
  • Pointy Vee Cast 007 - Mr Robot S01E05 - Exploits
    Mar 17 2020
    Episode Notes Host: Sam Park (Ducky Obrien) ►Movie & TV Blog: https://pointyhatcast.com/ ►Movie & TV Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-q0GstBCTpf6yaxqofzKw ►Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/duckyobrien As I was rewatching episode five of Mr. Robot, it dawned upon me that this episode focused primarily on all the “exploits” that we have as human beings. While infiltrating Steel Mountain was the primary objective for the protagonists as well as the main focus of the episode in the narrative sense, with this show there is oftentimes more than what you only see on the surface. It is always an exercise in taking a deeper look at what it means to be human, especially with all the flaws and brokenness that being alive brings. As always, I’ll start with a brief summary of the events in the episode to set the backdrop before diving into the more interesting elements presented. Episode five starts off with Fernando Vera in prison. Elliot’s anonymous tip has managed to put Vera firmly behind bars. However, Vera is more insightful than he first appeared and figures out Elliot’s hand behind all of this. While this is happening, Elliot and crew manage to successfully infiltrate Steel Mountain despite some setbacks. Along the way, Elliot runs into Tyrell Wellick which turns into an impromptu lunch date. Elliot excuses himself to the bathroom where he successfully installs the Raspberry Pi hack into the climate control system to later increase the temperature in Evil Corp’s data backup facilities and destroy the tapes. Back at the F Society hideout, the Dark Army has backed out of the plan completely, despite Darlene’s attempts to convince them otherwise. Unable to move forward without the Dark Army’s assistance, the crew decides to take a wait and see approach. Angela has broken up with Ollie and moved back temporarily to her father’s place. Tyrell and Joanna meet Scott and Sharon Knowles in an attempt to secure a position as Scott’s right hand man, as he is appointed to become the next CTO of Evil Corp. And then the episode ends rather dramatically with Shayla’s presumed kidnapping. Overall, it appears to be a normal heist episode with minor subplots being moved forward. Upon second viewing however, and it’s incredibly rare for me to rewatch a show, I am always surprised at how it oftentimes takes a deeper look into the human psyche. Steel Mountain is not just a fictional analogue to real world Iron Mountain, which is indeed a real place that actually has it’s own road system and fire trucks as explained by Bill Harper to Elliot. Steel Mountain is a representation and extension of the human psyche. While this claim may seem to require a leap of logic to believe, it is more accurate than it seems. How closely do we guard our own selves from outsiders, letting only a trusted few individuals with “clearance” in? We might even make exception for people of fame or riches, like Bill Harper did for Sam Sepiol, Elliot’s fake identity as a multi millionaire tech CEO. How often do we store up and guard the inner most parts of ourselves because we are afraid of someone stealing it, damaging it, or using it for nefarious purposes? We are our own Steel Mountains, seemingly impenetrable, determined to never be hurt or taken advantage of again. And like the Steel Mountain of Mr. Robot, there are always exploits, the people surrounding Steel Mountain. No matter how strong your defenses are, no one can truly thrive alone and the strong desire for connection with other humans will result in possible “exploits”. The episode, properly titled ‘Exploits’, features a series of people’s weaknesses being exploited. We see poor Bill Harper, a lonely man striving to survive, beaten down by Elliot with the harsh truth that no one would probably care if he died. We see Trudy’s, Bill’s manager, worst fears being used against her. We see Elliot use Tyrell’s hubris against him, to use him to get to the secure level of Steel Mountain. Outside of Steel Mountain, we see Angela expertly drive a knife into Ollie’s heart with the realization that she activated the virus using his ID and computer, and deservedly so. We see Tyrell and Joanna trying to find a weakness to exploit in the Knowles family. We see Darlene desperate to make things work, and blames herself for the plan failing, even though things were out of her control. And finally the episode ends with Vera finding Elliot’s one weakness, Shayla. After Elliot’s successful deployment of the Raspberry Pi and on their return drive home, we see a touching phone call between Elliot and Shayla. They have a normal exchange for once, talking about how their day of work went, and Shayla wanted to share more once Elliot returned home. We observe both Shayla and Elliot, who have both gone through hard times, return to a moment of normalcy in their lives that most take for granted. This is all shattered when Elliot returns to an ...
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    7 mins
  • Pointy Vee Cast 006 - Why Phasma Wasn't a Wasted Character
    Mar 5 2020
    Episode Notes

