• Manchester. Release Cop Now! Charge real thugs.
    Jul 28 2024

    I've been thinking a lot about the Manchester Airport story and the subsequent "Trial by Twitter and social media."

    The Cop should not be suspended. We need to see all the videos now, including the body cams and we need an end to two tier Policing in the UK.

    I also talk about the times I met Anjem Choudhry and I'm delighted he is about to get locked up for a long time.

    And what a farce the Olympic opening ceremony was but it wasn't it great that it P@SSed on Macron's parade?

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    29 mins
  • Biden honourable? Don't make me laugh he was forced out!
    Jul 22 2024

    I can't believe the sycophantic nonsense that politicians and their mates in the media are spewing out about Joe Biden being an honourable man and putting his country before himself.

    What utter tosh! If he was really putting his country first he would have resigned 2 minutes after the debate debacle. He has been forced out and rightly so. However if he is unfit to stand again then surely he is not fit to be President at the moment. He must resign NOW.

    Meanwhile the Head of the Secret Service, Ms Cheatle, or is it Ms CheatALL, says that she takes full responsibility for the security cock up that nearly led too Donald Trump's assassination BUT refuses to resign?!

    Finally I state clearly that the UK is not burning with riots! Calm down dears!

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    32 mins
  • Gareth's gone. Farage should be in Clacton. King's speech is Bore Fest.
    Jul 17 2024

    Thank god Southgate has gone and now I say it is time that we have a German manager, Klopp!

    Nigel Farage is a disgrace abandoning Clacton for the States. If any other newly elected MP did that Farage would be on his soapbox slagging them off. He is a hypocrite.

    King's speech was tedious and will change absolutley nothing.

    In between all of this I talk about broken biscuits in Woolies, The smell of real hardware shops and would you shoplift!

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    43 mins
  • Trump has just won!
    Jul 14 2024

    The failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump has just gifted him the Presidential election.

    Everyone should condemn political violence regardless of which side you are on. However the left despite condemning it also seems to be trying to play a game of victim blaming as if Trump has brought this onto himself!

    I also talk about England's game tonight and Keir Starmer's first week in power.

    Have a listen and tell me what you think.

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    40 mins
  • Political pundits are worse than Politicians.
    Jul 9 2024

    This isn't the dawning of a new era it's the same old pantomime but with the self serving pigs just sitting on different sides of the House.

    I don't think that much will change but I'm willing to give Starmer a chance although its clear that Blair is back in charge isnt it?

    What's really winding me up though are the so called polical pundits and their stupid sniping. In this podcast I really lay into these self righteous young pompous fools.

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    46 mins
  • Rishi lost but was Starmer the winner? Or was it Farage?
    Jul 5 2024

    Starmer didn't win the election. The Conservatives threw it away with Covid, Party gate, Liz Truss and the lettuce! Betting on the result and of course the D- Day debacle added fuel to the slaughter too.

    So, Rishi is out and Starmer is in however the song will remain the shame!

    The real winner was Farage who got 4million votes but less seats than the Limp Dems! PR has to happen.

    Now we've got rid of Rishi we need to remove Southgate. His tactics and style of play are duller than Starmer's victory speech.

    Do you agree?

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    31 mins
  • England were Rubbish. Coldplay is posh white boy Pap. Glastonbury Hypocrites!
    Jul 1 2024

    I thought England were abysmal this weekend. We did not deserve to win. However Bellingham's goal was brilliant and the arrogance he portrayed in the press conference after the final whistle we need more of that on the pitch. The only way to achieve that is to sack Southgate NOW!

    Glastonbury was full of all the usual suspects revelling in their lefty hypocrisy. All led by the Wokest band in the known universe, Coldplay. They make me sick they are just a posh white boy PAP band. What were those Palestinian flags about and that mock up of a raft with migrants in it? Then of course these ECO zealots leave all their tents and litter behind.

    Updates on my illness and car insurance row.

    I finish with an email that made me cry and realise that I have not been wasting the last forty years of my life.

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    39 mins
  • Farage set up again! Biden must stand down. Car insurance rip off.
    Jun 28 2024

    I smell a rat in this Farage racism row.

    He can not be responsible for the actions of a canvasser can he? What this fat actor said was offensive and I understand why Rishi is upset. However when you listen to the rant it does seem like the guy is straight from Central Casting. It is cliche after racist and sexist cliche. Reform must be really rattling the Establishment.

    I watched the Biden and Trump debate last night and it is sad but clear that Joe BIden is really ill and should for his own sake stand down.

    Trump was very fair and kind to him last night and now will be the next Leader of the free world.

    Don't talk to me about Car insurance as my company has just tried to increase mine my 90 percent! It's a rip off and I am sure I'm not alone.

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    45 mins