• Biden Isn't Backing Down from Democrat Party | 07.11.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 12 2024

    What You Need to Know is Joe Biden will not yield the nomination and the democrats are losing their mind. Unless he gives up the nomination there the democrat party will not be able to remove and replace him. The most likely scenario is Kamala will be “promoted” as the nominee by mainstream media even if Joe doesn’t step aside. Trump is pulling away in the polls to the point where it doesn’t make remote sense for democrats to keep him on the ticket.

    Ken Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War, joins Ed to discuss his new article Russia says US is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea. The article talks about how the United States is using Ukraine to undermine Russian security. Ken talks about how he believes that we are in World War 3 that is fueled by multiple types of warfare. Our foreign enemies have infiltrated the United States by sending paid “activists” through the southern border which is demographic warfare. Ken says that our adversaries are using all seven types of warfare against the United States. Find more of his work at Savethewest.com.

    Robert Bork, President of the Antitrust Education Project, joins Ed to discuss antitrusts. Consumer welfare standards were born with antitrust enforcement which aims to take out big corporations to replace them with smaller less efficient alternatives. The Democrats are ramping up their antitrust enforcement in agriculture using the DOJ to come after big companies who are in business with small farmers. Robert predicts they are doing this in an attempt to show that it wasn’t the Biden administration's terrible policy and spending that caused inflation.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

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    42 mins
  • Joe Biden Won't Yield Nomination | 07.10.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 11 2024

    What You Need to Know is Joe Biden will not yield the nomination and the democrats are losing their mind. Unless he gives up the nomination there the democrat party will not be able to remove and replace him. The most likely scenario is Kamala will be “promoted” as the nominee by mainstream media even if Joe doesn’t step aside. Trump is pulling away in the polls to the point where it doesn’t make remote sense for democrats to keep him on the ticket.

    Ken Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War, joins Ed to discuss his new article Russia says US is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea. The article talks about how the United States is using Ukraine to undermine Russian security. Ken talks about how he believes that we are in World War 3 that is fueled by multiple types of warfare. Our foreign enemies have infiltrated the United States by sending paid “activists” through the southern border which is demographic warfare. Ken says that our adversaries are using all seven types of warfare against the United States. Find more of his writings at Savethewest.com.

    Robert Bork, President of the Antitrust Education Project, joins Ed to discuss antitrusts. Consumer welfare standards were born with antitrust enforcement which aims to take out big corporations to replace them with smaller less efficient alternatives. The Democrats are ramping up their antitrust enforcement in agriculture using the DOJ to come after big companies who are in business with small farmers. Robert predicts they are doing this in an attempt to show that it wasn’t the Biden administration's terrible policy and spending that caused inflation.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins
  • GOP Platform Has Been Drafted | 07.09.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 10 2024

    What You Need to Know is the Republican platform has been drafted for the national convention taking place next week. Trump was heavily involved in the platform by receiving drafts and making his own recommendations, which has not happened since Abraham Lincoln. The 2024 platform has been shaved down to just 16 pages and didn’t have the typical influence of special interest.

    George Landrith President of Frontiers of Freedom and author of Let Freedom Ring…Again: Can Self-Evident Truths Save America From Further Decline?, joins Ed to talk about the optimism he has that our country can be corrected and become, once again, the land of the free. Quality of life has declined and the democrat party has veered so far left that lifelong blue voters are beginning to analyze and question the things being done. George finishes on the issue of mal education in young people and the reasons parents deserve to have school choice for their children.

    Ken Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War and owner of Save the West, joins to discuss ongoing wars throughout the world. Kenneth says we’re already in World War 3 — not only because of the disputes we are involved in overseas, but also because our foreign enemies have agents working for them in the U.S.! The Hamas attack on Israel, one of greatest allies, last year could be marked as the start of this new world war. Hamas is a proxy of Iran, working with China and Russia, Abramowitz says. Globalist and Communist groups have vowed to conquer the world, and these are the factions fueling WW3.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins
  • Party Platforms Drafting and Adopting | 07.08.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 9 2024

    What You Need to Know is both major U.S. political parties are gearing up for the national conventions where they will draft and adopt a new party platform. The Democrat and Republican party have diverged from each other over the past few decades. In contrast to the Republican party, the Democrat party will adopt many radical planks to their platform because of the radical factions within, but when it comes to upholding those issues the Democratic party ignores their platform because it isn’t why their voters vote for them.

    Jared Klickstein, author of the book, Crooked Smile: What It Took to Escape a Decade of Homelessness, Addiction, & Crime, joins Ed to talk about his experiences he had during his days of addiction and homelessness. Jared points out that we are going at this issue in the wrong way and policies have only encouraged people to continue their ways. Fentanyl, according to Jared, is heroin on steroids and it has completely replaced it on the streets. Jared now helps people that were in his same situation in various recovery programs, and the shared experience helps him connect with these people to put them on the track of sobriety.

