• Joe Biden And The Palace Coup That Upended His Presidency (7/23/24)
    Jul 23 2024
    A palace coup refers to a sudden and decisive change in leadership, typically involving the overthrow of an existing leader or ruling group, orchestrated by individuals within the same organization, government, or ruling class. This type of coup is usually non-violent and occurs without widespread public involvement, focusing instead on maneuvering and power plays among elites close to the seat of power.Key characteristics of a palace coup include:
    1. Internal Power Struggle: It involves insiders, such as government officials, military leaders, or royal family members, who use their proximity to the leader to execute the coup.
    2. Secrecy and Speed: Palace coups are often planned and executed swiftly and secretly to avoid resistance and ensure the element of surprise.
    3. Minimal Public Involvement: Unlike mass uprisings or military coups that may involve broad segments of society, palace coups are typically confined to a small group of elites.
    4. Control of Key Assets: The conspirators usually gain control of crucial assets like the military, police, or communications to consolidate power quickly.
    Examples of palace coups include:
    • The 1964 ousting of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev by his own Politburo members.
    • The removal of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 by members of his own military and government.
    In essence, a palace coup is an elite-driven power shift, marked by its internal nature and limited scope of confrontation​.

    In this episode we take a look at the shocking and sudden removal of Joe Biden by the elite powerbrokers within the Democractic party and things currently stand as of now.

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    14 mins
  • No Mas! Joe Biden Quits On The Stool In Between Rounds And Bows Out Of The Presidential Race (7/22/24)
    Jul 22 2024
    President Joe Biden's recent announcement that he will not seek re-election in 2024 has thrown the Democratic Party into disarray. The decision has triggered a scramble to identify a new nominee, with Vice President Kamala Harris emerging as the frontrunner. Biden's endorsement of Harris has given her a significant boost, but the party faces a tight deadline to formalize her nomination.

    The Democratic National Committee is set to meet to decide the timeline for this process, aiming for transparency and order amid the sudden shift, they claim.

    Meanwhile, many within the party and certainly without remain unconvinced and the same issues that have always permeated Harris continue to to do so, if not even more so now that she is under the microscope and on the grand stage.

    Let's dive in and check it out.

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    20 mins
  • Will Kamala Harris Be The Nominee When The Dust Settles For The Democrats? (7/22/24)
    Jul 22 2024
    Following President Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. Biden's withdrawal has led to significant support for Harris within the party, and she is now widely seen as the likely candidate to lead the Democrats in the upcoming election.

    Several factors contribute to Harris's strong position. Firstly, she has the backing of key Democratic leaders and insiders who believe she can unify the party and carry forward Biden's agenda. Her experience as Vice President and her previous roles as California's Attorney General and U.S. Senator bolster her credentials​

    Additionally, Harris's potential running mates are being discussed, with notable figures like North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear mentioned as possible candidates. These individuals bring their own strengths and could help balance the ticket geographically and politically.

    On the flipside of that her detractors say:

    Vice President Kamala Harris's candidacy for the 2024 Democratic nomination has faced criticism from various party insiders and voters. Detractors point to several key concerns:
    1. Low Approval Ratings: Harris has consistently struggled with low approval ratings throughout her vice presidency, which some believe could hinder her electability in a general election.
    2. Performance as VP: Critics argue that her performance as Vice President has not demonstrated strong leadership, pointing to issues such as her handling of the border crisis and other key responsibilities.
    3. Campaigning Skills: Some within the party question her effectiveness as a campaigner, noting her early exit from the 2020 presidential primary race due to lack of support and funding.
    4. Lack of Clear Policy Achievements: There are concerns about the lack of significant policy achievements during her tenure as VP, which could be leveraged by opponents in the election.
    5. Voter Perception: Polls indicate that many voters are skeptical about her ability to win a presidential election, potentially making her a risky choice for the Democratic ticket​.

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    Kamala Harris is right choice to continue Joe Biden's legacy (msnbc.com)
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    20 mins
  • Joe Biden And The Full Court Press To Replace Him Goes Into Overdrive (7/19/24)
    Jul 19 2024
    President Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure from Democratic Party insiders to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. Concerns stem from his low approval ratings, frequent gaffes, and perceived declining health, exacerbated by recent poor debate performances. Influential figures within the party, including some members of Congress, argue that Biden stepping aside would increase the chances of defeating the likely Republican candidate, Donald Trump. Despite this, Biden and his campaign team remain defiant, insisting that he will continue his re-election bid.

    As top allies and party insiders continue to turn on the current president, will he continue to refuse the call to step down? Or will the reports that he is going to throw in the towel this weekend prove true?

    Let's dive in and find out!

