• LEO SEASON PART 1: Royal Reversals and A Meaningful Conversation with Possibility
    Jul 20 2024

    LEO SEASON PART 1: Royal Reversals and A Meaningful Conversation with Possibility

    You are getting your Leo season content in 2 parts this season. In this episode Cory delivers the August 2024 forecast and shares a treatise on Mercury retrograde which is prominent in the astrology of August. Yes, things are busting loose and feel out of control...because they are. Chaos is a natural phase in the process of change. Real change does not arrive in neatly manageable packages that make everyone comfortable. If that happens to occur, chances are that the only thing we’re changing is the packaging. Chaos aids in the pulling up of structures by their roots. There is not a polite way to do this. There is grace, however, in letting go of outworn structures, processes, and perspectives, and allowing for movement. When we don’t allow for movement and being in right relationship with each other and our environment on a regular basis we can experience change as cataclysmic. Life will clear the path for movement in a very forceful way if we can’t do it for ourselves. August’s astrology is definitely in conversation with July’s astrology, asking and answering, “what can be built with new tools and new designs?” and “WHY are we attatched to the things we can’t let go of?”

    Cory begins the episode with news about multiple offerings!

    Taking registrations now for: https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/getting-thru-it-together-series

    Transits covered:
    Mercury retrograde in Virgo-Leo
    Mercury’s cazimi
    Full moon Aquarius
    Mercury’s squares to Uranus
    Jupiter’s square to Saturn
    Sun and Venus’ ingress into Virgo
    Venus’ outer planet alignments in late August
    Venus’ ingress into Libra

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    42 mins
  • Cancer Season (embarking on Leo season): From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces
    Jun 17 2024

    Cancer Season (embarking on Leo season): From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces

    Today’s episode begins with an embodied conversation about the sign of Cancer with Marléne Ramirez-Cancio, artistic director of Brooklyn Arts Exchange, tarot practitioner, process doula, and arts educator and activist on many fronts. In the second segment of today’s show, Cory takes us through the major (and explosive) transits of Cancer season, as well as sharing a sneak-peek of the entire month of July. That segment starts around the 1hr/22min mark. There are two extraordinary full moons in Capricorn during Cancer season that pull in Neptune and Pisces so consistently that towards the end of the show Cory keeps referring to that second full moon in Capricorn as the full moon in Pisces. This gaffe is actually quite emblematic of the whole Saturn-Neptune situation! In Cory’s conversation with Marléne, they explore and expand on the more familiar archetypes of Cancer. They also talk about their personal experiences working in the arts as educators, collaborators, and facilitators.

    Other topics include:
    Matriarchal archetypes
    What does it mean to incubate
    How safety and care enable risk-taking
    What is a “process doula?”
    Inter/multigenerational sources that create identity
    Marginalized identities in art spaces
    Restoring, reclaiming, and developing Latinx culture
    Marléne’s tarot deck and practices
    Live analysis of Marléne’s Mercury in Cancer placement
    Cultural iconography
    Bodily intuition

    In the second part of the show Cory shares the transits of Cancer season. She asks us to think about how, in the name of the illusion of safety and protection, we create false others to protect ourselves from.

    Marlène Ramírez-Cancio is a Puerto Rican cultural producer, artist, and educator based in Brooklyn, New York. As Artistic Director of BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange, a multigenerational arts organization nurturing creative expression and artistic process, she creates spaces of inquiry and praxis for artist-led initiatives. Since 2008, she has directed EmergeNYC, an incubator and affinity network for socially engaged artists to develop their creative voice, explore the intersections of art and activism, and connect to a thriving community of BIPOC, migrant, and LGBTQIA+ practitioners.


    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    1 hr and 57 mins
  • Gemini Season (featuring Jupiter in Gemini)
    May 20 2024

    Gemini Season (featuring Jupiter in Gemini)
    Fragmentation, Synthesis, Narratives, and So Much Information.

    In this episode of The Cosmic Dispatch Cory Nakasue is joined by Camille Michelle Gray, Mandee Sheeler, and shea in the catskills to slice, dice, and reconfigure the many working parts of Gemini season.

