• God Interviews Young Man Who Witnessed the Mass Shooting at a Trump Rally
    Jul 18 2024

    Dear Humans,

    Today Jesus and I sit-down with Johnny Palmadessa, a sharp young Democratic Strategist who found himself in the thick of chaos at the Trump campaign rally where a mass shooting occurred on Saturday. One innocent bystander lost their life, and Donald came within 2 inches bullet going through his brain.

    Johnny shares his firsthand account of the event. Jesus and I tried to wrap our minds around it, and let me tell you, it's not easy processing this kind of madness.

    Johnny's story is a sobering reminder of the real consequences of divisive rhetoric. It’s a wake-up call, a cosmic nudge, if you will, to re-evaluate who you’re supporting and why. Who will attract more chaos like a magnet in the future? Who will work to calm things down?

    So, do yourselves a favor and watch the full interview. Trust me, it's worth your time. You'll hear Johnny’s harrowing experience, and maybe, just maybe, you'll come away with a clearer understanding of the gravity of the situation. Plus, Jesus and I throw in some of our classic banter to keep things light. You won't want to miss it.



    PS - Watch the video!


    Celebrate with Us:

    We just hit a milestone—over 500 paid subscribers! It’s a tiny fraction of our 54,000 followers, but every bit helps us keep bringing you divine satire. Thank you for your support! To all our devoted followers, we need your help to keep the comedy flowing. Your subscription not only supports our mission to combat chaos with humor, but it also grants you access to exclusive content.



    • James: "Till the worst happens, which just might happen after the election, you at least speak lots of truth. The drug test commentary set me off and I wrote a late in time comment which at least got it off my chest. So without your website no place would be safe (at least for now) and I appreciate the humor, the acid and vitriol that pours out of this page. "

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    31 mins
  • God and Jesus Smite The News Media!
    Jul 13 2024

    Dear Human Being reading this,

    It’s me, God, and boy, do we have a divine dispatch for you today! We just recorded a brand new episode of The God Pod, and you’re not gonna want to miss this one. We dug into some juicy topics that are hotter than hell's furnace, so grab your popcorn and buckle up.

    First up, we tackled the question that's been on everyone's mind: Who exactly is trying to push Biden out? Surprise, surprise—it's the millionaires and billionaires pulling the strings. The regular folks? They’re still supporting him. The real puppet masters here are the wealthy elites, and we're exposing their game.

    Then, we dove into something Ted Lieu mentioned that’s flying under the radar: the Epstein files. Yeah, you heard that right. Lieu said, “Something I've heard that doesn't seem to be getting covered is the Epstein files ... Donald Trump is all over this ... y'all might want to look at that.” The #TrumpPedoFiles should be the hottest hashtag right now.

    And if that wasn’t enough, MSNBC played a side-by-side clip of President Biden speaking at the NATO summit and Donald Trump’s unhinged rally from last night. Let me tell you, it was like watching a Shakespearean actor next to a guy screaming on a street corner. Biden’s all about diplomacy and coherence, while Trump’s rambling about airports and mothers helplessly watching their kids overdose. Seriously, what alternate reality is this guy living in?

    Speaking of Trump’s rallies, his latest performance in Doral was a doozy. He goes on about how “Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp--lee. And we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, ‘What can I do? What can I do? Help me God, what can I do?’” And don't get me started on his rant about dirty, crowded airports. Someone really needs to give this guy a reality check.

    So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the latest episode and get the full scoop.

    Celebrate with Us: We just hit a milestone—over 500 paid subscribers! It’s a tiny fraction of our 54,000 followers, but every bit helps us keep bringing you divine satire. Thank you for your support! If you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, what are you waiting for? Head over to thegodpodcast.com to get the latest episodes, satirical news, and more.


    • Corlis Robe: "I supported your work because my world needs more Actual Thought than it currently shows."

    • AlbanianQueen: "You give me hope and make me smile while stating the facts. It's kinda like talking to God!😊"

    • TED GILLUM: "I was raised in the pentuphostile church, and I love how much they hate this.

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    34 mins
  • God and Jesus Unite to Condemn Trump's Project 2025
    Jul 9 2024

    Hey there, you beautiful mortals! It’s me, God, back with another episode of The God Pod. This time, Jesus and I are tearing apart Project 2025, that insane conservative plan to turn the USA into Gilead.

