• 20: How to Market Your Business with BDMCreates CEO Brittany Davis Morris
    Aug 26 2022

    How to Market Your Business with BDMCreates CEO Brittany Davis Morris

    We’re back with a new episode and a new guest! I’m so excited for you all to meet my good friend Brittany Davis Morris! She is the Founder & CEO of BDMCreates, a website & digital marketing consulting agency based in Houston, TX, and she is here to share all the things about marketing, being a micro-influencer, and how sending upwards of 300 job interviews put her on the path of entrepreneurship. This is an episode you do not want to miss!

    If you are on the fence and looking for something, anything to give in your life so you can reach your breakthrough, you have to listen to Brittany’s story. Available now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


    • What it takes to become a micro-influencer
    • What are the marketing non-negotiables you need to get your brand noticed
    • What is the #1 thing every entrepreneur needs to do when creating content


    [1:18]: I did not, honestly. And it was not in my plan to become an entrepreneur. I absolutely assumed that I would be in this corporate setting, and then moving my way up through leadership, and then the C-suite and the retirement. That was literally the plan…

    [6:22]: Yeah. And then, too, I was a mother at the time, and so I had set a tone for myself to say, Okay, you're going to be that working mother. You're going to be getting up at seven and then coming home at seven…

    [10:52]: So, no. I consider myself a multi-passionate individual. I really like a lot of different myriad of things. I love to create things and explore things that I'm interested in. And so, I had always had a goal when I was young to be in a magazine…

    [14:09]: So, it wasn't about followers at the time. Well, it was about comments. That's what it's about. If you talk to some influencers that have been doing it as long as I have, it was mainly readership…

    [21:00]: Ultimately, it's not a bad thing. But if you can hire someone to help you set the foundation for your business to grow, then drag and drop is really not going to help you…

    [26:49]: Say that again. Because people don't understand. They have their whole businesses on social media or rented land…

    [31:52]: I am. I am hiring right now for a junior website manager. Actually, I posted my job description on LinkedIn, so I've been having a few, and I'm still sorting through those. And so, I am hiring. But yes, it is very eye-opening…

    [36:17]: Also, I've been finding an interest too in Melanie Perkins. She's the person who created Canva. And she's a year younger than me. And I'm like, Girl, what do you ... I want to talk to her…

    Join me every other Thursday for a new episode, and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Apple Podcasts!

    Find me on Instagram: @coachjasminerider

    Join our free Facebook group, The Network

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

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    43 mins
  • 19: Coach Jasmine LIVE: Get Out Your Shears Because It’s Pruning Season
    Jun 23 2022

    Coach Jasmine LIVE: Get Out Your Shears Because It’s Pruning Season

    Have you ever been in a space where it feels like no matter what you do, or don’t do, people, situations, and opportunities seem to just fall right out of your eco-system? It can be super frustrating and lonely when this happens but you are not alone and what you feel is completely normal. This feeling is called your “pruning season” and I’m taking you with me into my Instagram Live where I talk about my own pruning season and what I do to get through it stronger and better!

    If you’re looking for some motivation to get you through your own pruning season, make sure you listen to episode 19 on Apple Podcasts now!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What is pruning season
    • How to get through your pruning season
    • What’s the number one thing you have to do when you are in your pruning season

    Check out a few of the episode highlights: 

    [0:02]: This is not just some girl’s trip. This is me transitioning to another stage of my life. And I want you all to be there to share with me. And y'all just kind of dropped me like a bad habit…

    [4:06]: I'm gonna be talking about pruning season. Snip snip. If you've been feeling a little awkward, if you've been feeling like things have just kind of been dropping out of your ecosystem, then this is probably why…

    [7:05]: I had about maybe six or seven people that I was planning on doing my bachelorette party with and all dropped out except for one. Like, I just felt, I started to feel really down on myself…

    [12:16]: Look at the other side of the coin and think about, okay, what is the positive here? What's the lesson here…

    [16:07]: And so during your pruning season, when stuff is crazy and is happening and you need that explanation, think about like, just pause and appreciate the one thing…

    [21:24]: I had a blast girl. I tore up, I tore it up. Man. Oh, that was a fun weekend. That was a fun weekend. By the second day, I was tired. I got two days in me in Vegas. That's all, that's all this 33-year-old body can handle is two days maximum…

    [24:22]: I look to her to model, like how I want my community and me to vibe and how, how I want us to rock together. I look at how she rocks with her community and I'm like, that is how I want my community. That is how I want my people, my network to like, I, that's how I want us to experience one another…

    [27:31]: I feel like now more than ever, we just need that connection. We need people to just tell us that it's okay. You're feeling like crap. You've been on the sofa for two days, two weeks.  you don't wanna do anything…

    Join me every other Thursday for a new episode and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Apple Podcasts!

