• Is AI really coming for your job? And what should you do about it?
    Feb 22 2024

    Is AI coming for your job? And what should you do about it?

    If you think it’s not going to happen to my job, I’m not at risk, you might just be the most vulnerable.

    One message I’m seeing a bit is an ad from Jack Delosa from the Entourage, who said “If you’re a business owner, AI is not going to take your business, but a competitor with AI will.”

    In this Inside Out episode, I unpack that message and call to action, and what you should do about it, whether you think AI is a threat to your industry, job or business right now or not.

    I think that Jack (Delosa) is on the money, it’s not the AI, but humans with AI, and the short answer is yes, someone is bound to at least try. So what's your next move?


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    11 mins
  • 5 ways to not write the book you’ve always wanted to write
    Feb 14 2024

    Writing a book.

    In my experience, so many people say they could if they wanted to, or should write one when you talk to them at a BBQ. But should you do it? 

    My thinking is, if you're talking about it, you should find a way to start doing it. Or stop lying to yourself that you will one day.

    The truth is for most of us, like many things out there, you have no idea what you are doing which is one of the reasons you haven't started. Why should you know the "how to's" and the "ins and outs" of something you've never done before. The only way to make progress is to start and figure it out along the way.

    Writing a book took me back to the 3rd grade (or maybe earlier) with that feeling of not having a clue what to do next...But is there any other way?

    When was the last time you allowed yourself to be the fool?

    There are probably 100s of things, excuses, people, concerns that will stop you from writing that book, but here are 5 to get you started.


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    9 mins
  • How to avoid the "self-promotion" trap when marketing your business
    Feb 7 2024

    I start this inside out episode with a clip from the On Purpose Podcast with Jay Shetty interviewing Adam Grant which spoke to me when I saw it on Instagram this week.

    Adam said “So many people limit themselves by saying I dont want to self-promote.” I think that creating content or art even isn’t for everyone, but if you’re going to do it, be you.

    I unpack this quote, what it means to me, and how it relates to creating content in the real world so you don't get caught in the self-promotion trap when marketing your business.




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    11 mins
  • Will you let your big dreams go to this graveyard?
    Jan 30 2024

    In this Inside Out episode I unpack an excerpt from a conversation Price Pritchett had with Lewis Howes on the School of Greatness Podcast. It struck a chord with me, especially around planning for our big dreams, our excuses for not taking action and what to do to avoid the over-populated graveyard "The Planning Place" as Price branded it.

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    11 mins
  • This is what it takes to Do the Work!
    Jan 22 2024

    “Our enemy is not lack of preparation; it’s not the difficulty of the project, or the state of the marketplace or the emptiness of our bank account. The Enemy is resistance." 

    In this Inside Out episode I talk through the topic of resistance, elegantly outlined in Steven Pressfield's powerful, motivational and brief book titled "Do the Work". 




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    10 mins
  • “If you want to help the world, teach people how to live in it".
    Jan 15 2024

    The brilliant Joseph Campbell once said “If you want to help the world, teach people how to live in it". 

    In this Inside Out episode, I unpack why this quote inspires me and what it could mean for you, especially if you're in the business of creating (or wanting to create) any form of content from social media to music or writing that book you've always wanted to.


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    6 mins
  • What's in store for 2024?
    Jan 8 2024

    Listen in to find out what's going on in 2024!

    From the Visible framework and creating a business that gives you your true Visible life through to the Donkey and the Sea Turtle book release and our plans to finally spend time living on the island. (Hint: It's happening this year!)

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    10 mins
  • Parents and Leaders: What Does it Mean to Lead by Example?
    Jul 26 2022

    The concept of "Leading by Example" will mean something different to all of us.

    Here is my take, deeply anchored in the legacy I leave behind with my children, and what they learn by watching what I do, not just what I say.

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    8 mins