
  • 24-202 Hearing His Call: Steps to Responding to God’s Voice in Challenging Times
    Jul 20 2024

    Welcome to today’s episode of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast," where we delve deep into the profound and sometimes perplexing journey of hearing and responding to God's voice. Today, we take inspiration from Genesis 15:7, where God reminds us of His role in guiding us to our destinies, much like He guided Abraham out of Ur.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: "I am the LORD who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land as your possession." - GENESIS 15:7

    Imagine a scenario where following God's instruction seems to defy all logic, like closing a thriving business or moving to a new city with no job lined up. This is the stark reality of walking in faith — trusting in God's voice even when the path seems uncertain. Abraham’s journey wasn’t just about physical relocation but about a transformational shift in trust and obedience. Each step Abraham took towards the unknown, he was actually stepping into a deeper understanding of God’s faithfulness and plan.

    In our lives, when we hear God’s call, whether it's a whisper or a roar, it challenges us to step out in faith. Responding to God’s voice might mean making decisions that are incomprehensible at the moment but promise divine fulfillment in the long run.

    Steps That You Can Take:

    * Daily Dedication to Listening:

    * Begin each day with prayer and Scripture, specifically asking God to speak to you about the day ahead.

    * Keep a journal next to you during these times to jot down any thoughts, scriptures, or impressions you believe are from God.

    * Seek Confirmation and Counsel:

    * Share what you believe you've heard from God with trusted spiritual mentors or friends.

    * Seek confirmation through additional prayer and by examining if what you’re hearing aligns with Biblical truth.

    * Act in Faith:

    * Once confirmed, take small, practical steps towards what God is guiding you to do.

    * Remember, obedience in small things can prepare us for bigger roles God has planned.

    Conclusion: Our journey with God is filled with moments of divine intervention and guidance. Like Abraham, our path to greater understanding and deeper relationship with God is paved with acts of faith. Responding to God's voice isn't just about the outcomes we may witness but about the person we become in the process.

    Call to Action: This week, challenge yourself to really tune into God’s frequency. Choose one area of your life where you’ve struggled with decision-making and commit it to prayer. Listen intentionally and be ready to take action, no matter how small the step.

    Question of the Day: What is one area in your life where you need clearer guidance from God, and how can you open yourself more fully to listening?

    Let's Pray: Father, we thank You for Your guiding voice that leads us out of our comfort zones into the destiny You have for us. Help us to trust You more, to listen better, and to obey quicker. May we, like Abraham, move faithfully wherever You lead, trusting that You are with us every step of the way. Amen.

    Thank you for tuning into "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Remember, God is speaking—make sure you are listening. Join us next time as we continue to explore how to live a life attuned to God’s voice. Keep listening, keep believing, and above all, keep responding to His call.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • 24-201 Hearing and Heeding: Living Under the Authority of God's Voice
    Jul 19 2024

    Welcome to today's episode of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." In our discussion today, we will delve into the profound authority and transformative power of God's spoken word as outlined in Genesis 1:3. We will explore what it means to respond to God's voice, not just as a suggestion, but as the definitive guide for our actions and decisions.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: "God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." - GENESIS 1:3

    From the creation of the universe, God's voice has demonstrated immense power. He speaks, and worlds come into existence; He commands, and nature obeys. This same voice speaks into our lives today. God’s words are not mere sound waves dissipating into the air; they are dynamic, living forces that achieve His purposes.

    In Isaiah 55:11, God assures us that His words will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He desires. This means when God speaks to us—whether through Scripture, the Holy Spirit, or through His servants—it's not merely for our consideration. His words are directives carrying the weight of divine intention.

    As believers, our response to hearing God's voice should be one of immediate acceptance and action. Recognizing the authority of God’s voice transforms how we live, making us not only hearers of His word but doers also.

    Steps That You Can Take:

    * Daily Devotion to Listening:

    * Dedicate time each day to read Scripture and pray, focusing on listening for God’s voice.

    * Keep a journal to record insights and directives you believe come from God.

    * Review regularly to see how God’s words have come to fruition in your life.

    * Cultivate Obedience:

    * When you discern God's guidance, act on it promptly, trusting in His authority over the outcome.

    * Share your decisions and actions with a trusted spiritual mentor or community for accountability.