    Excerpt:There is this popular belief that somehow Captain Phasma was "wasted" as a character in the Last Jedi. The truth is that she was never a unique character to begin with, even in the Force Awakens. In fact, I would further that argument and even go as far as to say that the Last Jedi redeemed her role in the new trilogy. Now before the internet gets their pitchforks and torches ready, hopefully people will hear me out and end up with a greater appreciation for the more human elements that the new trilogy barely managed to portray.

    Let's start by observing carefully how Phasma is actually portrayed in the Force Awakens. Phasma first appears in the movie around eight minutes in and her first lines are, "Sir, the villagers." To which Kylo replies, "Kill them all" in a rather dramatic fashion. "On my command. Fire." Phasma replies. This is same introductory scene for the character of Finn (FN2187) as well, where he chooses not to fire upon the civilians.

    This is the entirety of Phasma's introduction as a character. All we can glean from what the movie actually shows us is that she has shiny armor, and therefore must be a Storm Trooper of some standing. Movies typically give masked characters of some importance in the script a distinguishing mark so they are easily identifiable, such as the blood on Finn's helmet, or in Phasma's case, an entire suit of shiny armor.

    Full Writeup: https://pointyhatcast.com/2020/03/05/captain-phasmas-wasnt-a-wasted-character/

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    12 mins
  • Pointy Vee Cast 005 - Mr Robot S01E04 - Exorcising Daemons
    Feb 18 2020
    Episode Notes
    • Created by Sam Esmail. Season 1, Episode 4 released on July 8, 2015 (USA)
    • Written by Adam Penn, Directed by Nisha Ganatra
    • Starring Rami Malek, Carly Chaikin, Portia Doubleday, Martin Wallstrom, Christian Slater, and many more.
    • Full Credits: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4659980/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast

    Excerpt:I'm going to do something a little different than usual from summarizing the entire episode and adding some commentary. I would like to shift the entire focus of this post to the hallucination Elliot has while suffering from withdrawal from his morphine addiction. There will be spoilers, including events leading up to the end of season four, so be forewarned. Also I would like to credit redditors here for some of the more obscure information, including users bwandering and one user that was deleted.

    Before we start, here is a brief synopsis of what happens in this episode. Elliot and crew start their heist to break into Steel Mountain in order to hack their climate control system. Once hacked, they can remotely raise the temperature on the storage facilities containing Evil Corp's physical tape backups. The tapes will be rendered useless in higher temperatures. Evil Corp, however, has put into motion their own plan to make backups of their tapes and ship them to four new locations in the matter of just a few days. Knowing they don't have time to spare, Elliot moves up the execution of the plan to that day. On their way to Steel Mountain, Elliot suffers severe withdrawal symptoms and the team is forced to stop and help Elliot recover. He goes through a very surreal series of hallucinations but recovers at the end. The episode ends with Angela inserting the CD from the Dark Army into Ollie's computer, unbeknownst to him.

    I really appreciate the amount of effort and artistry put into the script of Mr. Robot because upon rewatching the show, I notice how neatly each episode fits within the other, and how every episode seems to have something to offer on multiple levels. Episode four stuck out to me in that there seemed to be no real theme or emotional thread that seemed obvious. What did stand out to me was the hallucination scene because of how strange and surreal it was. It seemed a little out of place and almost a little out of character.

    Full Write Up: https://pointyhatcast.com/?p=117

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    11 mins
  • Pointy Vee Cast 004 - Mr. Robot S01E03 - Debug
    Feb 5 2020
    Episode Notes
    • Created by Sam Esmail. Season 1, Episode 3 released on July 8, 2015 (USA)
    • Written by Sam Esmail, Directed by Jim Mckay
    • Starring Rami Malek, Carly Chaikin, Portia Doubleday, Martin Wallstrom, Christian Slater, Gloria Reuben and many more.
    • Full Credits: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4730002/fullcredits/

    Excerpt: At first glance, Mr. Robot may seem to be your typical drama-thriller about hackers with elements of mystery, intrigue, thrills, and drama surrounding it's cast of broken characters. It is, however, first and foremost a story about the human condition as explored through Elliot. The reason why I appreciate and love the first season of Mr. Robot is that every episode gives more insight into the character of Elliot upon repeated viewings. There is an incredible level of depth in seemingly inconsequential lines of dialogue and scenes. Once you know the entirety of Elliot's story and character, the story opens up and lets the viewer take an introspective and retrospective glance at Elliot's life through his perspective.

