
  • Emmy-winning Maria Juan of Peerfit Reveals How their Corporate Pivot Helped them Triple their Profits
    Apr 26 2023

    When something is Academy award-winning, you know that it’s not just top quality, it’s also something worth millions of dollars. Maria Juan’s ad campaign for PeerFit is exactly that!

    Find out how her genius marketing strategy allowed PeerFit to pivot from direct-to-customer to corporate wellness seamlessly, positioning them to earn skyrocketing profits in just 5 years.


    Maria describes what separates PeerFit from other wellness programs, how they were ahead of the curve in virtual streaming, as well as a brief rundown on their project management process.

    Maria shares her thoughts on the future of fitness and marketing especially after the pandemic is over.

    Finally she tells us what it’s like to be a work-from-home mom, as well as a few tidbits on her hobbies and interests.

    *This episode was recorded in 2020 and was reposted from our archive. 

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Roy Atkinson Will Help You Retain and Earn More Per Customer by Following These Four Steps!
    Apr 19 2023

    We know that customer experience is important, but just how important? It turns out, by not optimizing this area of your business, you’re leaving hundreds of thousands or even millions of revenue on the table!

    Roy Atkinson explains in full detail the four key areas of his “experience ecosystem” and how making both customers and employees happy results in a more profitable business enterprise.


    We learn more about Roy’s take on how the pandemic is actually not an anomaly but an “accelerator” for change.

    Roy will also share with us his humble beginnings and the heroes who helped him become the powerhouse consultant that he is today.

    *This episode was recorded in 2020 and was reposted from our archive.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • What Drag Queens Can Teach Us About Digital Adaptation in Challenging Economic Times
    Apr 12 2023

    Engagement, sales, and loyalty: this is the trifecta that all businesses strive for. If your business is struggling, it might be because you’re doing poorly in one or two parts of this equation.

    In this episode we talk to Mary Brodie, an experienced strategist and the founder of Gearmark. We talk about strategizing for businesses during a pandemic and adjusting your campaigns to meet changing attitudes and trends.


    Mary tells us the importance of authenticity in online conversations and how chatbots can be used effectively.

    She also talks to us about the happy accident that got her started in the industry and her journey towards success.

    Finally, she shares with us what she’s been doing outside of work, and how people like Bernie Sanders and Antonio Demasio helped her become the inspirational figure she is now.

    *This episode was recorded in 2021 and was reposted from our archive.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • The Value of Listening: How Steve Hartert Takes JotForm to the Next Level With Their New Enterprise SAAS
    Apr 5 2023

    Sometimes all it takes is an idea, and by listening to the people you want to sell to, you figure out how to turn this seed into a full-blown business solution that’s potentially worth millions.

    In this episode we talked to Steve Hartert, CMO of the hugely successful JotForm platform. We discussed how he and his team were able to build an enterprise product just by looking at the metrics, listening to their clients, and going with their gut.


    Steve shares about his most successful marketing story working with the transport ministry in Sydney, Australia, as well as his brush with failure early on in his career.

    He also shares with us his journey to becoming the JotForm CMO, and who he’s listened to along the way.

    Finally, he’ll tell us a bit about his personal life, his hobbies, and his love for the Green Bay Packers!

    *This episode was recorded in 2020 and was reposted from our archive.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • How Raul Ochoa is Making the Podcast that Will Help You Get to Your First Million
    Mar 29 2023

    Is it possible to learn extensive marketing theory and strategy in a shortened span of time? Raul Ochoa is building a podcast that will do exactly just that!

    In this episode, we are going to learn how Raul came up with the idea of condensing marketing strategies, techniques, and tactics into what he calls One-Page SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and converting them into an easily digestible podcast form.


    We’re going to learn the importance of LinkedIn as a scalable resource of leads, and how it’s as important as other social media platforms in terms of generating product interest.

    Raul will also give us some insight on the importance of building relationships and how customizing your solutions to fit the customer’s needs is key.

    Lastly, we will delve a little bit into Raul’s life, his recommended reading materials, and the impetus that drove him into becoming an entrepreneur.