    Topics discussed:
    The interplay of narrative, truth, fact, and information.
    Faith and the questions that upend it.
    Thought-energizers and thought-stoppers.
    Rehashing dominant narratives, confirmation bias, and propaganda.
    How conflicting elements depend upon each other.
    The radicalizing of Jupiter.
    Mercury as psychopomp, trickster, and interlocutor.
    Jupiter’s 1-year tenure in Gemini from the perspective of the tarot.
    Pedagogues and devil’s advocates...and so much more!

    Everyone in this discussion has Gemini placements, and they all describe the myriad ways they work with Gemini in their personal lives and in the work they do.

    Transits covered:
    Sun enters Gemini 5-20
    Full moon Sagittarius, Venus-Jupiter conjunction, and Venus enters Gemini 5-23
    Mercury enters Gemini 6-3
    **APOLOGIES: In the swirl of discussion, we skipped the new moon in Gemini on 6-6. It’s conjoined with Venus and Square Saturn

    BIO: Camille is an astrologer, musician, writer, civil servant from Washington, D.C. To her, Astrology is a marriage of the human condition with the cosmic condition. As above, so below. As below, so above. Over several years, she has seen hundreds of clients and has built a practice that celebrates that connection to the cosmos. Her consults are steeped in the soulful concepts & archetypal poetry of Evolutionary Astrology & are informed by the technical & traditional techniques of Hellenistic Astrology. www.camillemichellegray.com -https://www.instagram.com/millymichelle/

    BIO: shea (all pronouns) is a queer artist, tarotist, intuition facilitator, pleasure activist, organizer + contemplative. From 2010-2019, they lived in full-time residential training at a zen buddhist monastery, where they did a lot of meditation + liturgical training and experienced the joys + challenges of communal religious living. They are the author + illustrator of Tarot as Questions + offer 1:1 tarot consultations, workshops, online + in-person circles + study groups.

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    1 hr and 54 mins
  • Taurus Season 2024 featuring The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction
    Apr 19 2024

    Taurus Season 2024 featuring The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

    Breaking Free and Liberating Power

    In this episode of The Cosmic Dispatch Cory Nakasue and Nate Speare cover the major transits of Taurus season. They give special treatment to one of the biggest transits of 2024, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Disruptive change, rebellion, and power to masses are discussed at length, as well as experiential reflections on the sign of Taurus.

    In the second part of the show, Nate and Cory discuss Nate’s work with astro-erotics, a course informed by archetypal psychology, astrology, bodywork, psychomagic and theatre/performance art. He has an upcoming workshop! They weave in Taurus themes of sensation, pleasure, and embodied knowledge.

    In the third part of the show they are joined by Mandee Sheeler and the three of them discuss their Taurus placements and the experience of having Uranus and Jupiter transit them. As usual, Mandee shares Taurus-themed audience questions which produce some really deep meditations on astro consultations, Chiron, and the ego’s need to attach to “good” or “bad” outcomes.

    Transits covered include:

    The sun’s ingress into Taurus 4-19

    Jupiter-Uranus conjunction 4-20

    Multiple aspects to Pluto 4-21 through 5-17

    Full moon Scorpio 4-23

    Mercury’s station direct 4-25

    Taurus ingresses: Venus 4-29, Mercury 5-15

    Mars conjoins Neptune 4-29 and enters Aries 4-30

    New moon Taurus 5-7

    Uranus conjunctions: 5-13 sun and 5-18 Venus**

    **There is also a Jupiter cazimi that takes place on 5-18 as well, that we did not cover. Apologies. There is so much going on in the sky! But May 18th is a day to circle on the calendar. Astro nerds, check it out!

    Nate on IG: https://www.instagram.com/weird.astro.body/
    Nate’s website: https://mythopoeticastrology.com/
    Nate's Astro-Erotic's Quiz: https://w0e1gv8pcyi.typeform.com/to/KBp1dZQ0

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    2 hrs and 24 mins
  • Spring Eclipse Season 2024: Lunar Eclipse Libra and Solar Eclipse Aries
    Mar 24 2024

    In today’s episode Cory is joined by astrologer Camille Michelle Gray to tease out the many facets of this eclipse season, which happens to define this year’s Aries season. They discuss the relationship between the naked desire of Aries and the intellectual accoutrements of Libra, how we develop our sense of worth and agency, and all the ways we might manipulate the feedback we receive in our relationships.

