
  • AI: Your New Best Friend
    Jul 15 2024

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    Register for 5 AI Secrets to Skyrocket Your Business Webinar:

    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, Shane and Kyle dive into practical strategies for implementing new business ideas, with a focus on leveraging AI tools. They discuss their experiences with Perplexity AI, stress the importance of daily practice, and challenge listeners to take decisive action in integrating AI into their workflows to stay ahead of the competition.

    01:00 - Starting Something New and Executing on Creativity

    03:49 - Laying Out the Idea and Seeking Feedback

    07:18 - Refining the Business Plan with AI Tools

    09:13 - Task Management and Breaking Down Ideas

    13:16 - Daily Practice and Habit Building

    21:29 - Join the AI Webinar and Get Coaching Support


    You should evaluate new ideas using a structured approach: Are you good at it? Will it make you money? Do you enjoy it? Is the anxiety level manageable?

    You need to identify your blind spots by asking yourself, "What don't I know that I don't know?" about a new venture.

    Use AI tools like Perplexity to help refine your business plans and identify potential challenges. Break down your goals into manageable daily tasks using project management tools like Trello or Asana.

    Remember that building a successful business often involves boring, repetitive tasks - it's the consistent execution that leads to exciting outcomes.


    "Your creativity isn't the problem. Your execution on your creativity is the problem."

    "If you're not willing to like jump out in front of the road and stop a moving car for your dream, it's probably something you shouldn't do."

    "What made them money was making the same shoe one million times."

    "Getting really successful at business is very boring."

    Show Links:
    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

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    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
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    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecollectivecoachingcommunity/

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    22 mins
  • The Ultimate Event Playbook
    Jul 15 2024

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    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, Shane teams up with special guest Jeramy Poole. Jeramy’s journey from mortgage lending to founding Poole Media is nothing short of inspiring. They dive into how he’s mastered the art of high-end real estate events and killer video marketing. If you’re looking to learn how to turn your job into a thriving career and make a real impact, this episode is for you.

    03:00 - Falling into Event Hosting

    07:45 - Creating Successful Events

    09:40 - The Power of Relationship Marketing

    12:31 - Profit from Proximity

    23:44 - The Importance of Pre-Event and Post-Event Marketing

    28:06 - Charging for Events and Building Value

    31:27 - Approaching Events with a Sense of Urgency and Willingness to Take Risks

    34:41 - Providing a Great Experience and Fostering High-Quality Relationships


    Start by visualizing a successful event and break down the planning process into detailed weekly tasks to ensure every aspect is well-prepared in advance.

    Creating a relentless and abundant marketing campaign is crucial. Use every event milestone to generate excitement and engagement.

    Bringing on high-profile sponsors adds credibility to your event, attracts more attendees, and expands your reach through the sponsors' networks.

    Building authentic relationships and being genuinely interested in attendees' needs and experiences turns them into long-term clients and advocates for your business.


    "People always want to have a good time. People always want to work hard and play hard. And if you give them that, if you give them a reason to get dressed up, if you give them a reason to be excited about something... you’re gonna get something for your business."

    "I even go to the venue before I even have it secured. I walk the property, I visualize the line outside."

    "If you try to fake being passionate about something, it never works. It never, ever, ever works."

    "Build momentum. So first and foremost, I'm thinking about hosting a party. Would you be interested? You'd be surprised how many people say yes."

    Show Links:
    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecollectivecoachingcommunity/

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    35 mins
  • Dominating the New Construction Market
    Jul 1 2024

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    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, Shane and Kyle are joined by special guest Michael Nasserfar, VP of the Texas Builder Division at Movement Mortgage. With over 22 years in the mortgage industry, Michael shares his journey into new construction lending and how he's thriving while others struggle. Tune in to hear Michael's insights on the importance of genuine passion, understanding builder needs, and the power of simple, consistent efforts in niche markets.

    01:00 – Michael Nasserfar’s Introduction

    03:52 – The Importance of Finding a Niche and Being Passionate

    09:02 – Understanding the Mindset of Builders in New Construction

    13:38 – Learning from Successful Individuals in Your Field

    21:24 – Michael's Insights and Strategies


    Passion for your work is crucial. If you're genuinely interested in what you do, it shows, and it makes your job easier and more enjoyable. This passion is also what helps you persevere through challenges.

    Success often comes from doing simple things repeatedly. You don’t need complicated strategies; just consistently meet the basic needs of your clients.

    It's essential to know the unique needs and challenges of builders. This includes understanding the importance of timely funding, project timelines, and the specifics of new construction. This knowledge allows you to provide better service and build stronger relationships.

    Finding mentors or successful professionals in your niche is invaluable. Learning from their experiences and mistakes can save you time and help you achieve success faster. Apprenticeships and coaching can provide practical insights and guidance.


