• The David Spoon Experience 6-7-24 part 2
    Jun 7 2024

    1) It's Friday, time for our DDDDD's. We begin with a classic from Exodus. As we observe the world around us, we call upon the Lord, hoping for a swift response. However, His definition of 'quick' and 'swift' may differ from ours. Yet, we must remember the Biblical truth: God hears us. Even if we perceive His response as slow, He hears us and provides a SPECIFIC ANSWER that address every problem.

    2) The next DDDDD is challenging as it involves self-reflection. It's not about self-aggrandizement, but a simple and honest inventory of our current state. When Jethro met Moses, Moses shared ongoing events. Discussing miracles and God's works is always engaging. Jethro had already heard about some of these. However, these two men posed a very personal question to each other, providing a valuable lesson.

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-7-24 part 1
    Jun 7 2024

    A) An interesting turn occurs in this epistle when Job is referenced. Job’s perseverance, viewed through the lens of the New Testament reflecting on the Old Testament, is noteworthy. From Chapter 3 to Chapter 31, Job’s attitude was to stand before God and have his moment. He didn’t quit; he challenged. Although he was out of his league, he was at least pursuing God.

    B) The story concludes by revealing the Lord’s outcome. After all that Job endured, we learn that the Lord is full of compassion and mercy. We often don’t see this at the beginning of our trials, but it always becomes evident when God has finished His work. When God reveals His plan, we always acknowledge Him as the victor.

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    30 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-6-24 part 2
    Jun 6 2024

    1) As we delve deeper into the Book of Acts, we find ourselves at chapter 26, verse 15, where Paul reviews his testimony about his encounter with Jesus. It's important to understand that scripture is a record of humanity's encounters with God. I've shared my own testimony over 100 times, and each time, the emphasis varies based on the context. This is similar to how Paul shares his testimony. Those who perceive contradictions are often not truly listening to what God is saying.

    2) A pivotal moment occurs when Paul asks, "Who are you, sir?" This is often interpreted as "Who are you, Lord?" The term "Lord" was used in the same context as "sir" in those times. It's merely a matter of semantics varying across generations and timeframes. Nonetheless, Paul asked the question, and the answer undoubtedly surprised him: "Hey, Paul, I am Jesus. What do you have to say now?"

    3) Dave goes in-depth on how Jesus told Saul, "You are persecuting Me!" while Saul was persecuting the church. Jesus identifies with every ounce of pain we encounter. 4) Then Roslyn calls in, needing this very lesson to help her and Robert through their never-ending legal battles. Dave shares with her some definitive truths and prays for her.

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-6-24 part 1
    Jun 6 2024

    A) The purpose of these references is to underscore that the Lord God is coming to pass judgment, and He will execute that judgment on everyone. There are two major points to note: firstly, the Lord is coming, and He is on His way, regardless of whether you believe He is or not. He will come collectively, but before that, He will come for individuals. Secondly, when He comes, there will be a significant amount of judgment. Everyone, to some extent, will stand before the Lord and be held accountable.

    B) There is a difference between judgment for all, BUT conviction for the ungodly.

    C) Also worth noting is the reality that God will judge everyone who has spoken harshly against Him. Those who speak about God in a dismissive manner will discover that their words will come back to haunt them. There are no atheists in foxholes, and there will be no atheists when someone stands before God either.

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    29 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-5-24 part 2
    Jun 5 2024

    1) Christianity is replete with profound principles and transformative encounters. We are truly blessed and should acknowledge that many events in our lives are designed to foster a partnership with God. This partnership is evident in how God conveyed the Bible through humans, how He communicates His message to people, and how we live our daily lives in alignment with His desires for our well-being.

    2) The challenge arises when this partnership experiences strain. If you've ever had a relationship as a spouse, friend, sibling, parent, or child, or if you've been part of a sports team, club, or choir, you know that teamwork sometimes reveals cracks. Not everything is as perfect as we would like it to be.

    3) When such issues occur, we often resort to complaining, especially in our partnership with God. We tend to forget that He is not the one causing the problem or the problem itself. The issue lies with us, often because we are dissatisfied with what we perceive through our senses.

    4) For many of us, the greatest revelation is that God sometimes allows chaos in the partnership, leaving us with nothing to do but marvel and wonder. We have responsibilities within this framework, which we will discuss. However, we must remember that God occasionally allows situations to escalate simply to reveal His influence in the process. The crucial question is how we will respond. Will we behave like petulant children or demonstrate our faith in God's steadfastness? Our answer to this question significantly influences our journey as Christians.

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-5-24 part 1
    Jun 5 2024

    A) In Psalm 51:11, David pleads, “Do not cast me away from your presence.” This thought is profoundly dramatic. To be cast away from God’s presence equates to being in hell, denied the privilege of being in the presence of our Creator. This is indeed a form of destruction. It’s not merely a theological declaration but a passionate desire of David’s to never be separated from God.

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    29 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-4-24 part 2
    Jun 4 2024

    1) At the core of Romans 4:18 is Abraham's response to God's promise that he would become the father of many nations. Abraham believed God, and this response is how we need to engage with God on a daily basis. When God communicates something to us through His word, we need to believe Him.

    2) The next portion of the verse is mind-blowing. We are encouraged to believe whatever God says to us, whether through His word, our lives, or through Jesus, even if it seems utterly impossible. The point is, when God does something, it's undeniable. The reason it's undeniable is because it couldn't happen—it's impossible—but God makes it possible.

    3) In Romans 4:19, it says that Abraham believed God, even though he knew it was impossible because he was too old to have children. From a logical, practical, scientific, and academic point of view, it was impossible. But nothing is impossible with God, and Abraham knew that if it was going to happen, it would have to be a miracle.

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-4-24 part 1
    Jun 4 2024

    A) In Matthew 18:1, Jesus clarifies to His disciples that the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is likely not one of them. The disciples audaciously ask, “Which of us is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” This question is astonishing, as they seem to believe that one of the twelve could be on par with figures such as Moses or Abraham. But past that, the idea that they want to be number one amongst each other is already a failure. Jesus is the only Number One.

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    29 mins