• Special Live Interview: For Both Sides of the Desk!
    Apr 8 2024

    In this final episode of Season Two, Emily Mulicka and Monia Smith of NCR VOYIX are my special guests. Special on two fronts! The first is that both are seasoned and top performing Talent Acquisition Professionals and have worked at all levels of hires and disciplines. Whether you are a sales representative, in a technical role or a leader, listen to what they have to say! Both have been deeply involved in many hires into their global organization. Emily and Monia will provide their insights and observations on the candidate behaviors and traits that both win and lose in the interview process.

    Also "special" is that this is my transition episode that takes The Recruiter’s Review to the other side of the desk. This series ongoing will speak to the behaviors and strategies that both win and lose candidates as companies and corporations battle in this global talent war. Emily and Monia are excellent ambassadors for their organization and do an incredible job attracting talent into the interview process. They offer their insights into what a Talent Acquisition professional should, and should not do. As well, they have a key piece of advice for all hiring managers.

    This episode kicks off a number of episodes to come on what talent acquisition professionals, hiring managers and executives need to know if they hope to win in the war on talent. Tune in!

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    27 mins
  • Counter Offers - Counter Productive, Counter Career?
    Apr 8 2024

    Counter offers are often knee jerk reactions to an unexpected resignation. But whose best interests are really being served?

    I am in my 35th year of recruiting and have tracked many counter offer situations; recruits I found who shared with me their last counter offer experience, as well, some recruits who made the mistake of accepting counter offers when offered positions I recruited them for. To date, I have not found a single person that accepted a counter offer when I had them another offer that remained with the original company beyond six months past accepting the counter offer.

    I have converted my published pieces on counter offers into this easy listen podcast format. I can speak to the often ill effects that come from accepting a counter offer. I encourage you to pay attention to this advice on this episode of The Recruiter’s Review.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    16 mins
  • The Resignation!
    Mar 12 2024

    A bonus episode on the candidate side of the desk!
    You have just cleared the hurdles and obstacles of the interview process, and have
    secured the offer that you were hoping for. Just as you breathe a sigh of relief because
    the interview process is all over, you realize that you have to face what could be the
    toughest part of the interview process – your resignation. If you truly hate your current
    job and despise your current boss, resigning should be easy. But, if you have been with
    your company for some time, you may now be feeling a sense of loyalty. Or, you may be
    friends with your boss, and now dread having to tell a friend that you quit.
    I understand these feelings and fears that arise at the resignation stage. I, too, went
    through the emotional roller coaster of the resignation process.
    In this episode, I review my long standing article "The Resignation" and how to resign, and not let the career opportunity in your hands slip away at this critical stage.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    17 mins
  • Apples to Oranges - Evaluating Money and Opportunities
    Jan 15 2024

    Sometimes you find opportunity, sometimes opportunity finds you. This holds true when it comes to job opportunities, too. Sometimes you find the job you are looking for, other times it finds you by way of a headhunter or an industry connection that reaches out to you. But how do you evaluate it? The money? What?

    I see many make the money mistakes – saying “no” without full understanding the “money” and saying “yes” because the job paid more than another.

    Comp plans and quotas are seldom the same company to company. Perhaps with direct competitors, but in similar spaces or ancillary markets, things are not as black and white as you might think. Things become apples to oranges instead of apples to apples.

    And when it comes to evaluating opportunities whether you are selectively looking or have been forced into the job market, my exercise in a previous episode is a must do I encourage you to listen to this episode before or after listening to this one. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2138795/episodes/12332399

    Join me for another great episode of The Recruiter’s Review.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    17 mins
  • I Accept...The Ethics of Accepting A Job Offer
    Dec 4 2023

    What does it mean to say, “I do”, or “I will”, or “I did?” It means just that.

    When you say, “yes”“ to what culminates a process and now begins the next phase of planning and execution, the other party takes that in good faith and proceeds in good faith, investing the time and money to make it happen.

    I Accept…The Ethics of Accepting a Job Offer is both about doing what is right and ethical, and part of proactive career management in this ever growing smaller world.

    In this episode, I talk about to talk about the gravitas and seriousness of formally accepting a job offer, and the damage it creates to the hiring side, and the candidate, when the acceptance was insincere and the individual kept interviewing and backed out after acceptance.

    I will tell you in this episode how to accept, and how to keep a job offer in hand without playing the game of accepting unless a better offer comes along.

    And now, another special edition of The Recruiter’s Review and I Accept….The Ethics of Accepting a Job Offer.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    16 mins
  • Situational, Behavioral and Performance Based Interviews
    Oct 31 2023

    Early in Season One, I had an episode titled “The Pendulum Swings” where I discussed the return of the pre COVID and pre hiring boom job market dynamics. Industry has re-embraced higher standards and practices when it comes to hiring, and that includes the return to formal interviews that are behavioral, situational and performance based.

    Those who are not prepared for these types of interviews may find themselves struggling to answer the interviewer’s questions. I am personally seeing this, where once the resume walk through is completed, the candidate is unable to answer the situational, behavioral or performance based questions that follow. The end result is a hiring manager telling me, “Pat, good resume, poor interview. He/she was not prepared and could not answer my questions. I will pass.”

    Tune in to hear how you can be better and best prepared for this style of interview.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    16 mins
  • Why Are You Looking? Why Did You Leave?
    Sep 27 2023

    Recently, I had three different individuals who were dropped in the first interview because they did not answer that question very well. All three were highly interested in the jobs they were interviewing for, but the inability to answer that question to the hiring manager resulted in a “no go” for each.

    In this episode, I will discuss how to answer the question, whether you are proactively looking to leave or have left/been asked to leave the position you last held.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    20 mins
  • Part Two of Job Loss - Be Prepared and What To Do If It Happens
    Sep 6 2023

    A continuation of my last episode on job loss – how to be prepared for it and what to do when it happens. I promised guests on my show who would lend relevant experiences to all of you who are listening. My guest in this episode is not only someone who can lend some firsthand experiences and advice, he was the inspiration for this two-part "mini-series." Joining me this time is a long-time client, Mike Manahan, who found himself unexpectedly on the job market in January of this year. As the intro to this episode notes, sometimes you see it coming, and sometimes you do not. And despite Mike having a long term and prior employee/employer relationship with the CEO, Mike found himself caught up in a short notice restructure and layoff.

    The Recruiter's Review. Real Talk, Real Advice.
    Find me on LinkedIn, linkedin.com/in/pat-mingarelle-6369b63
    Visit National Register USA at https://www.nr-usa.com

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    24 mins