    First up, I go off on how these utter douchebags want to centralize power and roll back rights. Seriously, it’s like they want to drag us all back to the Dark Ages….and the Dark Ages sucked! Jesus jumps in to rip apart Trump’s lies. He’s pissed, folks, and rightfully so.

    These idiots would melt the polar ice caps and call it a hot tub party. And don’t get me started on their social security “reforms.” Raising the retirement age and cutting benefits? That’s some seventh circle of hell kind of crap.

    Stand up against these draconian policies with all the might you can muster. And don't forget to visit thegodpodcast.com to join our community, sign up for our newsletter, and get the latest episodes, satirical news, and letters from yours truly. Whether you are a free or paid subscriber, I appreciate you being part of this community.

    Tune in, laugh your ass off, and stay informed with God and Jesus.



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    31 mins
  • BREAKING: Democracy
    Jul 3 2024

    Dear Humans,

    We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into the latest Supreme Court decisions and the media hysteria following the debate. Here’s your holy recap:

    Episode Highlights:
    • Supreme Court Decisions:

      • 🏛️ Supreme Court grants Trump immunity for January 6.

      • 👩🏽‍⚖️ Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissent calling the ruling "absurd."

      • ⚖️ Supreme Court ends Chevron Deference, impacting regulatory power.

      • 💧 Implications for regulatory power and the suggestion to start buying bottled water.

      • 🚫 Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to punish people for sleeping in public places.

      • ✝️ Jesus’ take: "Thou Shalt Not Put Homeless People in Jail!”

    • Debate Aftermath / Media Hysteria:

      • 📰 Focus on Biden's age and performance while ignoring Trump's outrageous lies.

      • 🗞️ NY Times calls for Biden to drop out, but not for Trump despite him being a convicted felon.

      • 🎙️ Biden had good moments, stating the truth, and delivered a strong next-day speech.

      • 🏛️ Trump's refusal to commit to not doing another January 6 and accept election results.


    How worried are you now, from 1-100? What can we do about all this?

    Tune in to this episode of The God Pod, "BREAKING: Democracy," for a heavenly mix of humor, truth, and divine commentary. And for more daily updates, visit thegodpodcast.com.

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    33 mins
  • Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Resigns Amid Allegations He Molested Child
    Jun 26 2024

    Dear Heavenly Followers,

    We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! 😇 In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into the jaw-dropping scandal involving Trump’s spiritual advisor Robert Morris, who resigned amid allegations he molested a 12-year-old. We also cover Trump’s purely evil suggestion for migrant fighting leagues, his ironic all-caps endorsement of the Ten Commandments, Biden’s lead in the polls, even Fox News cutting away from Trump’s insane gibberish, and George Santos starting an OnlyFans account. Here’s your holy recap:

    Episode Highlights:

    • Trump’s Migrant Fighting Leagues 🥊: Trump’s evil suggestion and the history behind this idea.

    • Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Resigns Amidst Allegations 🚨: The scandal of Trump’s spiritual advisor Robert Morris. Watch God puke his guts out over pastors who raced to defend him online.

    • All Caps Ten Commandments 📜: Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement of the Ten Commandments and the irony of it all.

    • Biden vs. Trump in the Polls 📊: Analyzing the latest polls showing Biden beating Trump and what this means for the upcoming election.

    • Fox News Cuts Away From Trump 📺: Watch God and Jesus laugh at the moment even Fox News cut away from Trump’s incoherent speech.

    • George Santos on OnlyFans 📸: The absurdity of George Santos starting an OnlyFans account.

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    30 mins
  • Why Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Mandate Won’t Save Its Soul
    Jun 21 2024

    Dear Heavenly Followers,

    We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into a mix of divine humor and righteous rants, covering everything from Louisiana’s latest classroom mandate to the broader implications of such moves. Here’s your holy recap:

    🎙️ Episode Highlights:

    Why Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Mandate Won’t Save Its Soul Louisiana has decided to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom. We delve into the historical context, the legal implications, and the irony of this decision given Louisiana's education, crime, and corruption stats.

    Spoiler alert: It’s not looking good.

    • Education Statistics:

      • Louisiana ranks 48th in education (U.S. News & World Report).

      • High school graduation rate is 81%, below the national average of 85% (National Center for Education Statistics).

      • Only 28% of Louisiana eighth graders are proficient in math, compared to the national average of 34% (National Assessment of Educational Progress).

    • High Crime Rates:

      • Violent crime rate of 5.7 per 1,000 people compared to the national average of 3.7 (FBI Crime Data).

