• Don’t Quit Right Before You Make A Breakthrough!
    May 28 2024

    Welcome to episode 93 of the School of Intention Podcast.

    In this episode, we delve into the resilience needed when you're tempted to quit right before making a breakthrough.

    We discuss how life's challenges often stack up, making it easy to give up on positive habits and goals. I share a few practical Feng Shui strategies for maintaining order in your environment and self-care routines to navigate tough times.
    I know you can transform obstacles into stepping stones for a better future.

    Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    The FREE Feng Shui Manifesting Class is HERE: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/this_is_the_breakthough_camp

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    13 mins
  • Five Decluttering Projects That Can Elevate Your Life
    May 21 2024

    Welcome to another episode of The School of Intention podcast!

    Today, we dive into five transformative decluttering projects that can elevate your life. I share five decluttering projects that can make a big difference! Discover how letting go of these items can refresh your space and energy, making room for new, positive experiences.

    As the solo podcast era winds down, we are making an exciting transition to guest episodes. With over 90 episodes already available, there's a wealth of Feng Shui tips and inspiration in the archives. Explore the entire podcast library on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite platform.

    The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting now. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/the-school-of-intention-feng-shui-certification-with-dana-claudat-is-here

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    14 mins
  • How Doing Less Leads To More Success!
    May 14 2024

    Welcome to Episode 91 of the School of Intention Podcast, where we explore the power of intention in transforming our lives. In today's episode, we delve into the concept of doing less to achieve more success, a notion that challenges the conventional mindset of constant hustle.

    Drawing inspiration from Wallace D. Wattles' timeless wisdom in "The Science of Getting Rich," we uncover the significance of prioritizing tasks and maximizing our efforts without succumbing to the trap of perpetual busyness.

    Through the lens of Yin and Yang philosophy, we examine the balance between action and rest, emphasizing the importance of incorporating leisure into our daily lives to enhance productivity and creativity.

    Join me as we explore practical strategies for scaling back our efforts, setting lofty yet achievable goals, and cultivating a holistic approach to success that encompasses all aspects of life.

    Discover how embracing leisure and setting personal goals can revolutionize your productivity and lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

    Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting soon. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/the-school-of-intention-feng-shui-certification-with-dana-claudat-is-here

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    12 mins
  • 3 Home Skills That Can Make Your Space More Posh And Magnetic!
    May 13 2024

    Welcome to Episode 90 of the School of Intention podcast, where we explore three home skills that can elevate your space to posh and magnetic heights. Discover simple yet transformative techniques that infuse artful creativity into your home, without breaking the bank or consuming all your time.

    --First up, we explore the art of flower arrangement, turning ordinary blooms from your local market into stunning centerpieces. With a bit of practice, you'll master various techniques and unleash your floral creativity, bringing vibrant energy to every corner of your home.

    --Next, we venture into the often overlooked realm of bathroom decor. From matching accessories to thoughtful organization, discover how small details can elevate this space into a personalized sanctuary of relaxation and refinement.

    --And finally, learn the gratifying art of propagating plants, turning clippings into flourishing greenery that breathes life into your home. From simple water propagation to stylish wall planters, unleash your inner gardener and multiply the beauty of nature throughout your space.

    Unlock the power of these home skills to infuse your space with magnetic charm and creative energy.

    Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting soon. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/the-school-of-intention-feng-shui-certification-with-dana-claudat-is-here

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    12 mins
  • Extraordinary Values That Create Success And Abundance!
    May 9 2024

     Welcome to Episode 89 of The School of Intention Podcast, where we delve into the extraordinary values that fuel thriving, abundant businesses and overall abundance. Today's discussion stems from my eye-opening experience in Utah, courtesy of the Redmond Salt Company. Although they encompass various businesses, my focus was their ancient salt mine, a real-life masterclass in operation.

    From the moment I stepped into the Redmond office, it was clear that self-care was paramount. A dedicated relaxation space and a red light therapy room underscored their commitment to employee well-being. The office exuded positivity, with every team member radiating passion for their work and a genuine love for the company's products.

    Moreover, the emphasis on personal growth was unparalleled. Employees were encouraged to explore their passions beyond work, fostering a culture of creativity and fulfillment. Family was celebrated, and work-life balance was prioritized, leading to a harmonious environment devoid of drama.

    Intriguingly, each employee wore multiple hats, leveraging their unique talents to contribute holistically. This holistic approach, combined with a culture valuing people over profits, is the bedrock of success.

    I hope you can take away lots of ideas that fuel your own growth and flourishing!

    --Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    --The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting soon. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/sign-up-for-school-info

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    13 mins
  • Feng Shui To Tap Into Your Intuition More Often!
    May 4 2024

    Welcome to Episode 88 of the School of Intention Podcast, where we delve into the power of intuition and its profound impact on our lives.

    Intuition, often mistaken for mere coincidence, is our innate connection to divine guidance, guiding us through life's twists and turns.

    Anita Moorjani's insightful exercise reminds us to trust our inner guidance. By listening to our intuition and clearing mental clutter, we can enhance our connection to it. Simple practices like rest, decluttering, and grounding techniques can sharpen our intuition and guide us towards making aligned decisions.

    Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting soon. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/sign-up-for-school-info

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    11 mins
  • If You’re Forcing Yourself To Do Self-Care, It’s Probably Not Self-Care
    May 1 2024

    Welcome to Episode 87 of the School of Intention podcast. In this episode, we dive into the misconception that forcing yourself to do things you don't enjoy is a form of self-care.

    Drawing from personal experiences, we explore the pitfalls of adhering to routines and rituals that don't align with our true selves. Whether it's waking up at 5:00 AM or following restrictive diets, we often find ourselves pushing through discomfort in pursuit of societal ideals of success and wellness.

    However, true self-care— in my experience— should feel good and rejuvenating, not forced or stressful.

    We discuss how this applies not only to personal habits but also to the practice of Feng Shui in our homes. Instead of blindly following rules and forcing changes, we should prioritize creating spaces that resonate with us and bring joy.

    It’s time to dive into the transformative power of honoring your instincts and finding joy in your daily life!

    Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting soon. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/sign-up-for-school-info

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    13 mins
  • Do You Need To Redesign Your Days?
    Apr 26 2024

    Welcome to Episode 86 of The School of Intention Podcast. Feeling out of sync with life's rhythm? It might be time for a redesign.

    Explore how aligning with nature's cycles can bring order and harmony to your days. In this episode, we delve into Feng Shui, the art of living in tune with nature's seasonal rhythms, observing how plants and animals adapt effortlessly.

    Discover practical steps to realign your life: from optimizing your sleep cycle to crafting simple morning and evening routines. Embrace structure not as a constraint, but as a catalyst for creativity. Prioritize tasks to focus on what truly matters, igniting breakthroughs in productivity and fulfillment.

    Learn to harness the power of environment to manifest your desires and unlock your full potential.

    Head to The Tao of Dana website for tons more Feng Shui + personal consultations: https://fengshuidana.com

    The School of Intention Professional Feng Shui Certification is starting soon. Learn more and join us right here: https://www.fengshuimagical.com/sign-up-for-school-info

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    13 mins