    * Reflect on the outcomes, acknowledging God's faithfulness in fulfilling His words.

    * Teach and Testify:

    * Share what you have learned about listening to and obeying God with others in your community.

    * Testify to the specific ways you have seen God's word come alive and work in your life.

    * Encourage others to seek and respond to God's voice with the same reverence and urgency.

    Conclusion: Responding to God's voice with immediacy and seriousness is not merely a religious duty; it is a privilege. It aligns us with the divine rhythm of creation and the ongoing work of God in the world. As we learn to hear and heed God's voice, our lives become vivid testimonies to His power and faithfulness.

    Call to Action: This week, take one step of obedience based on something you believe God has recently spoken to you. Note the impact of this obedience on your life and those around you.

    Question of the Day: What is one area in your life where you need to better listen to and act on God's voice?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for speaking into our lives with the same power that spoke light into darkness. Help us to hear Your voice clearly and to respond with immediate obedience. May Your words not return to You empty but accomplish everything You desire in our lives. Amen.

    Thank you for joining today’s episode of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Remember, God is speaking—are you listening? Tune in again for more insights on walking closely with God through His powerful word. Until next time, keep listening and keep obeying.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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    6 m
  • 24-200 Divine Directions: Navigating Life with the Spirit's Guidance
    Jul 18 2024

    Welcome to another episode of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Today, we're diving deep into understanding how the Holy Spirit communicates God's will and guidance for our futures. Anchored in John 16:13, we explore the profound truth that the Spirit of truth not only dwells within us but also imparts wisdom about what lies ahead.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will tell you about the future." - JOHN 16:13

    The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in our spiritual journey, not as a fortune teller but as a divine guide who provides insights into God’s plans for us. This guidance isn't about revealing every detail of our futures but about empowering us to make decisions aligned with God's will. The Spirit’s revelations are given not to satisfy curiosity but to strengthen our faith and direct our paths in alignment with God’s overarching purposes.

    Steps That You Can Take:

    * Cultivate a Listening Habit:

    * How to do it: Set aside a specific time each day for prayer and meditation, focusing on listening rather than speaking. Use a journal to record any insights or directions you feel the Spirit is imparting.

    * Why it matters: Regularly tuning in to the Spirit's voice helps us become more attuned to His subtle whispers, making it easier to distinguish His guidance from our thoughts.

    * Test and Confirm the Guidance:

    * How to do it: Measure what you believe the Spirit is telling you against Scripture and the counsel of spiritually mature mentors. Ensure that any direction received aligns with biblical truths and the character of God.

    * Why it matters: This step prevents deception and self-deception, grounding our understanding of the Spirit’s messages in the solid foundation of God’s Word.

    * Act in Faith:

    * How to do it: Take small, practical steps towards implementing the guidance you've received. Start with actions that have minimal risk to build confidence in your ability to hear from God.

    * Why it matters: Faith without action is dead (James 2:17). Acting on the Spirit’s guidance confirms our trust in God and often leads to greater revelations as we prove faithful in little things.

    Conclusion: The Holy Spirit is not a distant, mysterious force; He is an active and present guide in our lives, eager to lead us into all truth, including truths about our future. By learning to listen to and act on the Spirit's guidance, we step into a dynamic, faith-filled life that continually aligns more closely with God’s will.

    Call to Action: This week, challenge yourself to follow these three steps. Begin each day by asking the Holy Spirit to guide you, and end it by reflecting on any new insights or confirmations you received. Let's grow in our confidence that God speaks to us through His Spirit.

    Question of the Day: What is one area of your life where you need clarity about the future, and how can you actively seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in that area?

    Let's Pray: Father God, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. Help us to be sensitive to His whispers and courageous in following His guidance. Teach us to discern His voice clearly and to trust in Your perfect plans for our lives. As we seek Your will, may we be filled with the peace and assurance that only comes from You. Amen.

    Thank you for joining us today on "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Remember, the Spirit is speaking—are you listening? Keep seeking His voice, and may your steps be firmly planted in the path He has for you. Until next time, stay encouraged and stay in tune with the Spirit!

