure enough she slid a fast one in on me, this is how lawyers are. So I just paid that lady after the lawyer threatened to file a motion to remove herself from the case. That would really have sucked because with lawyers, money is a 1 way thing, if she would have done that there would be no refund at all happening. The mother's attorney did that also, I was all happy because my "Child Support" was getting lowered from 798.22 per month to $300.00 per month I would have signed anything. I signed a contract that changed the spelling of my son's last name AND first name. I would have never agreed to that. But I signed it and it was notarized by my attorney so it happened, that was a lesson. Lawyers want to part you with your money no matter what.

    Just 4 more payments of $300.00 to go for a child that the ruling judge
    and the "Child Support" agency knows all about and still since I am an American
    citizen, they DO NOT CARE at all.

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Episode 120 Just the father talking again.
    Jul 10 2024

    Just talking about the very horrible things that happen to parents in family court.
    There are two events that life and society in America that are big mistakes, DO NOT MAKE THEM like I did, big life mistake number 1 to not ever do is get married. Have lifetime spouses have girlfriends or boyfriends forever DO NOT GET A "MARRIAGE LICENSE" in America it is most likely going to fail and depending on a lot of things you are going to end up paying a lot of money if you are lucky just once but if you have to pay alimony, it can be a forever thing just do not ever get married in America. The other Big life mistake is DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN IN AMERICA. I have a son and I live in America, and he lives in the Foreign country of Greece and because I live in America, I still am ordered to pay "Child Support" Each month, or they will suspend my DL and arrest me. They knew before allowing my child to move to Greece, they know about all of this, and they do not care at all. If you have children in America, these judges and child support will use them against you.

    Divorce Corp Full Movie free on YouTube

    James Sexton interview on the Diary of a CEO

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Episode 119 Just the father talking again.
    Jul 3 2024

    Just talking about how horrible the child support agency is and the family court system too! They know that they are horrible, and they do not care at all. Even when fathers find out late in the child's life that they are not really that child's father, the mother that has been collecting child support for that child's entire life gets in no trouble at all but can be sued in court though. That would just be more time and money for a mistake that was made by you when you were young and stupid. Your best bet would be to move on and just never make that mistake again. A male can be a father until he dies, so keep that in mind. If anyone in America engages in marriage, that is also a bad thing to do. These are things that I have learned in my life to be very bad. There are a lot of folx that will do these things anyway. Having children or getting married in America is just a horrible thing to do all the way around. I can't think of anything good that can come out of having an American marriage license or a child on U.S. soil.


    The "Child Support" Agency in America is really bad and countries all over the world copy what the united states does for the most part. There is not any reason on earth why anyone would have anything to do with the family court system, they are horrible, and they do not care at all.

    Divorce corp, this is definitely a must-watch for anyone that is married or is thinking about getting married or has children or wants to have them. Watch this documentary, it is free on youtube, it is definitely an eye-opener.

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Episode 118 Just the dad talking again
    Jun 26 2024

    Just the dad talking again about how the "Child Support" agency closed my petition to modify my current order, so I had to ask them a 3rd time to send the forms again. Because they can't do anything electronically except they transfer the mother's drug money to her electronically each month and they expect their money from the Federal Government each month, and they get their pay checks once each month electronically too. But I am a parent that pays ao they don't do anything electronically. Whatever

    I am active on YouTube under the username Rideshare Sean
    and also under the name the fasting person. Please Subscribe to those channels
    when you have the time.

    Thanks talk to you next week.


    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Episode 117 Just the dad talking again
    Jun 19 2024

    Just talking about how the "Child Support" agency is in reality a business, and they force American parents into a business relationship with them. There is nothing voluntary about the Child Support Agency. The only voluntary choice an American male has in the choice to father a child is if he incriminates a female, teach all your male children about this, it is extremely important. Once that happens in America, it is completely up to the female from that point on. The male has no lawful standing from then on. It is completely up to the female whether she wants to have the child or not have the child or take care of child support the correct way between the parents or through the government, the male has absolutely no control over any of that. Then when you get in front of a judge or a magistrate, they are going to have their way with you as an American parent. They do not care for the rest of the time that the child is under 18 you are going to be a slave to the "Child Support" agency and these judges know exactly what they are doing, and they DO NOT CARE.

