• Episode 21: From drinking to cope with childhood trauma and menopause depression to becoming the best version of herself at 53.
    May 15 2022

    On this episode, my guest Gail Winstanley shares her story of dependence on alcohol to cope with a traumatic childhood sexual assault and the depressing menopausal symptoms. It took her a shift in her mindset and self talk therapy to overcome and conquer drinking and menopausal depression.  Her own experience has inspired her to coach other midlife women to not endure this season in their lives but work on developing themselves to become the best version of themselves.
    Find Gail on instagram @the.never.too.late.girl

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    Your host
    Nadine Ndangang

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    43 mins
  • EP 20.My Menopower story: From Hysterectomy to Menopause at 36 with Olawunmi Osode
    Apr 3 2022

    In this inspirational episode, my guest Olawunmi Osode shares her journey to menopause at 36 years old. Suffering from a medical condition (very heavy bleeding) for which doctors wrongly advised hysterectomy (uterus and ovaries removal) as solution, unknowingly, she ended up  in early menopause land.
    She was so unwell and very aware of the drastic change that came after the procedure  that in her bid to regain her health, she sought for medical help in London and after several medical tests was confirmed at severe menopause stage and put on HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) to alleviate her very challenging symptoms(depression, weight gain, irritability, confusion, low mood, isolation, lack of interest to name a few).
    Her journey to healing and feeling good again inspired her to create an instagram page (Menojournal) to raise awareness and empower other sisters with the knowledge so they do not go through the horrible experience like her.
    Be sure to get a copy of my e-book : Transform your menopause to MENOPOWER. This is your guide to learning about menopause, its symptoms and solutions and the need for each woman experiencing menopause to take ownership and create  a personalised solid intentional action plan  to feel Fabulous again and ENJOY her midlife season.

    Support my podcast by becoming a patreon.

    Be sure to listen, share and leave a review.

    Your host.

    Nadine Ndangang

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    38 mins
  • Episode 19: Midlife in Style for an Empowered YOU with Ewelina Barwicka
    Feb 20 2022

    The changes that occur naturally in our bodies as we age can have devastating effects on our self image and self confidence if we let them. Those insecurities are reflected in a number of ways, and one of the most visible is with style and how we approach fashion as women in midlife. 
    In fact, so many women struggle with self confidence, body image, and style, but in reality, It turns out that midlife should be  the BEST time for style! By midlife, we’ve finally grown into ourselves. Youth is about fashion. Style is about self-knowledge and acceptance. By style, I mean dressing your personality 

    Honing your style and wardrobe is an investment in relevance AND in yourself. Style IS self-care.  Today my guest will share some practical ways to live  midlife season in style for an empowered You. 

     Ewelina Barwicka is a London based Style Coach with 10 years experience in wardrobe styling, personal shopping and style coaching. She works with professional women in their 30/40-ties helping them achieve inner and outer style confidence, overcome negative body image and deliver the right visual message.As a Style Coach she advocates a holistic approach which incorporates internal personal development and external image creation, She is passionate about helping women discover their authentic self, boost their confidence  and create an image that makes them irresistible regardless of the body shape and helps them attract ideal partners or desired opportunities in life. Ewelina strongly believes that our image is the quickest shortcut to who we are; our personality, values and goals.  

    You can find Ewelina on instagram @scbyewelina.

    Be sure to share and review this episode.

    Thank you


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    44 mins
  • Episode 18: Keys to raising Teen boys to become world class Leaders with Bukola Jolugbo
    Feb 20 2022
    In today's episode, my guest Teens boys and family coach Bukola Jolugbo shares some very interesting insight on ways we can as parents be intentional in raising our teen boys to become MEN of calibre and substance. This task requires wisdom from Fathers and mothers by practicing the below
    1-Parents grow up. unlearn, relearn
    2-Listen to your child. Be open and willing to communicate
    3-Humble yourself and work on becoming emotionally intelligent.

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    Bukola Jolugbo (Fondly known as Kiki)  has been in the trenches researching what it takes to turn boys into world-class leaders and fathers and working with busy professionals, celebrities, and high impact parents to build better relationships with their sons.
    She is the host of the first and only summit for parenting teenage boys: Parenting Today's Teen Boy Summit.    

    Kiki is the trainer of the international workshop: Why your boys act the way they do and the founder of the Joshua's Army, a movement devoted to building high-quality relationships between fathers and sons. She has authored a few books for family harmony, boys' development and productivity.   

    Kiki has a background as a Business Process Improvement Engineer & social research, and brings that expertise to bear in her work with boys and their parents to create life-changing processes that promote family environments that support the healthy development of boys into world-class leaders.   

