• The Civil War Years - part 1
    Jul 21 2024

    The Civil War Years. A day-by-day chronicle of the life of a nation. A reading of the book by Robert E. Denny (1994). The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war between the Union[e] ("the North") and the Confederacy ("the South"), which was formed in 1861 by states that had seceded from the Union. The central conflict leading to the war was a dispute over whether slavery should be permitted to expand into the nation's western territories, leading to more slave states, or be prohibited from doing so, which many believed would place slavery on a course of ultimate extinction. Read by Hector Vladimir. The New Period Chat Radio Hector Vladimir 2024© https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6upa16ru_Cwx8pXJMz3e9R9mGgW3I33S https://www.youtube.com/@thenewperiodcr Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/ Intro music is Battle Hymn of the Republic by The California Consolidated Drum Band https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

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    12 mins
  • Contractor's licensing against minorities
    Jul 18 2024

    States use licensing schemes, for contractors or professionals, not only to ensure applicants are qualified; but also to limit these careers to "certain" individuals. Many "licensing requirements" have the effect of weeding out highly qualified minority groups of low income. Immigrants, blacks, indigenous, and LGBT peoples; are among the most affected and are routinely denied access to these careers. For example, by requiring high fees and testing costs you deny the poor, which are largely minority groups. By requiring a "squeaky clean" criminal background; you deny many disproportionately targeted blacks and Latinos in poor communities. And, by requiring an excessive command of the English language; you deny many qualified immigrants from entering these fields. For example, electrical contractor requirements in the state of Georgia, require you to be endorsed by no less than 4 contractors, and they must all "certify", under penalty of punishment, that they have "known your work" for at least 4 years. This and other "requirements"; firmly keep these licenses in the hands of a dominant group, that has held them for generations. Effectively, states engage in Jim Crow like tactics, resembling the poll taxes and literacy tests of the segregated South. Lastly, the incentives to endorse individuals requires an intimate friendship and unlikely work circumstances. Having the effect of "grandfather clauses" of the old "literacy tests", and enabling those with "licensed" family and friends to effectively "inherit" these licenses. In this series, I explain these and more.

    The New Period Chat Radio

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    7 mins
  • The Case Of: Jonbenet Ramsey, My Observations, Part 9, The 99%
    Jul 15 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio presents: The Case Of; Jonbenet Ramsey. My observations. Part 9. The author(s) of the Jonbenet ransom note is a baffling character. This person, or persons, wrote a note that is either non nonsensical, or incredibly clever. It is long, full of sales pitches, overly stated threats and pleads, and it is peppered with inconsistencies, mistakes, and animated language. It is seemingly useless for a ransom letter, but useful as a distraction tool. Here I focus on the part of the note that mentions that John Ramsey stood a 99% chance of not getting his daughter back if he tried to outsmart the perpetrator(s). But, I believe there is significance to the remaining 1%. It is either a back door exit, or a hopeful hail Mary. It provides an exit strategy for any cover up of a crime by the family. It provides a chance for any intruder to be forgiven from messing up and not detecting John Ramsey's moves to catch them. It also provides hope, that Jonbenet is actually alive, and it may be the fantasy of a killer that cared. Or, it may be just a random selection of a senseless killer. As of now, I believe it was the holding on to a 1% hope of Jonbenet being alive. Or, the hope of a 1% chance that the child will survive after being brutally hit and chocked. The note is what makes this case so baffling. Hector Vladimir 2024© https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6upa16ru_CyayTLG3dEn1RWpaBhf6eCx https://www.youtube.com/@thenewperiodcr Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    15 mins
  • Are you a wage slave? By Stephen Shenfield
    Jul 14 2024

    The New Period. Are you a wage slave? By Stephen Shenfield. Wage slavery is very similar to chattel slavery. During waged employment you are almost always totally under the control of your boss, manager, or supervisor. And, so are they in control by higher ups, owners, etc. Wage employment in the capitalist corporation is often cruel, abusive, and despotic, just like chattel slavery. You belong to a boss, and company during your work hours, and you are only given the freedom to act and think only if your bosses see it as beneficial to the company. In wage slavery, you don't make decisions, your input is only considered, and you are obligated to work or suffer dearly. Just like chattel slavery, must work to live, and you have no choice but to do this, whether is for one boss or another.

    Edited for audio by Hector Vladimir.

    Article by By Stephen Shenfield.