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • 24-199 Echoes of the Spirit: Tuning In to Divine Whispers
    Jul 17 2024

    Welcome, listeners, to another enlightening episode of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Today, we embark on a journey to deepen our understanding of the Holy Spirit's role in conveying God's voice to us. Inspired by John 16:13, we explore how the Spirit acts as a divine messenger, not just speaking on His own but relaying what He hears from the Father and the Son to us.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard." - JOHN 16:13

    The Holy Spirit, often a mysterious aspect of the Trinity, plays a crucial role in our spiritual life. He is the conduit through which the thoughts and intentions of God are communicated to us. Understanding His process helps us to discern His voice more clearly amid the cacophony of our daily lives. Unlike the dramatic divine encounters in the Bible, the Spirit's voice today is a gentle whisper within us, a subtle and profound guidance that resonates deep in our souls.

    Steps That You Can Take:

    * Cultivate Silence:

    * Dedicate time each day to sit in silence, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak without competition from external noise. This practice helps to distinguish His voice from our thoughts and external distractions.

    * Journal Your Impressions:

    * Write down any thoughts, scriptures, or impressions you believe are from the Holy Spirit during your quiet time. Reviewing these notes over time can reveal patterns and confirmations of the Spirit's guidance.

    * Seek Confirmation:

    * When you feel the Holy Spirit has spoken, seek confirmation through Scripture or the counsel of mature Christians. This accountability helps ensure that what you've heard aligns with God’s Word and character.

    Conclusion: The Holy Spirit's role as our guide is both a profound privilege and a daily help. By learning to listen and respond to His promptings, we cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God. The Spirit's whispers can guide our decisions, comfort our hearts, and empower our actions, but only if we learn to listen.

    Call to Action: This week, challenge yourself to implement these three steps actively. Begin each day by asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you, and end it by reflecting on what He may have said. This consistent practice can transform your spiritual walk.

    Question of the Day: What are some changes you’ve noticed in your life when you’ve actively listened to and followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to be our guide and communicator. Help us to be attentive to His voice, discerning His messages, and eager to follow His lead. May our hearts always be open to the truths He shares, as He reveals Your will and Your ways. Amen.

    Thank you for tuning into today's episode. Remember, the Holy Spirit is speaking—are you ready to listen? Keep seeking His voice, and let His truths guide you each step of the way. Until next time, stay inspired, stay engaged, and keep pressing on in faith.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • 24-198 Tuned In: Embracing the Spirit’s Guidance in Everyday Life
    Jul 16 2024

    Welcome to "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Today, we dive deep into the concept of tuning our spiritual ears to the subtle yet profound voice of the Holy Spirit. Inspired by John 16:13, we explore how the Spirit of truth leads us into all truth, offering us daily guidance and insight that surpasses even direct conversation with Christ in physical form.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: "When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth." - JOHN 16:13, NIV

    Jesus' promise that the Holy Spirit would guide His disciples into all truth reveals a profound dynamic of our faith. While Jesus walked the earth, His disciples benefited from His physical presence and direct communication. However, Jesus asserted that the coming of the Holy Spirit would be a greater advantage, providing continuous and internal guidance. This divine Counselor does not merely inform us; He transforms our understanding and perception of reality, helping us navigate every aspect of life with divine wisdom.

    This ongoing interaction with the Holy Spirit is not just about receiving explicit directions for every decision but about fostering a relationship where His truth shapes our entire being, influencing our decisions, reactions, and understanding of God's will.

    Steps That You Can Take:

    * Daily Sensitivity Training:

    * Begin each day with a prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual senses to His guidance. And Keep a journal of these daily times of prayer and note any insights or shifts in your understanding that occur.

    * Study and Reflect:

    * Regularly study scriptures that describe the role and work of the Holy Spirit. Reflect on how these truths apply to your life. Share these reflections with a trusted friend or a spiritual mentor to discuss and gain further insights.

    * Practice Discernment:

    * Actively seek the Holy Spirit’s perspective in various situations, especially in challenging ones, asking for His wisdom to discern the right course of action. Review these situations and the outcomes of your decisions with a spiritual accountability partner to evaluate your sensitivity and obedience to the Spirit's guidance.

    Conclusion: The Holy Spirit is not a distant or mysterious force; He is our constant companion, teacher, and guide. By inviting Him into our daily decisions and cultivating a deep relationship with Him, we can experience the fullness of life Jesus promised. This relationship enables us to navigate life not on mere human wisdom but guided by divine truth.