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    Biden in crisis - POLITICO
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    20 mins
  • Afghanistan In Focus: The True Power Behind The Taliban Is The Haqqani Network
    Jan 30 2024
    The Haqqani network has cemented their control of Afghanistan, even if Mullah Baradar is the one recognized as being in power. With control of many of the top positions in government and being powerbrokers in the others, the Haqqani family continues to consolidate their power within the country. They also continue to support terrorist organizations and other undesirables such as Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

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    15 mins
  • Afghanistan In Focus: The Taliban And Their Role In The Synthetic Drug Game
    Jan 30 2024
    The Taliban's role in narcotics is a complex and contentious issue, with the group's involvement in the illicit drug trade having significant implications for both Afghanistan and the global community. Here is a full summary of the Taliban's role in narcotics:
    1. Historical Context:
      • Afghanistan has long been a major producer of opium poppy, the primary source of heroin. The country's rugged terrain, weak governance, and ongoing conflicts have made it an ideal environment for poppy cultivation.
    2. Taliban's Rise to Power:
      • The Taliban emerged in the early 1990s during the Afghan Civil War and rose to power in the late 1990s, controlling most of Afghanistan by 1996. During their rule, they imposed strict Islamic law and initially attempted to ban opium poppy cultivation.
    3. Poppy Ban and Its Effects:
      • In 2000, the Taliban regime implemented a ban on opium poppy cultivation, which led to a significant reduction in production. However, this ban had mixed consequences: it caused hardship for many farmers but also disrupted the global drug trade.
    4. Post-9/11 Period:
      • After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States and its allies launched Operation Enduring Freedom, toppling the Taliban regime in late 2001. Following the Taliban's ouster, opium production surged.
    5. Taliban's Return:
      • In the subsequent years, the Taliban gradually regrouped and launched an insurgency against the Afghan government and international forces. They regained control of several regions, including poppy-growing areas.
    6. Involvement in the Drug Trade:
      • The Taliban's insurgency has been significantly funded by the narcotics trade. They provide protection to opium poppy farmers and tax opium production and trafficking activities in areas under their control.
    7. Poppy Cultivation and Production:
      • Afghanistan became the world's largest producer of opium poppy during the Taliban insurgency. The group's involvement in the drug trade contributed to a booming heroin market.
    8. Consequences:
      • The Taliban's reliance on narcotics has had various consequences: a. It has fueled violence and insurgency by providing the group with a significant source of income. b. It has contributed to drug addiction and public health issues both in Afghanistan and globally. c. It has complicated international efforts to stabilize Afghanistan and promote economic development.
    9. International Efforts:
      • The international community, including the United States and the United Nations, has made efforts to combat narcotics production in Afghanistan. These efforts include eradication programs, alternative livelihood projects for farmers, and interdiction operations.
    10. Challenges Ahead:
      • The Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan in 2021 has raised concerns about the future of the narcotics trade in the country. The group has indicated a willingness to combat drug production, but their ability to do so remains uncertain.
    In summary, the Taliban's role in narcotics has been marked by a complex interplay of attempts to ban poppy cultivation during their rule, followed by their active involvement in the drug trade during the insurgency years. The narcotics trade has been a significant source of funding for the Taliban, contributing to both their resilience and the global heroin market. The future of narcotics in Afghanistan under Taliban rule remains a critical issue for Afghanistan's stability and international efforts to combat drug trafficking.

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    Afghanistan is the fastest-growing maker of methamphetamine, U.N. says (nbcnews.com)
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    11 mins
  • Afghanistan In Focus: The Pakistani Taliban And The NATO Weapons They've Used In Their Carnage
    Jan 29 2024
    The Pakistani Taliban or TPP has come into posession of many high end weapons and gear that was left behind during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and those weapons are now being used to kill police officers, civilians and military members inside of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This comes on top of the previous report of NATO weapons being used by terror groups inside of Kashmir against Indian government forces.

    Now, with another war raging in Ukraine and with the weaponry even more advanced being used there, the fear is that the same thing will happen and the weapons earmarked for Ukrainian forces will find their way into the hands of criminals and cartels.

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    U.S. arms left in Afghanistan surface in Pakistan Taliban insurgency - Nikkei Asia
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    15 mins
  • The War In Gaza: The Palestinian Perspective
    Oct 12 2023
    The Palestinian perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is characterized by a deep sense of historical and collective identity, rooted in a complex history of displacement, dispossession, and ongoing struggles for basic rights and self-determination. Key elements of the Palestinian perspective include:
    1. Historical Roots: Palestinians consider themselves the indigenous people of historic Palestine, with a continuous presence in the region that predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
    2. The Nakba: The Nakba, meaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, is a pivotal event in Palestinian history. It refers to the displacement and dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians during the creation of Israel in 1948, which is a central point of historical trauma and memory.
    3. Occupation and Displacement: Palestinians emphasize the ongoing Israeli occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip since 1967. The expansion of Israeli settlements in these territories and the construction of a separation barrier are issues that have resulted in the displacement of Palestinian communities.
    4. Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: The Gaza Strip, often described as the world's largest open-air prison, has been subjected to a blockade since 2007. This blockade restricts the movement of people and goods, leading to dire humanitarian conditions, including inadequate access to essential services.
    5. Violence and Loss: Palestinians have endured decades of violence and loss, with civilians often bearing the brunt of conflicts in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. This has led to high civilian casualties and widespread destruction.
    6. Refugees and Right of Return: The issue of Palestinian refugees, with an estimated 5 million refugees worldwide, remains central. Palestinians emphasize their right of return, enshrined in UN General Assembly Resolution 194, as a fundamental demand and a connection to their ancestral lands.
    7. Role of International Law: Palestinians argue that international law supports their rights and demands. UN resolutions call for Israel's withdrawal from occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state. The International Court of Justice has declared certain Israeli actions illegal.
    8. Quest for Self-Determination: At the heart of the Palestinian perspective is the quest for self-determination and statehood. Palestinians seek the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, often favoring a two-state solution as the path to achieving these goals.

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    10 mins