      • Property crime rate of 32.7 per 1,000 people compared to the national average of 22.0 (FBI Crime Data).

    • High Corruption:

      • Louisiana ranks 5th in public corruption convictions per capita (University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020).

    • Religious Diversity:

      • Only 26% of adults in Louisiana attend church weekly (Pew Research Center). Breakdown: 23% evangelical Protestant, 26% Catholic, 2% Jewish, 2% Muslim, 16% unaffiliated (Pew Research Center).

    New Commandment:

    • "Thou shalt not require classrooms to display the Ten Commandments when you don’t pay attention to any of them anyway."

    🔍 Why Listen?

    • Hilarious Takes: From divine commentary to satirical analysis, our humorous spin on the latest political absurdities will keep you laughing.

    • Stay Informed: Get the latest on political and social issues wrapped in comedy.

    • Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else.

    • Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking.

    📢 Don’t Miss Out!

    • Join Our Community: Visit thegodpodcast.com and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs!

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    NOTE FROM GOD: I accidentaly said the wrong governor's name in this episode. I regret the error.

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    27 mins
  • Who Is A Better Father, Biden Or Trump? Excuse Me, I Can't Seem To Stop Laughing | The God Pod
    Jun 19 2024

    Hi Humans,

    We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into a mix of divine humor and righteous rants, covering everything from surreal papal meetings to the latest political chaos. Here’s your holy recap:

    🎙️ Episode Highlights:

    Who Is A Better Father, Biden Or Trump? Father's Day messages from Biden and Trump couldn't be more different. Biden’s heartfelt message of unity and family contrasts sharply with Trump’s self-centered, grievance-filled rant. We dissect what these messages reveal about their broader political personas. Excuse us if we can't stop laughing at the comparison!

    Comedians Meet Pope Francis: A 'bizarre' yet impactful encounter where comedians sat down with Pope Francis. We explore how humor and faith can intersect to address pressing social and religious issues.

    Trump's Cognitive Test Challenge: Trump’s boast about acing a cognitive test becomes ironic as he confuses his own doctor’s name. We discuss the implications of this gaffe on perceptions of his cognitive abilities.

    Republican Panic After Trump's Milwaukee Meltdown: Trump’s criticism of Milwaukee throws the GOP into disarray. We explore the potential fallout and its impact on the 2024 election.

    Christian Right vs. No-Fault Divorce: The campaign against no-fault divorce by the Christian right could significantly impact personal freedoms and marriage laws. We explore this movement and its potential consequences.

    2024 Presidential Election Developments: From Trump's MAGA-themed birthday bash to Biden’s forceful campaign rhetoric, we cover the latest election news and what it means for the future of American politics.

    🔍 Why Listen?

    • Hilarious Takes: From papal meetings to political gaffes, our satirical spin will keep you laughing.

    • Stay Informed: Get the latest on political absurdities wrapped in comedy.

    • Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else.

    • Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking.

    📢 Don’t Miss Out!

    • Join Our Community: Visit https://www.thegodpodcast.com/ and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs!

    • Be a Part of the Fun: Share with friends and help us keep the comedy coming.

    💬 Engaging Question: If Trump was drowning because he got electrocuted by a boat, and there were sharks swarming nearby, and you were the only person around, what would you do?


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    31 mins
  • For Biden So Loved America, He Gave His Only Son to Be Convicted
    Jun 14 2024

    🎙️ Episode Highlights:

    • Crime Myths Debunked: Discover the real data behind Trump’s false claims about rising crime rates under Biden.

    • Hunter Biden’s Conviction: Explore how Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict fits into the broader narrative of justice and political manipulation.

    • Supreme Court Corruption: Unveil the shocking statements from Justice Samuel Alito about pushing the country towards 'godliness.'

    • Father’s Day Special: God and Jesus share their thoughts on Father’s Day, with heartfelt and humorous reflections.

    🔍 Why Listen?

    • Hilarious Takes: From crime myths to courtroom drama, our satirical spin will keep you laughing.

    • Stay Informed: Get the latest on political absurdities wrapped in comedy.

    • Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else.

    • Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking.

    • Watch the video!

    📢 Don’t Miss Out!

    • Join Our Community: Visit thegodpodcast.com and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs!

    • Be a Part of the Fun: Share with friends and help us keep the comedy coming.

    💬 Engaging Question: What’s your take on the recent crime data? Do you think the public perception is being manipulated? And how do you celebrate Father's Day? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!

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    30 mins