• Year of Delegations
    Jul 3 2024

    The Expedition of Tabuk demonstrated to Arabs the strength of the Muslims. Over the next year, the various tribes responded by sending the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delegations to accept Islam and pledge their allegiance. Prophet Muhammmad welcomed them & forgave past conflicts.

    He focused on:
    - Renouncing idolatry & polytheism
    - Spreading Islamic knowledge
    - Building strong alliances and goodwill

    The Prophet's Methods:

    - Generosity: Gave gifts (gold, dates, land) to solidify alliances.
    - Compassion: Blessed children & offered amnesty even before requested.
    - Education: Assigned teachers to delegations.
    - Respect: Gave new, honorable names to some converts.


    Bedouin Tribe: Wanted to convert & requested financial aid. The Quran revealed their motives weren't pure faith, but the Prophet didn't reject them.

    Banu Thaqif: A stubborn tribe, they initially set conditions for conversion (avoid prayer, keep idols). The Prophet refused some demands but offered amnesty & teachers.
    - Uthman ibn Abi Al-Aas (secret Muslim from the tribe) was assigned to be their governor, highlighting the Prophet's trust in young converts.

    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=738.

    Subscribe at http://www.why-quran.org/subscribe to watch the lectures live and participate in the Q&A at the end of each class.

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-q9VNc-wo0&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

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    48 mins
  • Masjid ad Zarar destroyed
    Jun 17 2024

    Masjid ad Zarar, the Mosque of Harm, was a mosque built by the hypocrites of Madinah to coverty oppose the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They completed it just before Prophet Muhammad departed on the Expedition of Tabuk.

    Upon his return, Allah revealed their hypocracy in the Quran and the Prophet ordered the mosque to be destroyed.

    Soon after, Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul, the leader of the Munafiqeen fell critically ill, and he asked the Prophet to pray for him. After his death, his son asked the Prophet to lead his father's funeral prayer.

    Out of mercy, the Prophet decided to pray for him, but Umar ibn al-Khattab forcefully objected, grabbing the prophet by his shirt, claiming Allah had prohibited the prayer. The Prophet replied "Allah has given me the choice. He said 'If you seek forgiveness 70 times, God will not forgive him" (there's no prohibition given) so I'll ask for more than 70 times."

    Key lessons from this include:
    - Don't pray in a mosque that advances the agenda of Islam's enemies. Don't become their pawns
    - Worship cannot be detached from the political goals of Islam
    - Leaders serve as exemplars for others, and thus have an elevated responsibility
    - When we restrict acccess to centers of corruptions, we still have to provide alternatives
    - The true worth of a masjid is reflected in the character of it's congregation
    - Earnest desire for purification is a virtue Allah loves
    - The worth of our actions depends on our intentions
    - Anything undertaken with evil intentions is always on the verge of collapse
    - Misuse of a mosque is a type of oppression
    - Sometimes spiritual and psychological ailments are deeply rooted traits that resist change

    Life of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser

    Live classes + Q&A held on Wednesdays at 6:30pm PST at www.why-quran.org

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    Lecture slides available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=735

    Playlist of this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT

    More classes can be found at http://www.why-quran.org

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

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    55 mins
  • Assassination plot at the Mountain Pass
    Jun 5 2024

    Allah had warned Prophet Muhammad in the Quran (64:4) that his companions contained hypocrites so skilled at deceit that the prophet himself was pleased by their speech and appearance. Only revelation could expose them.

    Later, during the return from the Tabuk expedition, while Prophet Muhammad went through a mountain pass while instructing his army to pass from below, some of these hypocrites tried to assault the prophet by startling his horse into dropping him off the cliff. Their plan was foiled and they fled. Despite wearing masks to hide their identies, they could be known by their horses.

    The Quran (9:47) said that these hypocrites had renounced faith after becoming Muslims out of greed and vindictiveness.

    However, instead of punishing those men, Prophet Muhammad decided to not pursue them because of the division it could cause amongh the Muslims. Those were men who appeared to be highly respected (as Quran 64:4 implied) and accusations against them would risk causing fitna.

    Only Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yaman was told their names, and Prophet Muhammad instructed him to keep it a secret.

    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=731

    Subscribe at http://www.why-quran.org/subscribe/ to watch the lectures live and participate in the Q&A at the end of each class.

