
  • Challenges and Streaks
    Jul 12 2024

    Discover how to turn your running streaks into powerful tools for progress, not obsession, and learn to balance your goals with real life.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:24] Introduction to the Topic

    Coach Caroline introduces the concept of streaks and challenges, using her personal experience with a mind training app.

    [02:01] The Downside of Streaks

    Coach Caroline discusses the potential negative impact of breaking a long streak.

    [03:17] Coach's Perspective on Challenges and Streaks

    Coach Valerie shares her thoughts on how to approach challenges and streaks as a coach.

    [04:06] Setting Attainable Goals

    Setting realistic and attainable goals for challenges is critical if you hope to be successful in achieving what you want.

    [05:25] Balancing Challenges with Real Life

    Coach Valerie talks about the need to balance challenge goals with real-life commitments.

    [07:24] Creating Meaningful Challenges

    Set challenges that are not just about streaks but about progress and performance.

    [09:11] When to Intervene as a Coach

    Coach Caroline asks about when a coach should step in if a challenge becomes unhealthy.

    [10:02] The Importance of Balance in Challenges

    Coach Valerie emphasizes the need for balance and measurable progress in challenges.

    [12:10] AMA Invitation

    We invite you to reach out with questions. We’d love to answer them in a future episode. And, we invite you to join RunRX to learn first hand how to run pain free!

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Heart Rate in Summer
    Jul 5 2024

    As the temperatures outside rise, how does it impact your heart rate? Tune in as we share practical advice for runners training in hot conditions.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Introduction to Heart Rate Concerns

    [00:22] - Coach Caroline shares a personal experience with elevated heart rate while working in the heat.

    Heat's Impact on Heart Rate and Performance

    [00:02:08] - Discussion on how heat affects heart rate and performance, including the example of Olympic trials in Florida.

    Heart Rate Zones and Efficient Running

    [00:04:06] - Coach Valerie explains how learning efficient running techniques can initially lead to higher heart rates.

    Overcoming Fear of Higher Heart Rates

    [00:06:25] - The importance of allowing yourself to experience higher heart rates for improved performance.

    Heat Training and Race Preparation

    [00:09:34] - Discussion on whether to train in heat for races that will occur in hot conditions.

    Personal Experience with Heat's Impact

    [00:11:16] - Coach Valerie shares her experience of running at different times of day and the impact on heart rate.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Do We Work with Old Dogs?
    Jun 28 2024

    Let’s talk about older athletes. Can you teach an older athlete how to run pain free? Tune in for our candid chat!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Let’s Chat About Working with Older Runners

    [00:22] - Coach Caroline introduces the topic of working with runners that are over 60 years old.

    The Importance of Warm-up and Self-care for Older Athletes

    [01:37] - Older athletes need more warm-up and self-care.

    Benefits of Muscle Elasticity for Older Runners

    [03:21] - Elasticity can help reduce joint pain in older runners.

    Success Story of an Older Runner

    [04:11] - Here we chat about a runner in his sixties with severe arthritis who improved his running through the RunRX program.

    Openness to Learning in Older Runners

    [05:32] - Older runners are often more open to learning new techniques. Take a lesson from this younger athletes!

    Success Story of an 85-year-old Runner

    [06:02] - Coach Valerie shares a story about an 85-year-old runner achieving a sub-10-minute mile.

    Addressing Skepticism About Learning to Run

    [08:13] - Here we chat about how to approach runners who are skeptical about needing to learn proper running technique.

    Efficiency and Injury Prevention in Running

    [09:22] - Coach Valerie explains the focus on efficiency and injury prevention in the RunRX teaching method.

    Success Story from a Recent Clinic

    [0:11] - We share a story about an older runner who rediscovered the joy of running without knee pain.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Can the Chiro or Massage Take the Place of Self-care?
    Jun 21 2024

    Hot take! Regular chiropractic or massage appointments aren't enough to replace daily self-care. Tune in and find out why.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    Let’s Talk About Chiropractic and Massage Appointments

    [00:22] - Coach Caroline introduces the question about whether regular chiropractic or massage appointments can replace self-care routines.

    The Importance of Daily Self-Care

    [01:18] - Coach Valerie emphasizes that while professional treatments are beneficial, they don't replace the need for daily self-care work.

