• S1E10 - The Magic of Community
    Aug 26 2022

    In the final episode of the first episode we are rounding up the summer, talking about our success journey with The Online Wellness Festival. However, we start off the conversation with aligning our energies with Abraham Hicks - Today was a good day.

    Furthermore we talk about our experience with following the astrological seasons and Nadia shares a few Human Design Insights. In previous episodes she had some HD questions that finally as become answered. The wisdom came through these to amazing women (instagram links) tess.waltenburg thehollymaree

    and Lili brings those HD insights to a message that is for everyone. Use your voice to put words in to your wishes so that Universe can help you even more to give you what you wish for.

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    44 mins
  • S1E9 - Magical Mix - wisdom from horses and much more
    Jun 14 2022

    Wow, this is a magical mix of a conversation. In the beginning Lili and Nadia talks about issues they have regarding different parts of spiritual development. The conversation continues in to the art of breathing and lessons that Nadia learned from the horses. Lili brings in Matias in Gustavo de Stefano in to the mix. Nadia does her best to paraphrase how he talks about dimensions. Not sure how well she does it, therefore, if you want to listen to him talking about it himself,

    listen to the episode here

    How do you balance ignoring the messages that doesn't feel aligned with yourself and at the same time taking responsibility for your triggers? Not an easy dance to dance, Nadia and Lili talks about that as well. Yes this episode is a handfull.

    aaaand drumroll The Divine Dive team has a new favorite way to work with manifestations which they share together with a reminder to dream bigger, and stepping out of the box you are in.

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    55 mins
  • S1E8 - Manifestation blocks
    Jun 5 2022

    In this episode Lili and Nadia shares their perspective on common patterns and blocks that delays the delivery of their dreams. As usual there are a bunch of personal examples combined with the general conversations.

    They talk about the energy of waiting, not asking for help, worthiness, scarcity and much more.

    Are you aware of any patterns that you want to let go off at the moment? Connect with Nadia and Lili at TheDivineDive on all social media platforms.

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    48 mins
  • S1E7 - Manifestation
    Jun 2 2022

    Life is manifesting itself all the time. Everything we experience is a reflection of the complex inner world (a combination of childhood wounds, past life, generation heritage, society and religions norms and current traumas). A lot to digest and navigate through.

    But don't let that stop us from trying to figure it out and finetuning ourselves as we go.

    In this episode we do our best to map out a bunch of essential steps that we practice in our deliberate manifestation of life. Nadia also shares one of her worst intentions ever set in terms of her dating life ;) Let's mix the spiritual talk with some classic girl talk.

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    49 mins
  • S1E6 - Money - an energy healing exercise with Nadia
    May 29 2022
    Money - an energy healing exercise with Nadia

    Nadia loves to work on money patterns. In this exercise you get to become real with how you feel about money in your everyday life with the purpose of releasing stress and inviting love.

    What would it take for you to love money in all aspect of your life? It's time to open your heart chakra.

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    27 mins
  • S1E5 - Lili's Pyramid of Healing & Nadias connection to Sleep and Money
    May 20 2022
    Lili's Pyramid of Healing & Nadias connection to Sleep and Money

    In this episode Lili begins with sharing her own understanding of caring for the body, mind and soul. Her sharing reminds Nadia about an exercise she did in the past, which might look like the behavior of a crazy person – but actually, as it turns out, the process she is sharing is highly effective.   The conversations continue to a topic that combines sleeping, money and manifestation from a place from choice. What is the danger if we accept a limit or listen to a guidance without checking in with your heart desire and intuition? Extending the conversation to human design and weekly.   This episodes mantra is “It’s either this or something better” and “It is so good it HAS to be true”.

    Connect with us @TheDivineDive on all platforms

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    45 mins
  • S1E4 - The Big Dream Episode
    May 20 2022
    The Big Dream Episode

    In this episode Lili shares her curiosity and practice with Lucid Dreaming. She gives a very hands on exercise you yourself can practice which probably will increase your awareness in all areas of your life. Nadia shares her experiences with Lucid Dreaming - realizing, thanks to google, that it most likely was something close to Astral Projection.

    The conversation moves on to another perspective about dreams. Such as, how dreams can reflect our everyday life and also how dreams can help us process unhealed wounds. Last time Venus went into retrograde Nadias dreams pulled her in to old wounds of heartbreak, only to help her transform and heal her energy preparing her for a completely new experience of love. Tune in to this episode to hear more about it ;)

    Connect with us on all social media platforms @TheDivineDive and let us know how you receive your dreams...

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    34 mins
  • S1E3 - Evening Meditation with Lili
    May 20 2022
    Evening Meditation with Lili

    Soften together with Lili in this beautiful guided evening meditation. Allow yourself you truly receive her loving, feminine energy and safe voice.

    Connect with her @TheDivineDive on all platforms

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    7 mins