
  • Heartbreak, Habits, and the Hunt for Harmony
    Jan 16 2024

    Picture the most exhilarating yet daunting rollercoaster you've ever been on—that's the tale you're about to hear, but with the added twist of love's complexities and the shadows of addiction. Join me as I peel back the layers of a breakup that felt like a theme park ride gone awry, complete with sleep-deprived drives and a battle against hot sauce-induced pain to stay awake. The chaos didn't end there; I'll take you from the dizzying 'puppy love' stage to the soul-searching conversations with family that helped me navigate through the fog.

    Our emotional landscape often hides the true extent of our struggles, like a silent undertow. This episode sees me confronting the real pressures that money and social media can exert on relationships. From the confined intimacy of a budget Airbnb escape to the eye-opening discussion with my aunt, I lay bare the financial and online habits that insidiously strain the ties that bind. As I share the jarring realization of these relationship tremors, feel the tension, the raw revelation, and the ultimate pursuit of balance that many of us wrestle with in our own lives.

    Lastly, let's talk about the courage it takes to face our demons, particularly when they coil around our most vulnerable moments. I'm pulling back the curtain on the silent struggle with a porn addiction that many shy away from discussing. Alongside that, we'll explore the hustle of content creation on a dime, the relentless push for audience engagement, and the wild stories that I'm ready to share. If you're braced for a no-holds-barred conversation that mixes personal growth with gritty determination, then strap in—you're in the right place.

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    34 mins
  • When Life Hands You Curveballs Embrace Transformation and Tech
    Jan 4 2024

    Life throws curveballs, and boy, have I caught a few this year. Buckle up as I pull back the curtain on the seismic shifts that have rocked my world, from nocturnal work patterns to daylight disruptions, and how these twists and turns have shaped the narrative of our show. I’ll spill the beans on my whirlwind stint with a railroad company, the emotional rollercoaster with my ex-girlfriend, and how a knee surgery steered me into the waters of the pool business. Plus, I'll share the realities of financing a shiny new Toyota Tacoma, and the magic of manifestation that scored me Taylor Swift tickets.

    Ever curious about the nuts and bolts behind those silky-smooth podcast voices? I'm peeling back the layers on the tech wizardry of an AI voice changer that's taken our audio game to new heights. And for those who love a good behind-the-scenes, I'll take you through my journey with digital platforms like YouTube Premium and Audible, my leap into content creation, and the unexpected connections made while navigating the podcasting universe. If you're ready to pivot with passion and dive into a mix of personal sagas and digital craftsmanship, this episode is your ticket.

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    28 mins
  • Mastering the Balancing Act: Juggling Personal and Professional Life for Business Success
    Oct 15 2023

    Do you ever feel like juggling your personal and professional life feels like a Herculean task? Margaret, a seasoned consultant and coach, has your back! She shares her intriguing experiences from her venture, including a particularly captivating trip to Italy, and brings to the table valuable insights on making your business operations leaner and reaching your potential clientele effectively. 

    What's even more interesting is the way we navigate the complexities of leadership and the impact it has on employee performance. From appreciating employees to harnessing the power of male and female leaders differently, we explore it all. And guess what? I have an incredible success story up my sleeve about an incentive game that boosted productivity and reduced absenteeism significantly. 

    But hold tight, there's more! We'll be talking about identifying waste in business, enhancing customer satisfaction, and ensuring employee retention. Safety protocols and ethical standards for contracting companies get a spotlight too! And, before we wrap up, we look closely at employee incentives, hiring strategies, and the art of listening as a leader. So, are you ready for a journey full of real-life stories and practical advice to help your business soar? Let's get started!

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Revamp your Business: Creative and Ethical Approaches for Small Enterprises
    Sep 26 2023

    Sit tight and gear up as we embark on a fascinating journey with Margaret, a former consultant turned coach, who has made it her mission to help overworked small business owners find the elusive balance between work and personal life. From streamlining processes to shifting focus onto strategy, customers, and financials, Margaret’s unique approach is a breath of fresh air. Our conversation takes an amusing turn when we hear about her encounter with a man, a wheelchair, an iguana, and a parrot, amidst her travels in Turkey!

    We then switch gears to delve into the powerful impact of gamification on work performance. Be prepared to be awed by the story of a forward-thinking manager who ingeniously introduced a game-like system in their workplace. The results? A significant boost in production and a remarkable decrease in workplace injuries. But that’s not all, we also explore the pivotal role of gathering feedback from customers and employees when making changes in small businesses. This feedback, we learn, can be a secret weapon in solving problems and improving the quality of your business.

    As we head towards the final leg of our journey, we tackle the challenges of running a small business and discuss the significance of ethical practices and efficient operations. Ever thought of how to incentivize your employees or create a supportive work environment? We've got you covered! Our enlightening conversation concludes with a focus on recognizing and rewarding employee creativity, the power of delegation, and the role emotional intelligence plays in the workplace. So grab your notebook and get ready to revolutionize your small business approach!

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Asset Protection Masterclass: Navigating LLCs, Trusts, and Corporations
    Sep 19 2023

    Join us for an enlightening journey into the twisty labyrinth of asset protection with our esteemed guest, Lee Phillips. Prepare to have your misconceptions about Wyoming LLCs shredded as we expose the truth about asset protection and tax strategies. Lee, with his wealth of knowledge, sheds light on the major threats to your assets, including lawsuits and the IRS, and offers some golden nuggets of wisdom on how to protect what's yours.

