
  • Episode 56: The Healing Power of Hitting Pause: Why Taking a Break Can Boost Recovery
    Jul 24 2024

    In this episode, Bart and Tim discuss the importance of taking a break from therapy and how it can benefit patients. They share a story of a patient who experienced positive changes after giving themselves permission to have a break. They explore the concept of embodiment and how being in a different environment can change the way we experience our bodies. They also discuss the therapeutic approach to breaks and the importance of empowering patients to take control of their own recovery. Overall, they emphasize the opportunity for reflection, exploration, and self-care that a break can provide.

    • Taking a break from therapy can be beneficial for patients, allowing them to reflect, explore, and take control of their own recovery.
    • Being in a different environment can change the way we experience our bodies and can provide opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
    • Therapists should empower patients to take breaks and give themselves permission to rest and recharge.
    • Breaks can be a time for reflection, evaluation, and planning for future self-care and well-being.
    • The therapeutic approach to breaks should focus on creating a context that reinforces positive experiences and allows for mindful exploration.
    Chapters 00:00 Introduction and the Topic of the Day 02:26 The Importance of Self-Treatments and Productivity Pressure 09:44 Exploring Embodiment and the Impact of Different Environments 16:18 Creating a Context for Positive Experiences and Mindful Exploration 21:54 Empowering Patients to Take Control of Their Recovery 23:12 Conclusion and Announcement of the Pain Pub Quiz
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    26 mins
  • Episode 55: Conquering the Clock: Strategies for Thriving Under Time Constraints
    Jun 19 2024
    Tim and Bart dive into the challenge of working under time constraints in both public health systems and private practice. They share strategies for setting boundaries, prioritising patient rapport, and delivering high-quality, individualised care despite limited time. The duo discuss the pros and cons of working within a system versus private practice and emphasise the importance of flexibility and challenging the status quo. Packed with practical advice and relatable anecdotes, this episode will help you conquer the clock and thrive in any clinical situation. Useful Resource A Clinician's Guide to Thriving Under Time Constraints by Le Pub Scientifique & Sandy Hilton. Get your copy now: https://www.lepubscientifique.com/guides Keywords time constraints, clinical practice, expectations, boundaries, flexibility, individualisation, protocols, efficiency Takeaways
    • Setting expectations and boundaries is important in managing time constraints in clinical practice.
    • Flexibility and individualization are key in providing effective treatment within limited time.
    • Protocols can be helpful for efficiency, but it is important to adapt them to suit each individual.
    • Doing things well and making the most of the available time is crucial in providing quality care.
    Sound Bites
    • "Setting out expectations and boundaries is really important."
    • "Therapy starts when the patient leaves the room."
    • "The ability to adapt protocols to suit each individual is a skill."
    Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Overview 02:22 Whose Problem is Time Constraints? 04:18 Time Constraints in Different Contexts 06:41 Creating a Treatment Plan 09:07 The Challenge of Making a Difference in Limited Time 13:29 The Therapy Continues Outside the Room 15:23 The Importance of Readiness to Change 20:38 Private Practice vs Public Health System 23:23 Flexibility and Choice in Private Practice 25:45 The Value and Limitations of Protocols 28:09 Managing Time Constraints and Asking the Hard Questions 30:09 Doing Things Well in Limited Time