    *This episode was recorded in 2020 and was reposted from our archive.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • The “Phoenix Rising” Story Behind TAMAR - PLUS Discover How She Uses NLP Anchors In Her Marketing
    Mar 22 2023

    Tamar Weinberg, a leader in the digital marketing and digital PR industry, battled depression for years...

    In this episode, Tamar shares her story from being at the top of her game with getting published by a world-renowned book publisher to falling hard into postpartum depression and clawing her way out of that darkness to start a new business and being a light to others who may be on a similar journey.

    Listen now to find out how Tamar got her new company featured on Gary Vaynerchuk’s show!


    When you listen to this episode, you’ll discover:

    - 4 key ideas that helped Tamar renew herself and rise up from depression
    - How community and professional help are powerful resources (and you have more people on your side than you know!)
    - How to use NLP Anchors to help yourself AND to take your marketing to the next level
    - How to compete in hyper-competitive commoditized markets without fear of losing

    *This episode was recorded in 2020 and was reposted from our archive.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Discover How Understanding User Experiences Will Make You A Better Marketer
    Jun 14 2021

    “Really great user experience, if done well, is completely invisible.” - Jared Spool

    One of the most effective ways to increase word of mouth online or offline is through a fantastic experience worth sharing.

    In other words, the user's experience should mean almost EVERYTHING to a marketer because it makes marketing easier!

    In this episode we learn how to be a better marketer by deeply understanding the user and how they interact with our own products or better yet - how they accomplish their goals with our products.


    - Discover how to think about the user’s experience as a marketer
    - Learn one powerful technique that will help you stay ahead of your competitors
    - Find out what Jared does to disconnect and unwind after changing the world every day with better UX

    Who is our guest in this episode?

    Jared M. Spool is the Maker of Awesomeness at Center Centre – UIE.

    If you’ve ever seen Jared speak about user experience (UX) design, you know that he’s probably the most effective and knowledgeable communicator on the subject today. He started working in the field of usability and user experience in 1978, before the terms "usability" and "UX" were ever associated with computers.

    While he led UIE, the industry research firm he started in 1988, the field of UX design emerged and Jared helped define what makes UX designers successful all over the world. UIE's world-class research organization produces conferences and workshops all over the world and for companies in every industry.

    In 2016, with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman, he opened Center Centre, a new school in Chattanooga, TN to create the next generation of industry-ready UX Designers. They created a revolutionary approach to vocational training, infusing Jared's decades of UX experience with Leslie's mastery of experience-based learning methodologies. UIE joined forces with Center Centre and now delivers the best professional development workshops, masterclasses, and conferences in the UX Design industry.

    For 23 years he was the conference chair and keynote speaker at the now retired annual UI Conferences and UX Immersion Conferences, and he manages to squeeze in a fair amount of writing time. He is a co-author of Web Usability: A Designer’s Guide and Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks that Work.

    You'll find his writing at uie.com. You can also follow his adventures on Twitter at @jmspool, where he tweets daily about UX design, design strategy, design education, and the wondrous customer service habits of the airline industry.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Discover One Smart Way That Small Businesses Can Compete Against Enterprise Ad Budgets
    Apr 23 2021

    How can small businesses acquire the marketing tools and resources large companies have? Is it possible for you to launch $50,000 campaigns for a fraction of the price? 

    In this episode, Josh Aston and his brand new company Above the Fold will explain how he’s bringing his 15 years of experience working at billion-dollar companies to small and medium-sized businesses.


    Josh will share with us what Above the Fold is exactly and what separates them from, well, the fold. He’ll give us examples of some of the campaigns he’s done in the short time he’s operated the company.

    He will also share with us stories of success and failure in the digital marketing space, and how these experiences helped cement his status as a leader in the world of digital marketing.

    Also, he’ll talk about how he got into marketing in the first place, finding that precious work/life balance, and the importance of collaboration even during the pandemic.

    Thanks for listening! - gruntworkers.com

    Más Menos
    47 m