    Challenges with Patient Compliance

    [02:10] - Here we chat about a physical therapist's study on patient memory and compliance with at-home exercises.

    [03:14] - Coach Valerie shares her personal experience with chiropractic care and discusses how people often rely on adjustments without addressing underlying issues.

    The Role of Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

    [03:54] - Coach Valerie explains the ideal use of chiropractic and physical therapy as preventative and maintenance tools rather than recurring problem-solvers.

    [04:47] - Coach Valerie had a good working relationship with physical therapists and chiropractors for a while, and it afforded her a great opportunity to learn from them.

    Addressing Root Causes of Pain

    [06:20] - Many issues stem from posture and movement patterns rather than just isolated injuries.

    The Importance of Understanding Running Mechanics

    [09:01] - Physical therapists can benefit from understanding running mechanics, particularly the Pose Method.

    [09:31] - Healthcare providers could better help runners by analyzing their running pose rather than just focusing on the area of pain.

    Misconceptions About Strength and Muscle Activation

    [10:06] - There are a lot of misconceptions about muscle weakness and activation. That’s why the proper movement patterns are so important.

    [10:59] - The RunRX approach addresses things like “weak hamstrings” differently than traditional approaches, and that’s how we help people run pain free.

    Join RunRX!

    [12:00] - Tune in here for information on how listeners can join the RunRX membership and work with Coach Valerie.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Are You Fit Enough for Pickleball?
    Jun 14 2024

    This episode can help you improve both your Pickleball and running game. Tune in and learn more!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction

    Coach Caroline introduces the topic of Pickleball and what happens when you take a break from exercising

    [01:04] The Importance of Side-to-Side Movement

    Coach Valerie discusses her experience playing pickleball after a two-week break and the soreness she felt in her calves.

    Side-to-side movements, which are not common in running, are crucial for overall fitness and to avoid muscle fatigue.

    [03:39] Fitness vs. Muscle Fatigue

    Coach Valerie explains that muscle fatigue is not necessarily related to fitness level, but rather to the specific movements one performs regularly.

    She gives an example of hiking in Utah and feeling different muscles being activated due to the change in activity and altitude.

    [05:10] Identifying the Source of Soreness or Pain

    Instead of just blaming running, when runners experience soreness or pain, Coach Valerie asks for a video and inquires about other activities that may be causing the discomfort.

    [06:39] The Difference Between Soreness and Injury

    Coach Valerie discusses the soreness that often occurs after attending a running clinic where participants learn new movements and techniques.

    It’s important to distinguish between soreness and injury. Stretches and warm-up exercises may also help you recover from soreness.

    [09:52] The Value of Online Resources

    Providing online resources, such as videos is important to help runners remember the techniques and advice given during clinics and to address common concerns like calf soreness. That’s why working with us is so valuable. We give you everything you need to run pain free.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Numbers and How They Affect Our Egos
    Jun 7 2024

    Is your ego killing the joy of running? Listen and learn what to do about it.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction

    Coach Caroline introduces the topic of numbers, ego, and how people feel they need to hit certain numbers in running.

    [01:13] The Obsession with Numbers in Exercise

    Coach Valerie discusses how people have always been fixated on numbers in exercise, whether it's sets, reps, miles, or heart rate zones.

    Most people work better with perceived exertion rather than relying on gadgets and data.

    [03:51] The Challenge of "Easy" Runs and Zone 2

    The concept of an "easy run" or staying in "Zone 2" can be confusing and challenging for runners, especially beginners.

    Instead of focusing on arbitrary goals like heart rate or pace, RunRX teaches the skill of running and emphasizes cadence.

    [06:24] Setting Attainable Goals and Letting Go of Ego

    It's important to set attainable goals and understand that it takes time to improve as a runner.

    Runners should focus on running by feel and look at their watch data afterward, rather than letting the data dictate their run.

    [09:43] Not Everything Is Easy

    Accepting that not everything will be easy and being willing to push through discomfort is crucial for progress.

    [11:42] Balancing Intensity and Recovery

    There needs to be a balance between high-intensity workouts and recovery runs, with variation in training.

    Endurance athletes often struggle with pushing themselves and going to "the pain cave" during interval sessions.

    [14:24] Finding the "Free Fall" in Running

    Letting go of tension and finding the "free fall" feeling in running can be exhilarating and help runners break through mental barriers.