    Call to Action: This week, I challenge you to identify one decision or area of your life where you can specifically seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Take the steps outlined above and watch how He leads you into deeper understanding and clarity.

    Question of the Day: What area of your life do you need the Holy Spirit’s guidance the most right now, and what is stopping you from seeking His input?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit, who guides us into all truth. Help us to be sensitive to His voice, to cherish His presence, and to follow His lead in every area of our lives. Teach us to rely on Him completely as we navigate the complexities of this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Thank you for joining us today at "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Remember, the Holy Spirit is speaking—are you listening? Keep seeking His voice, and let His truth transform your daily walk. Until next time, stay engaged, stay inspired, and keep leaning into God's truth.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • 24-197 Hearing His Voice: Unlocking the Promise of John 16:12
    Jul 15 2024

    Welcome to another insightful session of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Today, we explore the profound truth that God’s communication with us didn’t end with the last words of Scripture but continues vibrantly today. Our guiding scripture, John 16:12, reveals that Jesus has much more to say to us, extending beyond His time on earth into our daily lives.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: [Jesus said,] "There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now." - JOHN 16:12

    This passage from John's Gospel is a clear indication that our interaction with Jesus is meant to be dynamic and ongoing. Jesus was speaking to His disciples, setting the stage for all believers to anticipate continuous guidance from Him. Historical examples like Agabus and Philip’s daughters, who demonstrated prophetic gifts, show us that early Christians did not just read about God’s works and words; they experienced them in real-time.

    Today, Jesus still speaks to guide, comfort, instruct, and sometimes correct us. He desires a personal relationship where His voice becomes a vital part of our decision-making process. This divine dialogue is not just about receiving directives but about fostering a deeper relationship with the Creator.

    Steps That You Can Take:

    * Cultivate a Listening Heart:

    * Action Step: Dedicate time each day to silence and solitude to hear God’s voice without distractions.

    * Accountability Measure: Set a daily alarm as a reminder to pause, reflect, and listen. Share this practice with a friend or a community member to encourage each other in this habit.

    * Immerse Yourself in the Scriptures:

    * Action Step: Regularly read and meditate on the Bible, allowing the Holy Spirit to highlight and apply God’s words to your current situations.

    * Accountability Measure: Join or form a Bible study group where insights and applications are discussed. This communal approach will help reinforce your understanding and application of what you read.

    * Respond Actively to Heard Messages:

    * Action Step: Act on the insights and directions you believe you have received from God to demonstrate your trust in His voice.

    * Accountability Measure: Keep a journal of what you sense God is saying and review it periodically with a spiritual mentor to seek confirmation and to discuss the outcomes of your obedience.

    Conclusion: Embracing the voice of God as a constant in our lives transforms us from passive readers of the Word to active participants in God’s ongoing story. It’s not only about hearing but also about responding with belief and obedience.

    Call to Action: Challenge yourself this week to identify one way in which you can enhance your practice of listening to God. Perhaps it's setting aside a specific time for prayer or engaging more deeply with scripture. Whatever it is, make a commitment and stick to it.

    Question of the Day: What might be holding you back from hearing God’s voice, and how can you address these obstacles?

    Let's Pray: Lord, thank You for Your promise to speak to us continually. Open our ears and soften our hearts to recognize Your voice. Help us to trust not only in Your ability to speak but in Your desire to engage with us every day. Teach us to respond with prompt obedience and joyful assurance that You are actively involved in our lives. Amen.

    Thank you for tuning into "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Keep seeking His voice in everything you do, and remember, He is always speaking; are we listening? Until next time, keep walking in faith and growing in your understanding of His word.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • 24-196 A Love Letter From God: Resting in My Presence
    Jul 14 2024

    My Dear Warrior,

    In the hustle and bustle of your daily life, I call you to draw near and listen to My words through Isaiah 30:15: “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.’”

    This is the natural posture for My children. I want you to rest in Me. When I first spoke these words to Israel, they were desperately trying to arrange their own rescue. They looked around at the threats to their security and didn’t believe I would come through for them. Their restlessness became their downfall. But this is My desire for you: to place your full confidence in Me to lead you, speak to you, deliver you, protect you, provide for you, and come through for you—even when for a moment it doesn’t look like I will.