    Are You a Wage Slave? - World Socialist Party US (wspus.org)

    The New Period Chat Radio

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    12 mins
  • Interstellar travel
    Jul 9 2024

    Information Presentations (Info Pres). Discussion on the feasibility of interstellar travel. Article of Wikipedia.org Interstellar travel is the hypothetical travel of spacecraft from one star system, solitary star, or planetary system to another. Interstellar travel is expected to prove much more difficult than interplanetary spaceflight due to the vast difference in the scale of the involved distances. Whereas the distance between any two planets in the Solar System is less than 55 astronomical units (AU), stars are typically separated by hundreds of thousands of AU, causing these distances to typically be expressed instead in light-years. Because of the vastness of these distances, non-generational interstellar travel based on known physics would need to occur at a high percentage of the speed of light; even so, travel times would be long, at least decades and perhaps millennia or longer.

    Narrated by Hector Vladimir June 2016, updated in July 2024.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    47 mins
  • Racism in Japanese media and animation
    Jul 7 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio presents the Racism in Japanese media and animation series.

    Part 1. This is part 1 of my discussions on Japanese anime racism. Japanese artists have seemingly adored Caucasian features on their characters for a long time, evident in their movies, books, and art. But especially so in Japanese animation. The love for light color hair, skin, and eyes is clear, and the distain for dark African features is also clear. Their view of beauty and desirability has been racist. Some films are named here that have these racist traits; but there are hundreds of others.

    Part 2. Introductory commentary is an excerpt by "The Guardian" video article by Josh Toussaint-Strauss, Joseph Pierce, Ryan Baxter, and Paul Boyd. Japanese artists have adored Caucasian features for a long time, evident in their movies, books, and art. But, especially so in Japanese animation. I'm not sure of this racist tendency origin; may be Western colonial nations' influence of the early 20th century. But the love for light color hair, skin, and eyes is clear, and the distain for dark African features is also clear. They have avoided diversity in their media like a plague. Sad to say, that their view of beauty and desirability has been racist. This part 2 names a few films and game series that have been blatantly racist and excluding of African featured characters. Article excerpt from The Guardian.com: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/video/2020/oct/01/anime-has-a-race-problem-heres-how-black-fans-are-fixing-it-video

    Part 3. Introductory commentary is an excerpt by Yumi Nakata from her article on Gaijin Blog pot What is "The Gaijin Complex" and how do Japanese people really feel about foreigners. https://blog.gaijinpot.com/gaijin-complex/ Japanese artists, and anime fans, have adored Caucasian features for a long time, evident in their movies, books, and art. But, especially so in Japanese animation. I'm not sure of this racist tendency origin; economic pressures, Western colonial influence, or early Disney. Perhaps this MIT paper clarifies some of it (Ethnic and racial stereotypes in Manga - Izawa 2000. https://www.mit.edu/~rei/manga-ethnic.html. But the love for light color hair, skin, and eyes is clear, and the distain for dark African features is also clear. They have avoided diversity in their media like a plague. Sad to say, that their view of beauty and desirability has been racist. This part 3 continues to name a few films and game series that have been blatantly racist and excluding of African featured characters.

    By: Hector Vladimir 2023© Music: Here Here - DJ Skooly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1kl_OTpqjc Scales - DJ Skooly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q7VATGmlRg Articles: What is "The Gaijin Complex" and how do Japanese people really feel about foreigners. Yumi Nakata, Gaijin Blog Pot (2014) https://blog.gaijinpot.com/gaijin-complex/ Ethnic and Racial Stereotypes in Manga by Eri Izawa (2000) https://www.mit.edu/~rei/manga-ethnic.html

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    30 mins
  • Tragedy of Harold Phillips
    Jul 6 2024

    Dangerous Dog Watch. Harond Phillips died of dog attack in Detroit in February of 2024. Mr. Phillips was attacked by 3 loose pit bull type dogs that were loose. The dogs had a history of aggression, the owners have been criminally charged. Mr. Phillips leaves behind 6 children and his wife.

    The New Period Chat Radio presents: Dangerous Dog Watch

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    8 mins
  • US bombings of Japan 1941-1945 - part 1
    Jul 6 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio. The Japanese empire attacked the US on its military outpost in Pearl harbor Hawaii in 1941. During that time the US was supporting the war efforts of England and China against the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Japan was under rapid expansion in the Pacific and Southeast Asia, and China. And, Japan's oil and other supplies were cut off by the US when they invaded China. Under a baffling logic, Japan attacked the US military at Pearl Harbor. In rapid succession the US declared war on Japan, then entered the war in Europe. The US quickly geared for war and began defeating Japanese strong holds in the pacific, eventually gaining air reach over Japan. The US began a relentless air bombing campaign in many Japanese cities with seemingly indiscriminate targeting of civilian and military. The targeting of city high population areas was surely designed to cause mass civilian casualties. At the time outlawed under the league of nations and the Versailles treaty. And, immoral and criminal under all sensible judgment. But, these indiscriminate bombings took place for over 3 years, killing multiple hundreds of thousands of civilians in Japan.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    23 mins