    Find me on Instagram: @coachjasminewyrick

    Join our free Facebook group The Network

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Send me your career and networking questions to answer on the show: jasmine@jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

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    32 mins
  • 18: How To Leave Your 9 to 5 with Christine James
    Jun 9 2022

    How To Leave Your Nine to Five with Christine James

    My guest today is Christine James who is a bridge-builder for the 9 to 5’ers and the entrepreneurial lifestyle. After working at the Department of Defense for almost 10 years, she left her job and now focuses on helping her clients develop a job exit strategy while building their own successful brand! Today we are talking about her transition from the stability of a good government job to getting weird with her business and how she leads her clients through their own fail-proof exit strategy through her SHIFT program!

    Christine’s kind-hearted and straight-to-the-point attitude will have you ready to say goodbye to your 9-5 and hello to your next chapter as a business owner! Listen now!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How being a little weird can take you to places you’ve never been
    • When you should take the plunge into entrepreneurship
    • How she transitioned from the Department of Defense to become a confidence coach and strategist

    Check out a few of the episode highlights: 

    [0:08]: I asked them when they're looking and I'm like, is it the freedom that you want? Do you know the difference? Because you may try to copy someone else. And I do feel like success is unique to all of them…

    [3:04]: You can have a for-profit business and then go into a nonprofit. There's a difference and just show up in their brilliance and just breaking down how they can help others from their experience…

    [10:10]: I still applied to dental school. I didn't get accepted. I applied again, but I didn't get accepted, and I remember looking at my vision board and seeing that I had coaching and speaking on there because now my mindset has changed. My time had freed up when I left my nine to five and I was just going to school…

    [14:39]: She had a suck-up a fly in her nose. I don't suggest that for anyone to do, but she had to do those things so she could tap into a different world that she had this skill set in, but it was her skillset. It wasn't anybody else's. So it's the same thing with us…

    [20:38]: You know, you be the boss you desired, you know, at one point and then just giving yourself that structure and that freedom. It's not that you're going to get lazy, and I think a lot of times that's a fear for some women…

    [29:30]: It's the space you keep falling through. As you're walking your journey, you feel like you're always dipping…

    [35:48]: I tell every single client when you say yes to your dream in your life, and you are in the process of transition at your nine to five, there's an acronym for yes, your elevation starts. And every time you're in elevation, there's going to be turbulence…

    [39:41]: And I think a lot of times, too, as women, we kind of beat ourselves up for having emotions other than happiness. If that drains you, that drains you. So I would say just embrace it. Look at the thought you're having, because a lot of times it's going to be from synthesis…

    Join me every other Thursday for a new episode and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

    Find me on Instagram: @coachjasminewyrick

    Join our free Facebook group The Network

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Send me your career questions to answer on the show: jasmine@jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

    Show more Show less
    52 mins
  • 17: How to Identify Your Transferrable Skills
    May 19 2022

    Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to make a career change to a different industry, but because you didn’t have any professional experience recruiters and hiring managers wouldn’t even talk to you? I have. I remember how frustrated I was when I wanted to break out of retail leadership into corporate marketing because I had years of personal experience, you know the kind of real-world, self-taught kind through my various blogs, social media marketing, content creation, and email marketing and it seemed like because I didn’t have the profession receipts on my resume I would never be taken seriously. 

    Let me tell you, that that is simply not true and this week, I’ll tell you why. Listen now!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What to look for in a job posting to strengthen your resume
    • How to identify your transferrable skills
    • What words to AVOID using on your resume

    Listen to episode seventeen on Spotify now!

    Check out a few of the episode highlights: 

    [0:00]: Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to make a career change to a different industry, but because you did not have any professional experience recruiters and hiring managers, would not even talk to you…

    [2:50]: If you have questions about career development and networking, I want you to head to my Facebook group, The Network, and I will link it in the show notes below, and just post your questions there.…

    [3:10]: So when you are thinking about your dream job, and I am assuming that it looks very different than what you are currently doing. If this is the case, then you need to do a few things.…

    [4:00]: Now, you can do this a couple of ways. You can go on your favorite job searching sites, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Monster are a few of the popular ones…

    [6:13]: And so, you will be able to take some of these and really look at these keywords and think about yourself, and if any of these keywords directly align with who you are, and what you can bring to the table…

    [8:10]: First, one is going to be hard worker. Obviously, no one is going to go into an interview and say that they are not a hard worker. That is a given…

    [10:18]: And then, the last word that I will give you is, bottom line. What does this word even, what does this phrase even mean…

    Click here to listen on Spotify!

    Join me every other Thursday for a new episode and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

    Find me on Instagram: @coachjasminewyrick

    Join our free Facebook group, The Network: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jwcnetwork

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Send me your career questions to answer on the show: jasmine@jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

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    12 mins
  • 16: Igniting Your Power With Jameelah Moore
    May 5 2022

    Igniting Your Power With Jameelah Moore

    Welcome back Network! This episode is about becoming confident in yourself and the releasing power that is inside of you! 

