• How to feel pure
    Feb 16 2023

    How to feel pure.

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    1 min
  • Parshat Yitro Haftorah
    Feb 10 2023

    Parshat Yisro Haftorah with Reuben Ebrahimoff.

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    44 mins
  • Parshat Bo Haftorah
    Jan 31 2023

    Haftorah for Parshat Bo

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    51 mins
  • The power of Hashem Sifasai Tiftach
    Jan 16 2023

    Learn about the power of the first phrase in the Shome Esrai.

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    2 mins
  • Haforah Vayechi: King David's Last Will & Testament
    Jan 5 2023

    This week Haftarah is from Melachim Aleph(Kings 1) 2: 1-12.

    The connection of the Haftorah to the Parsha: In the beginning of Parshat Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu (Jacob our forefather), now known as Israel, called his sons to his deathbed to give them his last instructions. Similarly, the Haftorah talks about the advice King David gave to his son Shlomo (Solomon) before he died.

    The storyline of this week's Haftorah: King David at 70 years old was on his deathbed and commanded his son Shlomo (Solomon) to keep the Torah. He also ordered Shlomo to kill Yoav, David's commander in chief of the army and confidant, because of his treachery. Yoav had betrayed King David by backing David's eldest son Adoniyahu, who was trying to steal the throne from Shlomo. King David further instructed Shlomo to support the sons of Barzilai, who were always staunch supporters of King David and to execute Shimi ben Gaira, who cursed David in a time of crisis. King David passed away and Shlomo took his rightful place as King of Israel, fulfilling his father's last wishes. David was buried in Ir David (The city of David).

    To read more about the Haftarah go to https://www.reubenebrahimoff.com/bereshit/vayechi

    #Haftorah #ParshatVayechi #YaakovAvinu #KingDavid #Shlomo #Torah #Yoav #Adoniyahu #Barzilai #Shimi #IrDavid #CityofDavid #deathbed #fathersonadvice #KingofIsrael #burial

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    5 mins
  • Parshat Vayigash Haftarah
    Dec 28 2022
    The Haftorah for Parshat Vayigash Ezekiel’s Prophetic Vision of a Re-United Kingdom THE HAFTORAH IS READ FROM THE BOOK OF YECHEZKEL (EZEKIEL) 37:15-28

    Read this weeks Haftarah in depth here.

    Dowload a PDF of the Haftarah here.

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    8 mins