    We'll guide you through the complex maze of LLCs, trusts, and corporations, helping you understand their unique roles in providing asset protection. Lee will unravel the enigma that is the charging order protection, a concept unique to LLCs. We'll also dispel some myths surrounding privacy in today's world, explaining why setting up your LLC in the state where you operate is not just a good idea, it's essential.

    The podcast wouldn't be complete without an exploration of tax strategies and retirement planning. Did you know that the decision by Wyoming to allow LLCs to be taxed differently has opened up new avenues for tax shelters? We compare Roth IRAs and Standard IRAs, considering how the tax rate at the time of withdrawal could tilt the balance in favor of one over the other. Finally, we'll dive into the legal maelstrom surrounding LLCs, state laws and the high-stakes implications of not registering your Wyoming LLC. Hold tight, because this is going to be a wild ride!

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Questioning the Unseen: A Deep Dive with Caroline
    Sep 10 2023

    Have you ever questioned the societal norms and wondered if there's more to what meets the eye? Well, in our intense conversation with Caroline, we unravel the often overlooked aspects of our world, challenging the status quo and unearthing fascinating narratives. From the intricacies of government manipulation and the role of ammunition in our society, to the unsettling realities of surveillance technology, we go farther than the surface, eliciting thought-provoking dialogues and insights.

    From the streets of California to the global political stage, we traverse a myriad of topics, opening up discussions on the divisive political climate, the implications of AI and technology, and the chilling prospect of a thousand-year war. We also delve into the mind-bending world of Caroline's science fiction and paranormal books, bringing to life characters and plots that will keep you on the edge of your seat. No topic is off-limits, as we share personal stories, discuss intelligent farm animals, and ponder over the human concept of time, religion, and karma.

    We wrap up this rollercoaster of a conversation by probing into trigger warnings, their sensitivity, and how they've become an integral part of our society. We journey through stories of personal conflict and surprising animal intelligence, all while exploring the power of narrative. Join us as we navigate chaos, philosophy, and the fascinating intricacies of our world. Sit back, grab your popcorn, and be prepared to be thrilled! One thing's for sure - Caroline's captivating insights and stories are something you wouldn't want to miss!

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • A Breakdown of Societal Trauma and Healing with Psychotherapist Phyllis Leavitt
    Aug 25 2023

    Imagine growing up in an environment devoid of love, support, or even basic respect. Now, imagine the coping mechanisms one might develop in such an environment, only to find that these mechanisms are not beneficial in the long run. That's what we delve into with seasoned psychotherapist, Phyllis Leavitt. From tracing the roots of societal issues back to familial or community-based trauma, we dissect the impact of discrimination, abuse, and neglect on an individual and society at large. We highlight the urgent need for more psychological education to understand and navigate these dynamics, further discussing how these problems are mirrored on a broader scale, threatening societal stability.

    Are you aware of the two possible outcomes of an abusive upbringing - learned helplessness or identifying with the aggressor? Phyllis guides us through these dynamics and how they play out within our homes and society. We also touch on the overlooked gender dynamics and their societal impact. The conversation takes a deeper turn as we discuss the imbalance of power between men and women, the pendulum swing between genders, and the need for balanced role models.

    But it's not all doom and gloom. We explore the impact of small acts of kindness and love within a community. The role of generosity in healing communities is highlighted, along with the sense of belonging that can deter destructive behaviors. We then switch gears to discuss the long-term effects of emotional pain and discrimination, emphasizing the crucial role of love and care. Finally, Phyllis gives us a sneak peek into her upcoming book that aims to underscore the importance of kindness and respect in transforming situations and lives. Join us as we delve into these pressing societal issues from a fresh perspective.

    PHYLLIS Bio and links
    I graduated from Antioch University with a Masters’ Degree in Psychology and Counseling in 1989. I co-directed a sexual abuse treatment program called Parents United in Santa Fe, New Mexico until 1991 before going into private practice full time. I have been a psychotherapist treating children, families, couples, and individual adults for over 30 years, and I have worked extensively with abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics, their aftermath, and some of the most important elements for healing. I have also published two books, A Light in the Darkness and Into the Fire, and I have a new book America in Therapy. I live in Taos, NM and I retired from my practice and focused on writing.

    My website is www.phyllisleavitt.com





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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • More Traffic with local SEO on google maps | Derren Tessitore
    Jul 19 2023

    Looking to get more traffic from google Maps? Check out our guide on how to do local SEO on Google Maps!

    In this video, we'll show you how to optimize your business for google Maps by including key search terms and phrases. By doing local SEO on Google Maps, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and increase traffic to your business!

    we're going to show you how to get more traffic from Google using local SEO. By optimizing your locations on Google Maps, you'll be able to rank higher in organic search results and attract more organic traffic to your website.

    If you're looking to improve your website's visibility and traffic, then this video is for you! By following these simple steps, you'll be able to take your website to the next level and see a growth in your online traffic!

    Darren’s down-to-earth humor compels audiences to laugh while they learn. He engages groups from the moment he steps in front of them and leaves them with empowering tools and focused mindsets that they will use long after the lights have gone out on the event. Darren is passionate about people, leadership and successful businesses. He is especially inspired to help people take their companies to higher levels.



    Darren is the owner and CEO of Thrive Management a technology consulting firm and the creators of Thrive Reviews, reputation management company.  Darren has delivered seminars on hundreds of stages across the US for the past 15 years, personally training over 20,000 business leaders.


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    51 mins