    If you will let this be your posture when you listen for My voice, you will hear Me. I want you to listen carefully, but I do not want you to strive and to strain. A restless spirit has a hard time hearing the pure, clear sound of My voice. A trusting, calm spirit will hear the echoes deep within. I rarely shout. You must be quiet to hear Me.

    Do you really want to hear Me? Then quiet yourself and be still. Be confident. Lay your doubts and skepticism aside. Rebuke your restlessness and your fears. Set aside your own agenda so you’ll be able to recognize Mine. But bring your enthusiasm. I love your deep desire to know Me better. I long to connect with you and build our relationship. Long for Me without striving for Me. Seek Me without straining. Rest and trust, and be very patient. I will train your spirit to hear.

    You may wonder, who am I that the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, would want to talk to me? But I do, and I have set My heart to commune with you. Sensitize your spirit to My voice. Set aside your fears, plans, manipulations, anxieties, impatience—everything—to hear Me. In your quietness and confidence, you will find strength.

    Understand that My ways are not your ways, and My timing is not your timing. Trust that My plans for you are for good and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope. In your quiet moments, you will find the clarity and direction you seek. In your confidence in Me, you will find the strength to face whatever comes your way.

    As you go about your day, remember that your strength lies not in your own efforts but in your trust in Me. Return to Me continually, rest in My presence, and let quietness and confidence be your strength.

    With Eternal Love and Peace,

    Your Heavenly Father

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • 24-195 Ahead of the Curve: Preparing for Life's Challenges with Divine Insight
    Jul 13 2024

    Welcome to another episode of "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Today, we delve into how responding to God’s voice can prepare us for the unexpected twists and turns of our daily lives. Our focus is on recognizing and applying the divine guidance that precedes life's challenges.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Psalm 139:5 - "You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head."

    The essence of our relationship with God is not just about seeking His help when we are in trouble but tuning in to His proactive communications. God doesn’t just react to our situations; He prepares us for them.

    Like a shepherd leading the way in treacherous terrain, God whispers insights and reassurances to us, often before we even perceive the need for them. These preemptive whispers can serve as anchors, keeping us steadfast amidst storms, and as beacons, guiding our steps with divine foresight.

    Focus Points to Action/Study On:

    * Morning Attunement:

    * Action: Begin each day with a dedicated time for prayer and Scripture reading. This daily routine sets the stage for receiving God’s proactive messages.

    * Study: Reflect on the life of Daniel and note how his regular prayer habit prepared him for challenges, from interpreting dreams to surviving a lions’ den.

    * Journaling the Journey:

    * Action: Keep a spiritual journal. Write down key verses, prayer insights, and any specific words you feel God impresses upon your heart each morning.

    * Study: Explore the Psalms to see how David’s writings often reflect a pre-awareness of God’s protection and guidance, which can inspire our own journaling practices.

    * Reflective Review:

    * Action: At the end of each day, review your notes and experiences. Look for connections between what you wrote in the morning and what happened during the day.

    * Study: Consider the story of Joseph in Egypt, noting how his dreams and interpretations, guided by God, prepared him for future realities, confirming God’s foresight and his response to it.

    Conclusion: God’s voice is not a distant echo but a clear, present guide that actively prepares us for what lies ahead. By tuning in each morning, keeping track, and reflecting on our experiences in light of His words, we not only respond to His voice but also recognize His ongoing presence in our lives.

    Call to Action: This week, challenge yourself to rise a little earlier each day to spend time with God. Make this practice a test ground for hearing and responding to His voice. Let’s see how this changes your perspective on daily challenges.

    Question of the Day: Have you ever experienced a moment when something you read or heard in your prayer time became relevant later that day? How did it impact your understanding of God’s involvement in your life?

    Let's Pray: Lord, thank You for going before us in every situation. Help us to hear Your voice clearly each morning and carry those divine insights throughout our day. Give us the grace to trust Your foresight and the courage to follow Your lead, knowing You are always with us. Amen.

    Thank you for joining today’s discussion on "The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast." Keep listening, keep journaling, and keep following His voice. Until next time, remember, He's already in your tomorrow. Stay tuned and stay blessed!

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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