• Plants Over Pills: Lavender Edition
    Feb 8 2024

    Welcome to Episode 10 of our Lavender Edition podcast! I'm thrilled to be your host, and in today's episode, we're diving into the wonderful world of Lavender. But before we get started, let me introduce myself and share some exciting upcoming events.

    For more information about me and or scheduling a private session go to: https://joaquinroland.com

    Now, let's explore the top 5 applications for "Lavendula" and discover why everyone should embrace the magic of lavender in their daily lives.

    1. Lavender's Calming Properties:

    Did you know that lavender can help bring your nervous system back to a state of calm? Aromatherapists use lavender to treat headaches, nervous disorders, and exhaustion. Herbalists harness its power for skin ailments such as fungal infections, wounds, eczema, and acne. It's even a fantastic addition to healing baths for joint and muscle pain. Lavender can be incorporated into your routine through aromatherapy oils, bath gels, extracts, infusions, lotions, soaps, teas, tinctures, or as whole, dried flowers.

    2. Medicinal Marvel: Antibacterial and Fungal Properties:

    Lavender isn't just a fragrant herb; it's also a powerful medicine. From promoting sleep to healing wounds, relieving migraines, and calming anxiety, lavender supports the nervous system remarkably well.

    3. Lavender for Healing Wounds:

    Surprisingly, lavender aids in the healing of wounds. In a 2016 study, researchers discovered that lavender oil promotes the healing of skin tissue. For small wounds, mix 3 or 4 drops of lavender oil with coconut oil and apply the mixture with a cotton ball.

    4. Headache Relief and Migraine Support:

    Lavender is a go-to essential oil for headaches. Dilute it in coconut oil and rub it on your temples. Massaging your face and scalp during this process can enhance the experience. Studies have shown that lavender therapy can reduce headaches, making it a natural solution.

    5. Lavender for Skin Conditions and Stress Relief:

    Research suggests that lavender oil is effective for various skin conditions due to its gentle antibacterial properties. Whether applied topically for acne or used in aromatherapy for stress and depression symptoms, lavender offers a holistic approach to well-being.

    And don't forget the simple pleasures of lavender tea or making lavender bags to enhance your sleep and keep your clothes smelling fresh. Lavender truly is the "Greatest of All Time" in the herbal remedies world, and I hope you're as excited about it as I am!

    Thank you for joining me in this Lavender Edition – stay tuned for more episodes and exciting insights.

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    18 mins
  • Novice Healing Artist Podcast - A Community That Supports The Hero's Journey
    Jan 10 2024

    Join Joaquin Roland, Healing arts educator and entertainer on this 9th episode: Healing Arts Community: touching on the hero's journey of self actualization and transformation into one day becoming a "guide".

    We all have a story and every hero has a nemesis.....we go into what we are up against as a community of pure hearted individuals who want the best for ourselves and our loved ones but.......there is greed....and the mechanisms of the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex seems to serve not the people but their own self interests.

    Origin Story: Joaquin shares his origin story that which becomes the reason for him to arrive at knowing that the healing arts is his life's work and calling.

    Upcoming Live Courses:

    3 day Retreat: Grass Valley:


    Free Offerings:

    Free 30m Somatic EM session: https://the-human-touch.ck.page/4001cf725a


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    27 mins
  • Core Self Care Practices: How can we build self care into our daily routine? What will it take?
    Dec 22 2023

    In this episode Joaquin Roland discusses the importance for anyone wether in the helping profession, healing arts or not to have self care practices built into their life style. Joaquin takes this topic to heart and shares a story when he woke up to the importance of maintaining his mental, emotional, and physical state of being.

    The three core practices Joaquin touches are:

    1. Sleep
    2. Hydration
    3. Balanced Diet

    Joaquin goes through these practices and asks the question: "How can we build self care into our daily routine? What will it take?

    He finishes off the episode with a somatic visualization/meditation with the aim of addressing these questions...

    Free gift: Sacred Meditation Music

    Gayatri: 108 By Joaquin Roland & Orenda Blu

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    28 mins
  • Self Care Practices That Can Buffer Your Nervous System - Right Now
    Dec 14 2023

    In this episode of the Novice Healing Artist Podcast: Episode #7

    Joaquin Roland - "The Self Care Conspirator" - https://joaquinroland.com

    This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.