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll8DOnchjAI&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

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    56 mins
  • Imam Ali - As Harun was to Musa | Tabuk Pt 2
    May 23 2024

    When leaving for Tabuk, the Prophet (s) appointed Imam Ali (as) as his deputy in Madinah to protect against any uprising led by the Munafiqeen. Explaining it's significance, he said to Imam Ali "You are to me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no prophet after me."

    There were at least 7 occasions that Prophet Muhammad made such a statement during his life.

    One such occasion was narrated by Umar ibn Al-Khattab, when he emphasized how precious such a statement was by saying "If I had [a quality like that mentioned about me or my family], it would be dearer to me than anything."

    What ranks did Prophet Harun have compared to Prophet Musa?
    - Minister
    - Helper
    - Brother
    - Backer/Strengthener
    - Partner

    The lecture includes objections Sunni scholars have raised to believing that this status continued after the Prophet's death, and Shia rebuttals to those objections.

    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=724

    Subscribe at http://www.why-quran.org/subscribe to watch the lectures live and participate in the Q&A at the end of each class.

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4wgpyhlgVQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

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    56 mins
  • Tabuk Part 1 - Rome Conquers Persia
    May 15 2024

    This lecture covers the prelude to the Battle of Tabuk. Key topics include:
    - Birth of Ibrahim: Upon returning to Medina, the Prophet’s wife Mariya the Coptic gave birth to a son, named Ibrahim. The Angel Gabriel congratulated the Prophet on becoming a father.
    - Expedition of Tabuk: This was the last military campaign led by the Prophet. It aimed to preempt a rumored Roman invasion and also test the faith and commitment of the Muslim community during extreme summer heat and the harvest season.
    - Challenges and Sacrifices: The expedition required significant personal sacrifice, including traveling long distances in severe heat and missing the harvest season, leading to financial hardships.
    - Legitimate Excuses: Some individuals, including the poor, weak, and elderly, were excused from the expedition due to genuine inability to participate, yet their desperately wanted to go.
    - The Repenters: A group of companions who stayed behind were punished with social ostracism. They later repented and were forgiven after 50 days.
    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=720

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Ehi7GsQf0&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

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    57 mins
  • The Siege of Ta'if
    Feb 21 2024

    After victory against Banu Thaqif at Hunayn, Prophet Muhammad marched his army to Ta'if, where Banu Thaqif had retreated to and barricated themselves inside with enough food and water to last them for a year.

    The Prophet declared any slaves who joined Islam and left the fortress would be granted freedom, and many took him up on the offer.

    As the siege extended, the prophet decided a military victory there wasn't necessary. Thaif was isolated from all allies and would eventually realize it's advantageous to join Islam.

    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=710.

    Subscribe at http://www.why-quran.org/subscribe to watch the lectures live and participate in the Q&A at the end of each class.

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsgyDegHRDY&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    51 mins
  • The Battle of Hunain
    Feb 7 2024

    Banu Thaqif had been long standing rivals of the Quraysh. They saw the Quraysh's defeated as an opportunity to attack and seize control of Mecca for themselves.

    In response, Prophet Muhammad called all Muslims to battle and led an army of 12,000 against them. Banu Thaqif's side had over 20,000.

    Banu Thaqif setup an ambush in the Valley of Hunain, making most Muslims flee. However, Prophet Muhammad was able to rally the troops and counter the assault.

    During the battle, some tribes had begun killing women and children, and were later strongly rebuked for it by Prophet Muhammad, formalizing the prohibition against killing non-combatants and civilian rights.

    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=706.

    Subscribe at http://www.why-quran.org/subscribe to watch the lectures live and participate in the Q&A at the end of each class.

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpYmvk1JQSI&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

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    53 mins
  • Converting in Droves
    Nov 18 2023

    After the conquest of Mecca, hundreds of thousands of Arabs came to the prophet to convert and pledge their allegiance. This lecture covers why they joined now and reflects the verses of Surah An-Nasr which predicted this.

    The Prophet also sent various small expiditions to the surrounding tribes to invite them to Islam.

    The last of the pagan tribes decided to attack the Muslims in a final stand, setting the stage for the Battle of Hunayn.

    Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=695.

    Subscribe at http://www.why-quran.org/subscribe to watch the lectures live and participate in the Q&A at the end of each class.

    Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QDkg3-SzFg&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.

    Light in the Darkness
    A supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspective

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    52 mins