    Judge and me, 2017 that petition was answered by me and it was on time too. The judge knew exactly what he was doing, and he did not care.

    Anyway, please subscribe to my YouTube channels so I can eat next month maybe lol.
    Rideshare Sean and the fasting person Also please select any video and comment on it.
    the fasting person has multiple pictures of me.

    These are the vitamins I take daily. I get them all from Amazon.com. I take them right after I take a ½ shot of apple cider vinegar, which I purchased a gallon of for a little over 6 dollars from Walmart in-store using my mother’s SNAP (food stamp card).
    Vitamins and exercise that I do every day. I take these vitamins and Olive Oil (Which is very Calorie Dense) every day and I still lose around 2 pounds each day except for Sundays are my “go crazy days” which I got from a Tim Ferris book that I read long ago, which was very good, called the “Four Hour Chef” https://amzn.to/4cnlteU
    500 Milligrams of vitamin C (since about 04/01/2020 (the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic) https://amzn.to/3xKytvS
    1 X Metacaps (Metamucil Fiber capsules) (since ~03-20-2021) https://amzn.

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Episode 116 Just the father talking again
    Jun 11 2024

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Episode 115 just the father talking again
    Jun 5 2024

    Just talking about getting your petition to modify child support down as soon as possible because the Court System in America moves very slow. If you start a petition right now then maybe by next year at this time a court will actually take a look at it. Meanwhile, if you are pay an American based Child Support order you will be forced to pay the unmodified amount until any action takes place to change the current support order so keep all receipts until that happens and make sure language is added into any request to the court requesting changes get made retroactively to the date that this petition was started. I started my petition to modify my current order down from $798.22 per month down to its current cost of $300.00 in 2015 and in the same month
    in 2016 I went to mediation and requested that all changes get made until the date that this petition was first started, which was in 2015 and that created a credit for me fom Child Support Enforcement,

    Here is the audio from the hearing on May 31st, 2017 when a Florida "Family" court
    judge knowingly allowed my child to move to the foreign County Of Greece
    all while knowingly forcing me to still pay $300.00 each month. So now that
    my son never contacts his father, the "knife in my back" is turned each month
    because if I do not pay that amount every month a warrant will be issued for my arrest.
    The judge knew that and did not care!

    Here is a link to where my son who never calls his father lives right now.
    Form ellenton to Greece. I am not sure why this link is not working..

    Here is a link to how the current child support system in America is right now
    this is not an exaggeration, but is very funny!

    Here is a link to lasta fast. I intermittently fast every day now and do a prolonged fast every February and August. Fasting is free and very good for you and provides the quickest weight loss too.

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Episode 114 Just the father talking again
    May 29 2024

    Just talking about how the "child support" agency hold parents resposible for the USPS not getting the mail to them on time. For example: In January the "Mystery payment that was due to "Child Support" on January 1 2024 was sent via USPS mail by me on the 20th of December 2023. Now when I was a child this postage cost .25 cents and took two days. Now it is .68 cents and takes 5 days. So I paid my .68 cents and sent it to the FL distro Unit on December 20th 2023 and there is a 31st in December so that is a total of 6 days to get to the distro unit. It didn't show up at the distro unit that is in the same state as me until January 9th 2024, The "child support" agency was going to suspend my license and arrest me over a problem created obviously by USPS. I have a record and it shows the date and time of day that it was sent. The 'child support" agency holds the parents accountable anyway. This also happened on Easter 2024.

    Here is the picture of me going below 200 pounds Sunday.

    I intermitently fast every day and I prolong water only fast every February and August since 2016.

    Every place exept here and on the Peleton I go by the name Rideshare Sean just FYI
    if you ever see that name anywhere it is me.

    Here are the vitamins and home gym equipment that I use all the time.

    All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.

    Más Menos
    28 m