    This eclipse season is heavily toned by planets in Pisces, and the eclipses themselves are ruled by Venus and Mars in Pisces. This adds an enormity of sensitivity, idealism, and confusion surrounding bold actions we may want to take at this time. As if that weren’t enough, Mercury retrogrades through Aries during this season, adding more heat, demands, and (seemingly) urgent communications. The asteroid Chiron in Aries is also deeply influential in this series and points to places that could use some healing, especially around topics of force, conflict, and basic existence.

    Towards the end of the show they answer some audience questions:
    -What is the role of fate/free will in astrology and during eclipse season?
    -How are the Aries-Libra eclipses different from the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses we just had?
    -What are some recommended practices for this eclipse season, including helpful media to consume?

    Transits covered include:
    Vernal equinox 3-19
    Mars enters Pisces 3-22
    Lunar eclipse Libra 3-25
    Mercury stations rx 4-1
    Venus enters Aries 4-5
    Total solar eclipse Aries (conjunct Chiron) 4-8
    Mars conjoins Saturn in Pisces 4-10
    Mercury cazimi 4-11

    Media mentioned:
    The Will to Change by bell hooks
    Poor Things by Yorgos Lanthimos (spoiler alert)

    CAMILLE MICHELLE GRAY: Camille is an astrologer, musician, writer, civil servant from Washington, D.C. To her, Astrology is a marriage of the human condition with the cosmic condition. As above, so below. As below, so above. Over several years, she has seen hundreds of clients and has built a practice that celebrates that connection to the cosmos. Her consults are steeped in the soulful concepts & archetypal poetry of Evolutionary Astrology & are informed by the technical & traditional techniques of Hellenistic Astrology.

    Camille on Instagram
    Camille on X
    Camille's Website

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    1 hr and 52 mins
  • Pisces Season 2024: Personalizing the Co-Presence of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces
    Feb 21 2024

    Pisces Season 2024: Personalizing the Co-Presence of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces

    Some alternative titles for this episode included: “The Wisdom in the Suck,” “You’re Over it Because it’s Over,” and “Reality and Illusion: Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together.” All joking aside, this Pisces season is a murky, heavy wall of fog, with the crackling energy of disruption trying to break through.

    Today, Cory is joined by astrologers Mandee Sheeler and Jillian Sweeney to talk about the ways that the big transits of the season might register in our personal lives. This episode is especially good for anyone with personal planets or angles in Pisces, people with strong Saturn-Neptune signatures, and people with strong Aquarius-Taurus signatures.

    Topics discussed:

    • Saturn/Neptune conjunctions to natal suns/moons in Pisces
    • The Saturn-Neptune story for the next two years
    • Transposing the traditional significations of Saturn and Neptune
    • Fact, Dis(Illusion), and Projection
    • Overwhelm, Malaise and Entropy
    • Emotional Engulfment and Self-Parenting
    • The Organic-Synthetic, the Human-Machine, and Sustainable Designs for the future/collective

    Transits covered:

    • Full moon Virgo 2/24
    • Mercury Cazimi triple conjunction w/ Saturn 2/28
    • Venus conjoins Mars Aquarius 2/22
    • Aquarius Venus square Taurus Jupiter 2/24
    • Aquarius Mars square Taurus Jupiter 2/27
    • Aquarius Venus square Taurus Uranus 3/3
    • Aquarius Mars square Taurus Uranus 3/9

    Cory Nakasue: on Instagram - www.astrologybycory.com
    Mandee Sheeler: on Instagram - www.mandeesheeler.com
    Jillian Sweeney: on Instagram - www.jillian-sweeney.com


    Tao: The Watercourse Way - Alan Watts

    Days of War, Nights of Love


    The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption - Liz Greene

    Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil - Liz Greene

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    1 hr and 46 mins
  • Aquarius Season 2024, featuring Pluto in Aquarius
    Jan 19 2024

    Aquarius Season 2024, featuring Pluto in Aquarius: Outsider Culture, The Interconnected/Fragmented Mind, Relationship Anarchy ...and more.

