
  • Pragmatic Strategies For High Performing Call Centers
    Jul 22 2024

    Call centers are the backbone of many customer service operations. But let's be honest, keeping your team happy and productive can feel like an uphill battle. High turnover, low morale, and frustrated customers - sound familiar?

    In episode we interview Dave D'Arcy, Managing Director of Laughing Leadership, who has over 30+ years designing and managing call centers for companies like Sky, Vodafone, Vonage, and RingCentral. We delve into the secrets of building a high-performing call center team. From prioritizing agent experience to embracing new AI tech, this video offers actionable advice to elevate your call center from just functional to fantastic.

    Here are some key takeaways

    Employee experience is key to customer experience. Happy staff lead to happy customers.

    AI is a powerful tool to enhance agent performance. It can automate tasks and provide real-time support, but it won't replace human agents.

    Start small and focus on a specific goal when implementing AI. Identify a process that you want to improve and find an AI solution that can help.

    Listen to your team members and empower them to make decisions. This will boost morale and improve overall call center performance.

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    42 mins
  • How Call Centers Can Leverage AI to Improve Agent Experience
    Jun 28 2024

    Did you know that 78% of customers say a positive experience with a call center agent can increase their loyalty to a brand? But with rising call volumes and complex customer needs, it’s getting tougher for agents to deliver exceptional service. This begs the question – can technology, specifically AI, become the secret weapon for boosting agent experience and customer satisfaction?

    In a recent interview, we discussed these topics and more with Nerys Corfield, Director of Injection Consulting Limited. Nerys’ has a quarter-century of hands-on experience consulting some of the worlds leading call centers for clients like Volkswagen, Vodafone, British Gas, the National Apprenticeship Service and Sky. She is also a leading thought leader in the space judging prestigious awards like the European Contact Center and Customer Service Awards; Chairing the DMA Contact Center Council for 3 years and being a regular on the webinar, keynote and podcast circuit.

    Here are some key takeaways

    Call centers are still facing challenges from the late 90s, such as lack of investment in training and supporting advisors.

    The cost of managing voice interactions is rising, and businesses are looking for ways to leverage technology like AI to augment agents or to move customers to self-served channels.

    It is imperative to bridge the gap between Operations and IT teams when implementing AI solutions.

    AI can help agents by providing them with real-time interaction guidance and automating tasks like call summarization.

    Call centers should develop a roadmap for AI implementation, which includes understanding their pain points, setting goals, and measuring success.

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    39 mins
  • Next Generation Call Center AI
    Jun 28 2024

    Call centers are experiencing an unprecedented revolution catalyzed by AI. With a vast array of solutions like call transcription, voice generation, agent assist tools, and even virtual agents, crafting a strategic and practical approach is crucial for success.

    In this episode, we interview Ping Wu, the CEO of Cresta, one of the leading AI unicorns (valued at $1.6 billion) in the call center space. Prior to Cresta, Ping was a Senior Director of Engineering at Google, where he helped pioneer several AI products such as Vertex AI and CCAI.

    Here are some key takeaways

    Agent Empowerment.
    AI automates repetitive tasks like real-time transcription and cost summarization. This frees up agents to tackle complex inquiries and provide more personalized service.

    Real-Time Agent Guidance. AI becomes a virtual coach, offering agents instant insights and knowledge base access during calls, leading to improved performance and resolution times.

    Data-Driven Call Optimization. AI unlocks valuable insights from every call, empowering businesses to identify areas for improvement and optimize future interactions.

    Starting Smart with AI. The video emphasizes starting with low-tech, high-impact AI solutions to ensure cost-effective implementation and a smooth transition.

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    46 mins
  • How Enterprises are Implementing AI in Call Center
    Jun 28 2024

    The call center industry is undergoing a major transformation driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). But is AI a magic bullet for cutting costs?

    In a recent video, we dive into these questions with Mark McKercher, CEO of CX by Us, which is an advisory company focused on call centers. Formerly Mark has held leadership positions at Roku, Samsung, Google, and Amazon.

    Here are some takeaways

    AI is on the rise, but temper expectations on cost savings.
    McKercher advises against overpromising immediate savings from AI solutions.

    Focus on customer experience first. Don’t let AI overshadow the human element in customer service.

    Data governance is critical. Ensure your data is organized and accessible before deploying AI.

    Balance stakeholder needs. Be transparent with leadership about the time it takes to see ROI from AI.

    Empower your agents.
    AI should augment agents, not replace them. Make sure they understand this.

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    29 mins
  • How AI Impacts the BPO Call Center Industry
    Jun 28 2024

    The BPO call center industry is undergoing a major transformation due to AI. AI can automate tasks, improve agent productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction. BPOs that embrace AI will be well-positioned to thrive in the future. Are traditional BPO call centers a thing of the past?

    In a recent episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing Jim Radzicki, President of GMI, a global outsourcing company, former CIO of the Valor Global, a BPO focused on the Telcos, Healthcare, and Tech sectors, and the former CTO of Telus International, a divesified BPO with over 50,000 agents. Jim brings a wealth of experience from the BPO industry, having started his career as a call center agent and rising to the C-Suite in some of the world’s largest call center BPOs.

    Here are some takeaways

    BPO call centers are increasingly adopting AI solutions such as call summarization to agent assists platforms.

    AI can improve agent productivity and customer satisfaction by providing real-time guidance and automating tasks.

    BPOs can leverage their expertise to train AI models and offer new services such as data anotation.

    AI will not replace human agents, but it will change the way they work.

    The key to successful AI implementation is to start small and scale gradually.

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    44 mins
  • How BPOs Should Prioritize Call Center AI Solutions
    Jun 28 2024

    In today’s competitive business landscape, Business Process Outsourcers (BPO) running offshore call centers are under increasing pressure to deliver exceptional customer service while keeping costs under control. The good news? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the call center landscape, offering a powerful solution to these challenges. But with a variety of AI solutions available, how should BPOs prioritize their investments?

    We recently interviewed Ofer Ronen, the Founder and CEO of Tomato.ai, and asked him this very question. Before raising $12.1M for Tomato.ai, Ofer successfully sold two start-ups to Google, and one to IAC. He also played a pivotal role in pioneering Google Contact Center AI, where he helped transform some of the largest call centers with AI, including a couple of Fortune 20 companies, driving over $500M in bookings.

    Ofer’s Crawl, Walk, Run Approach to AI Implementation

    BPOs shouldn’t rush into implementing the most complex AI solutions first. A strategic “crawl, walk, run” approach is key.

    Begin with quick wins that deliver immediate value. Call summarization and voice augmentation are excellent starting points, as they improve efficiency and customer experience without a major overhaul.

    Walk Once initial solutions are established, move on to AI-powered agent assist. This empowers agents and elevates the quality of their interactions.

    Finally, consider implementing virtual agents for basic inquiries, allowing human agents to focus on complex issues and relationship building.

    This phased approach ensures a smooth integration of AI while maximizing its benefits.

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    36 mins