    Useful Links

    Le Pub Website: www.lepubscientifique.com

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    33 mins
  • Episode 54: Transforming the way we think, talk, and treat pain with Prof Cormac Ryan
    Jun 5 2024
    Professor Cormac Ryan delves into the transformative power of the Flippin' Pain campaign, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to revolutionising the way people think, talk, and treat persistent pain. Through the lens of this public health approach, Cormac explores the critical importance of sharing knowledge, empowering communities, and harnessing the power of lived experiences to bridge the gap between specialists and the vast number of individuals living with persistent pain. Discover the six key messages that lie at the heart of this movement and learn how, by challenging misconceptions and reframing the narrative surrounding persistent pain, Flippin Pain is paving the way for a brighter future where recovery is possible, and no one is left to suffer in silence. Keywords persistent pain, knowledge, Flipping Pain, public health, generalists, biopsychosocial approach, lived experience, communication, recovery, expectations Takeaways
    • The Flipping Pain initiative aims to boost knowledge and understanding of persistent pain in society.
    • Reaching generalists who interact with patients on a daily basis is crucial for disseminating accurate pain-related knowledge.
    • The campaign focuses on changing the way people think, talk, and treat persistent pain, promoting a biopsychosocial approach.
    • The lived experience of pain is a vital component of the campaign, providing relevant and powerful perspectives.
    • Barriers to spreading accurate pain-related knowledge include competing messages and the need to lift expectations and be more optimistic about recovery.
    Sound Bites
    • "Flipping pain is about trying to change understanding on a community level, on a public health level about persistent pain."
    • "We need to take the best strategies from marketing and for communication and utilize those in our endeavors to try and communicate a better understanding of persistent pain."
    • "Recovery is possible. That's it, actually how I greet the person coming in."
    Chapters 00:00Introduction and Overview 01:18The Need to Share Accurate Pain-Related Knowledge 08:13The Six Key Messages of Flipping Pain 18:07Overcoming Barriers to Spreading Accurate Pain-Related Knowledge 21:52Lifting Expectations and Being Optimistic About Recovery 30:35Conclusion and Call to Action

    Useful Links

    Le Pub Website: www.lepubscientifique.com

    Become a Le Pub member: https://www.lepubscientifique.com/premium-membership

    Contact us: lepubscientifique@gmail.com

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    37 mins
  • Episode 53: Is surgery for pain a panacea or placebo?
    May 22 2024

    Tim Beames and Bart discuss the debate surrounding surgery for pain. They explore whether surgery is a panacea or a placebo, and share their thoughts on the topic. They discuss the influence of influential figures like Elon Musk and Tiger Woods, as well as the role of surgery in treating neurological problems. They also touch on the importance of a balanced approach and the need for clinicians to inform patients about the potential risks and benefits of surgery.


    surgery, pain, panacea, placebo, debate, neurological problems, Elon Musk, Tiger Woods, success, immune system, inflammation, research, bias, placebo surgery


    • The debate surrounding surgery for pain is complex, with no definitive answer as to whether it is a panacea or a placebo.
    • Surgery can be effective for treating neurological problems, but its efficacy for pain alone is less clear.
    • The success of surgery can vary depending on individual circumstances and the underlying cause of the pain.
    • Clinicians should inform patients about the potential risks and benefits of surgery and help them make an informed decision.
    • There is a need for more research and high-quality studies on the effectiveness of surgical procedures for pain.
    Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Recap 01:35 Elon Musk's Statement and Initial Thoughts 07:11 Surgery for Neurological Problems 09:19 The Role of Clinicians in Informing Patients 13:12 The Potential Effects of Surgery on the Immune and Inflammatory Systems 23:02 The Need for More Research on Placebo Surgery 29:36 Summary and Closing Remarks

    Useful Links

    Le Pub Website: www.lepubscientifique.com

    Become a Le Pub member: https://www.lepubscientifique.com/premium-membership

    Contact us: lepubscientifique@gmail.com

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    34 mins
  • Episode 52: Preventing Chronic Pain after Injury with Alison Sim
    May 8 2024

    In this episode, Tim talks to the acclaimed osteopath and PhD candidate, Alison Sim about her research on preventing chronic pain after injury, particularly in the context of compensable care.

    Alison discusses the stressful and distressing nature of the compensation claim process, which can significantly impact recovery. Her research reveals an overlap in frustrations experienced by both claimants and clinicians, particularly regarding delays in care and lack of support. Alison's team developed a beneficial 5-session telehealth intervention based on co-design workshops with claimants. Interviews with experienced clinicians highlighted a common pattern of initial feelings of being underskilled, seeking further education, and ultimately developing a sense of mastery in their role. Alison suggests improvements to the compensation system, including early access to high-quality care and streamlining the claims process. Her research emphasises the importance of addressing psychosocial aspects of injury recovery in compensable care settings to foster better outcomes for individuals.


    chronic pain, compensable care, claims process, early interventions, pain self-management, social support, clinician experience, complexity, uncertainty


