
  • Letter #9: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    Jul 2 2024

    In this episode, letter 9 C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, the hosts explore the strategies that Screwtape, a senior demon, advises his nephew Wormwood to employ against humans during their low points in life. This letter continues themes from Letter Eight, focusing on the ups and downs of life, which Lewis refers to as the "law of undulation."

    Screwtape emphasizes that during these troughs, people are more vulnerable to temptations like alcohol, sex, and pornography, seeking momentary escapes that lead to deeper emptiness. The concept of "the law of undulation" is key—recognizing life's natural highs and lows and how the enemy uses these troughs to his advantage.

    We discuss the importance of community and avoiding isolation during tough times. Screwtape advises against "religion in moderation," pushing the idea that full engagement in faith is crucial, especially when facing challenges. Stay connected, seek support, and remember, your faith can thrive even in the darkest times.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

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    33 m
  • Letter #8: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    Jun 27 2024

    In Letter 8 of "The Screwtape Letters," Screwtape warns Wormwood not to get overly optimistic about his patient's discouragement, even in the demonic realm they have ups and downs. This concept, referred to as the law of undulation, signifies the natural ebb and flow of life. The hosts, Ian and Galen finds this idea deeply insightful, noting its presence in the Bible, especially in the life of King David, and others.

    The hosts emphasize that understanding and accepting these cycles is crucial, as life's struggles are part of the peaks and valleys journey. Screwtape’s advice illustrates for Christians that low points can be moments of divine intervention, making it difficult for demons to exploit human weakness. This ties into the story of Jesus calming the storm, highlighting the importance of faith during turbulent times.

    The letter also discusses humans being made in God’s image, which demons despise, and the importance of self-determination within God’s guidance. God's forgiveness and the significance of “free will” are key points, with God allowing humans to choose freely, even if it means stepping back at times.

    Prayer, especially during low times, is crucial as it strengthens the connection with God. Screwtape warns Wormwood to disrupt this, as maintaining faith and prayer can help individuals emerge stronger from their struggles.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

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    28 m
  • Letter #7: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode of "The Screwtape Letters -“ Confronting Evil in Our Time” the speakers discuss various themes, notably how demons work strategically to influence humans. They highlight the notion that demons prefer to remain hidden to manipulate humans more effectively. They also explore the idea that demons exploit human weaknesses, such as lust, intoxication, and the pursuit of power, often attacking individuals at their most vulnerable moments.

    The conversation touches on the importance of recognizing external demonic influences rather than solely blaming oneself for personal failings. It also underscores the need for spiritual vigilance and reliance on Jesus to combat these influences.

    The discussion moves on to the dangers of extreme ideologies, such as extreme patriotism or pacifism, and how these can divert individuals from their faith. The speakers stress the importance of keeping God at the center of one's life and avoiding the elevation of any cause or ideology above religious devotion.

    They also examine how the church can become fragmented into factions, which can lead to divisiveness. They discuss the historical context of such divisions and the importance of maintaining unity within the church despite differing interpretations and practices.

    The conversation concludes by reflecting on how demonic strategies can exploit these divisions, drawing parallels to historical conflicts like the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland and the origins of Mormonism. They emphasize the need for Christians to prioritize their faith and avoid getting caught up in ideological extremes or divisions that detract from their devotion to God.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

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    32 m
  • Letter #6: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    Jun 13 2024

    In this podcast episode, Galen and his co-host Ian delve into a particularly profound letter from C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters." They sense that the gravity of the European war deeply influenced this letter, which is dense with meaning despite its brevity.

    The hosts discuss how Lewis uses this letter to explore themes of fear, fantasy, and courage. They note that the demonic forces in the narrative exploit human fears, especially in the context of war, to induce anxiety and prevent people from focusing on their real challenges. The conversation emphasizes that fear can become overwhelming and paralyzing, distracting individuals from their duties and from living a virtuous life.

    The discussion touches on how fear can manifest irrationally, often spurred by distant or unlikely threats, and how the demonic aims to keep people in a state of anxiety and irrational fear. They compare this to modern examples, like fears induced by sensational news stories, and stress the importance of facing real fears directly rather than succumbing to a constant state of worry.

    The hosts also talk about how the letter addresses the tendency to misdirect anger and hatred. They reflect on the irony of people who are harsh in fantasy but soft when faced with real enemies, and vice versa. This inconsistency, they argue, is a tactic used by demonic forces to undermine true virtue and character.

    The conversation highlights the importance of courage and acting rightly despite fear. They discuss how true courage involves addressing real fears head-on and maintaining consistency in one's actions and character, rather than allowing fear to dominate one's mind.

