• The Dream Company Epospde 44
    Sep 14 2024

    This episode was recorded February 3, 2023. Nithish begins with a dream where he meets himself 20 years in the future, and he's able to talk to his future self and change our destiny by going back in the recent past to avoid disaster and to change my personal destiny by going into the future and preventing my death by motorcycle accident. His future self then tells him time-related things about Supermind, which Nithish will experience as an adult he's told. Nithish and I give different interpretations for his dream, and I believe we are both right. You may want to shoot me when I give my interpretation of his dream.

    Mithun relates a dream where he's Spiderman in a large city, and he's trying to prevent an auto-taxi from crashing. He does many heroic deeds for the city, and they honor him by all the citizens standing in the street and holding in their hands large flames. My interpretation of his dream is simply wrong, but Mithun is able to show what the dream relates to in his present life.

    Douglas has a dream where he's watching as an observer, and Skeletor has taken over the world, but only the ground part of it, as He-Man is in his sky castle not too bothered by what's going on down below, and he's able to interpret the dream in relation to an upsurge in anxiety he had during the day that affected his body and his emotions, but not his mental self. He discusses how dreams use characters from contemporary media, especially heroes, as a mythos our dream maker draws from to give us symbols and meaning in dreams.

    Finally I share a dream where a giant starfish has taken control of a large city but is not killing people, only taking over people's mind, not everyone, just people the monster is selecting, but everyone in the city if affected and in danger of being taken over and controlled. As I watch Nithish get ready to battle the thing, he just about to get caught in its tractor beam, I become lucid and just drop the dream scenario and began calling Lisa Rottweiler so to rescue her on the other side. It takes three successive lucid dreams before she comes, and it's at a bus stop where the four of us, The Dream Company, are gathered together. We really pet our dog.

    We wrap up the episode with a discussion of how being lucid in a dream depends a lot on how much life force you have, Douglas saying that's the reason many times you just wake up in bed without any warning.

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    42 mins
  • The Dream Company Epospde 43
    Sep 8 2024

    This episode was recorded on January 25, 2023. Nithish begins with a Santa Clause dream, him being given a gift and Santa's powers and Santa giving me a gift. At the time he had his dream, I had two dreams that relate Nithish's dream in different symbols, that of Santa giving me a gift. His dream and mine happened some weeks before the actual events took place in waking life, one scene in a dream of mine almost identical to a scene that actually occurs in outer life. They are clear examples of the future foretold in dream, and we discuss how dream does that. I need to say here what I don't mention in the episode, which is that the gift Santa gives Nithish is also the one I'm given, since he also went through a major life change in moving in with us full time when we moved here to the lake.

    I relate a lucid ream that shows the divine inner symbols of trying to save a dog I found lying and dying on the side of the road soon after moving into our new location, a dream that I had the night after the incident, and you will see the divine mother concerned with that dog, and it's not its life the Mother is saving but its dying, so that becomes a victory for the dog and not the horrible ordeal it appears to be for the dog in outer reality.

    Douglas relates dreams of a sexual nature that have no obvious correlation to waking life--he's not entertaining fantasies. They have to do with what I call the Earth charge, as we had just moved out into the country, at first on vacation, and he was for a week or so free to roam the woods and fields, swim in the pond, and nap at his leisure, not having to sit in front of a computer screen several hours a day, and so he got charged with the Earth currents.

    Mithun relates a dream experience where he's being prepared to go out the top of his head and have what's called an overhead experience. A flapping sound starts near the base of his spine and goes up to the top chakra, but it's not as simple as that, and he's told by the inner voice repeatedly that he's to aspire for his self, meaning his true self, Supermind. I explain what an overhead experience is and what it does for us, talking at the same time of a supramental experience, what that is in the terms of our yoga.

    We will not entertain you if you are looking for that, although we are not dry stiffs in our delivery. This is spiritual practice on a university level, where all involved have opened the inner consciousness to a degree necessary for spiritual experience to occur, even the small child, which is much greater than most systems and spiritual teachers would admit. Here, you hear the preparation for actual spiritual experience, which in itself is probably more than you have bargained for if you are in the market for that.

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    30 mins
  • The Dream Company Episode 42
    Aug 24 2024

    This episode was recorded December 18, 2022, four days from Nithish's 11th birthday. It features his opening to the muse, to hearing lines of inner poetry, and we talk about the inner connection of our dream group/sadhana circle and the future meaning of such groups when Mithun relates a vision he had of an incident in a past life where he acquired bad karma, and he had the vision at the same time Nithish was hearing a line of muse about karma in another location. I relate yet another lucid dream where I'm trying to rescue my dead dog Lisa on the other side, and how the Mother does not help when I call on her, and I lament the fact that the divine is not always there for us when we think it should be, and I relate dreams after the failed rescue attempt where I'm told why it failed, one in which the Mother herself appears, but I cannot recall much from those dreams, and I lament also the fact that we can only remember a small portion of the guidance we get in the inner consciousness, and Douglas relates a dream that shows that incapacity on our part very clearly, and we speculate that such might be in the design and might not be an actual incapacity.

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    30 mins
  • The Dream Company Episode 41
    Jul 31 2024

    This episode was recorded December 10, 2022

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    43 mins
  • The Dream Company Episode 40
    31 mins
  • The Dream Company Episode 39
    1 hr and 3 mins
  • The Dream Company Episode 38
    26 mins
  • The Dream Company Episode 37
    36 mins