• 005 Children's Emotions and Mental Health 5/5 Steve Biddulph
    Feb 7 2020

    This series has been focussed on exploring the importance of emotional development and how we can as parents be supporting our children’s mental health from the very early years of life so that they are able to manage the stresses we are seeing them face as they go through into adolescence and young adulthood.

    We hear over and over again how the NHS is being brought to its knees because of the mental health epidemic in this country, its similar in other countries too so not indigenous to us, but if we want to see this ship turned around, its important that we come at it from all angles and one of the fundamentally crucial building blocks to mental health, we know, is the development and experience through childhood and the adolescent years

    So coming full circle with this our final episode in the series, we are joined by perhaps one of the most influential people in the world when it comes to parenting and understanding the needs of our children. I was absolutely delighted when retired child psychologist, family therapist and author of the world’s best-selling book on raising boys, as well as other books that millions of parents have bought worldwide, Steve Biddulph, said he would join us on The Parenting Podcast.

    We cover the importance of listening and being comfortable with feelings, putting boundaries down, how life has changed and what the impact has been on mental health and how we function, we cover how to understand gender and what our individual child’s needs might be, we pack loads in!

    The sound isn’t perfect as we were half way across the world from each other so at times it sounds like one of us is furiously clicking a mouse or stirring a cup of tea – I promise you neither of us were, it was just the isms of the connection so apologies for that but you can hear what is said loud and clear. Enjoy!

    Steve Biddulph's books:

    • Complete Secrets of Happy Children
    • Raising Boys in the 21st Century
    • Raising Girls in the 21st Century
    • 10 Things Girls Need Most To Grow Up Strong and Free
    • Manhood 

    And the other book that Steve referred to was Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne 

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    47 mins
  • 004 Children's Emotions and Mental Health 4/5 Mandy Saligari
    Feb 6 2020

    Continuing the quest of understanding emotions and mental health, addictions therapist Mandy Saligari joins us for this next episode with some challenging truths and encouraging advice.

    We go from anxiety and out of control emotions, to eating disorders and self-harming, to toddler tantrums and teens who don’t talk. More importantly we talk about us as parents and what we can do raise our children so that they are best able to manage their emotions that they don’t need to self-medicate or shut down.

    You may have seen Mandy on ITV’s This Morning, or Channel 5’s Celebrities in Therapy – or perhaps you’ve already watched her Ted talk about handling emotions. If so, you’ll know that she knows her stuff! Once an addict herself, she is now the co-founder of one of London’s leading treatment facilities for addictions on Harley Street. There’s so much to take away from this episode on negotiating our own emotional lives, whilst helping our children conquer self-destructive behaviour.

    Mandy’s book is called Proactive Parenting and is jam packed with amazing advice and her Ted Talk is “Feelings, Handle Them Before They Handle You” 

    Please do rate and review the podcast and it would be great if you could share and tag your friends. The NHS is at breaking point because of mental health illnesses, schools are spending their limited finances on help for the same so lets all do we can to raise the next generation of children to become adults who can! We are @thePpodcast on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so please do start and join in with conversations over there.

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    54 mins
  • 003 Children's Emotions and Mental Health 3/5 Michael Rosen
    Feb 5 2020

    In this next episode we talk with Michael Rosen about how the language of play and an attitude of playfulness can help with emotional development and mental health. Rather than being hounded by the obsession of right and wrong, or being the best at everything, we talk about having the freedom and ability to question the parameters that are set out around us which can sometimes lead us to think that there is only one path to follow.

    We talk about how confidence and a sense of identity comes through having the ability to play with the world that is given to us, and that play is not just an occupier of time but that it’s a way of life that provides creativity, respite, connection and so much more. George Bernard Shaw said “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” 

    So on this episode, we explore playfulness, how to build relationships with meaning and look at how we communicate and provide a safe base for our children to grow, whilst fostering a curious attitude that isn’t held back by the fear of getting things wrong.

    To find Michael Rosen, he has stacks going on via his website and the book we were referring to was called Michael Rosen's Book of Play

    We hope you enjoy the episode, please come and find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, we are @thePpodcast across the board and if you'd like to contact me, I'm Pipa Gordon, also generally somewhere to be found if you just search my name, or here's my website for all the links.


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    51 mins
  • 002 Children's Emotions and Mental Health 2/5 Dr Dominique Thompson
    Feb 4 2020

    In this episode we start to dig deeper into the importance of emotional development with Dr Dominique Thompson.

    We talk about Generation Z, who they are, how they differ to us as Generation X and Millennial parents, what life feels like for them and why mental health and subsequent destructive coping mechanisms seem to be escalating at such a pace. We cover the fear of failure, why it is so prevalent, social media, screen time and even sexting.