    You are so powerful and that is true whether you believe that or not. My guest today makes it her mission to pull that power out of her clients through her Ignite Academy. Jameelah Moore is the founder of the Ignite Academy and the Transformation Coach whose mission is to help women understand who they are at a spiritual level and ignite their power from within and I am so excited to introduce her to you! During this episode, Jameelah shares her secret to showing up every day authentically and powerfully!

    If you struggle with confidence and showing up as yourself at work, on social media, or in your business, this episode is for you! 

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How Jameelah pivoted from selling makeup to transforming lives and how you can too
    • Her biggest lessons learned while growing her business
    • What she thinks is the biggest thing holding women back from igniting their power and how we can overcome it

    Check out a few of the episode highlights: 

    [2:39]: So did you always want to be a life coach and an entrepreneur? Absolutely not…

    [8:42]: I would literally spend about 30 to 45 minutes in front of the computer, talking to myself before I even hit the live button, it was like the most frightening thing for me…

    [17:18]: I really struggled with, well, who am I like, who am I to get on here and tell somebody, you know, this message that I have, like, who am I…

    [28:36]: I cannot say that I'm limited because I was a child on welfare food stamps. And if there's an issue with me and my worthiness of who I am, because of that fact, or that truth of my childhood, then absolutely, it's my responsibility to repair those issues…

    [34:44]: I am very much about positivity, empowerment and you know, the positive things in life because life can be hard. Life can be frustrating. I have to give myself the energy and the effort and everything that I want and need in my life so that I can be everything that I need to be…

    [39:01]: You find joy in the simplest things, right? Just, you know, the other day I was driving down the highway and I saw a rainbow and it's like, girl, you're almost 40 years old…

    [45:29]: It's going back to understanding the human experience right? And how all of it is relevant. Maybe we didn't believe that certain things should have happened to us, but it's understanding that there was some level of a lesson…

    [52:17]: The power of who we are, the power that we hold within us by just saying, yes, I believe that I am this person. Yes. I believe that I can do this regardless of what anybody says because I said, so this is who I am. And because God says, so this is who I am…

    Click here to listen on Spotify!

    Join me every other Thursday for a new episode and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

    Connect with Jameelah on Instagram: @iamjameelahmoore

    Find me on Instagram: @coachjasminewyrick

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Send me your career questions for me to answer on the show: jasmine@jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

    Show more Show less
    59 mins
  • 15: How To Define Your Personal Brand
    Apr 21 2022

    How To Define Your Personal Brand

    Welcome back Network! This episode is about defining your personal brand and using it to leverage success! 

    Did you know that you can Google anything nowadays? Of course you do, and you know that’s exactly what people do. If you are looking to date someone or looking for a job interview, or maybe a long-lost friend is hoping to reconnect with you and they will quickly look you up? Do you know what they will find? If you don’t then that’s a problem because what they find will tell them who you are and what you are about before they meet you. 

    So would it be completely out of line to think that the people you want to work with in the future, might also be searching and looking up your name as well? This episode will help you make sure that your brand is truly representative of who you are

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why your personal brand matters
    • How to define your brand
    • How creating an effective personal brand will lead to your success

    Check out a few of the episode highlights: 

    [1:41]: Now, whether or not you want one, your brand is already out there. If you use social media, your brand honey, is out there. The portfolio of your brand is just a Google search away. And regardless of your personal feelings on the matter, I know you want that Google search to come up sparkling…

    [3:30]: We can’t control what others say about us. This is true. There will always always be someone who wants to throw dirt on your good name…

    [6:21]: That is what companies are looking for. It helps having that strong, personal brand that’s out there, when people are already looking you up, they’re already searching for you. So you might as well give them something good to look at…

    [8:35]: You want to make a plan for how you want to develop your social footprint…

    [9:12]: If you post on any social platform, you are searchable and your receipts will tell people who have never met you before. Remember, this is setting up for you to make an incredible first impression before you even open your mouth…

    [10:22]: Imagine. I am just going to set up a scenario for you. Now, imagine you have just applied for your dream job and you are at the end, it’s between you and another candidate…

    [11:47]: Personal success includes failure. Just wanted to put that out there because I don’t want you to think that, when you are setting up your personal brand and you run into failures, there is something wrong with you…

    Join me every other Thursday for a new episode and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

    Visit me on my website: www.jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Find me on Instagram: @jasminethejoycoach

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Send me your career questions for me to answer on the show: jasmine@jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

    Show more Show less
    13 mins
  • 14: From the Runway to the Financial Sector with Ontwanet Moran
    Apr 7 2022

    From The Runway To The Financial Sector With Ontwanet Moran

    Hey Network! We’re back with another episode and this week we are discussing your gateway to financial independence. I have Ontwanet Moran with me to discuss personal finance, how she juggles multiple careers, and why you should be looking at index accounts if you are looking to build wealth. She is a financial educator teaching people how to save money, minimize taxes, and generate generational wealth and I can not wait for you to hear what she has to say. 

