• Mental Models To Think Like A Genius
    Sep 12 2023

    People often get stuck at the same level because they keep making the same mistakes.

    Why does this happen?

    Because they use the same thinking that got them into the situation in the first place.

    Albert Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

    That's why it's essential to learn different mental models to harness your problem solving-abilities that most ordinary people don’t know about.

    In this episode, you’ll discover 9 mental models to help you think like a genius, solve problems quickly, and make decisions 99% faster….

    Show Highlights Include:

    • How to double your employee’s productivity overnight by turning lights on & off (3:48)
    • Why demoting your employee will make them happier & more productive (8:18)
    • The “Sunk Cost Fallacy” that keeps people investing their time & money on things that’ll never pay off (11:10)
    • How making more actually imprisons you instead of making you financially free (13:52)
    • The “3-second rule” to instantly make 99% of your decisions (11:12)
    • Why most experts" are dead-wrong when they talk about the 80/20 rule (18:46)
    • The Parthenon Method for building an indestructible business (26:18)
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    47 mins
  • Mental Models To Think Like A Genius [Preview]
    2 mins
  • The Power Of The Right Beliefs
    Sep 5 2023

    Everything that happens in your life is connected to what you believe.

    The way you think, how you see the world, what you believe is possible…

    It might surprise you, but beliefs are a powerful force that influences everything you do.

    That's why if you’re not getting the results you want from your life, it’s time to take a look at what you believe to be true. 

    Are your beliefs holding you back from your destiny?

    Join us in this episode to find out how to harness your beliefs to transform your life, your relationships, and your business so that you get the results you deserve in every area of your life…

    Listen now!

    Inside this episode:

    • How to destroy toxic habits within minutes using the “Belief Behavior” framework (6:43)
    • Why Goal setting can be harmful to you (especially if you’re older) (13:13)
    • How to reprogram your subconscious mind for limitless success using “The Moving Priority” method (21:14)
    • How to eliminate limiting beliefs and unlock core confidence using the "A-T" Belief Shifter (35:39)
    • The brutal truth about following your passion (40:13)
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    53 mins
  • The Power Of The Right Beliefs [Preview]
    2 mins
  • Real Happiness, Cutting Out Toxic Relationships & Finding Life-long Friends
    Aug 29 2023

    We spend our lives chasing after happiness, which seems sensible, but it's a harmful habit that leads to unhappiness and misery.


    Because it's a paradox. The fact is, if you're chasing something, it means you don't have it in the first place.

    This applies to relationships, experiences, and friendships too.

    Join us in this episode as we unveil the secret to effortlessly cultivate positive relationships for long-lasting happiness. 

    In this show:

    • Why chasing happiness is causing you misery (and how you can fix it) (4:05)
    • Try this weird “10-second gratitude” hack to unlock endless motivation & happiness (20:22)
    • The “Quality Person” framework to finding great friends that elevate you in every area of your life (35:15)


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    58 mins
  • Real Happiness, Cutting Out Toxic Relationships & Finding Life-long Friends [Preview]
    1 min
  • Using Leverage To Get The Lifestyle You Want
    Aug 22 2023

    There is one crucial factor that 99% of people miss when building their dream lifestyle…

    Not only does this cost you a lot of heart-ache & money, but it also causes endless headaches and pain.

    What’s this crucial factor? 

    It’s something you’ve used  countless times in business, but you probably never thought about using it outside of business. 

    I’m talking about leverage…

    Take a ride with us today as we share the secret ways of leveraging status, experiences & personal character, to get whatever you want from everyone  around you with ease.

    Here’s a taste!

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The real reason why 9 out of 10 people stay stuck at the same level in life forever (and how you can avoid becoming one) (7:09)
    • 3 important “business moves”  that will put you ahead of 98% of your competitors (10:58)
    • The four ways to change your life drastically regardless of what situation you are facing (Note: Doing this’ll help you get out of a rut in any area ASAP) (14:48)
    • How to cure unhappiness, anxiety, and depression with one critical factor (39:32)
    • How to eliminate your crippling self-doubt and replace it with a deep sense of self-confidence in 2 simple steps (44:44)
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    58 mins
  • Using Leverage To Get The Lifestyle You Want [Preview]
    1 min