    • The claims process in compensable care can be distressing for both claimants and clinicians, and it is a significant predictor of poor outcomes.
    • Early interventions that provide information about the claims process, pain self-management strategies, and social support can help improve outcomes for claimants.
    • Experienced clinicians working in compensable care can find fulfillment and a sense of mastery in managing complexity and uncertainty.
    • Improving access to high-quality care, enhancing communication skills, and providing support for both claimants and clinicians are essential for better outcomes in compensable care.
    • Further research and evaluation are needed to assess the impact of interventions and systemic changes in compensable care.
    Sound Bites
    • "I am interested in looking at early interventions to prevent the development of chronic pain following injury and particularly interested in injury in the setting of compensable care."
    • "The distress of interacting with the processes required to engage with a claim is a big predictor of poor outcomes."
    • "People didn't understand the claims process and felt overwhelmed by it."
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Background 02:07 - PhD Research on Early Interventions in Compensable Care 08:19 - The Distressing Nature of the Claims Process 11:16 - Intervention: Providing Information, Self-Management Strategies, and Social Support 29:18 - Improving Outcomes in Compensable Care

    Useful Links

    Le Pub Website: www.lepubscientifique.com

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    36 mins
  • Episode 51: ‘You Can't Go Wrong Getting Strong’ Why this advice might be hindering patients’ progress with Tim Beames & Bart van Buchem
    Apr 24 2024

    Tim and Bart dive into the world of pain science and uncover the truth behind common misconceptions in their brand-new podcast series, The Painful Truth. With their signature blend of expertise, humour, and compassion, Tim and Bart tackle the most pervasive ideas surrounding pain care and treatment head-on.

    In this inaugural episode, they take on the popular notion that you "can't go wrong getting strong" when it comes to managing chronic pain. But is this advice as straightforward as it seems? Tim and Bart explore the nuances and potential pitfalls of applying this mantra to everyone, shedding light on the importance of personalised approaches to pain management.

    They share valuable insights on the complex relationship between strength training and chronic pain, the psychological impact of pain, and the risks of one-size-fits-all exercise prescriptions. You'll come away with a deeper understanding of what it takes to effectively manage chronic pain and why a multifaceted, individualized approach is key.

    Whether you're living with chronic pain, supporting a loved one, or simply interested in the latest pain science, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to The Painful Truth and join Tim and Bart on an enlightening journey towards better understanding pain, strength, and the path to improved well-being.

    Useful Links

    Le Pub Website: www.lepubscientifique.com

    Become a Le Pub member: https://www.lepubscientifique.com/premium-membership

    Contact us: lepubscientifique@gmail.com

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    32 mins
  • Episode 50: Uncertainty in Pain Care with Mike Stewart
    Mar 20 2024

    Internationally acclaimed educator & specialist pain physiotherapist Mike Stewart (KnowPain Mike) sits down with Tim Beames to explore the intricacies of uncertainty in pain care. In this insightful session, Mike delves into the patient's perspective, likening the experience to being swamped and navigating through a perpetual traffic jam without a clear understanding of the cause.

    As they delve deeper, they ponder the necessity of a structural diagnosis and the implications it holds for effective pain management. Additionally, they shed light on the concept of solution-focused care, unravelling its significance in guiding patients towards tangible relief and empowerment amidst uncertainty.

    Tune in for an engaging discussion that promises to challenge conventional perspectives and inspire innovative approaches to pain care.

    Useful Links

    Find out more about Mike Stewart: https://www.knowpain.co.uk/

    Le Pub Website: www.lepubscientifique.com

    Become a Le Pub member: https://www.lepubscientifique.com/premium-membership

    Contact us: lepubscientifique@gmail.com

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    33 mins
  • Episode 49: Opportunities for change in chronic pain with Dr. Deepak Ravindran
    Mar 6 2024

    Welcome to "Le Pub Scientifique: The Pain Podcast,"

    'Every consultation is seen as an opportunity for micro changes, hope, and a shift in perspective. Join our insightful host, Tim Beames, as he takes you on a journey behind the scenes, serving as a fly on the wall during consultations with Dr. Deepak Ravindran.

    In this episode, we delve into the world of pain management with Dr. Deepak Ravindran, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of experience dedicated to helping individuals overcome their pain. Dr. Ravindran is a rare gem in the UK's medical landscape, holding triple certification in lifestyle medicine, musculoskeletal medicine, and pain medicine.

    As a consultant in pain medicine since 2010 at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest district general medical hospitals in the UK, Dr. Ravindran has been at the forefront of cutting-edge pain management. Currently serving as the clinical lead for specialist pain services in West Berkshire since 2015, he brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the table.

    More about Deepak: https://deepakravindran.co.uk/

    More about Le Pub: https://www.lepubscientifique.com/

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    40 mins