    "If you try to fake being passionate about something, it never works. It never, ever, ever worked. Maybe short time, but the saying fake it till you make it in this sense just doesn't work."

    "A lot of it's very simple, but simple often times isn't what's exciting for people that are wired like we are. We get attracted to complexity and attracted to shiny."

    "Becoming excellent at understanding what builders need is when the magic happens."

    "It literally is simple repetition, never coming off or down off that wall. And just literally, I hate to use grinding it out, because I don't ever feel like I'm grinding. I just love what I do."

    Show Links:
    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecollectivecoachingcommunity/

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    24 mins
  • Identifying Your Niche
    Jun 11 2024

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    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, Shane and Kyle are breaking down the power of niche marketing and how it can skyrocket your business. They're sharing real stories of how niching down leads to massive success and dropping practical tips on identifying your niche by focusing on the problem, the person, and the place. Plus, they're diving into the perks of partnering with complementary trade groups and using social media to attract niche clients!

    03:25 - Niche or Niche Marketing?

    04:51 - The Importance of Niching Down

    08:11 - Identifying Your Niche: Problem, Person, and Place

    13:24 - Speaking the Language of Your Niche Audience

    21:29 - Using Facebook Groups, Google Search, and YouTube to Attract Niche Clients

    25:03 - Finding Existing Audiences and Addressing Their Needs

    26:02 - Leveraging Partnerships and Networks


    It's crucial to understand and speak the language of your niche audience to build trust and make them feel comfortable. Once you become an expert in a specific niche, you naturally attract a broader audience looking for that expertise.

    You can use Facebook groups and Google searches to find and engage with niche clients. Creating content that addresses their specific needs can help you stand out.

    Consistently marketing to your niche and maintaining a strong, relevant brand presence are key to growing your business. Successful niche marketing requires continuous learning and adaptation. Staying updated with trends and needs in your niche helps you remain relevant and effective.


    "It's not about saying no to a specific audience. It's about leaning in to a specific audience."

    "If you're selling washable hats, you should be damn sure wearing a hat every time you're marketing."

    "It's the person, it's the place, the problem. Pick one to start. What's a problem in my market that isn't addressed? What's a group of people in my market that are underserved?"

    "Once you're an expert of something, you're attractive to everything. We love knowing we have an expert that we have access to."

    Show Links:
    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecollectivecoachingcommunity/

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    29 mins
  • VA Home Loans: Myths and Truths
    Jun 4 2024

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    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, host Kyle Draper welcomes Jason Stier, a top VA loan originator and educator from Envoy Mortgage. They tackle why realtors and lenders see VA home loans so differently and why it's crucial to spread the word about this awesome benefit for veterans. Tune in for some eye-opening insights and real talk on how to better serve those who’ve served our country!

    00:00 - Dispelling Misconceptions: The VA Home Loan Debate

    06:21 - The Role of Industry Professionals in Advocacy

    10:39 - The Importance of Education and Action


    It's essential for you to educate both realtors and veterans about the benefits and process of VA home loans. The VA handbook is a valuable resource, and understanding its contents can help you better serve veterans.

    Advances in technology and streamlined processes have made VA home loans much more accessible and efficient than they were in the past.

    You can play a crucial role in advocating for and supporting VA home loans within the real estate and mortgage industries. Take the lead in educating and assisting veterans in utilizing this benefit.

    Working with VA home loans not only provides financial benefits but also offers emotional satisfaction by serving those who have served the country.


    "It's wild that 82% of the men and women who've served our country probably haven't taken advantage of it because they aren't aware of it."

    "I think that there's still a lot of misinformation because people, you know, back in the day, back, I mean, I've been in the business almost 21 years, back in the day, VA loans weren't popular. They were very, they were hard. Let's be honest. I mean, we didn't have the technology. We had the confusion, all those things."

    "It all starts with education. The VA handbook, the VA 26-7, which is a government document that lives on the VA website is there for free for everybody to look at."

    "We can use this platform to make a small dent in a big problem. And knowing that if we can get enough people on board to say, yes, we're going to take it from a problem to a solution and watch lives change across this country."

    Show Links:
    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecollectivecoachingcommunity/

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    18 mins
  • Empower Your Business with Virtual Assistants
    May 20 2024

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    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, hosts Shane and Kyle, joined by special guest Justin Brough, an originator and key figure at Cyberbacker, discuss the practical applications and benefits of utilizing virtual assistants in business operations. They share their personal experiences, insights, and tips for effectively leveraging VAs to enhance productivity and business operations.

