• S2 #3 - The Death Penalty
    May 3 2021

    Exploring the Death Penalty conversation. Even though there are numerous conversations and ramifications surrounding this conversation, how many people does this really impact? You may be surprised!

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    20 mins
  • S2 #1 - 2nd Amendment
    Feb 7 2021

    Exploring the historical context, intent, and spirit of the 2nd amendment. Also looking at data that either supports or invalidates the narratives and proposed legislation surrounding gun ownership and restrictions.

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    26 mins
  • #11 Thinking Outside the Box
    Nov 15 2020

    We are all tired of hearing those overused business terms and expressions. Synergy, paradigm shift, low hanging fruit, moving the needle, sales funnel, and so on. These are just a few of the top-rated jargon used regularly by many businesses and organizations. In fact, in a company I served in the past, there was a facilities-request form I once had to fill out that stated: “Please list all synergistic opportunities for innovation and needle moving.” Yes, I know, terrible. Now I am not saying I have never used any of those terms before, but there is one phrase that really bugs me: “Think outside the box.”

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    13 mins
  • #10 Value of Higher Education
    Nov 4 2020

    Education is a valuable commodity in today’s society. It’s not the be all end all for sure, but reasonable people use knowledge as a springboard to bigger and better things. And despite what some of the narratives are out there, knowledge is available to everyone in our society. Is it true that many families struggle to comprehend the true value of higher education? Yes. Is it true that many families struggle to find ways to send their kids to college? Yes. Is it true that some people will never have the opportunity to attend college due to their less than stellar academic performance and/or perceived academic potential? Yes. But….the desire to gain knowledge is free and the only resource it expends is your own willingness to seek it out. Reasonable people will find ways to gain knowledge.

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    17 mins
  • #9 Veterans Employment
    Oct 18 2020

     The job market is tough, let’s be real. Is there more competition now more than ever, yes. Are there some stigmas associated with being a veteran, yes. Are many hiring managers non-responsive, yes. As a veteran, I have had many trials and tribulations within the civilian employment landscape, but I’m here to tell you….we oftentimes create our own barriers. Some veterans (including myself) try to land the perfect job right out of the gate and typically become frustrated when it doesn’t work out. I would encourage you to find the right industry, discipline, or organization first before you try to land the perfect position. 

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    14 mins
  • #8 The Media
    Oct 5 2020

    Reasonable people understand how media can be used as an outlet for receiving information as well as an outlet for entertainment…an important distinction for sure….and one that often gets lost in today’s thirst for juicy sound bites. Now, to many of you, media is like a 4-letter word, while to others the media is the know-all, end-all, truth. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, there likely is room for some refinement or change in thought based on where you stand. 

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    15 mins
  • #7 Politics 101
    Sep 21 2020

    There are 3 things that are supposedly frowned upon to talk about at dinner parties - religion, sex, and politics. Now I can’t say that I’ve always followed that guideline, but I can see why that is a general rule of thumb when in most public and some private settings. Today we are breaking that rule and are getting into politics. Yes, I said it. I went there. Perhaps one of the most divisive issues of our current social climate is the political landscape of America. How do reasonable people view politics?

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    15 mins
  • #6 Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation
    Sep 11 2020

    We are diving into a topic that can be universally applied….whether you are young, old, in business, or an artist…national leader, or girl scout, we all have dealt with balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In laymen terms, internal and external things that drive us to do certain things. This discussion really shouldn’t be polarizing, but I find it interesting just how much debate there is out there as to why someone should simply do something.

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    10 mins