    [16:00] Your Body is Capable of So Much

    Allowing the body to show what it's capable of, rather than being constrained by numbers, is key to enjoyable and successful running.

    [17:42] RunRX Can Bring Back Joy in Running

    We analyze running form and movement through video check-ins, providing individualized feedback and assignments.

    [21:55] We Can Help Wherever You’re At

    RunRX helps members improve their movement efficiency and reach their goals.

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • We Teach the Dos - Not the Don'ts!
    May 31 2024

    We never make a “to don’t” list before doing an activity. Tune in and learn why we focus on what you should be doing to run pain free.

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:22] Introduction

    - Coach Caroline introduces the topic of focusing on "dos" instead of "don'ts"

    [00:36] Giving Runners Actionable Tasks

    - Coach Valerie explains the importance of giving runners specific tasks to improve their movement, such as "pull your foot up" or "hold your body up"

    - Focusing on what to do leads to better movement and a better run

    [02:06] The Problem with "Don'ts"

    - Coach Caroline discusses how constantly telling yourself not to do something can lead to you doing that very thing

    - The language used is important, and focusing on "dos" is more effective than "don'ts"

    [04:37] Building a New Movement Pattern

    - When runners start thinking about their movement while running, it's a sign that their body and mind are working together

    - Developing a new movement pattern takes time and consistency

    [07:20] Returning to Natural Running

    - Working on relearning proper running form helps runners go back to the basics and their body's natural movement

    - Limitations in range of motion and mobility can lead to different movement patterns over time

    [08:23] The Process of Learning a New Movement

    - Runners may question the simplicity of the drills and exercises, but focusing on the "dos" and trusting the process leads to improvement

    - Having a coach provides accountability and guidance throughout the learning process

    [10:20] Soreness vs. Pain

    - As runners adjust to new movement patterns, they may experience soreness in different areas of the body

    - There’s a difference between soreness from using new muscles and pain that needs to be addressed

    [13:29] The Benefits of Coaching

    - Even for runners who have tried various methods to address pain, working with a RunRX coach for just one month can be highly effective in changing movement patterns

    - We provide guidance, support, and a gradual approach to learning new movements

    [15:19] Join the RunRX Membership!

    - Join the Run Rx membership if you are experiencing pain or feel like you are not meant to be a runner

    - Learn about the various membership options available at https://www.runrx.fit/

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Training with Arms Over Your Head
    May 24 2024

    Why are we telling you to train with your arms over your head? Learn the correlation between this and running pain free in this episode!

    Timestamps of big takeaways

    [00:41] Importance of Posture and Head Position

    - Poor posture, especially the head moving forward, can affect overall balance and movement

    - The head is the heaviest part of the body, and the body is always trying to balance it

    [02:08] Lack of Overhead Pressing in Typical Runner Strength Training

    - Many runners focus on bench press, push-ups, rows, and pull-downs but rarely do overhead pressing exercises

    - Using a lightweight tool like a broomstick or PVC pipe can help improve shoulder mobility and strength

    [03:49] Consequences of Poor Posture and Lack of Mobility

    - Starting to work on upper body alignment early on can make a significant difference later in life

    - Poor posture can lead to issues like the "dowager's hump" in women, where calcium deposits try to strengthen weak muscles

    [06:21] Importance of Consistency and Daily Practice

    - Incorporating short, daily exercises can help develop the ability to hold the head in proper alignment

    - Consistent practice of exercises like arm circles and glute walks can improve overall movement

    [07:40] Benefits of Proper Alignment in Running

    - Runners who achieve good alignment often report feeling the "fall" and improved running sensations

    - Many runners mistakenly attribute issues to tight hips, weak glutes, or other areas, but alignment plays a significant role

    [10:23] Introducing Overhead Work and Unweighting Concept

    - Coach Valerie shares her experience with incorporating overhead weight training and its impact on her running form

    - Let’s talk about unweighting and the importance of training in the position specific to the movement (e.g., standing vs. planking)

    [12:03] Developing Full Body Strength and Efficiency

    - Pressing overhead using lightweight tools helps develop a sense of balance and strengthens the upper body

    - Improved overhead strength and head position can enhance overall feelings of walking, standing, and moving better

    Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!

    Links to check out

    -- https://www.runrx.fit/

    -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

    -- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

    -- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

    -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX

    Más Menos
    14 m