    03:27 - Viewing VAs as Remote Staff

    08:06 - Scalability and the Evolution of Entrepreneurship

    09:01 - The Mindset Shift for Entrepreneurs

    11:27 - Struggles and Misconceptions about Hiring VAs

    21:50 - Cultural Differences and Bonuses for VAs

    24:08 - Upcoming Webinar on VAs


    Virtual assistants (VAs) should be considered an essential part of your business team. Treat them as remote staff members rather than just contract workers. This perspective fosters a stronger working relationship and increases their commitment to your business goals.

    As an entrepreneur, adapting to the evolving business environment is important. Leveraging remote staff, like VAs, can help you scale your business more efficiently. Embrace this shift to stay competitive and responsive to market demands.

    Effective delegation and project management are key skills for working with VAs. Learn to delegate tasks appropriately and manage projects systematically to maximize the productivity and effectiveness of your remote team.

    Offering bonuses and incentives, such as the 13th-month bonus, can greatly enhance the performance and loyalty of your VAs. Recognizing their hard work with additional compensation can lead to higher motivation and better results.


    "You can have the best virtual assistant in the world, but if you can't delegate, communicate, and help manage projects, it's not going to work well."

    "This should be the year that you finally step back from doing everything at a, at a poor level and step into just being really what you're good at because you are important."

    "One of the things that we pride ourselves on, at least here in Cyberbacker, is we find the best talent throughout the Philippines. In order to do that, we have to offer them great stuff."

    "The reality is, my importance has shifted. My time has shifted. My energy has shifted. My focus has shifted. And things that weren't required of me before are now required of me. A big piece of that being delegation, project management."

    Show Links:

    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/

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    25 mins
  • Attracting the Right Audience
    May 17 2024

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    In this episode of The Collective Podcast, Shane and Kyle, along with special guest Dan Smokoska, explore effective LinkedIn strategies for content creation and engagement. Dan shares his unique point system for meaningful online interactions and the importance of a well-crafted LinkedIn profile.

    03:25 - The Power of Engaging on LinkedIn

    06:47 - Intentional Design: Building an Audience

    10:09 - Providing Value and Building Trust

    13:58 - LinkedIn: Industry Conversations and Referrals

    23:13 - Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

    25:39 - The Rise of Video Content on LinkedIn

    28:01 - Authentic and Relevant Engagement


    LinkedIn excels as a platform for industry-specific discussions and high-level referrals. It’s an ideal space for connecting with peers, sharing knowledge, and building relationships that can lead to significant business opportunities.

    Engaging with your network on LinkedIn through likes, comments, and direct messages is more impactful than merely creating and posting content.

    Be deliberate in curating your LinkedIn connections. Focus on engaging with individuals and groups who align with your professional goals and can benefit from your expertise. This targeted approach ensures your efforts are directed toward those who matter most to your business.

    Treat your LinkedIn profile like a sales page. Ensure it clearly communicates who you are, what you do, and how you can help your audience. A professional photo, a compelling banner image, and a well-crafted summary can significantly enhance your profile’s appeal and effectiveness.


    "Are you providing value? And if you're doing that, it's going to help what you create to be seen by more and more and more people."

    "If I had to choose one or the other, create content or engage consistently on LinkedIn, I would go with engage all day long. You can blow up as a company or as a salesperson by just engaging with the right audience.”

    “When they click on your name, they land on your profile. And if your profile is not really intentional about who your audience is and what their pain points are and how you solve them... then they're not going to use you and they're going to jump off that page."

    Show Links:

    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/

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    30 mins
  • The Pilot Episode
    May 14 2024

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    In this first episode of The Collective Podcast, Shane, Sean, and Kyle get real about why it’s key to be yourself everywhere—yes, even on social media. They talk about using social platforms not just to share, but to build genuine business connections. Listen in as they share personal experiences and give some straightforward advice on keeping it real online and offline.

    00:01 - Introduction and Authenticity

    06:42 - Different Perspectives on Social Media

    13:57 - The Benefits of Leveraging Social Media

    27:17 - Closing Thoughts and Leveraging Social Media


    Incorporating personal interests and aspects of one's life into professional interactions can enrich one's professional persona and make interactions more engaging.

    Even if personally disliking social media, recognizing and utilizing its professional benefits can yield significant advantages in business contexts.

    Using personal anecdotes effectively during presentations or in content can create a more engaging and memorable experience for the audience.

    Transparency in how you communicate, particularly about dislikes or preferences, can foster a more honest and robust dialogue.


    " What's your primary use for social media? Are you just consuming? Are you engaging? Or are you posting things to just feel good? "

    " I'd rather just read a book than look at what I feel like are shallow representations of people's lives. "

    " What people have to understand is the outcome drives the motivation to be consistent, to do the actions. “

    " Social media may be therapy for some, a headache for others, but it's undeniably a powerful business tool. "

    Show Links:

    Community Platform: https://products.thecollectivecoaching.com/

    Social Media:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itsthecollectivecoaching/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCollectiveCoaching
    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/collectivecoaching/

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    31 mins