    Hey Everybody, I’m excited to share this incredibly Aquarian conversation I had with Anastasia Wasko earlier this month. I felt that I had to put SOMETHING together for this milestone Aquarius season, and I think we found ways in, out, around, and through all of the exciting transits of the next four weeks.

    We talked outsider culture, marginalization, decentralization, peer pressure, being the asshole in the room, dissenting, distance, objectivity, and how distance and objectivity can lead to greater care for ALL humans, an Aquarian take on mental health, parapsychology, psychosynthesis, neurodivergence, the interconnected mind, relationship anarchy, extended cognition, technology, media, Uranus, Saturn, and what happens when your license plate reads “UFO GIRL”

    Transit coverage includes:
    Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and their ingress into Aquarius 1/20
    Mercury-Pluto conjunction 2/5
    Mars-Pluto conjunction 2/14
    Venus-Pluto conjunction 2/17
    Full moon Leo (opposite Pluto, square Jupiter) 1/25
    New moon Aquarius (square Uranus) 2/9

    It’s an Aquarius season for the books! And speaking of books, Cory’s are open! She’s beginning booking for March. Please book through her website.

    This conversation is up on The Cosmic Dispatch YouTube channel and on all streaming platforms in podcast version.

    More about Anastasia:

    Anastasia Wasko is a writer, editor, and transpersonal guide from the New York/New Jersey area and currently living in northeastern Alabama. Her BA is in Transpersonal Psychology from Sofia University (former Institute of Transpersonal Psychology). She is currently exploring psychosynthesis in the masters program at The Institute of Psychosynthesis in London, England.

    Anastasia’s fiction and creative non-fiction writing have appeared in Space Cowboy’s Simultaneous Times podcast, Thrive Global, and in Journal of Exceptional Experiences. Her debut work of autofiction SevenThirteen was self-published in 2003. Her subsequent autofiction works Meta Work was released in 2021 and KiezKucker in 2024.

    Anastasia has spent several years working on Mindfield, the official publication of the Parapsychological Association. She wrote about parapsychology and psychosynthesis for Paranormal Ruptures: Critical Approaches to Exceptional Experiences (edited by Dr Jacob Glazier) and released by Beyond The Fray Publishing in 2023.

    She focuses on helping individuals explore their relationship with the world beyond the ego so they can be more present, joy-filled, and fulfilled in their human experience. She is an energy worker (flowing Centaur energy) and has consulted charts in the evolutionary astrology style for years. Anastasia has studied Ayurveda and yoga culture with Dr. Vasant Lad and other teachers across the globe.

    More about Anastasia, her services, and books: https://anastasiawasko.com/

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • The Eclipses of October: A review of the Libra Solar Eclipse and Taurus Lunar Eclipse Forecast
    Oct 26 2023

    This impromptu, casual discussion is an attempt to encapsulate the many features of the dramatic eclipses of October. No script, no notes, no plan. Just two people pulling at the many threads of the Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio axes. Cory and Mandee are officially taking a break from regularly scheduled programming but wanted to touch base regarding this month’s extraordinary astrology.
    Topics include:
    Solar eclipse Libra, October 14 (south node Libra, Mars in Libra, opposite north node Aries conjunct Eris, square stationaryPluto in Capricorn)
    The Aries-Libra axis and new series of eclipses
    Venus in Virgo ruling the eclipses of October after her transformative retrograde journey through Leo
    Lunar eclipse Taurus, October 28
    Mars and Mercury in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus October 28
    Review of the Taurus-Scorpio series of eclipses (2021-2023)

    The Cosmic Dispatch on Instagram

    Astrology By Cory
    @bodyintel on Instagram

    Mandee Sheeler - Astrologer
    @mandeesheeler on Instagram

    Monthly Horoscopes on Chronogram
    Monthly Moon Report on The St. Louisan

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Moon Report | Instagram

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    1 hr and 17 mins