• 063 - Embody True Self-Worth
    Sep 7 2023

    What would your life be like if you relentlessly lived authentically? Would you be living in the same area? Would you be dating the same person? Would you be spending money on the same things as you are now? In order to find these answers, you must first find your true self-worth.

    You know you have high self-worth when you believe you are worthy of love, respect, peace, fulfillment, and abundance. You speak up for yourself, you self-validate, and you unconditionally love who you are. You know you are enough just because you exist.

    When you don’t know who you are, you find yourself through the eyes of others. So it is likely that what others praise you for is what you gravitate towards, and what they shame you for, you shy away from.

    By living relentlessly authentic, you look inward to your heart’s desire and you go after what you want with confidence. So many of us don’t do this because we don’t believe we are worthy of reaching our dreams.

    This ends today when you begin to embody true-self worth. This podcast will help you connect with your authentic self that in turn allows you to feel free to relentlessly be who you were always meant to be—before the world told you who you should be.



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    26 mins
  • 062 - The Purpose of Life
    Jun 20 2023

    When I asked ChatGPT what the purpose of life is, this is what AI came up with:

    “The purpose of life is a philosophical question that has been debated for centuries and there is no one right answer. Different people and cultures have different beliefs about the meaning and purpose of life. Some might argue that the purpose of life is to seek happiness and fulfillment, while others might believe that it is to serve a higher power or to contribute positively to society. Some might view the purpose of life as simply to survive and reproduce, while others might see it as a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Ultimately, the purpose of life is a subjective and personal belief that varies from individual to individual.”

    So, clearly this is a topic that can be talked about for hours…except I talked about it for 11 minutes!

    I used to think that finding my life’s purpose was this grandiose thing, but as I’ve found my self-worth, I realized that it’s not that grandiose at all. In fact, it’s rather simple, and my perspective is just that. 

    I invite you to come journey with me to Bali on my Embody True Self-Worth in Bali Retreat so that you too can let go of the need to find your purpose, but instead, be present to exactly what is. I’m so thrilled to invite you to join this experience for 50% off! Book your call with me today!!!!

    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    11 mins
  • 061 - Celebrating 1 Year Free of Su!c!dal Thoughts
    May 19 2023

    As I celebrate one year free of su!c!dal thoughts, I acknowledge that I lived through and survived every horrible thought I’ve ever had. I’ve survived every obstacle, every difficulty, and every devastation. I’m still here, pushing on.


    This milestone means a lot to me. It signifies that I am stronger than I can ever imagine possible, I am capable of doing incredible things, and I am able to set my mind to anything and achieve it. 


    This wasn’t possible without the help of my amazing husband, coaches, mentors, therapists, doctors, family, friends, and myself for pushing me forward on a path of healing that allowed me to survive yet another year. 


    In today’s podcast episode, I share my reflections on life and how I’ve been able to go from feeling su!c!dal to now loving my life. 


    A big part of my healing journey is finding my self-worth and acknowledging that I am enough simply because I am. That I am worthy of this life simply by being in it. That I am so so loved, just because I exist, just because I am here on this earth. That there’s nothing I need to do, nothing I need to be, in order to be worthy of anything that I desire. 


    You TOO can learn the truth in these words. You TOO can come out of dark place and into the light. You TOO can heal. With the right amount of love and support, anything is possible. 🥲


    It all starts by taking the first step. That may look different for everyone, but for me, that looked like going on a self-love retreat to Costa Rica. I am happy to announce that I am hosting my very first retreat to Bali this July 30 - August 6! 🏝️ I hope that you join me on a journey to Embody True Self-Worth in Bali! 🩵🫶🏻💜


    This is a self-worth retreat where you will learn to embrace all that you are, uncover the deepest parts of your soul, and create human connection in a magical atmosphere so that you can leave the retreat embodying your true self, feeling confident & empowered, and finally able to unconditionally love yourself. 🤩


    Listeners of The Love With Liana® Podcast get $300 off the total cost of the Embody True Self-Worth in Bali Retreat! 


    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    22 mins
  • 060 - Believing in Yourself
    Mar 31 2023

    If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will?


    Believing in yourself is not only important for your life when you are embarking on a new journey or taking on a difficult task, but it is important for EVERY aspect of your life. 