    Bayta Ungar-Sargon, Opinion Editor at Newsweek and author of Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy and Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America's Working Men and Women, talks about her two books! THe Media has completely silenced one side of society so they can push woke ideologies. The elites have sold out working class citizens of America! The left’s perfect world would have 80% of people who aren’t considered “wealthy” living off of government welfare. Democrats used to be the party of the working class, but they’ve nearly lost the demographic entirely. The Trump “protectionist” economy is what we need to protect the dignity and hard work of middle class working class citizens.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins
  • Political Platform Debates Kick Off in Earnest | 07.03.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 9 2024

    What You Need to Know is both major U.S. political parties are gearing up for the national conventions where they will draft and adopt a new party platform. The Democrat and Republican party have diverged from each other over the past few decades. In contrast to the Republican party, the Democrat party will adopt many radical planks to their platform because of the radical factions within, but when it comes to upholding those issues the Democratic party ignores their platform because it isn’t why their voters vote for them.

    Ted Malloch, accomplished author and CEO, joins Ed to talk about his new article MAYDAY…MAYDAY!. Prior to the debate Ted said that Biden’s goal was to not look senile and Trump’s was to look as presidential as possible. Biden’s atrocious performance has parts of the Democrat party calling for his replacement, which is a sticky situation to say the least considering Biden has had full media and financial support thus far. Ted and Ed both agree with Ben Carson being the best potential VP although there has been less chatter about that idea. On January 20th the MAGA celebration will start, with people dancing in the streets and the left will go BERSERK.

    Author John Burlau, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, joins Ed to discuss his new book George Washington, Entrepreneur: How Our Founding Father's Private Business Pursuits Changed America and the World. John points out that Washington didn’t come from money so he was largely self-educated. Washington was a great success in business and was one of the wealthiest landowners in the country, even freeing all of his slaves and providing them education and retirement. Seeing Washington as a great entrepreneur is a new way that people can relate to the founding fathers. Find more of his work at CEI.org.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins
  • Supreme Court Rules POTUS Has Immunity on Official Actions | 07.02.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 3 2024

    What You Need To Know is the Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity from criminal prosecution on official presidential actions. Checks and balances are crucial to the three co equal branches of government and presidential immunity gives the executive the power to act as they please without the fear of being prosecuted by the other branches. Joe Biden is in a terrible position with the media and his own party who have turned against him by calling for his replacement.

    Lee Habeeb, creator and host of Our American Stories podcast, joins Ed to discuss both the media bias that we are witnessing and the golden age of information we are living in. Lee talks about the similarities between events that take place today and how they are portrayed versus events of the past. For example, the Dobbs decision was construed by many as the justices imposing their values on the country more so than giving an issue back to the people. Lee says that he is more confident now than ever because there are more points of light and presidents have always been treated badly by their adversaries.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins
  • Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Presidential Immunity | 07.01.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 2 2024

    What You Need to Know is the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Trump's presidential immunity case, as well as a ruling in favor of Jan 6th protesters unfairly charged. Republicans need to stay focused on the “Main Thing” – which is winning the election in November! These are great rulings, but don’t get distracted even by celebration. The election will come down to just a handful of states, and that’s the big deal Republicans must focus on. Don’t let off the gas!

    Stephen Baskerville author of The New Politics of Sex: The Sexual Revolution, Civil Liberties, and his new book, Growth of Governmental Power, and new book, Who Lost America?: Why the United States Went “Communist” and What to Do about It, joins Ed to discuss how the right has folded in the fight against the left. The right has not acted strong enough to counteract the left on some of their damaging beliefs on things such as religion and foreign policy. Stephen points out the black family has deteriorated due to the welfare and divorce systems. Ted talks about how Eastern Europeans are laughing at the stupidity of the west.

    John Schlafly, author of the weekly Phyllis Schlafly Report column, joins Ed to talk about the Trump rally in Philadelphia last Saturday. John has watched many Trump rallies over the years, and was particularly impressed with this performance at this pivotal moment in time. Trump’s momentum nationwide is undeniable, and now it is more important than ever that people get out and vote.

    Wrap Up: We the People must VOTE. Registering people to vote is each individual's duty during this election because you can't Make America Great Again without enough votes to make it too big to rig.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins
  • Supreme Court Bringing Justice Again | 06.28.2024 #ProAmericaReport
    Jul 1 2024

    What You Need to Know is the Supreme Court is bringing justice again. Today they are giving a huge relief to the long-persecuted January 6 defendants! The strike down of the government’s broad interpretation of 1512(c)(2) is a huge win, not only for J6 defendants but also President Trump. But even bigger, perhaps, is the beginning of the end of the Administrative State signaled in the SCOTUS overturn of Chevron deference!

    Cynthia Hughes, founder of the Patriot Freedom Project, Joins Ed to discuss her organization’s work to help the families that are fighting January 6th lawsuits. The Patriot Freedom Project helps kids whose parents or one parent are behind bars, keeping them connected to each other and creating bonds between families facing similar situations. Weaponized government has destroyed many lives and families because of this situation, and it’s patently unfair.

    Ted Malloch, accomplished author, joins Ed to discuss the upcoming debate between former President Trump and Joe Biden this thursday. Ted points out that this is a make or break debate for Biden. A large percentage of the American public plans on watching the debate on CNN with Trump hating host Jake Tapper. Ted says that Trump needs to act presidential as possible which will improve his negative reputation among some voters. Trump has a ground to stand on whereas Biden does not so the debate is a matter of if Biden can not act senile and Trump can stay posed.

    Wrap Up: Supreme Court appointments have massive, long lasting impact. That’s huge to consider when we watched the terrible trainwreck that was Biden’s debate performance last night. It’s quite obvious he’s not up to the task, especially not when he may have an appointment or two to the High Court.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    42 mins