• Ep 22: How To Create A Blog Post Without Writing A Single Word
    Dec 6 2019
    For many blogging has become a wonderful outlet of creativity allowing them to flex those writing muscles. For others it’s probably the worst “fad” or “trend” to hit their world in recent years. Maybe even since the shell suit!

    Blogging doesn’t necessarily mean writing – it can incorporate everything from video blogs (vlogs) to audio blogs (podcasts). However, most people trying to get started begin with the writing.
    #TinaCalder #ContentQueen #ExcaliburPress
    Connect with me on social F: /TinaCalderJourno | T: @TinaCalder | Insta: @TinaBelfast | LI: /tinacalder
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    9 mins
  • Ep21: 23 Things You Can Do In Your Business To Win At Press & Publicity
    Mar 21 2019
    Producing engaging content which includes video, written word and imagery with storytelling as a key element is a vital component in all sales, marketing, publicity and communication strategies. It is essential your brand develops a clear, concise and cohesive voice to grab the attention of your target audience.
    If you want your brand to cut through the noise you need to get yourself into the spotlight and the easiest way to do this is to attract the right attention from the press. Media coverage is an important part of promoting your brand but you’re competing against thousands of other businesses who are also seeking their place in the press. If you want the spotlight to fall on you, your brand, or organisation then you must act to make yourself as visible and accessible as possible.
    #TinaCalder #ContentQueen #ExcaliburPress
    Connect with me on social F: /TinaCalderJourno | T: @TinaCalder | Insta: @TinaBelfast | LI: /tinacalder
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    18 mins
  • Ep20: Have You Heard Of Thought Leadership? Here’s What You Need To Know
    Mar 19 2019
    When it comes to Thought Leadership you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a relatively new term. It isn’t. Socrates, Einstein, Newton and a variety of other historic figures would have been considered thought leaders in their fields.
    In the last five years the term has gained a lot of popularity as the competition between brands and companies has grown and attracting the consumer has become increasingly difficult.
    So how can you tell if you are a thought leader or whether you could become one?
    #TinaCalder #ContentQueen #ExcaliburPress
    Connect with me on social F: /TinaCalderJourno | T: @TinaCalder | Insta: @TinaBelfast | LI: /tinacalder
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    10 mins
  • Ep19: Are You Reaping All The Benefits Of The Content You’re Creating? Probably Not!
    Feb 25 2019
    When it comes to creating content I’m forever battering on about the importance of developing content that is both evergreen and able to be repurposed.
    I strongly believe that you can’t ignore the SEO benefits of good quality long form text content on your website regardless of what consumer and audience trends there are across the digital space.
    It’s absolutely vital that, if you want to create a lasting online impression, you ensure your website content is a priority in any content, copywriting, publicity, PR or marketing strategy
    #TinaCalder #ContentQueen #ExcaliburPress
    Connect with me on social F: /TinaCalderJourno | T: @TinaCalder | Insta: @TinaBelfast | LI: /tinacalder
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    13 mins
  • Ep18: 9 Things To Consider When Writing A Brief For Your Content Creator Or Copywriter
    Feb 19 2019
    In order to communicate effectively to your content writer what you want here are a few top tips that will help your copywriter create exactly what you need in the most efficient time possible.
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    13 mins
  • Ep17: My Secret Content Creation Weapon: Google Alerts
    Feb 17 2019
    When I was at the height of my career as a showbiz reporter around 2008-2010 I had a secret weapon.

    That secret weapon was Google Alerts. At the time they were relatively under-utilised and in journalism I knew of no one else – other than my showbiz photographer and business partner who used them.
    I’ve used Google Alerts now for at least a decade but the way in which I use them has changed significantly.
    Here’s what I do to utilise Google Alerts:
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    9 mins
  • Ep16: 12 Steps To Set Up The Facebook Notes Function On Your Facebook Page
    Feb 15 2019
    When it comes to creating content Facebook has a wonderful function that many people know nothing about.

    The “Notes” tab on your Facebook page will allow you to publish longer form content in a manner that looks as it would on any blog.

    You can add a headline, photographs and make formatting decisions.

    Facebook Notes is a great function to get you started blogging whilst you set up a website or other such aspects. It’s also a good way to start those habits and refrain from the procrastination that can come with “setting up a blog”.

    Here are the 12 steps you need to take to set up Facebook Notes:
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    7 mins
  • Ep15: 10 Secrets Of Short Story Writing To Help You Craft The Perfect Tale
    Feb 13 2019
    IN recent years the revival of the short story has had many writers eagerly turning to their keyboards. But writing a short story is harder than it seems and can be a frustrating experience.
    While a short story seems to be the easy alternative of writing a novel, don’t be mistaken. Packing in all of the detail, characters and emotion into a few thousand word, or sometimes only a few hundred, is a challenge.
    But don’t let that put you off. More often than not getting it right is about getting a plan.
    Check out my tips to get you going...
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    9 mins