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    ✔ Why having focus and confidence tops 100% every time

    ✔ The one thing that holds you back more than your lack of knowledge

    ✔ If you’re afraid of taking the next step, you’re not alone

    Check Out A Few Of The Episode Highlights: 

    [2:33]: I always want it to help people. I felt like that's been in my nature, just from making sure that people will stand up against bullies…

    [10:33]: And one of the major tools that I teach people all the time, and it's something called the rule of 72 and this literally a mathematical shortcut to teach you how quickly your money is going to double…

    [16:27]: The simple fact that financial education is not mandatory, but sex education is, you know, we have to really think about that. And then once it is, once you do learn some things about the financial industry, it's not even anything that we can actually use today…

    [21:04]: And so we are already on the back burner when it comes to making money. So if our husband is making more money than us, we feel like, well, you make more money, so you should probably handle the finances…

    [28:50]: Go to YouTube type in type in compound interest type in the rule of 72 type in tax-free savings. Just immersing yourself with what's out there, but then you have to find somebody that's going to help you implement that…

    [32:17]: When you get into a situation, trying to look at things like the glass half full instead of half empty and knowing that every situation, is literally used, no matter how it looks for your benefit…

    [36:01]: The man who actually invented the 401k, you can actually Google this as on YouTube. He wants to take it back. And the reason why is because it wasn't intended for the everyday individual…

    [40:12]: Second thing is diversify, diversify, diversify, diversify your portfolio. But a lot of the times people think diversified as being the different accounts…

    Connect With Ontwanet




    Watch: The man who invented the 401K

    Join me every Thursday at 8:00 am PST for a new episode and don’t forget to rate five stars, review and follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

    Find me on Instagram: @jasminethejoycoach

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Send me your career questions for me to answer on the show: jasmine@jasminewyrickcoaching.com

    Music Credit:

    Summer Daze by PYROSION

    Show more Show less
    48 mins
  • 13: Why You Should Go After What You Want BEFORE You’re Ready + Life Updates
    Mar 10 2022

    Why You Should Go After What You Want BEFORE You’re Ready + Life Updates

    Hey Network! I’ve got a few life updates for you and also I’m sharing a scary statistic that talks about how women are less likely to apply for positions unless they have 100% of the required experience while men… well they are applying to jobs with a lot less certainty but a whole lot more confidence. I understand the need to be prepared for your next step but when your preparedness stops you from going after your dreams, something needs to change and I’ve got a few thoughts on how we can remedy this. 

    Ladies, if you are a part of the 100% club, this episode is for you!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    ✔ Why having focus and confidence tops 100% every time

    ✔ The one thing that holds you back more than your lack of knowledge

    ✔ If you’re afraid of taking the next step, you’re not alone

    Check out a few of the episode highlights:

    [2:18]: So because of all that recently, my productivity has been on the low, low, and my time management has been in utter shambles…

    [4:58]: I have to learn how to be flexible and rearrange everything so that if I don't get something done, it doesn't push back my schedule and everything with it…

    [5:20]: She was interviewing Brendon Burchard a few days ago and he shared an experience he had with Paulo Coelho who wrote The Alchemist, and he recalled how they were four hours into a working session and when Brendon felt like they were getting into the groove…

    [10:48]: What I can tell you is that I designed this course for my sisters and brothers who are tired of being passed up for opportunities, bored to tears in their current positions and who want a career that is exciting and passion-filled, but have no idea how to get there or even if it's possible to get there…

    [12:07]: There is a statistic that says that women will apply to a role only if they are 100% confident that they meet all of the requirements, but men will apply just figuring that they have met 60% of the requirements…

    [15:20]: Reputable companies and reputable jobs and good leaders will help guide you into the job. I mean, it's called a ramping-up period for a reason, right…

    [17:57]: You're never ready. You're never ready. So don't let your fear hold you back. You have to really lean into your courage and be okay with the unknown, because that's what life is. There's no manual on life, but you get up every day and you do that anyway…

    [19:17]: I promise you everything that you want and everything that you've dreamed is on the other side of your fear and the unknown, you will either fail and learn that lesson and come back stronger next time or you will thrive…

    Join me every Thursday at 8:00 am PST for a new episode and don’t forget to rate, review and follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

    Find me on Instagram: @jasminethejoycoach

    Connect with me on LinkedIn!

    Music Credit:
    Summer Daze by PYROSION

    Show more Show less
    21 mins