    In summary, the hosts appreciate the depth of this letter and its exploration of fear and courage. They encourage listeners to reflect on their own fears and to strive for consistent virtue and bravery in the face of real challenges.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

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    33 m
  • Letter #5: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    Jun 6 2024

    In this discussion of "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, Letter 5 deals with the outbreak of war in Europe. The letter reflects on the historical context of England's declaration of war against Germany, highlighting C.S. Lewis's contemplation of war's ramifications and its impact on faith and human suffering.

    Ian and Galen discuss how the junior demon, Wormwood, is excited about the war, believing it will lead to widespread human suffering and thus benefit the devil's cause. Screwtape, the senior demon, cautions Wormwood, pointing out that war can also draw people closer to God, as suffering often leads people to seek spiritual meaning and redemption.

    The conversation touches on the dual nature of war's impact on faith—how it can either weaken or strengthen it. The hosts reflect on the historical and biblical contexts of war, noting that God's people have always faced conflicts and that these moments can bring people closer to divine truths.

    They also discuss the role of Christians in responding to evil, emphasizing the need for discernment and active engagement in fighting against it. This includes understanding the balance between extreme patriotism and pacifism, and the importance of Christians being involved in societal and political issues without losing sight of their faith.

    The hosts further delve into the concept of suffering as part of redemption, noting that it is through suffering that people often find a deeper connection with God. They caution against being deceived by seemingly good causes that might actually be evil and stress the importance of maintaining focus on God and seeking wisdom in all actions.

    Overall, the episode underscores the complexity of war and suffering, the challenges to faith they present, and the need for Christians to navigate these issues with wisdom and a steadfast commitment to their beliefs.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Letter #4: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    May 30 2024

    In Letter #4 of "The Screwtape Letters," C.S. Lewis delves into the topic of prayer, emphasizing its significant role and the discomfort it causes demons. Your hosts note Screwtape's advice to discourage structured prayers from childhood and promote spontaneous, informal prayers to prevent the patient from developing a strong relationship with God. They discuss the balance between spontaneous and structured prayers, emphasizing that both are important in a Christian's life. They stress that genuine prayer should focus on truly seeking God as He is, rather than conforming to personal expectations or emotions. Ultimately, they agree that a disciplined and heartfelt prayer life is essential for a deep relationship with God and that demons aim to prevent this depth by keeping prayers shallow.

    Screwtape, the senior demon, chastises his nephew Wormwood for misunderstanding how to manipulate their human patient’s prayers, especially those concerning his mother. He advises against focusing on her physical ailments and instead directs attention to her soul and salvation.

    Screwtape encourages Wormwood to ensure the patient dismisses structured prayers from his childhood, promoting instead spontaneous and informal prayers. The goal is to keep the patient’s prayers superficial, based on feelings rather than deep, disciplined communication with God. Screwtape fears that a deep, structured prayer life will lead to a stronger relationship with God, making the patient less susceptible to demonic influence.

    The letter highlights the importance of both spontaneous and structured prayers in the Christian life. It warns against reducing prayer to a mere emotional experience and stresses the need for genuine, disciplined prayer to develop a true relationship with God. The demons' strategy is to prevent this depth by keeping the focus on immediate feelings and informal prayer practices.

    In summary, Letter #4 underscores the power of prayer and the demons’ efforts to trivialize it, emphasizing the need for Christians to engage in both spontaneous and structured prayer to foster a genuine relationship with God.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

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    28 m
  • Letter #3: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    May 23 2024

    This episode Letter #3 delves deep into the complexities of human relationships and the spiritual battles that accompany them. The focus is on Letter Three from "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, which highlights the demon's tactics to sow discord between the protagonist and his mother. The conversation explores themes such as self-reflection, prayer, assumptions, and double standards within relationships.

    The hosts analyze how the demons aim to disrupt the protagonist's relationship with his mother, drawing parallels between earthly relationships and the separation from God. They discuss the importance of self-awareness and accurate self-reflection, emphasizing the need to address personal faults and assumptions in order to foster healthy relationships. Additionally, they reflect on the power of prayer, particularly in praying for physical healing, and how it can strengthen faith and relationships.

    We encourage listeners to examine their own relationships, consider the impact of their beliefs on their interactions with others, and strive for honesty, grace, and forgiveness in their interpersonal connections.

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    Podcast management by https://www.globalcreativegroup.com

    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

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    33 m
  • Letter #2: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time
    May 16 2024

    The patient has become a Christian. As we invite new Christians to church it comes with attacks from all sides. Most new experiences at churches are uncomfortable and tend not to be the best way to connect with Christ. The dark forces will illuminate everything that sways a newbie to not return. We delve into Letter #2 and stories experienced in our own walk with Faith and proselytizing for Christ.

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    Podcast management by https://www.globalcreativegroup.com

    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #narnia #cslewis #wormwood

    Más Menos
    30 m