    I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

    I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

    George Bernard Shaw

    -Joaquin shares an old Zen Story,

    -How to buffer the nervous system

    1. Vagus Nerve Stimulation
    2. Meditation
    3. Mindset: The Inevitable Blows Are On The Way

    Receive a free download about these exercises more in-depth and join our mailing list:

    Receive a free download of Joaquin & Orenda Blu's: Gayatri: 108 - Mantra Meditation Music: https://the-human-touch.ck.page/d668d03c92

    Show more Show less
    36 mins
  • How To Understand Energy Better - Through Ayurveda's Ancient Science
    Dec 7 2023

    In this episode, Joaquin Roland shares the holy grail of understanding energy in the human body found in the greatest system of lifestyle medicine - Ayurveda.

    Joaquin will be sharing today about the elemental nature of the Tri - Dosha's. Each of us has a dominant and a sub dominant constitution, In this we can learn more about our natural self so that we can counter act any deficiencies or exacerbating tendencies and get back to balance.

    Ayurveda is a wonderful place to begin understanding the way energetics play within the human system - spirit - mind and body..

    Joaquin shares with you his two favorite books:

    The Yoga of Herbs - Excellent book for anyone wanting a precise straight to the point understanding of Ayurveda and how to begin implementing it's philoshophy to gain optimum health.

    Esoteric Anatomy - The Body As Consciousness, by Bruce Burger.

    Joaquin's greatest inspiration - He found this to be a complete guide to understanding how somatic psychology, the energy body, the nervous system and spirit all fold into one another. This book is Ayurvedic - Energy Work and bodywork and so much more. Highly recommend purchasing as it is after all the book that Joaquin decided to write the primer for, so that Esoteric Anatomy can be more assimilable when you arrive to it.

    To finish the episode Joaquin reads from Bruce Burger's Esoteric Anatomy - pg.. 119-120, Contemplation of the Higher Self - The classic "Who Am I Contemplation" by Sri Ramana Maharishi.

    Whats YOUR Dosha??

    Take the FREE - Tri Dosha Quiz Here: https://the-human-touch.ck.page/d15b5e1a99


    Try our Free 40 min Gayatri Mantra Meditational - Sound Healing Music - Life transforming: https://the-human-touch.ck.page/d668d03c92

    Show more Show less
    28 mins
  • Plants Over Pills: Why Plants and Herbs Will Never Fail
    Nov 29 2023

    In this episode, Joaquin Roland - shares a story about a young mans journey with plant medicine and how it altered the course of his young life.

    He then dives into this segment of the importance of understanding plants on an energetic level so that we can evolve our hearts and souls.

    If you wish to have a one on one session with Joaquin - Click here

    If you are interested in studying with Joaquin in person or online - Click here

    Join our email list for FREE behind-the scenes-content: Click here

    Show more Show less
    26 mins
  • Why You Need & How To Protect Your Psychic Energy
    Nov 23 2023

    Join Joaquin Roland - Healing Art-prenuer, Educator and Entertainer for this weeks edition of the Novice Healing Artist Podcast - Episode 4.

    In this we will explore why we need and how to protect our psychic energies....Especially coming into the holiday season this is a wonderful time to mirror what nature is doing by turning within and finding strength and regeneration in our roots.

    Joaquin will share with you four practices that you can experiment with from his soon to be released book The Human Touch - The Elements of Energy Medicine for the Novice Healing Artist.

    Receive knowledge rich content - free by signing up to Joaquin's email list: https://joaquinroland.com

    Join us for a fun experience and please share this episode with a loved one who may need a little energetic support!

    Show more Show less
    25 mins
  • Guided Somatic Sound Healing Meditation
    Nov 17 2023

    Join Author and healing arts "edutainer" Joaquin Roland by listening in on The Novice Healing Artist Podcast: Episode Number 3. In this episode he shares his unique synthesis of somatic experiencing, vocalization/toning in what he describes as a somatic sound healing experience. Personally designed for you to use to release emotional stress, frustration, pressure and get into your joy of it all!

    Joaquin dives into the "felt sense" how we can access the here and now by using your body as an anchor for you mind and emotions. Always trusting the mastery, Joaquin shares his wisdom from the heart in the most authentic - direct way possible. This is a GAME changing experience!!

    Get Your Free Mp3 - of THIS Somatic Sound Healing Meditation....


    Music Credit:

    Track 1. Sound Healing Beat Remix: Joaquin Roland & Gyongyi Ridenour

    Track 2.:Sound Healing - Gyongyi Ridenour

    Please visit GyoHarmony to see what Gyo is up to!! https://gyoharmony.com/

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    25 mins