• Handling Sensory Overload As A Mom
    Jun 27 2024
    If you've ever been overwhelmed by all the things -- the sights, sounds, and ever-so-many touches and questions and decisions that happen in motherhood -- this is the episode for you. Yes, our kids get overwhelmed, but so can we. And addressing it instead of just powering through makes us better moms and healthier women. But how do you do that? An honest and heartfelt conversation about the impact of sensory overload on moms and the rest of the family, this episode was a spur of the moment topic swap because we know just how real the overwhelm is when sensory overload happens. Join us for practical insights and the way we each cope not just to survive, but to ENJOY these days with our kids.
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    55 mins
  • Handling Life's Surprises (Without Going Crazy)
    Jun 20 2024
    Life has a way of throwing curveballs just when you think you’ve got things under control. Whether it’s a stomach flu sweeping through your household, a broken bone, or unforeseen weather events, disruptions are inevitable. At The Homeschool Perspective, we recognize that these hiccups can turn your meticulously planned homeschool day upside down. In our latest episode, we share practical tips and strategies for maintaining equilibrium and turning chaos into opportunity when life happens. Lisa, Ally, and Rachel come together and discuss how to adjust to changes wtih a few key suggestions (and, of course, we’d love to hear what you’d add!). Learn what one host considers homeschool mom “emergency kit essentials” and how another leans into rhythms since routines can so easily get derailed. And still more – from school schedules to documenting to adjusting on the fly, these experienced homeschool moms are sharing what works. At The Homeschool Perspective, we’ve all experienced days when things don’t go as planned. By embracing flexibility, using available resources, and treating your household as a team, you can navigate these challenges gracefully. Join us as we share more personal insights and practical strategies in our latest podcast episode.
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    18 mins
  • Discussing the Role of Dads in Homeschooling
    Jun 13 2024
    With Father's Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to honor the incredible dads who play a pivotal role in homeschooling. Whether they are fully immersed in daily lessons or providing essential support from the sidelines, fathers bring invaluable perspectives and contributions to their children's education.
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    35 mins
  • Reflecting On The Year: What Worked & What Didn't (Part 1)
    Jun 6 2024
    ✨ Curious about balancing the chaos of homeschooling with creating a tranquil learning environment? Tune in to this insightful episode of The Homeschool Perspective, where Rachel, Ally, and Lisa dissect the successes and challenges of their homeschooling journeys and offer invaluable reflections. This week, our hosts share their innovative strategies for establishing a calming space that fosters growth—even when it doesn’t go as planned. Dive deep into how they manage the emotions and dynamics of multi-age learning, and glean from their experiences of balancing structured education with spontaneous exploration. Discover the refreshing approaches they take to wrap up the school year, from enjoying summer adventures to personalizing reflection practices to suit their family's unique rhythm. Plus: secrets to maintaining positivity throughout the year and listen as they recount how certain family members have transformed their perspective! Join us for an episode filled with laughter, honesty, and practical tips on how to navigate the unpredictable terrain of homeschooling. Get ready for part one of a conversation so rich with content, we had to split it into two! You won’t want to miss it! 🎧📝 Don’t forget to subscribe and connect with us on Instagram for more resources and discussions.
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    39 mins
  • Reflecting On The End Of This Year: Part 2
    Jun 6 2024
    🌟 Are you feeling overwhelmed with how to wrap up your homeschooling year? Tune into The Homeschool Perspective's latest episode where Rachel, Ally, and Lisa dive into the art of celebrating and reflecting on an extraordinary homeschooling journey! In this episode, the hosts discuss everything from setting and tracking academic goals to adjusting expectations to meet each child's unique needs. Learn how Rachel faced her frustrations head-on and found success by tailoring her approach, and discover how Ally navigated the pressures of traditional methods to embrace a more flexible homeschooling style. We'll also uncover Lisa's inspiring traditions of family celebrations and reflection weeks that bring warmth and unity to her large family. But wait, there's more! Rachel opens up and shares the transformative moment of "burning it all to the ground" to rebuild a more effective approach. Meanwhile, Ally and Lisa elaborate on their strategies for creating a joyful, personalized learning environment, celebrating milestones with themed meals or baking cakes, and finding the perfect balance between guidance and flexibility. Ready to be inspired and equipped with new ideas for your homeschooling journey? Don’t miss this episode where we emphasize the importance of doing things your own way, integrating homeschooling into family life, and celebrating every unique step along the way. 🌟✨ Tune in for this exciting and insightful episode that promises to leave you ready to create a learning environment filled with joy, reflection, and success! 🎧📚🎉 This is part 2, so be sure to listen in on Part 1, too!
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    39 mins
  • Should Everyone Homeschool: The Surprising Perspective
    May 28 2024
    🌟 Ever wondered if everyone should consider homeschooling? Dive into our latest episode on The Homeschool Perspective as Lisa, Ally, and Rachel unravel the complexities and joys of homeschooling with passion and insight! In this captivating discussion, we explore one mom's unique journey of homeschooling her eight children, with heartwarming anecdotes of sibling camaraderie and cultural integration. Another host shares her reasons for taking the homeschooling path, highlighting the personalized learning experiences that foster curiosity and lifelong learning. Get ready to hear all about parents curating education tailored to their children's unique needs and foster strong family bonds. But there's more—find out how homeschooling can be both a fulfilling and challenging choice, navigating societal pressures and celebrating the freedom it offers. Tune into the hosts' personal stories, discover the driving forces behind their educational decisions, and get inspired by practical tips for making homeschooling work for your family. Don't miss out on this insightful episode that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about education. Join us and see if homeschooling could be the right choice for you! 🌟📚❤️
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    51 mins
  • Celebrating Homeschool Success: End-of-Year Ideas for Reflection, Fun, and Gratitude
    May 28 2024
    🎉 Ready to transform the end of your homeschool year from routine to remarkable? Join us in our first-ever resource episode on The Homeschool Perspective, where Rachel, Ally, and Lisa unveil a treasure trove of creative ideas to make your homeschool year-end celebrations unforgettable! In this episode, we'll tackle everything from showcasing your children's achievements in a fun gallery night and making lasting memories with a year-end photo review, to the delightful chaos of Mad Libs and conducting heartwarming interviews with your kids about their school year. Plus, find out how baking cakes, creating time capsules, and planning adventures can mark the transition into a joyful summer. But that's not all—we delve into the meaningful practice of gratitude with thank you notes and constructing a gratitude tree, instilling a sense of appreciation in your family. And don't miss the hilarious and engaging Mad Lib freebie available in the show notes to add an extra dose of fun to your homeschool wrap-up. Tune in and discover how to celebrate the end of your homeschool year with joy, laughter, and reflection. You won’t want to miss it! 🎉📚🍰
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    10 mins
  • Welcome To The Homeschool Perspective
    May 24 2024
    Join us as we break through the noise with real conversations, actionable information, and tried-and-true strategies to give you the confidence you need to take the driver's seat of your children's education. Welcome to The Homeschool Perspective, where you'll get everything you need to build the homeschool that works for your family.
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    1 min