    Imposter syndrome? WHO IS SHE? Negative self-talk? WHO DAFUQ IS THAT? Lack of self-worth? YOU BETTER NOT—U KNOW WHO U TALKIN’ TO? lol. None of these problems arise for very long when you believe in yourself. 


    In this podcast episode, I share with you six ways on how you can learn to believe in yourself and remember who the F you are. I hope you enjoy it!





    Listeners of The Love With Liana® Podcast get $300 off the total cost of the Embody True Self-Worth in Bali Retreat! 

    To download my FREE Guide, please click here.

    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    21 mins
  • 059 - Finding Your Purpose with Janell Jones
    Mar 27 2023

    I’m not sure if finding your purpose is a “Western Concept” or not, but it seems like much of the “American Way” is to go go go, do do do, and produce as much as you can allowing little time to slow down and actually see if what we’re doing is actually fulfilling. It’s almost as if Capitalism wants us to stay on the grind—away from our true life’s purpose—for our entire life so that we can keep making the rich richer all while keeping the poor poorer. 


    Janell Jones defines one’s purpose as “not really about us…it’s really to help other people with what you’re gifted”. I think this is a beautiful definition because once we can each tap into what our unique gifts are, we can find that magnetic pull towards our greater life purpose.


    I hope you enjoy today’s episode as it was one of my favorites to record to date!





    Find Janell Jones on socials media @janelljonesempowers and on her website janelljonesempowers.com. 

    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    50 mins
  • 058 - Finding Success Beyond Achievements with Wassim Dabboussi
    Feb 22 2023

    Wealth is traditionally defined as how much money or possessions a person has, but Wassim Dabboussi knows a different meaning of wealth:


    “Watching my children succeed, go through life, watching them grow…that to me is success before anything else…my true wealth is inside my own house.” — Wassim Dabboussi


    I absolutely love this meaning of wealth because it feels more authentic—more to the core of what it means to truly be wealthy and happy in this world. 


    I hope you enjoy today’s episode!





    Find Wassim Dabboussi on social media and at wassimdabboussi.com 

    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    48 mins
  • 057 - Self-Worth in a Healthy Marriage with Marisa Patel, LMFT
    Feb 14 2023

    As many of you know, I am married to the love of my life for the past four years now, and we have been together for eight incredible years. I truly don’t remember a time in my life without him at this point because he has been so important to me for such big milestones in my life. I don’t think Love With Liana® would have been energetically birthed if it wasn’t for his unconditional love and support of me and my dreams. 


    I am not the type of person who believes that you can’t love someone else before you love yourself. I believe that loving yourself is a constant, lifelong process, so it would be unjust to say that you couldn’t love someone else before you reach unconditional self-love. But I do agree that you need to be working on yourself before you enter into your forever relationship and especially during.


    So how do you continue to have high self-worth in a healthy marriage?


    Today on The Love With Liana® Podcast, I welcome guest Marisa Patel to discuss this topic.


    “To nurture and to have a positive sense of self and a good self-worth does not mean that you are arrogant…to work on yourself that way and to feel good about yourself—it’s okay and it’s something that you can be proud of.” — Marisa Patel


    I hope you enjoy today’s episode!





    Find Marisa on Instagram @WelcomingWellness.Me. 

    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    1 hr
  • 056 - Leading with Empathy with Shermin Kruse
    Jan 26 2023

    The Love With Liana® Podcast welcomes guest Shermin Kruse to talk on the subject: Leading with Empathy.


    Empathy is defined by “the ability to share and understand the feelings of another” and Shermin assures us this is not only innate in most people, but it can be taught at a cognitive level. There are many benefits to having more empathy in one’s life as they connect with family and friends, as well as lead in the workplace.


    “If you can better understand the struggles of others, you can grow in a very ethical way more rapidly than you otherwise could, and you can protect your people…You can be an empathic leader and not be perfect.” — Shermin Kruse.


    It is my hope that this podcast episode inspires you to have more empathy in all areas of your life!




    Find Shermin on Instagram @sher_kruse, on Twitter @sherminkruse, and LinkedIn or Facebook at Shermin Kruse. Please visit her website at www.sherminkruse.com.

    If you would like support on your own journey to greater self-worth, connect with me @LoveWithLiana and visit my website LoveWithLiana.com.

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    57 mins