    Dr Dominique Thompson brings incredible insight to this episode. She’s a former GP and an award winning national student health expert with a special interest in mental health, having spent 20 years of her career as a GP looking after university students, please see links to her books and Ted talks below.

    Do continue these conversations over on social media as we really only get the chance to scratch the surface here. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @thePpodcast and of course, all the podcasts themselves are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Spotify - if you could leave a quick rating and even review, we would be super grateful!

    Dr Dominique Thompson's books are:

    • How To Grow A Grown Up
    • Anxiety at University
    • Depression at University  
    • Staying Well and Safe at University  
    • Resourcefulness at University 

    Dominique’s Ted talk “What I learned from 78,000 GP consultations with University students" and What Young People Wish We Knew 

    The next episode is Michael Rosen on the power of relationship and connection, invention and discovery.


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    54 mins
  • 001 Children's Emotions and Mental Health 1/5 Pipa Gordon
    Feb 3 2020
    This is the first episode in a series looking at the emotional development of our children and how it affects their mental health longer term. We hear regularly now that mental health illnesses are bringing the NHS to its knees, and costing BILLIONS of pounds, so I wanted to invite some experts on to rummage a bit beneath the surface. We know that 50% of all mental health issues are established by the age of 14 and so as parents, how can we ensure that we are giving our children not just 5 a day for physical health, but have a strategy that ensures good mental and emotional health too. I go by a system that I call the ABC, it’s simple and pulls me back time and time again to remind me of the essentials of knowing my children and being there for them as they grow and discover who they are and what they need to navigate their way through life. This starts with A, being available. We juggle such busy lives these days, and charge around doing our best to provide and achieve so that we can give the best opportunities to our children and live a full life ourselves however I think sometimes we can be so busily focussed on building those things for the future, with our eyes on tomorrow, that perhaps we miss out on engaging with some of the more simple necessities of the moment. Children need to be heard, at every single age and stage, we all do. It’s not about rolling over and letting the child get their way, it’s about letting them feel heard. When someone stops to listen to what we have to say, the very fact that they listen, tells us that we matter, that what we want counts, whether or not we get it is almost irrelevant – but often when we are busy, doing all the things we need to do to run our homes, our families, our work and businesses, working hard so we can pay the bills, perhaps afford a nice holiday and pay for all the technology we have, it’s easy to miss the basics we so often form the foundation to some of the bigger issues further down the road. By connecting regularly with our children and truly hearing and seeing them, we affirm who they are and demonstrate to them that we love who they are, right now, today. Second up is B for build them up. Brene Brown says in one of her famous Ted talks that courage comes from the word cour which means heart. So if courage means to go with your heart, to encourage surely means for us to spur on someone else to go with their heart. All of our children have different strengths and weaknesses, isms and ways, they aren’t all programmed the same and they have real struggles, some more than others. As parents we can help our children become stronger by building them up firstly by loving them for who they are, not who we want them to be and secondly by building them up by helping them find strategies and ways to understand their own difficulties and get through or around them one way or another. School for some is hell on earth, friendships don’t come easy for everyone, and let’s face it, life isn’t easy for anyone but it is so much more doable when we know we are loved for who we are and feel supported by those who matter. It’s easy to encourage and celebrate when children get a good mark in school or score a goal or beat a record, or do a great performance on stage and of course those things have their place, however if we only celebrate those victories, we continue to recreate this culture that values achievement and performance over everything else – building our children up means in every way, physically, emotionally and mentally. Finally we come to C – to care for ourselves so that we are able to care for our children. Like in an aeroplane, when there is an emergency, you need the gas mask first otherwise you are no good to anyone else – it’s the same with parenting. We need to be in a good place so that we can give to our children without the need for return. There are clips in this episode taken from the episodes which will follow – we hear from Dr Dominique Thompson, author of How To Grow A Grown Up, children’s author Michael Rosen, addictions therapist Mandy Saligari and parenting guru, possibly one of the most influential authors on parenting in the world, Steve Biddulph You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @thePpodcast and of course, all the podcasts themselves are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Spotify as The Parenting Podcast The next episodes are: 002 – Dr Dominique Thompson on Generation Z, understanding the world they live in and coping with screens, social media and other pressures of modern life 003 – Michael Rosen on the power of relationship and connection, invention and discovery  004 – Mandy Saligari, understanding and preventing addictions, managing emotions and learning to talk 005 – Steve Biddulph on raising happy children in the midst of today's busy lifestyles Dr Dominique Thompson's books are: How To Grow A Grown UpAnxiety at UniversityDepression at University  ...
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    35 mins
    Jan 16 2020

    Join parent, step parent and broadcaster Pipa Gordon embark upon the journey of parenting. Alongside various guests, she will explore concepts and ideas addressing how we parent our children in this modern world and equip them to thrive through the phases of growing up and into becoming adults who can. For more information or to join us on social media, search for @thePpodcast

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    2 mins