    She's married Mobolaji and has two amazing world leaders in the making. She also holds the world record as perhaps the best female champion for the male gender in the world. 

     Her 3 books (I lead Journal for Teenage boys, Mantra, Family Motion can be found on amazon . Be sure to follow her on instagram @kikiboysmama or email her at  kiki@joshuasarmy.co.uk


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    55 mins
  • Episode 17: Overcoming the Trauma of 3 premature births.
    Dec 18 2021

    Welcome to this episode where i had a lovely conversation with my fellow podcaster sister Cocochi (Bounce back with Cocochi Podcast) where i shared my story of how i turned my pain to purpose.
    Few Highlights
    1- Overcoming the challenge of migrating to a new country and continent
    2-Dealing with and overcoming the trauma of 3 consecutives premature births due to a life threatening condition called pre-eclampsia that affect 1 in 3 pregnant women.
    3-Building the resilience to bounce back from adversity and use planned and unplanned change to fuel my success.

    Be sure to listen, share and comment.....
    Visit  our website : The fortyfied woman.com

    You can support my work by becoming a patreon. link below

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    48 mins
  • Episode 16: 7 Ways to Disable Fear and Keep you Unstuck with Dr Ann Nwabuzor
    Nov 21 2021

    Has your Inner Fearleader (Fears, Negative Messaging, Self-doubt, Low Self-Esteem, etc) kept you Stuck and unable to unleash your Full Potential?

    In this episode, my guest Dr Ann and i have an insightful discussion to debunk this illusion called FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) and ways we can silence it to keep Unstuck. Let's disable fear and regain self esteem, self confidence and be all that God has created us to be.
    Meet my  Guest.
    Dr. AnnMaureen Nwabuzor is a Self-Esteem Coach, PROFESSIONAL Cheerleader & fear fighter

    Her interests, research, life & work experiences led her to explore the powerful effect of words, the conflict that takes place within Self and others and strategies to overcome the factors that prevents one from achieving purpose and success in life.

    Her purpose is to help women reprogram their minds and get past limiting beliefs caused by self-doubt, low self-esteem and pain from traumatic experiences so they can achieve LIFE-CHANGING success in life and work.

    Dr Ann can be found on instagram @drannmaureen

    Be sure to share, like and comment.

    Your host

    Nadine Ndangang

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    33 mins
  • Episode 15: The Power of Intentional Living for a Vibrant Midlife
    Nov 6 2021

    On this episode, I share my insight on the power of living intentionally in Midlife with the vision to enjoy this season in our lives.
    Indeed Midlife is a transitional period between age 40 to 65 and can be quite challenging as it comes with its lot of societal and family responsibilities, dealing with peri-menopause or menopause for some of us, caring for aging parents, planning for retirement, dealing with loss, divorce, changing career path, starting a business. It is therefore of the outmost importance to be intentional , deliberate to thrive in this second half of our lives.
    Areas to be intentional in are spiritually, in our relationship, marriage, in raising our kids, in prioritising activities that enhance our mental, emotional and physical health, in creating memories with aging parents etc.
    Being intentional requires discipline, focus, knowing our why and will contribute to living a wholesome vibrant Midlife.
    Be sure to listen, share and review this episode.

    Find me on Instagram @thefortyfiedwoman

    Your host

    Nadine Ndangang

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    9 mins
  • Episode 14: Se Relever des Traumas de la vie avec Nathalie Nguea
    Oct 18 2021

    Mon invitee speciale Nathalie Nguea partage les moments difficilles qu'elle a traverse faisant face a un divorce, une sante tres fragile, la transition difficile a 40 ans et tous les effets negatifs qui ont accompagne cette periode.
    Elle nous fait part du travail qu'elle a fait sur elle pour se reconstruire par la resilience, la volonte d'une lionne de s'en sortir, le refus d'avoir peur, honte du regard des autres et la decision de dire un grand OUI a son Epanouissment personnel et la redecouverte de la Nathalie Championne et en charge de sa destinee.
    Quelques points a retenir de cet episode:
    1/La resilience est la porte d'entree de notre epanouissment
    2/Le choix de se relever apres des evenements traumatisants de la vie est LE NOTRE
    3/Il faut taire ses peurs, le regard des autres et s'aimer pleinement et donner la priorite a son epanouissment
    4/on peut surmonter les difficultes qui accompagnent la periode de 40 ans et plus a travers le sport, le travail sur soi, l'accompagnement par un coach ou therapeute

    Merci d'ecouter, partager .

    Nathalie est sur Facebook.

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    38 mins