    I'm going to try and keep this episode as spoiler free as possible but I would like to go over some of the insights this episode gives us into the character of Elliot and his raison d'etre.

    Episode three is titled "Debug" and rightfully so. It may appear to be a seemingly insignificant episode with not much happening besides setting up plot elements for later development as the season progresses. However, this episode gives us a greater look into the character of Elliot and the reason for his existence, as well as that of Mr. Robot's.

    Full Write Up: https://pointyhatcast.com/?p=87

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    14 mins
  • Pointy Vee Cast 003 - Mr. Robot S01E02 - Ones and Zeroes
    Jan 29 2020
    Episode Notes
    • Created by Sam Esmail. Season 1, Episode 2 released on July 1, 2015 (USA)
    • Written by Sam Esmail, Directed by Sam Esmail
    • Starring Rami Malek, Carly Chaikin, Portia Doubleday, Martin Wallstrom, Christian Slater, and many more.
    • Full Credits: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4686038/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

    Excerpt: Episode two starts off where episode one left off, with Elliot meeting Tyrell Wellick and his team of corporate lawyers sitting at a round table. It is kind of humorous to note here the extravagantly bloated and inefficient corporate structure of Evil Corp. One man needed eleven lawyers to make sure that Mister Wellick did not do anything that would make him liable for any potential lawsuits.

    Tyrell makes a dramatic introduction with a foreboding quote, "Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. But give a man a bank and he can rob the world." He continues the theatrics as he explains his line of reasoning reflected by the quote; the will to take is the only thing that guarantees power and success regardless of hard work or skill.

    Here he offers Elliot (unofficially) a very lucrative position at Evil Corp's cyber security division. What Elliot assumed to be a kidnapping was in fact a secretive job offer. The secrecy was necessary as what Tyrell was doing was technically illegal due to previous arrangements with Allsafe.

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    18 mins
  • Pointy Vee Cast 002 - Star Wars IX: Rise of Skywalker Review
    Jan 24 2020
    Episode Notes Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker

    -Released on December 20, 2019 (USA) -Directed by J. J. Abrams -Written by Chris Terrio, J. J. Abrams -Starring Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson, and many more

    Review Link: https://pointyhatcast.com/?p=57


    Star Wars IX: Rise of Skywalker is emblematic of why poor movies are produced when the wrong directors are hired and more focus testing than necessary is conducted. Rise of Skywalker contains nothing that made the Star Wars universe, and the characters living in it, so beloved and treasured throughout the world.

    As a movie watched solely for entertainment and watched only once, it is fairly serviceable, but that is as far as it goes as a work of cinema. It is jammed pack with beautifully shot and edited action sequences that don't show any sign of slowing. One action sequence leads to another with only small breaks in between to introduce new characters. Sometimes a character may tell the audience what is happening. While entertaining, there is nothing of weight in these scenes. A lot of action is happening on screen but in reality none of it is actually important nor does it lead to anything important.

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    10 mins
  • Pointy Vee Cast 001 - Mr. Robot S01E01 - Hello Friend
    Jan 21 2020
    Episode Notes

    Created by Sam Esmail. Season 1, Episode 1 released on June 24, 2015 (USA) Written by Sam Esmail, Directed by Niels Arden Oplev Starring Rami Malek, Portia Doubleday, Martin Wallstrom, Christian Slater, and more. Full Credits: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4652838/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

    Mr. Robot is a drama/thriller about a young hacker named Elliot Anderson, played by Rami Malek, who is deeply disillusioned with how people are being enslaved by debt. To compound the issue, people are choosing to run away instead of face the problem cementing the cycle of enslavement to the economy.

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    14 mins