
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 080 - A Really Bad Week for America
    Apr 3 2023

    Paul Runyan is back and just in time for a week full of consequential news for America. First, Connor and Paul give their reactions to the indictment of former president Donald Trump in his home state of New York. Is this brazen act of election interference designed to help Donald Trump win the GOP nomination? While America is distracted by this unprecedented indictment, China and Russia continue to chop away at American alliances and the almighty dollar. Has Joe Biden set the USA on a course to economic ruin? Finally, the two discuss the Nashville school shooting and the rhetoric that may fuel future transgender terrorists.

    #DonaldTrump #AlvinBragg #StormyDaniels #China #Russia #Brasil #Brazil #France #SaudiArabia #Nashville #transgenderterrorist #transterrorist #RonDeSantis #NickiHaley #VivekRamaswamy #JoeBiden

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 079 - Democrats to Parents: Just Shut Up and Put the Kids on the School Bus
    Mar 27 2023

    The failure of H.R. 5, The Parent's Bill of Rights Act, was as disappointing as it was predictable. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says the Senate will not vote on the bill, which allows would give parents more of a voice in their childrens' public school education. We cut through the Democratic talking points and share what's in the bill, and why parents should continue to fight for transparency and accountability. The streets of Paris are now less safe and more odorous as riots and sanitation strikes result from President Macron's attempt to reform entitlements. Could it happen here? Plus, the Florida NAACP wants to put Florida in a new "green book," warning black Americans to stay away from the state. We discuss.

    #Florida #RonDeSantis #education #HR5 #ParentsBillofRights #MikePence #Macron #Paris #NAACP #greenbook #GlennYoungkin #SarahHuckabeeSanders #Democrats #Republicans #transparency

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 078 - Leftist March Madness: Fighting to Continue Child Castration
    Mar 20 2023

    As state legislatures across the nation pass a bevy of laws protecting children from permanent sterilization and harm, Democrats are doubling down on the dishonest and evil argument that conservatives are putting youth at risk of suicide. We discuss this baseless claim and hear from a "detransitioner" about the truth behind the medical procedures. The State of Vermont bans a school from all postseason athletic competition for refusing to play girls basketball against a team with a boy on it. Does this action increase the chances that more girls will lose their chance to play to mediocre male athletes? Plus, San Francisco is hemorrhaging residents due to crime and homelessness, but instead of addressing those, they're taking up Reparations. Connor Coughlin discusses which proposals could pass, or whether this is all just political theater.

    #genderaffirmingcare #transgender #protectkids #detransitioners #Omaha #Nebraska #Florida #Tennessee #Arkansas #San Francisco #reparations #Evansville #Vermont #gaysagainstgroomers #thebattlecry #carrieprejeanboller

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 077 - Bank Runs Cause Chaos in Cali...Is Your Bank Next?
    Mar 13 2023

    While the Oscars ceremony was uneventful, tens of thousands of Californians still got a smack in the face when Silicon Valley Bank shut down Friday before closing.  Now The Midnight Ride is getting nervous.  While Connor and Paul both urge calm, one of our hosts made a bank run of his own...and shares some intel that might have you doing the same.  Should the American taxpayer bail out depositors at SVB who held more than $250k? Will the effects of this swallow up more banks?  Plus, Joe Biden's FY24 budget request is dead on arrival when it hits Kevin McCarthy's desk.  We discuss what is in the budget, and what it says about America's economic prospects as the presidential election cycle and debt ceiling debates heat up.

    #SiliconValleyBank #letsgobrandon #KevinMcCarthy #budget #debtceiling #PresidentBiden #BarackObama #DonaldTrump #BillClinton #financialcrisis #Republicans #Democrats #gowokegobroke #VivekRamaswamy #Vivek2024 

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 076 - The Food Cartels
    Mar 6 2023

    Americans are eating themselves to death while major food corporations stack profits.  In addition to woke ideology, Food Inc. peddles foods loaded with refined sugars and salt to humans around the world, fueling obesity and diabetes.  Connor and Paul discuss how Americans are getting sold into a lifestyle of unhealthy food and the pharmaceutical remedies they need to survive once they get sick.  Food companies aren't the only ones profiting these days.  TMR examines how K Street lobbyists are doing pro bono work for the Ukranian government, work which benefits their other high-paying clientele.  Finally, Connor and Paul discuss the latest attempt by the left to censor conservatives--labeling podcasts as misinformation.

    #food #health #sugar #Kelloggs #Nestle #obesity #diabetes #lobbyists #Ukraine #defense #podcasts #1A #BigPharma #KStreet #Australia #Mexico #France #UnitedStates #QuestionEverything #misinformation #disinformation

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 075 - Break Up the Public School Racket
    Feb 27 2023

    A viral video from Carmel, Indiana had some public school advocates outraged about the pristine facilities at Carmel High, a school where proficiency in reading and math is ten times that of Indianapolis schools.  Yet a closer look at CHS budgets shows that per student funding is thousands less than at bigger cities.  Connor and Paul discuss the huge budgets at public schools in places like Chicago, Baltimore and Washington, D.C., and how parents and taxpayers in those cities are being robbed, while their children cannot read.  Plus, the two discuss an important 1st Amendment fight: the Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis are considering a media law that will make it easier to sue journalists who defame its citizens.  Finally, a look at the absurd licensing requirements states have for careers such as cosmetologists, interior designers and funeral attendants.

    #SchoolChoiceNow #SchoolChoice #publicschools #teachersunions #teachers #education #RonDeSantis #1A #Florida #Indiana #Chicago #Baltimore #WashingtonDC 

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 074 - The New Hippocratic Oath--How Woke Docs Put Your Health at Risk
    Feb 20 2023

    The war on science and truth is not going well for the West.  Medical schools are graduating legions of ideologues who promote a woke orthodoxy that could threaten the health of their patients.  Connor and Paul examine these schools and the New Hippocratic oaths they're forcing young men and women to take before they get their med school degrees.  Is your doctor one of them?  Plus, decades of failed climate apocalypse predictions haven't stopped activists from stating that the end is near if we don't all start driving EVs and eating bugs.  We discuss the #ClimateScam and another way elites and the US Government are censoring conservative speech.

    #ClimateScam #Wokeism #hippocraticoath #science #censorship 

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The Midnight Ride Ep. 073 - When Biden Lies, Ask the Robot for the Truth
    Feb 13 2023

    Joe Biden's State of the Union Address contained about as much truth--and botox--as an episode of Real Housewives.  But it did have its entertaining moments.  Connor and Paul bring TMR's new "third host," AI program ChatGBT aboard to analyze some of the conundrums in the speech, including protecting Medicare and Social Security, balancing the budget, and converting to a carbon-neutral economy.  As you might expect, his answers differed from the President's.  Plus, we examine Eric Adams' hypocrisy on immigration and LGBT activists storming the Oklahoma capitol building.

    #Biden #SOTU #ChatGBT #Medicare #SocialSecurity #EricAdams #immigration #LGBT #midnightridepod

    Más Menos
    46 m